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If you could take a picture riding home on the buss, I would like to see that.:eek:




I decided to take a cab. It was 5 ft tall. Bought it at Walgreens, the last one there. My great niece is on her way over she is 3 her name is Gianna. Then we are all going to a Chinese restaurant.
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Oh so you bought it for your niece! Bet she loved it! Thanks for dropping in every so often nice to hear from you now and again.


Kathy did you have a good time at your daughter's house? Probably fun watching the kids open presents, they get so excited.


I went with the other gal to see Into the Sea, think that was the name. It is based loosely on Moby Dick. We had read the reviews and it said it was not very good, but we both really liked it so not sure who the reviewer is or what more he could have wanted. Then we went to Perkins for dinner. We had to go all the way to Janesville, Wisconsin since none of the shows started here until around 4:30 and the restaurants all closed around 3. More people in Janesville so shows started at 1:15 and many restaurants were open.


Just had a phone call from my Granddaughter in Texas, so that was nice she was thinking about me, we had a nice visit.

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I decided to take a cab. It was 5 ft tall. Bought it at Walgreens, the last one there. My great niece is on her way over she is 3 her name is Gianna. Then we are all going to a Chinese restaurant.


Karen, that still must have been funny with that riding next to you in the cab. Did the driver charge you extra for a passenger? With luck, I will not see the jerk for 5 months.






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Sharon, that sounds like you had a good day yesterday, and even finding a place to eat as well. I went to church and then afterwards we went to my daughters house. We stayed for a few hours and then they all go elsewhere to their in-laws.


Today I am meeting my sister and my cousin at Cracker Barrel for breakfast or lunch depending on what time we actually arrive there. Yesterday after we returned home I laid down for a while as I was exhausted. Just organized around the house the rest of the day.


Today temps in the 40's and I guess a lot of rain later on this afternoon. Have a good rest of the day. I still get confused with these holidays with trying to keep up on what day it actually is.




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It is hard to remember what day it is, seems like Sunday to me today. Rainy an dark most of the day today, only went out to get the mail and paper.


Talked with my sister, the pj party at her sons house went well an all had fun. Today her son went out in his boat in the ocean to try and catch some Grouper for dinner. She said his wife bought a pound of hamburger just in case no fish.


I always like to go to Cracker Barrel restaurant, I usually get the same thing every time, the Chicken and dumplings. Love the biscuits and cornbread muffins too. Making myself hungry, think I'll go fix some dinner.

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Sharon, yes indeed it can throw you a loop when trying to remember what day it actually is.


It was rainy around here yesterday as well. Today very windy and temps in the 40's once again. Then towards the end of the week it will be starting to get cold like we should be having. But another day of gloom, with no sunshine.


So yesterday we had to wait about 25 minutes. So we just found a corner and talked the time away. Then afterwards, we all came back here and talked some more and opened and exchanged presents most of the afternoon.


Now today, after church I will go and take advantage of the sales and do some shopping. There was no shopping yesterday, just eating and talking, and doing more presents.


It sounds like your sister is having a real good time there. It is best that she is in a warmer climate, and doing things rather than just sitting in a house. That was a good move getting here away form here.




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I went to early service this morning and thought about going to Kohls because I have $10 in Kohls cash, but decided against it. Probably should have, not been doing anything but playing around on the computer and reading the paper all day.


Tomorrow they are saying we could get several inches of ice or snow so no shopping or going anywhere tomorrow if it happens.


I will find out today if my sister's son caught any fish or if they had the ground beef in something, ha ha. He's quite the fisherman so I'm guessing he caught some good ones.


Gloomy again today here too.

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Sharon, with the temps tomorrow being around 35 here, you could be right about that rain/ice/snow. I sure hope not. That does not sound like a good combination.


We always buy anything for the holidays after the holiday. Why pay a higher price when you can get it at a discount.


I know a few weeks ago when I had a Kohl's discount that was going to expire. I used it for an online purchase. Unless someone did tell me about that, I would not have known. So like you I knew I was not going to be there in person. So it was good that I was able to use it online.


Well even if the man did not catch any fish, I am sure it was nice being on the boat on the ocean. But I would think that it would be hard not to catch something out on the ocean. Plus I am sure he is very experienced as well.


I agree about it being gloomy all day today. Plus with the high wind it actually felt much colder than the temp said.




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Well my nephew did catch some Grouper and they had so much hey have enough for tonight also. He is very experienced, and says he doesn't come back in till he catches fish. My sister said the are setting a record at 86 degrees today, previous record 85. Hard to believe when I look outside, we had sleet all day with terribly winds. Then we had some rain now back to sleet. Roads look very bad, snow plows keep going, plows down and spreading salt too.


Glad I didn't have anywhere to go today.

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Sharon, I figured that he would be hard pressed not to catch anything in the ocean. Also as he is a big fisherman I am sure he knows where to go. It is also good that your sister is having the nice warm weather that they are having now. Beats being around here.


