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Probably a wise decision on your part not to walk, it rained here too Sunday morning. In fact, the thunder was so loud it woke me up before dawn.


Did some zumba this morning, was going to cut grass as soon as I got home but the grass was still too wet. The sun has been out and its windy so going to check again, maybe can get a couple of hours in.


Just saw on the Van Galder bus page that the Buddy Hollly story performance in April, that I had already signed up for, was sold out and they had added a second bus. Glad I had already got my seat.


I was checking the weather in NC, KY and TN and they all look pretty similar to ours. Looks like all week will be in the 60's and maybe get up to 70. So now I know what kind of clothes to take. They also recommended binoculars and an umbrella, hope I don't need an umbrella but will take one just in case.


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Sharon, good move booking those seats for that concert in April. That really sounds like it will be great.


On Sunday we were on the road at 4:45. So we were on the highway when it was pouring and thundering and lightening. We got lucky and it calmed down by the time we got there and only very light drizzle. Once Bill left I laid down for a while in the afternoon.


With temps in the 80's today and the very high winds, I would think that you were able to get some of the grass cut. An other nice day tomorrow.


I do not like this week at all, as Bill is gone as soon as I get home from work and hopefully he will not be gone to much past 10. That is what time he got home yesterday. He left at noon though. So the rest of the week he leaves at 5:30.




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Is it the play rehearsals that Bill is going to every night? It does take some getting used to being home when they are not. I don't think you mentioned when the play will start, or if you did I have forgotten. Did you notice also that at 6pm now it is almost dark? When we change the clocks it will 5pm. Then it seems like its dark most of the time.


I have been getting my stuff together, tried on all the clothes I want to take to make sure they still fit. Also trying to put together outfits with layering so if its warmer or colder I will be all set. I probably will take too much, usually do.


I did get some grass cut the other day, it was the paths and field. Today I'm going to cut the front again and back around the house again.


I have to be there tomorrow at 6am and it's about a 45 min drive so I will be on the road like you were last week. I hate getting up that early, last night I didn't sleep good. I have been getting these xtrac treatments on my scalp twice a week and yesterday they raised the amount. My scalp is like it is sunburned and itchy. This morning feels a little better but will take a couple of days to stop. The treatments are for plaque psoriasis, it was gone but is slowly coming back.


The bus has wifi and I'm sure the hotels will too so I might be able to check in with you still. If not I'll let you know how it went when I get back.


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Sharon, they call this Hell Week in the theater business. So this week is rehearsals for the play that starts this Friday, 2 shows on Saturday, and finishes off on Sunday. So he leaves around 5 and gets home around 11:30.


I thought you were leaving on Friday, but I guess I got it wrong as you are leaving tomorrow. So have a great trip and if I do not hear from you on the road, I will catch up once you return.


I was not aware that you were getting those treatment every few days. So I can certainly see why you are having so much trouble just now. Hopefully this will not affect you while you are away.


A bit cooler today, but a very nice day to be outside working. Once again have a great time. Be safe and healthy.




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  • 2 weeks later...

So the play started and has ended already, how was it, did you enjoy watching it and did Bill enjoy doing it?


I am back and thought I would give you a break posting while I was gone. The hotels and bus did have wifi but I mainly just read a book from the Kindle app.

Saw a lot of nice places and beautiful colors and nice people. Since I paid an extra single supplement I got to have both seats for myself on the bus. As we were assigned other seats, I always had the two seats for me. So it was nice, I could stretch out a bit.


Two couples, one that had been here quite for many years but originally from England and another couple from the Madison, WI area formed a small group. They always made sure I sat with them at meals and met them for outings when we had free time. It was very nice. The two couples had never met before either, but when it came time to get off the bus we all exchanged names and phone numbers and gave hugs all the way around.


The Cumberland Falls that are called the Niagras of the south, left quite a bit to be desired. They said the whole area is in the midst of a flood so the falls were a bit small. The Ranger talking about them to us had so much history he didn't want to stop talking so we could go look at them. Finally we all just started to wander away and go look by ourselves.


