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Had a good zumba class this morning, the gal that leads it is very energetic so she make you feel that way too.


The friend I told you about, her husband had been looking for a job for about 6 months and they had just moved into a new house and bought all new appliances, well he did get a job as salesman for a company. They sent him to Georgia to the plant for a week and now that he is back he has been going around with another employee to different factories to learn the business. Today was a big trade show in Chicago that he was going to, on the way he fell asleep and smashed into a tree. Totaled the company car they gave him, broke his ankle, got a concussion, bruised lungs and broken ribs. Since he just started this job they have no insurance and after this he probably will have no job either. Seems that they have no luck at all, just goes from bad to worse. I feel so bad for them.


Yes Bill's son did fill me in on quite a bit that is going on so that was good to know. I told him he could come and see if there are any tools that his dad had that he didn't and if so he could take them. That seemed to be a big concern to the "daughter". He said he didn't need any of them. I know he has a lot of tools himself.


Beautiful day today, so much nicer without the humidity. I think dancing with the stars is on tonight, will be good to see who can dance and who can't!


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Sharon, when I heard about DWTS, I figured you would be watching it all for the new season.


Wow, that is a very sad story. He must have been really pushing himself to be that tired that he fell asleep while driving. I am sure they will be firing him now and that is really too bad. It sounds like he had a really good job.


It is good that you have a good relationship with Bill's son. He sounds like he will be treating you with respect and also keeping you filled in on what is going on with the rest of them.


Yes, the temps the past few days have been real nice and cool mornings and evenings as well. We have been leaving the windows open at night, but I guess we could get some rain this evening.


That sounds like the class you really need. With the instructor having lots of energy and she passes it along to all of the class.




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I'm going to look for a trunk bike carrier, my friend that opened the bike shop said you had to have a trailer hitch to get one but I saw on the internet there are quite a few different styles that don't need a hitch. Then I can take my bike to a bike path that doesn't have so many hills. I would enjoy the ride more.


It has looked like rain all day but it never has rained. It did get pretty warm here this afternoon but that is supposed to change tomorrow.


My friend's husband is still in the hospital, they are going to have one terrible bill to try and pay. Guess he didn't break his ankle, he broke his heal. They told him he would have to stay off of it for 3 months. Don't know if by some chance he does get to keep his job that he would even be able to do it.


Sent my sister another phone card to put minutes in her phone. Evidently she is out of minutes again as I have been trying to call her and it goes right to voice mail. She is as bad budgeting minutes as she is with money. They never last her all month and she has to wait for SS to get money to buy more. I don't really mind sending it to her, I want to keep in touch and see how she is doing.



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Sharon, I have never heard of having a trailer hitch just for a bike carrier. I see some on the rear and I have even seen some on top of the car. That sounds like the right thing to do, so you can go to many places that have bike trails.


That is really too bad about your friends husband. I was not aware that he is still in the hospital. It sounds like it is going to be a very long time for him to recover.


It started raining here last night. Now it has been raining here all morning. Temps will only be in the 70's today.


That is good that you are helping your sister by giving her calling minutes each month. But with not budgeting anything, I am sure they will go away very quickly.




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Got home too late last night, stayed and talked with one of the gals who also doesn't have anyone at home to care what time she gets home. We stayed until about 11, we were the only ones there except for the owner of course.


My friends husband did get to come home, so now she is waiting on him, see how long that lasts, ha ha.


We had some rain the other day too, only knew because the driveway was wet when I got up, otherwise a beautiful day.


Haven't gotten to the bike shop yet to see about a bike carrier, had the water guy come this afternoon and changed all the filters including the 3 year one for the reverse osmosis system.


Skipped zumba this morning and slept a little later, tomorrow going to that tone and stretch class again.



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Sharon, it is forecast for rain later on today. It is nice out there now. I do not know if they have gotten to your area. But Com-Ed is putting in a Smart Meter today. There will not be a need for anyone to read the meter now. It all goes to them electronically.


So today you are going to your new class. It is OK to take off once in awhile. It was good to just rest, as you needed that break. It won't be long unless they have already done so, shutting down the outside pool.


