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Sharon, I know that you have said, when you are out and walking, she has to stop often as she gets out of breath. But for going to the dance place, if she can sit and watch, then that is a good thing. Plus you are not driving all alone.


Bill has been used to getting up at 10 and now he gets up with me at 7. So it is a real turn a round and he is up much more now. He also falls right asleep at night as he is totally exhausted. So he is not going to rehearsals as much now. But once he is gone at night I am all alone until he gets home again.


Bill also took the taxes to our tax guy at the end of February. So everything is in his hands now. If I was you, I would either find a tax guy or just let your attorney handle yours. Plus you do not need any kind of stress from the other side at all.


Well that sounds like a great place to be going to after Zumba. I have never heard of that product. For Bill his former employer has changed the health provider. So they are working with him as far as healthy choices for daily life style. So they have gotten him on Greek Yogurt every morning and he seem to like it. He never had a normal breakfast, and now that he is up more now, his eating habits are much better now.




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My sister said her son in Florida has an insurance company like that, very pro health with benefits and deductions for not being healthy. Mine I just pay the premium and they pay the bills.


I have finally gotten everything summarized for the taxes, now just waiting to see if Bill's daughter comes through and gives me the 1099's that were mailed there. I have several questions I need to talk to the lawyer about but have called him 3 times and always get the answering machine, I leave a message and do not get a return call. Whats the matter with people anyway!


Nice Bill is on the same schedule as you now. We will all have a little adjusting to do when we turn the clocks back this weekend. It will be nice to have it light out longer.


That breakfast parfait is alll made by the restraunt with homemade granola and fresh fruit.



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Sharon, well that is real good that the restaurant is making that all themselves. Plus it gives you all a place to go to that everyone is enjoying.


The new insurance that Bill has does pay the bills as well, and also they are paying our deducible also. We had to do a biometric screening to qualify. But this is an added benefit and they gave him something like a fitbit for free, but it is called a KAM.


I am leaving shortly to meet the bunco gals for shopping and lunch.So an afternoon out and about.


Well hopefully that daughter will corporate with you, but I doubt it. What is wrong with your attorney, why is he dissing you that way?




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I don't know what is up with my lawyer, I have questions that need to be answered before I can get the taxes done. I will call everyday next week until I get someone!


Sounds like you had a fun day today. I pretty much read the paper did a little housework and went for a walk. My sister of course has nothing to do so she sits and watches me. The days are very stressful as she wants to do things or go places and there is no where to go.


I have my own fitbit and 3 days this week hit over 10,000 steps. That is my goal everyday but I don't always make it.


Going for corned beef and cabbage and chicken tomorrow afternoon, should be good. I haven't had it since last year.



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Sharon, it was a good day today with them. So I went to WW as I knew I would be doing a lot of eating today. I am still at goal and still have the free lifetime membership.


We went to our last place for Bill's BD. It is a Knights Of Columbus and they also offered the % of his age off the bill. So we have added another place to go and next month is my turn.


I cannot decide if I am going to buy corned beef and cabbage or if we will just go out to eat. The corned beef is very expensive.


I also heard yesterday that the flower and garden is coming to McCormick Place. Didn't you go to that last year?


Don't forget to set you clocks ahead and to change the batteries in your smoke detector as well.




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That is great you still are at goal weight and still have the free membership. You must be eating right! And It's always nice to find another place with a discount to eat at. You will have to make a list and hit all of them for your birthday. There is a Perkins restaurant a couple of towns away that has buy one entre and a drink and get the second entre free on Wednesdays. Today we went to the corned beef and cabbage dinner at a restaurant sponsored by the Lions club. They gave us tons of food and it was pretty good. Next one is on Tuesday.


My friend Pat and I went to the Flower show a few years ago and are planning on going again this year on Thursday. I have looked up the train schedule and bus schedule so we can get to Navy Pier from the train station. Should be a fun day.


It has been a rainy Sunday all day. I don't like getting up in the dark to go to church, makes it harder to get up.



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Sharon, I guess I herd it wrong. I said McCormick Place, and it is actually at Navy Pier. So Thursday should be a good day for you to go. Taking the train and what 1 bus to take you to the Pier?