Yesterday we ended with about 2" of snow/mix, and it was very heavy and wet. They call that snow, heart attack snow. It started very early around here and then turned to snow/rain mix. Then back to rain. Bill cleared it all away last night with the snow blower. So nice and clean this day. I do not think that much of anything will melt away today as it is cold outside today. Very overcast as well.


So it was good that you did not have to go anywhere yesterday. It was a good day to stay inside. Did your plow guy come and clear it all away for you?




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Had the same thing weather wise as you but got more snow on top of the sleety ice. I shoveled the front sidewalk, so heavy!! Plow guy came around noon was a little later because he was doing some parking lots and since it s so heavy takes longer


My sister said she went to Goodwill and got some shorts that came to her knees and some sleevless tops since it is so hot. She had only taken a couple of pairs of jeans and a pair of capries. I told her she would have to buy a bigger suitcase to come home. She asked me again to come down for a while, said we could go to the beach and shopping. Told her maybe I would think about it.

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Sharon, yesterday in the morning it snowed lightly for awhile. I heard that today this morning we could get an additional 1" of snow and your area could get more.


We plan on leaving for downtown late this afternoon as I will not be able to get out real early as this will be our last day of operation until next year. So we will be back home on Friday morning.


That is good that your sister is doing well and enjoying her time in Florida. I guess she did not plan very well not thinking it would be so warm there. But better to have the warmth rather than having the cold like we have.


Yes it did take Bill a bit longer as well to clear it all away that night. The people who waited until the next day found that it was like a rock as it had all frozen. But no one should have shoveled that stuff as it was so very heavy and that kind of snow is called heart attack snow.


Let's hope that 2016 will be a better year for us all.




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We did get about another inch of snow, luckily it melted off the blacktop driveway and the roads. Had $10 of Kohls cash so went up and spent it, it was going to expire tomorrow and didn't want that to happen. Takes away some of the savings.


Going to see the girls tonight, one is up at a cabin past the Dells so she won't be there but the other 4 of us should all be there.


Have no plans so might go to the show again, maybe by myself not sure yet. I would like to see that comedy and the other gal wasn't very keen on it.


So have a Happy New Year my friend!

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Sharon, it was a bone chilling time downtown. We all had a good time and everything went well. We saw a great fireworks show just outside our window. We walked about 6 block south of the hotel and had a nice dinner last night. Closer to the river theyt had that Chi-Town Rising. I giant star moving all the way up a 70' pole until it reached midnight.


We got home around 11, unpacked and then went out for breakfast and I picked up some supplies from the store, and now we are inside for the rest of the day. Tomorrow I will take that lady out shopping.


I heard about all of the accidents yesterday and last night on the expressways. All was calm at our hotel and I am sure everyone had a good time at the hotel sponsored party there last night.


Let's hope that 2016 will be a better and healthy New Year for us all.




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Sounds like a fun night you had, heard on tv that there was some problem with that star going up at the right time or something.


Watched some of the Rose Parade, almost spent the money and went on a group tour but finally decided not to.


I did go to the show yesterday by myself, saw Daddy's Home, I thought it was funny. Today didn't do anything, just another Friday.


Got a small shrimp ring and have been eating it today, Bill and I used to always get one.


Cold outside today!

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Sharon, just before we left the hotel yesterday, I was watching the Rose Parade. I saw it was 45 degrees there and many had stocking hats on. So I guess that was cold in their standards. But then again it was only 8 am there.


I have seen that show advertised on the TV. So it was good that you were able to get out and see it. Was there a lot of people seeing the show? When we first got to the restaurant yesterday it was not crowded. But once we were leaving it was stating to get busy.


I agree that it has been real cold the past few days. Later on this morning I will take that lady shopping. Yesterday after we settled inside, I just cleaned the house. It will be hard getting back into a full work week. Having 2 short weeks felt good. I'll have to make sure I can write 2016, instead of 2015.




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I went to the 2:15 show and there were not a lot of people there just like I had hoped. I think more went on New Years Day.


I think a lot of people will have trouble remembering to write the correct year. I know I will be one of them.


Didn't do much today, called my grandson in Louisiana, he is working on a house they either bought or are buying. Evidently it is in bad shape, he thinks he can get it ready by March or April to move into. Luckily he is very handy and has some carpenter friends who can point him in the right direction when he needs help. They are living in a trailer on the property now.


I went up and got gas and got a lottery ticket, 334 million drawing tonight. I would like to win it if for no other reason to let Bill's kids know! Wouldn't they change their tune then!


Early church tomorrow and then a long day ahead.

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Sharon, that was good that the show was not crowded. I know I would not like a lot of people around either.


After church for me today. I will come back home and take down all of the inside Christmas decorations. So that means it will be a long day for me as well. At night is very cold and not much snow has melted away on the grass. But by weeks end it may be all gone as the temps will be rising.


That grandson sounds smart fixing up the house and living on the very same property in a trailer, sounds like a very good move.