I may go with Bill tonight to our local chapter of the EAA.

They feed us and this might be an excuse not to cook anything. Besides I would like to see the new airport that they moved to as well.


Tomorrow I go shopping with that friend of mine and lunch. In the evening they are having a viewing party for Bill's second play.




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No, I haven't heard anything about redoing our meters, they still come and read them in person.


That sounds like a good idea to go with him, sounds like he is all better now. Always a good thing to get out of having to cook. I saw that Subway has $3.50 6" sandwiches on Fridays so might go up and get one. I like to put lots of veggies on it.


Had a good class this morning, will probably be a little sore again, we do stuff with weights and we don't use those in zumba. Also floor exercises involving stomach muscles, where I really need it.


It is very warm and windy here today, doesn't look like rain so think I will go out and do some more mowing. Seems I have done a little bit almost every night this past week. Now I am down to the front and sides, should take about 2 hours.


Got a few things going on tomorrow, a Harvest Fest in one town and a Scarecrow Fest in another. Will decide which to go to, although I could go to both of them.


I closed out a joint checking account that Bill and I had. Acutally he was the one that used that account and I haven't written any checks on it for a year so figured it was a good time to do it. Also talked to my stock guy and decided to take my Required Minimum Distribution now before the stock goes down any further. I also sold some individual stocks and put the money in a bond fund. It's a little safer and fed tax free.


What about that viewing party, I didn't think it was that far along yet to be able to watch it.


Have a nice weekend,


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Sharon, I went shopping this morning and lunch with the lady friend of mine. I just got home a short time ago. So this viewing party we are going to this evening is from Bill's second play. This one he is doing now is his third play, and you are right. It is too soon for this one as it does not come to stage until mid October.


So Com Ed has been installing these new Smart Meters since 2013. So we got ours installed yesterday, and they will continue to install these until 2018. So if they do not get to you this year, perhaps next year. Now they can read everything from their office and no need for anyone to come out and read the meter now.


So it was raining here this morning and it is sunny and all clear now. How are you feeling today, a bit sore in some muscle groups? What fest are you going to today, or are you going to both of them?


It is good that you are managing your funds and closing 1 and combining others to be more manageable.


Have a good rest of the weekend.




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First I went uptown to an old factory that has been redone into amazing rooms for receptions of all sorts, a chapel for people to get married in, a restaurant and art studios upstairs. This factory building was in use for over 50 years, then it became an abandoned eyesore. It is almost a block long and had beautiful wood floors and brick walls. The place was so bad the city was going to tear it down, then instead it was put up for sale. The guy who owns it bought it for $79,000. He let it sit for years and again the city said they were going to tear it down, the third floor fell into the second floor and there was no roof on the place. He started slow and now it is quite the place! The city plaqued it today and he went right out and put it up on the building. They said they were going to have light refreshments, but it turned out to be pulled pork sandwiches, meatballs, cheese and crackers, veggies and a big fruit tray. The desserts were on several tiered plates included cheesecake, brownies and chocolate covered strawberries.


Then I went up to the scarecrow fest but it didn't look too interesting so I left and went up to a bike shop to see about a bike carrier. The kind I want and the bar that has to go on womens bike to hold them on the carrier will cost around $160.00. I am thinking about it and will probably do it pretty soon.


Sounds like you had a nice day, did you find anything to buy while shopping or was it grocery shopping. Always nice to have lunch with a friend also.


Yes that makes sense that it was the second play, guess Bill will have to make up for lost time while he was sick in practice for his next play.


You will be leaving soon on your trip won't you? I am going this coming Friday to Warrens, WI. Taking the bus, it is the cranberry festival. It's a long way up there and a lot of walking but should be fun. Going by myself again.


Tomorrow is supposed to be a really nice day again, got to enjoy these days!


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Sharon, you will not believe what happened to me last night. I fell off the edge of a sidewalk once again same ankle and lucky that Bill was right next to me to catch me and pull me back. Still I sprained it once again. He got baggies and filled it up with ice and iced it right away. Once we got home I iced it once again and wrapped it this morning. I am going to ice it now and tonight.