Yes, it did rain all day yesterday. We got a lot of rainfall around here. Bill takes care of setting all the clocks and he does it all on Saturday afternoon and get me all mixed up.


I have the foot Dr tomorrow to adjust my orthodox's and the dentist on Thursday, for cleaning and checkup.


I told you yesterday how expensive the corned beef was. We should have gone out to eat it, but instead I went to this Irish place and they had a whole roast for $78. So I asked the man if he had anything smaller and he said how many pounds. I said 4 and it cost me $40.


So for WW the new program consists of the eating right and now exercise. So you are doing good with Zumba and I am not doing any exercise at all. As I am on this work treadmill.




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Hello everyone. Just got back from my cruise Sunday. It was great but by day 5 I wanted to go home, missed my family. It was spring break. Full of spring breakers. They had unlimited drink packages. They were fun to watch. :D

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Karen what ship were you on and how did you like your cabin, inside or balcony? I forgot about spring break, make a note to never go again at that time!


Kathy, you probably get plenty of exercise going to and from work and getting up to do everything while you are there. The one gal that comes every Wed night records the weight for people and when they started this new program she had talked about it. But she is also the one that has the cutest shape and has never ever been heavy!


We will take bus 124 from the train to Navy pier and back. Looking forward to going and seeing all the pretty flowers.


That is an expensive corned beef, did you get it at a butcher shop, I saw some roasts that were not that expensive at the grocery store. Of course I think they were smaller than that too. Tomorrow night we eat at the Rotary corned beef dinner. Then on Wednesday night the owner of the place we go to is making pulled chicken taco's . Should be good.


This is so stressful having my sister here, she is very forgetful. And leaves crumbs from everything she eats, drops chips on the floor and leaves them, doesn't even notice that she does it. Pours coffee and leaves drips all over the counter. It just drives me nuts, like I say, very very very stressful and I just do not need this. I told her I am still working on me but she doesn't think she is doing anything wrong, as she doesn't even notice. Last week she yelled at me and I have not been yelled at for a very long time. I didn't talk to her for several days, even though someone says they are sorry, it doesn't take away what they say or do. I hope I can last till the end of April and I hope she really does leave then. She has nothing lined up so hope she goes back to Florida.



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Sharon, now I can see why her own children had a hard time putting up with her. It also sounds like she does not have any plans. Dropping all of that food will be bringing aunts into your house. Also yelling at you is not very good at all. Certainly she is not concerned about you and your feelings.


Yes, I do get exercise all day at work going back and fourth from 1 building to another. Then the running around like going to the bank.


I went out last night right after work with a few ladies from the club. We went to a fashion show in IN. We went last year and had a good time, so they asked me back again this year.


Well that is good that you have that lady who is recording and keeping track of everyone's weight. With having a group you all can motivate each other. While having fun at the same time. Also good that the owner is always providing something to eat for you all.


Well it was not actually a butcher shop but an Irish delicatessen. So $10 a pound was kind of high. But if it is that expensive then by going out to eat would be expensive as well.


I heard that we have some very heavy rain coming in later on. So stay dry.




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Hello everyone. Just got back from my cruise Sunday. It was great but by day 5 I wanted to go home, missed my family. It was spring break. Full of spring breakers. They had unlimited drink packages. They were fun to watch. :D


Welcome back Karen. You just got off the Norwegian Star. This was your first cruise with them. Other than going on Spring Break, how did you enjoy the cruise? Where exactly did you cruise to?




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I forgot to say that the gal who records weight does it at Weight Watchers not Wednesday nights. None of us want our weight tracked on Wed nights ha ha.


Three of us went out for breakfast after zumba today. There was an older gentleman sitting near us that heard us talking about the class and he asked if any men ever came. We told him not to our class but in the bigger towns there are even men instructors. He was very nice. Then after he left the waitress told us he had paid for our breakfast and the tip!


My sister and I went to the corned beef dinner tonight, it was very good. They had a 50/50 auction. I bought two tickets and I won $43.00. Was surprised when they called my name!


It is thundering out now so will be getting the rain pretty soon I think.


I finally talked with the gal from the lawyers office and have an appointment tomorrow morning with him.


I bet your corned beef will be really good and you will have some leftovers for another dinner or sandwiches.