The Gatlinburg area was bumper to bumper traffic, lots of shows like Branson, Mo., lots of eating places and hotels. We took the tram to the top of a mountain and then back down again. However there were so many people, and most all of them Indian, that it took standing in line all afternoon and we had no time for anything else, since we were going to a dinner show.


The Biltmore is beautiful and huge, we saw many rooms and had the audio that you individually listened to as you you went from room to room. It has 250 rooms, of course we only saw about 20, and 43 bathrooms. Beautiful rose gardens and a consevatory with tropical plants and orchids.


Last stop was a college in Berea, KY. Students pay no tuition, it's free, also they get free medical and dental care. It is mainly for low income kids. They all are expected to work 10 to 12 hours a day in either the crafts, landscaping or hotel for example. We stayed at the Boone Tavern Hotel, which is completely run by the college and taken care of in all areas by students. It was a beautiful old hotel updated to be completely energy efficient. One of the crafts we saw the students working on was broom making. They sell these brooms for $52, they also do weaving and make blankets, table runners, napkins etc. This school was started in the 1800's and blacks were allowed to come too, which was very innovative since most of the states still had slaves. Very interesting!


I did have a lot of trouble with my scalp, it was burning and itching since they raised up the amt of whatever electrical thing they do to me. Also the spot I had biopsied on my forehead refused to heal up and continued to get worse. It was bright red and also very itchy and started going down into my eyebrows and bridge of my nose. I realized the ointment the dr had given me was not working, and I must be allergic to it. I couldn't even sleep the first couple of nights. Other passengers were giving me stuff to try, I looked a mess. Finally two nights before we came home we stayed at a hotel close to a CVS Pharmacy. I walked over there and bought some Benedryl cream. It helped immediately and gave me some relief. I don't know if I can even have the MOHS surgery on the 4th if the skin around it doesn't get better.


Okay enough, I missed talking with you, but don't want you to ever think you have to keep answering me everyday if you don't want to or get tired of it.


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Sharon, don't ever give it a second thought. I do enjoy talking to you as well. You were away and it sounds like you had a real good time. We were away as well. As we just returned from Oshkosh. We made good time going there as I did get out of work early and we made good time coming home and we stopped at the Brat Stop In Kenosha on the way back.


Weather there was nice. We got rain last night and it is starting to rain here just now.


All in all everything you have told me here sounds very interesting. Especially that college and all that it intails.


Probably will lay down for awhile. Have to get ready for another week at the bump and grind.


The play was good and I enjoyed watching it and Bill had fun working with all of the kids.




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Probably was a good thing you went this past weekend as we might not have many more nice ones. Next weekend we change the clocks already.


I have missed talking with and being with people since I got home. Went to church this morning, first time I have talked to anyone since Thursday.


I have zumba tomorrow so will get out and about.


Is Bill looking to get into another play? He is getting quite a bit of experience now.


Hope you have a good week, and wondering if the Cubs are going to blow it!


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Sharon, so you are at Zumba this morning. It will feel good to get back into your routine once again.


Bill has been doing plays for 1 complete year. He said he is tired from the schedule and I do not like him being gone in the evenings. So he said he would like to produce or become a stage manager where the schedule is not so tiring.


The fall colors were much brighter there versus here. We have had such a mild fall that not much has changed around here.




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That would be a good change, then he would be home more with you in the evenings. Now that he has the experience he should be able to get into that part of the productions.


It was nice to get back into the exercise, the instructor wore a really cool costume it had big colorful wings. Of course she had to take it off to move though.


It is pretty cool here today, was going to cut grass, maybe for the last time, but think I'll wait until tomorrow when its supposed to be a little warmer.