So you might see on the news later on, about the 20 on 20 run this morning along the lakefront. Bill ran one of the medical tents and got home around noon. So being out along the lakefront since 5 am and full sun, he did not go to rehearsal this afternoon. He said he is alright and now will be off until next Sunday.


We leave on Tuesday morning and return Saturday night. So you might not hear from me until 1 week from today, once we leave. I will tell you all about it once we return. It is good that you are leaving on a nice bus trip next Friday. Hopefully the weather will be good next week for the both of us. I guess we could get storms sometime tomorrow.


Wow, that was some story about that man buying that place and fixing it all up. It was good that you had a grand time.




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Oh no, sorry to hear that! Bet it was beginning to feel pretty good and now have to start healing all over. Mayve you could take a cane to help you walk without putting full pressure on it.


I haven't seen the news yet, that race will probably be covered on 10 oclock. So many bad things happened yesterday, almost don't want to watch the news anymore.


Yes hope the weather is good for you, I just have the one day but looks like no rain and fairly warm. Bill and I used togo and sometimes we bout froze to death and ither time too hot. Its northern Wisconsin.


I have gained 3 pounds this last week. It doesn't sound like much but its all in the stomach area and feels fat! I have been eating all the wrong things, mostly sweet things and ice cream. I've got to get a handle on it before I gain any more.


After Monday I'll wait to post too until you get back.


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Sharon, so I did not sprain it as bad as the first time, but it is very tender now. We do have a fold up cane, so I might pack it just in case. Almost back to square 1 once again.


So Bill had to change our flight from 9:15 to 6:50 due to loads. Flying stand-by, we have to go for the best flight option. So now that means we have to get up super early in the morning to make it out there in plenty of time.


I know the feeling of putting on pounds. I have put on about 5 pounds, and I am surprised you have gained with all of the exercising you are doing. But like you said, eating sweets and anything loaded in sugar will do it. I use the cloths scale to determine on how I am doing. If the cloths are fitting too tight, then I know I had better get started doing something very soon.


With us being out late on Saturday night, and Bill getting up very early on Sunday. We did not hear about all of the stuff that went on in NYC. You are right about turning on the news, as we are all afraid to hear something bad.


Well enjoy your 1 day trip into WI., on Friday. I guess you will have to prepare yourself for cool conditions as well as hot conditions just to be safe. I know the temps around here are headed back into the 90's this week. I heard the temps will be in the 60's in Seattle.


If you post sometime today, I will respond before we leave. Otherwise I will talk again once we return sometime on Sunday.




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Sharon, yes we left very early on Tuesday morning and returned late last night. So we went straight to bed and today just rest and getting all ready for a work week.


The weather was perfect with lots of sunshine and temps in the 60's and 70's. I heard that temps in the 80's today and rain expected later on and tomorrow.


We rented a car on Wednesday and toured all around and even took a ferry to an island and had lunch. Thursday we toured the Boeing plant where they actually make the planes.


We had get together's every night and 50/50 raffles and light snacks and drinks. Bill is the assistant VP of the conventions, and next year it will be in LAS.


Always nice getting away, but even better getting back home once again. On The return flight we did not sit together only 1 row apart and we were packed in like a tin can, for a 4 hour flight. It was very bumpy on the return flight. How was your bus trip on Friday?




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Sounds like you had a wonderful time! Next year should be fun also in Las Vegas.


My bus trip was up to the Cranberry Festival in Warrens, WI. Luckily I had a set on the bus by myself so I could read or sleep whichever I wanted. It took 3 hours to get up there so a pretty long ride. We left at 7 and got there at 10, had to be back on the bus by 4:15 so we could leave at 4:30. Everyone was early back on but 3 gals, so we had to wait for them. I did not see anyone from the bus the whole time, bought mostly just stuff to eat as I really don't need anything else in the way of crafts or decorations.


Yesterday cut the grass and after church started again after a little bit to eat. But it started clouding up and soon started to pour so didn't get much more done. Now it is sunny out again, just enough to really make everything to wet to cut anymore today.