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Sharon, you are the luckiest person I know. It seems that you are always winning something or just getting very good deals. We went to the club last night for dinner. I will have to start to preparing the corned beef so we can have it tomorrow for dinner. Yes you are right that we will have some leftovers for a few days. Wow that was a real nice man paying for all of you. It must have been a real surprise.


Yes, we got the rain and thunder and lightening as well last night, but it came very late around here. Today it is just very windy, and with the very high winds it seems much colder.


So you should be at the lawyers office this morning and I hope he will be helping you out and taking care of everything for you.


It will be nice not hearing all of the political commercials now. It was getting out of control with 1 after another, over and over.




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Not much good news from the lawyer, he says what is morally right and what is legally right are two very different things. If something is not spelled out in the Trust it isn't going to happen. The new lawyer has called his office but they told him he had to send a letter stating he is the new lawyer because anyone could just call and say they are, trying to get information. So still at a stand still. I did ask him about going with the "daughter from hell" to get taxes done. He said it might be advantageous because she would have to supply the information I need then. So guess I will bite the bullet and go with her next Monday.


Took my sister both to the dr with me and then to an all in one store, Meiers. We shopped around got some fruit and things, she bought a liter bottle of diet pop. Then we went to leave and she was going to take the cart out. I told her, we parked in the front spot there are no places to put carts right up front, you would have to bring it back to the store. She said, well I can't carry this bottle of pop so I guess I'll have to leave it in the cart. I said I don't think you want to do that, I'll carry it. Then she says well I'll try and carry it. She wants me to be a care taker for her and I am not about to do that. I am supposed to carry everything she doesn't want to, even though she really can. Then we get in the car and she says her stomach doesn't feel good. She falls asleep everytime she sits down for a little bit and sleeps off an on in the car no matter where we are going. She says her blood pressure is high and takes pills. I told her I didn't think she should be taking them since she can't stay awake and her stomach hurts, Grrrrrrr this is so hard.


Going to have dinner at the place with the girls tonight, of course my sister will come to, he was going to make tacos but the gal who's birthday it is asked for pulled bbq chicken instead. So another night not to have to make dinner.



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Sharon, I have the corned beef in the slow cooker today. So when I get home from work it will be all finished. I will never make that mistake again and buy the corned beef at a speciality store. I spent way too much for that stuff.


So last night did the owner honor that gal's wished and make what she wanted, or did he just make the tacos?


Well I hope you do not run into any issues with that daughter. She has never treated you with any respect and I hope she does not continue to disrespect you this time as well. You certainly do not need any additional stress.


The sun is out bright and it is still a bit windy. So with the wind there is a bite in the air.


It seems that your sister is putting additional stress on you. I hope there is a plan down the road to move her into some place where she can be on her own. It does not seem that she has any plan, and you are getting left to tend for her just now. I think that you certainly need your space.




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My friend Pat and I went to the flower show on Navy Pier, seems like only half the room was flowers though, the rest was various vendors. Last time we went a couple of years ago there were more flowers. The flowers that were there were very pretty. I bought an orange Gerber flower, only $6 dollars. We could not get the senior rate since you had to have a special card from the state. I told the conductor that the state issued my drivers license but it was no go, had to pay the full price $10.50 each way.


When I got home about 7pm I had two messages from the lawyers secretary saying they had gotten a letter in from the other lawyer and wanted me to see it before they responded. Unfortunately they would not be in the office again until Monday. I'm wondering what it could have said that was so important! Guess I'll just have to wait to find out.


I bet your dinner is delicious and you can eat it again tomorrow night, even thought you don't like left overs.


I know, I hope we can get through the day and getting the taxes done without any issues.


I had told my sister after the first week, this is only temporary, when did she think she would be going somewhere else. She said she would have to wait for her SS check the end of April. Now I'm thinking why wasn't it the end of March, but anyway that's the way we left it. She didn't seem to be pursuing anything so I got her a phone number to call in regards to getting a rent assisted apartment. But that doesn't seem likely any time soon since there is a waiting list. So I will wait, not patiently, but I will wait until April and tell her again she cannot stay here indefinitely, she should go back to her son's house in Florida. Because she failed to plan for her retirement and I did does not mean I should have to take her of her. She has 4 grown sons, let them take the responsibility. Yes it is very stressful!