I ordered this thing called Echo dot, it looks like a hockey puck and it sits on your table or counter and it connects to the internet. It's name is Alexa and you can ask it questions and there are all kinds of applications you can expand to. So all day Saturday I tried to set it upon my phone, you had to download the application to connect it to the internet. It just wouldn't do it so I tried on my tablet, nope still wouldn't. So I tried on my computer, the application said I did not have any devices that it would work on. Seems I need to have a phone with 4.4 and mine is 4.2, evidently my stuff is not smart enough to work and I don't want to buy new yet since I am happy with all my "devices". So I guess I'll just have to hang on to it until I buy something smart enough to work with it. Sometimes technology moves too fast!

Hope you day is going good,


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Sharon, do you get any trick or treaters? Since I am never home I don't know. Sometimes Bill says we do and other times we do not. I guess last year it was raining and we did not get any. Bill bought squirt guns last year. He likes doing unusual things. However much cheaper than buying bags of candy.


So it felt nice getting back to Zumba today. Will you still be doing pool stuff this winter? This might be the last week of our hot tub. It felt good last night but while it was still light out. I was in the tub for an hour.


Bill said the theater has some clicks. So he needs to talk to the right person to get in. Only time will tell.


Very busy today. First day back after a nice weekend away. Always nice visiting my aunt.




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No, I am too far out for trick or treaters, they want to be in town where they can go house to house fast.


Isn't that a shame it have clicks all the time. I'm thinking of not going back to the line dance lessons as it seems the whole thing is a big click. They don't even want you to sit at "their" table all the seats are taken.


Probably won't do any pool things unless I get a membership and right now not thinking of doing that. It must feel nice to have the hot tub right there where you can get in. These last few days of warm weather make it still comfortable to do it I bet.


I had a guy stop and want to spray the driveway, he didn't have a name on his truck or equipment so was pretty leary of him. He is the second one that has stopped to ask about doing it. He wanted to charge $1,100 to do it. Then he asked when my husband would be home. I told him after work tonight. He said he might come back, but hope he doesn't. These guys are all fly by night people. They say they just did some work down the road and have some left over spray stuff.


I got the grass all cut again, took the whole afternoon but I'm hoping that will be the last time I have to do it this year. Then I can call the mower guy and have him tune them both up so they will be ready for next year.


I bet it is busy, when you take off a few days, hopefully you can catch up quick!


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Sharon, I was not aware that you had those clicks at the place you go dancing at. I know the owner is sure good to you all. That is a shame that people are like that. Bill said he is going right to talk with the President, as he has a good relationship with him.


We are getting hit very hard just now with much rain and thunder and lightening.


Those prices that they have been quoting you are totally ridiculous. You have to be aware of all kinds of scammers as they will pray on you in an instant. Also a good move not letting them know you are alone.


The jerk leaves tomorrow. I will not be seeing him for the next 6 months. Good ridden's.




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The clicks are at the new line dance lesson place I went to several times on Thursday nights, the Wednesday night group are all great and old friends. I have decided not to go back to the line dance lesson place, its too far and its too dark and I don't know anyone there anyway.


Well the Cubs finally came through. Bet you are selling lots and lots of memorabilia today. I know up here everyone is buying T-shirts and all kinds of things.


We had rain and lightening yesterday too, still was raining when it was time to go meet the girls but we decided the place would be too packed so we skipped last night and stayed home.


Yes I was a little worried about that guy the other day but he hasn't came back so that's good.


Stopped at the grocery store after zumba and saw they had cheesy potato soup. So I bought some to have for dinner tonight. Looks good and thick and probably loaded with calories too!


I have the MOHS surgery tomorrow afternoon, not looking forward to that but will be glad to get it over with finally.


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Sharon, good luck on your surgery this afternoon. I will say a prayer that all goes well for you today. Yes, it will be good to put all of this behind you.


Yes, we are selling like crazy starting yesterday. Today they are having the parade downtown. So the city will be very busy today.


Those guys are scammers and you should know that and keep them away from your property.


OK, I thought that you got along with the Wednesday night group. If that other group is that stuck up then you do not need that stuff at all.


So the jerk is only to be gone now for 2 weeks, He is coming back and staying past Thanksgiving and now he will be leaving for 6 months on 12/1.