My neighbor came down and put my mailbox up. Several years ago the snow plow had thrown too much snow on it and knocked it over. Bill had put two metal posts on each side of it and bungee cords around all of it to hold it up through the winter. But seems it work too well like that for a while and that's the way it stayed. Now it didn't seem to stay up very good so nice he came and fixed it.


At least you both got on the same plane, but it's nice to be able to sit together. Especially on such a long flight.


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Sharon, I know what you mean about buying things. When I go shopping with my lady friend, I just buy food stuff as I do not want or need any craft things or anything else.


But that was a very long time on the bus, a total of 6 hours. But all in all it sounds like you had a very good day.


Yes, yesterday around 3 it was pouring rain around here. It looks like we did not get much rain while we were away, and what happened yesterday was not nearly enough rain to do anything. I heard that we could get some more rain today.


We usually get very good seats with lots of leg room. But coming back there were only middle seats and only 1 seat next to the window, so Bill took those seats as he does not like sitting in the middle. So it was like being in a sardine can, but at least wee got home.


It was good that your neighbor came to fix your mailbox. It is always good to have people who you can depend on to do certain things.


Bill is now the VP in charge of conventions. So he will be busy setting up the convention for next year and the year after that. In 2018 it will be in Cleveland. So we figured we will drive to that one.




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So how was your first day back, busy I bet!


I see Dancing with the Stars is on before the debate tonight, was worried they would preempt it for the debate.


Didn't get anything done today have been waiting for a return call from the lawyer. They kids were at it again and I thought it looked really bad when I got the letter from their lawyer. But now not so sure it's not a good thing according to my lawyer. Seems that original lawyer Bill had to draw up the Trust, put in a little on his own. He put in there that although I was to get a share of the Trust like Bill wanted, it would never be paid out to me while I was alive. I could get the interest but not the principle. This meant that the Trust could not be closed out until I died either. So what I thought was a motion to get me out of the Trust looks now like it maybe is changing the Trust to let them pay me out when they (the kids) get paid out. Thereby allowing them to close out the Trust. Still waiting to hear one more time from the lawyer if that really is the case.


Wanted to cut the rest of the grass today but this is more important so will just wait till I hear from him, hopefully its still today. He said after he talked to their lawyer he would call me back.


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Sharon, after being gone and having a great time. Today is pure hell and I cannot wait to get out of here and go home and pour a large glass of wine and sit in my hot tub. As I know that Bill will be shutting it down October 1. I think it was good that we came back on Saturday night versus Sunday. It gave us a little break before starting in today.


It seems like it never ends with those kids. I would be surprised if you hear back from the lawyer today. It seems they never do as what you would expect. But I hope all goes well for you just the same.


I saw last week when they had that swimmer from the Olympics on DWTS, and a couple of people stormed the stage as they were all upset of what he did while over there.




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That sounds like a good plan, wine and hot tub! Should help ease a little stress.


You are right I waited the rest of the day, until 6:15 before I went out to cut a little more grass yesterday. When I got home from zumba today there was a message from the lawyer to c a ll him, so I did and he confirmed the letter only said what he thought, they want to pay out the trust by the end of the year. The youngest son bought the farm and the money is in the Trust. So after some tax issues they have to pay, looks like it will finally be over.


Went to the skin dr today, she did a biopsy on a place on my forehead, won't get the results for 10 days.


My granddaughter sells that Thrive supplement stuff and she was in it at the very beginning so has alot of people selling it to under her which mesns she gets something whenever anyone else sells it. Well she put on facebook yesterday that she was told by Thrive she could earn $40,000 to $80,000 by next Feb by the way ssles are going.


So DWTS pretty much a recap from last night, soon will tell who is going home.


Hope tomorrow is better at work,


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Sharon, it has been nothing but pouring rain here all morning. I don't think Bill is too happy standing on the corner with all of this rain. He does have a rain coat, but I would not want to be out in this pouring rain.


We had our bocce banquet last night. So since we finished first coming from dead last, we all got $40.00 each. We had a great dinner and drinks. Bill was in charge of setting it all up.