Ok, tomorrow I can finally sleep in a little later seems like all week there has been something I had to get up early for. Glad I don't have a job to get to like you do. I suppose we will go to the last fish fry of the lent season at a local catholic church. They do a real good job and everything is very tasty.



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Sharon, I have never heard of that before. I would think that a driver's license is all that you need. I never herd of having a special card.


I guess that is where they really make their money is on the vendors. I have never heard of that flower before. But that was a nice price that you paid for it.


It sounds like to me that if nothing further is done, that your sister will still be with you at the end of April. Unless you do what the wife of her son did, by buying her a 1 way ticket to FL., she will still be with you. I know Bill's SS check comes the second week of the month, not the end of the month.


We had a nice corned beef and cabbage dinner with carrots last night. I would think that Bill will be eating most of the leftovers for lunch this afternoon.


I get up at 7 and start work at 9. Bill now is getting up with me as he starts on his corner at 8. I leave work at 5:30, and Bill goes back to his spot at 3.


Unless you have already arraigned it. I would wait until you see the lawyer on Monday before you do the taxes with that daughter.


Bright sunshine here today, but the air has a crisp bite in the air today.




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When I talked with my lawyer on Wednesday he said go ahead and go with her, at least she will have to provide the 1099's you need. Now I am going to see what that letter from the other lawyer says on Monday.


Had another talk with my sister because she changed the settings on my washing machine. I had told her she could use it and showed her what to change and what to leave alone. Also yesterday I had asked her when I left to shut off the coffee if she went somewhere. This morning I went to make coffee and nothing happened. I have a Bunn coffee maker and you are only supposed to turn off the burner. She had shut the whole thing down and the water inside the resivoir was ice cold. I had to turn it on and wait for a while till it heated up. I told her about both of those things and she knew I was not happy. Then she asked me if I wanted her to give me some money for staying here. I told her no, since she would be leaving in April I could handle it till then. Want to keep remindind her she has to go in April.


You don't have to get up too early for work so that is good. When I went to work I had to get up at 5:30 so I could get to the train around 7. Now get up anywhere between 7 and 8am.


We went to the last fish dinner tonight, it was good as usual. My ssster bought some tickets for the 50/50 raffle and won. She got $100 and was very excited.


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Sharon, I know the lawyer said to go ahead and do it with her. But that was before they want you to see this letter first.


It was very cool this morning, and now the sun has been out bright and even though the temps are not supposed to get out of the 40's today. It feels nice with the sun shining.


Well let us hope that your sister is getting the message that you are telling her. It seems that she does not have any motivation nor does she know how to do things properly.


We just got back from a big lunch. So with all that we ate, I doubt if we will have dinner. If we do it will be very light, if anything at all. So you went out to your last AYCE fish dinner last night.


I was able to sleep in this morning. Once I got up and rolling I went to Carson's for some shopping with some coupons that I used. Bill left early this morning to help run this race along the lakefront. He said he saw many runners that he knew.


Enjoy and have a good weekend.




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I know, I have been wondering what that letter says. It might change my mind about going but I really can't file our taxes without about 5 different 1099's I need.


Does Bill wish he could still run in some of those races or is he satisfied to just help out?


Did you buy anything to get to use your coupons? I has misplaced my Kohls bill and went to the store to ask them if I could pay it. They said they didn't know how much it was so I couldn't pay without my statement. I came hone hunted for it, found it, wrote a check and mailed it, it was late by then. Two days later I got another statement with a $15 late charge. So this morning I went back to the store and told them I had tried to find out how much I owed before it would have been late and that I had never been late paying before. Luckily they took off the late fee and I paid the balance right away while I was there.


A friend of mine is starting a bunco group, unfortuneatly the first time at her house is Monday night at 6:30 and thats when I have to go for the taxes, unless of course that letter changes my mind.


What did you have for lunch, must have been good to last all day!


Karen, if you are reading this, what kind of room did you get on the ship? Were there other single cruisers to mingle with? Did you do any excursions? Where ports did you cruise to?



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Sharon, if it was just a regular letter advising of the representation they would just mail it to you for your records. I am thinking it is something more that the lawyer wants to discuss with you in your presence. I would also think that you can request copies of those 1099's.