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I had to have the surgery done two times, that means it had to be numbed up two times also. It was bigger than it looked about the size of a dime he said. Since it is right in the middle of my forehead he pulled the skin from each side, a terrific amount of pressure. Changed the location of my eyebrowns and now with the swelling is hurting terribly. I took a pill they gave me. Tylenol 3 with codeine around 5pm on my way home. They said it would make me tired, it didn't, too much pain. I am suppose to take another one at pretty soon and I'm supposed to sleep in the recliner to keep my head up. There are many stitches and they stay in for 10 days. have a big patch that I have to change every day starting tomorrow so won't be going anywhere. Don't feel good at all.


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Sharon, so sorry to hear that you are not doing very well. I hope you can get the pain under control and that you will sleep a lot to keep the pain from bothering you.


Bill is having a surgery in a few weeks on his right foot the toe next to the big toe. It is turning in and they have to put pins in to straighten it out and then in a month they have to go back and take them out.


Another day in the 60's and lots of sunshine around here. Shortly I am leaving to go shopping and lunch with that lady friend of mine. I will pray that you soon will start to feel better.




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I have had an awful 3 days, even ended up in the hospital! Friday night the pain did not get better, it got worse and I started throwing up.. ai called the drs office at 8an Saturday and told them the pain medication was not helping and that I couldn't stand the pain or vomiting. They didn't call me back until 2:30pm. They had someone from the dr offfce drop off another prescription since it could not be called in to the drug store. I got a friend to pick it up for me. Just before my friend got here with the new prescription, I had a violent vomiting, actually dry heaves at this point. I was wet with sweat and shaking so much she had to open the prescriptions for me. These new prescriptions were for nausea that you put under ypur tongue and a pain patch called fetinal. It is an opiod. SO I took those things and she left. I could feel t g e pain ebbing away and the nausea too. IN an hour I felt so much better. I went to sleep and when I woke up I was itching with a rash all over and had a dry mouth. I tried to dri k waterbut was having troubl swallowing. I then read the warnings that came with the prescription. The patch one said it could cause deadly breathing problems. I got really scared being by myself and not knowing if I was going to be worse. I a friend, she came right away and took me to the hospital. They gave me an IV with benedryl. I had an allergic reaction to both sets of medicine prescriptions. My friend stayed with me tge whole time and after tsking me home she brought over some chicken soup for my dinner. I am beter now, still have some pain and still have the rash but just taking benedryl. THe first prescriptions were Tylenol 3 with codene. WHich can cause nausea and an antibiotic that causes nausea so no wonder I had a problem to srart with. THen the last two prescriptions I was allergic to. AT least now I think I might live another day, it was doubtful for a while.


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Sharon, we have had an area outage with the Internet service. So it just came back a short time ago. You cannot imagine what it was like today at work with no Internet.


I am so very sorry to hear what has happened with you recovery form the surgery. You can never control any type of pain not being in the hospital. I hope that the new prescriptions are doing much better for you. Thank God for that friend of yours. I will continue to say prayers for you.




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I can imagine the problems with no internet service, we have all became so dependent on it! Glad you got it back on now though.


My friends came over last night and brought pizza and wine for dinner and sat with me for quite a while. We watched Dancing With the Stars. They also invited me to Thanksgiving dinner with them but I told them I had been invited to go out to dinner already with another friend. However, we were supposed to go to a buffet that cost about $20 and then her daughter wanted to go instead to one that cost about $40. I said if they go to the cheaper one I will go but I can't even eat $40 worth of food. So will see what happens, still time to decide.


Feeling better every day, on no medications at all except for daily's that I always take. Going to vote later, hope I don't scare everyone with this big patch on my forehead!


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Sharon, we voted this morning and they one had 2 electronic machines. There was a line for those. So we both voted paper and had no wait and were in and out of there very quick.


Good that your friends stopped by, and also good that you are feeling much better. Lets hope that trend continues.


It was a nice day today weather wise. But now it has sharply turned much cooler. I heard that it is dropping down to 38 tonight.