With all of this rain I will not be able to get into the hot tub. I have no idea when it all is going to stop.


I hope all goes well for you with those kids. Perhaps with this latest news it will all work out for you. All they want is the money and I do not think they care about anything else.


Good luck,




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Congratulations on coming in 1st! Especially coming back from last place and the weather. Sounds like a good time was had by all.


We only got a little rain last night, but it was windy. It's also windy here today. Went with the zumba gals to the apple orchard for one of their birthdays. The birthday gal had been gone on a cruise all last week, had left from New York and had been only a block from where that bomb went off a couple hours earlier. Anyway we finally got everyone's schedule cleared enough to go today. Tomorrow that gal is leaving for their home in Florida so we were down to the wire as to what day would work.


Maybe the rain stopped so you could do a little hot tubing when you got home.


I had forgotten Bill was still doing the "guarding" for school kids. Good of him to do it, some drivers wouldn't stop if not for the guard telling them to.


Going to try a line dance lesson class tonight, the instructor and his wife are the same ones Bill and I took partner lessons from years ago. Back then their class became very clicky so we stopped going since we went in the click. Hopefully this group will not be like that.


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Sharon, it was a lot of fun last night. Bill carried us to the first place finish. All in all it was a very good season. We only had 2 rainout dates.


So you are going line dancing tonight. Is it that same bar you go to every week or a different place? I do not like click groups either.


Well it poured all morning long and now it is looking like round 2 is coming. So who knows what tonight will look like.


Your friend is leaving at a good time to spend her winter in Florida. She was very luck not to have been apart of that bombing. One just does not know where and when they are going to strike next.




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The line dance lessons were at a different place, I checked the mileage and it was 33 miles away. Most all of the roads were dark country roads to so kinda creepy by myself coming home. We started beginner lessons at 6pm and then the intermediate at 7pm. I knew several of the people there from when Bill and I used to go to couples lessons. Was surprised they were still going. No breaks in between, just one dance after another. He taught a new beginners dance and walked through several they had already learned, same with the intermediate lessons. My feet hurt and my legs were tired and I was sweating because it was so hot in there. Must have been 40 to 50 people, a big room. I left about 8:45, couldn't do anymore. Probably will go back next week.


I had a spot biopsied and two other places zapped with liquid nitrogen on Thursday when I went to the skin doctor. Got a message today from them saying the spot biopsied is basal cell cancer. So will have to do Mohls surgery sometime soon. Darn was hoping it was going to come back that it was okay.


Didn't go to the stretch and tone class this morning, legs were still to tired to do any squats.


I know it seemed like every Wednesday night it was raining surprising that you only missed having 2 games.


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Sharon, Bill says that you cannot please all the people all of the time. This 1 lady who is a co-chair with us on bocce, is a retired kindergarten teacher and she is very strong minded. She wants people to do things her way and Bill and her clash sometimes. He just likes to do things as simple as possible.


So you had a long way to travel and I know what you mean by traveling in the dark all alone. When Bill is at rehearsals I do not like being here all alone. I will not go in the hot tub when he is not around. But you did a workout with parts of your body that you do not work regularly.


I have no idea what the weekend will be like. It has been gloomy and nothing but rain around here for the past few days. Raining this morning and just very overcast this afternoon.


Enjoy and have a good weekend.




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Bill is right, you can't please everyone so you might as well not even try, if they don't like you nothing you can say or do will change their mind.


Had a text message last night from Bill's daughter, the "b*t**h" one. She said her and her one brother would like to come over today to get her dad's tools or if it's not convenient next Saturday. I told her the deal was that only the two sons could come and look at the tools and today would be fine. One of the sons called me and said, I don't really want any of that but got roped into coming with the other son. She was thinking the two large standing tool chests were their dads, but in fact one of the large ones was my first husbands and the other was my sons. They were both mechanics and the tools are much different. So when they came they were both real nice took only a few things that I gave them and gave me a hug goodbye when they left. Glad to get that over with, but bet the "b*t*h" will not be happy!


It has been very dreary and rainy all day long, think it will be this way tomorrow too. Might just go to the show if it is.


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