So Bill will be gone all afternoon doing rehearsal for that play, and that leaves me home all alone doing all of the work myself. Once he gets home he will pack the tree away and put it into storage for another year.




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What play is he rehearsing for? That is something different for him isn't it?


I did not put up anything Christmas so I have nothing to put away. I did put wreaths up at the cemetery for everyone though. But now they are probably frozen to the ground. The ice and snow we have will not be gone for quite a long time.


Very dreary and cold today, hope its at least sunny tomorrow.

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Sharon, it was sunny this morning, but now it is overcast and light snow showers. I guess by the weeks end it may be in the 40's. So maybe then the snow will melt away.


I guess I did not tell you that Bill was cast for a play on the South side. He always surprises me with some of the things he does. You are right, we go to plays but since I have known him he has never done a play himself. So this play is called, My Home, My Heart, My Ireland. He has been rehearsing for about a month now and they took a break over the holidays. Now they are back and they rehearse on Sunday afternoon, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The performances are in mid February. I would imagine you could Goggle it and see what it says.


So I waited until Bill got home and then we both took down the inside decorations together. Then he put the tree away and took it to the garage for storage. Then it started snowing again last night, but nothing to be bothering with.


So another year of starting all over. Like insurance, and I am on Bill's coverage. So they changed the drug provider and a new health care system. So we meet all of our coverage for the year and now we have to start all over again with new coverage.


At least now if nothing else, the daylight should be getting longer each day now.




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You have an actor in the house! It will be fun for you to go and see him perform.


I did notice that there has been a few more minutes added to daylight lately. We did not get any new snow. But we have so much ice under the layer of snow thats out there, it looks like it will be here until spring.


My sister said she called her son and told him she was ready to come home and he said, already?? So now she doesn't know if he will send her a ticket or not to come back. She still wants to talk to the radiologist and see what the second opinion is about getting radiation.


I woke up this morning with terrible cramps in my stomach. Have had them off and on all day, don't know what that is all about. Hope I can sleep tonight.


I got a refund from my new insurance company and a letter on Saturday saying it is my responsibility to make sure I have enough coverage on the house. So I got out my policy and started reading. I had gotten 3 quotes and compares prices since I had asked each one to quote exactly as I had it before. Well come to find out the State Farm I went with only quoted replacement value as $187,000 when it should have been $345,000. There is no way this house could be rebuilt for that small amount. So I went up and talked with the gal and she said that is the amount that came up when she put in everything. I showed her an appraisal from 2010 that said then the replacement cost was almost $300,000. So I told her to refigure it and give me a price for coverage of $358.000. All I have to pay is an additional $69.00 and give them that refund they sent me back. Wow I was sure hoping nothing happened over the weekend till I could get the right coverage.

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Sharon, how was your night last night and how are you feeling today? Why would your sister want to come back so soon. She should stay there longer. She will not be able to do anything around here with this cold.


Yes, I have an actor, as he is always surprising me with something. I should get some good laughs with singing and dancing as well as acting. I have a huge list of people who want to come with me.


That is good that you caught the mistake with the insurance. That would have not been good for you if something did happen. They just do hum drum things and rarely pay any attention to any details.


Just now the sun is out bright but cold. If we get into the 40's later on this week and rain, it should melt most of this ice and snow away.




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Still have the cramps, can't figure out whats going on with that.


Without a car my sister can only go for a walk or stay in the house and everyone goes to work so nothing to do. At least here she has her car and can go places. Also needs to check with the dr again.


I bet all Bill's friends will want to go and cheer him on, good for him? Its always nice to try new things. Has everything he had done healed up good now?


So is it pretty nice at work now with the jerk gone for a while. Enjoy while you can!



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Sharon, yes it is nice not having him physically there. But he called yesterday and actually was on the phone with me for 1 1/2 hours. Unbelievable.


If your sister wants to get out and do things where she is, she can always rent a car so she is not just sitting all alone.


So I am sorry to hear that your stomach is still not right. If today you are still having the same problem, then maybe it is time to have it checked out.


I need to get a count on how many people will be coming to the play. Bill said that tomorrow they will be bringing forms for ordering limited number of discount tickets. The cast gets a limited amount of discount tickets.


Yes, Bill was cleared last week from his elbow surgery. Then the foot Dr cleared him awhile ago from that surgery. So hopefully he will be good to go now.




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That's too bad that your boss can still call you and spend that much time, but I guess if it's his business there is nothing you can do but humor him.


No cramps today but seems somethings not quite right. Will wait a couple more days and see before I call the dr, don't want to have a bunch of tests done. I told my sister everything was fine but I don't think it is.


Went to see the girls tonight, we danced a few line dances and there was a gal there with her boyfriend and said, I want to learn how to do that. She proceeded to try and follow what we were doing, but of course she had had some drinks so she was just in the way.


Supposed to get really cold Sunday night, maybe they are wrong.

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