Only a few more days left for the hot tub. I am sure very soon that Bill will be draining it. One Day I will come home and it will be empty.




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Have just been so out of doing regular things that I even forgot all week to post. I have had to change this bandage every day and had to change bathrooms since the one I use had a faucet that started leaking. Need to get a plumber again to change it but don't have a replacement yet. I have a dr's appmnt on Tuesday and hope to get the stitches out then. Maybe I will look decent enough to at least go get a new faucet. The scare is not going to be pretty, it's about an inch and a half long. It goes from my scalp to almost the bridge of my nose. The top and bottom have healed pretty good but the middle has pulled apart and there is a hole that will probably not heal well. It was pulled so tight I can see why it would open up.


Anyway have not been anywhere, and missing zumba and friends. I have been also going to bed early and watching TV in there. My whole daily schedule has been changed because of this surgery.


I shut off the outside water in the basement today and went outside and drained the faucet. I am thinking Bill probably emptied your hot tub too. Guess it's over now until spring.


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Sharon, I am so sorry to hear about you not doing very well at all. I pray that at this witting you are doing much better. Yesterday I had a birthday party to attend for one of the GK's. Then on Saturday I went out to lunch with a few of the bunco gal's. Today have just been totally nuts.


Well you are right on, as when I came home on Saturday evening, yes he did drain the hot tub. All over until May.


Isn't Bill's son still on good with you, and he has done things for you in the past. Couldn't he come over and change the faucet for you?


Cold at night, but warms up during the day time. Once again I hope the Dr visit tomorrow will be good for you.




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Its really nice you can go to the GK birthday's. I am jealous, I had to fly to TX for my GGS's! No that is very nice, I am happy for you.


Yes I am on good terms with Bill's son but don't want to bother him, so I will just call a plumber. I plan on buying a faucet tomorrow after the dr appmnt. I'm hoping to just have a small bandaid instead of a patch on my forehead. I feel like a hermit, need milk and bread and someone to talk with! Luckily my sister has kept in contact about every other day. Her car is broke down again and she is hoping one of her sons will fix it soon. They think it is the starter this time.


How did your tests turn out that you had a while ago? I saw a brochure at the drs office when I was getting treatments for plaque ciriisis that it can be related to RA. Luckily no syypthoms of that yet.


Glad to hear from you,


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Sharon, how did the visit go today, and how does it look now? I will continue to say prayers so you continue to improve. I would think with you being inside for so long, that you would have done a few puzzles during that period.


I have not heard you talk about your sister in a long while. So her car is broken and I would think that 1 of her son's will be able to fix it for her.


Weather has been very cold at night and very nice during the daytime. I heard Thursday it could go to 70 and then they said we could get snow flurries on Saturday.


My tests came back all good, so no need to get another 1 for 2 years. Although I am getting congested and I need to keep ahead of that before it gets any worse.




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Got the stitches out, like I said they pulled apart in the middle so there is an open hole. The nurse that took the stitches out said I should have let them know and came back in, well how was I supposed to know that?? So now I have what they call steri strips across the top and bottom where the stitches were and a band aid in between them across the hole. She said it might start to fill in from the bottom up, and it will take up to 3 months for the internal stitches to dissolve. If after that time since the dr is a plastic surgeon he might want to work on it again. I told her I didn't know if I want anything else done or not on it. Have to see what it looks like. I do have an appmnt with the nurse again next week and with the dr on the 12/9.


Good all your tests came back good! hope you aren't catching something with the congestion. I was at Walmart this afternoon and seemed like everyone was sneezing or coughing! I came home and washed my hands good.


My sister said her one son did order a starter on line and will put it in for her when it gets delivered. So that will save her some money. She has been doing okay, fits well in the family unit. Was picking up the 2 girls from school everyday until her car quit.


I did finish 2, 1000 piece puzzles in the last week or so. The last one was hard it had so many little people and faces in it. I have another one started already again. I have no restrictions now so can go back to zumba, but think the "hole" has been bleeding a little so might wait another day or two.



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