Well Bill is a coach and he was not the race director but helping out the race director. Even thou he said he was not doing races again. He now has said that in 4 years, he is going to start training to do Boston once again.


So I got a hot turkey sandwich and it was really piled on, as they really gave so much for only $9. So Bill will have the leftovers either today or tomorrow.


I kind of figured that Kohl's would do that for you since you did try to pay it and since you were such a good customer. For me I did buy and they only have 1 time per year when you can use the coupons to buy my cosmetics and I bought cologne for Bill. So a very good deal.


Another bright sunny day here. Enjoy today and the first day of spring.




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Yes I'm thinking tye same thing about that letter. They said they want me to see it before they respond so it's got to be something. I will finally know tomorrow. When we went to church this morning I saw both cars of son and daughter snd a moving van at Bill's house. Don't kniw what thats about either.


I love to get hot turkey sandwiches and mashed potatoes too. Tonight I called a friend and told her we, my sister and I were going out to dinner did she want to go with. She d I d so I picked her up and we all had a nice visit. We went to a place called the Pizza Ranch but they also have a salad bar and broasted chicken.


Well 4 years is a long time so maybe he will change his mind before that. Just being with all the runners this weekend might have made him think he'd like to get back in it.


Well, wish me luck tomorrow!



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Sharon, I hope your visit to the lawyer's office today runs smoothly and you are not hit with some big surprise. That is really interesting about Bill's house and them moving out. I hope you do not get a big surprise with that either. Could they sell that place without your approval?


As you may have already found out over the years of us going back and fourth, Bill is a real determined person. Once he sets his mind and will to do something he does it, time and time again. I have to give it to him about his goals and expectations. If he is still healthy and alive, he will do it. The way he looks at it, 4 years is a reasonable timeframe and a goal to strive for and to gradually get ready for. Once again, we shall see.


A bite in the air today, but I guess as we head into this week, it will be warming up toward the middle of this week. I heard that Wednesday and Thursday rain.


I pray that all went well for you this morning at the law office.




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Got the letter from the lawyers office, just a listing of things they are trying to find and get dollar amounts for. Several things that I know were in a file cabinet at Bill's house have somehow disappeared. And no one seems to be able to find his will. Not even the old lawyer who made it and told the new lawyer he had, but when questioned about what county he had filed it in, reversed himself and said he had never made a will for him. Baloney, he most definitely did!


Then our tax preparers appointment was at 6:30pm in Madison. I went to the house of the"daughter from hell"and she drove. I was surprised she was actually rather pleasant, and did bring the 1099's I needed to file Bill' taxes. There are a couple of things we each have to round up yet for him to finish but looks promising.


I didn't get home until 10:30 last night and was tired so I didn't get to tell you what had happened during the day.


My sister also went to the radiologist, he said she should have had radiation treatments months ago since she had had a very aggressive type of cancer. He asked her why she didn't get them and she told him the whole story of being sent to Florida and back. But she could have done it a month ago when she came back, and just kept putting it off. Hopefully it isn't going to be too late. She had asked him if she could wait a few more weeks till she went back to Florida and he said no, not recommended at all to wait any longer. So now they are trying to get it set up close to here, there will be 16 daily treatments, Monday through Friday.


Looks like we might get a little snow in a day or two, not looking forward to that!



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Sharon, that must have been a real surprise for you to have that evil one treating you decently. So it sounds like you are getting the taxes all done. I know for Bill's Dad, he had all documents and will and beneficiary all set up and Bill's sister came in and change it all after he had passed. So it did not make much difference, and Bill did not want to spend money fighting her, so he just let it go. Some people go nuts when it come to money. I know that original attorney did not like you, so it would seem that he made it all disappear.


Your sister seems not to have any plans and she seems to put off things a lot. Just lives day to day, and I'll bet, that drives you crazy.


Yes, yesterday afternoon was real pleasant. Now today this morning it was real cold, and they are saying the temps around here will go into the 60's this afternoon. But if we get the rain and I heard you could get rain/snow mix, things will certainly change.


We may go the that restaurant that gives us the % off the bill for you age for Easter, around 3. By then it should not be so crowded. What are you thinking you will do?


Stay warm,




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