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Sharon, once again I am so very sorry about your sister. Hopefully they can keep her comfortable and that she will not suffer any more. Please know that you have my support and prayers both for you and her.

I got real mad at Bill as he went and talked to the jerk's son and brother. He did not intend for me to find out, but I did. So now the more I am thinking about this, I realize that he has my back and was just tired of hearing what the jerk is doing to me. Oh, he has left and is in FL. He was doing this to me on the phone for 50 minutes yelling at me. My cousin shays this is no different than battered wife syndrome.

Bill keeps telling me whenever he is yelling at me just hang up the phone. If he keeps calling back and continues yelling keeping hanging up the phone until he gets the message. With all of this sexual harassment that has been going on the past few months in our country. Bill told then this is the first and last time he is having this conversation. The next time the jerk acts the way he has been he will be talking to Bill through our lawyer in court. Then he continued to say, to them, guess what else. You both will be working for him as he will own the company. So we shall see.


So after the mild weather back to the cold once again. There was a lot of frozen stuff this morning.


Stay warm,




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Oh my good for Bill! I don't blame him for not liking the way you are treated, and it has gone on for way too long!


i went to WW this morning and was told to gain weight, had lost another .4. Bet not many people get told that.


Came home and got a text from my nephew, my sister died this afternoon.


I have not been feeling well and decided to take my BP. It was 107/63. No wonder I am tired, draggy, cold and having some breathing problems. I made a dr appmnt for Monday, think my BP meds are too strong now at this weight.


I have had 3 people tell me they would go with me to Florida, but like I said I just don't think I can go through that again. Even though it is my sister and maybe because it is my sister can't deal with it.


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Kathy and Sharon you know I read your post off and on.


Just wanted to say Sharon about your siser, I'm sorry. Now she's

at peace. Didn't you visit her awhile back. Remember her from then, even

thro she was sick.You saw her and talked to her. You don't have to go now.

My opinion. Take care of yourself. Yes check your meds, might be one

thing making you depressed besides other things.


Kathy your boss is a pain in you know where. Do you really have to work

for him. Are you close to retirement? To put up with him when he makes you

cry and get upset. Not right. You could sue him. Your husband was right

to go there. Does he want you to quit? You take care of yourself too.

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Sharon, I am so very sorry to hear that your sister has passed. Certainly you have done the best for her, and at least you were able to spend time with her and see her 1 last time. Even though we can not understand it. She is in a better place just now. I can understand you not wanting to go back there. At least she has her family and they will be doing what needs to be done for her.

I spoke to the jerk's son and brother as well yesterday. I am not looking forward to dealing with him next week. If he starts his crap once again, I am just hanging up on him until he gets the message. The jerk's son told Bill he owns the company. Bill said that is no excuse to treat me the way he has been just because he owns the company. Bill further whet on to say, there are federal laws that protect people from this kind of abuse.

Temps in single digits today and bright sun. We only got a 1/2" last night. But it was like a blizzard with the blowing snow and the high winds. Tomorrow night into Monday we could get 3 to 4". Bill is off on Monday, a federal holiday, but not for me.

You are absolutely right about WW and them telling you that you have to gain weight. Plus low BP and it is good you are seeing a Dr on Monday. You really have to watch yourself that you do not get too run down and getting sick. Our country is in a flu epidemic just now with many very sick.

Piece and love my friend,



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Kathy and Sharon you know I read your post off and on.


Just wanted to say Sharon about your siser, I'm sorry. Now she's

at peace. Didn't you visit her awhile back. Remember her from then, even

thro she was sick.You saw her and talked to her. You don't have to go now.

My opinion. Take care of yourself. Yes check your meds, might be one

thing making you depressed besides other things.


Kathy your boss is a pain in you know where. Do you really have to work

for him. Are you close to retirement? To put up with him when he makes you

cry and get upset. Not right. You could sue him. Your husband was right

to go there. Does he want you to quit? You take care of yourself too.


Thanks for the post. I am not going to let him force me out. I may go down to 3 days a week, but he is not going to force me out and he will never treat me that way again. Bill just wants me to be happy, but he let them know if it happens again, the jerk will be talking through us through our lawyer.



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Thanks Belle, yes I went and spent a week with her the beginning of December. She was in pain the last few days I was there so we pretty much just sat and talked. I just feel very much alone now.


No snow here last night, just cold. I see we are supposed to get snow on Monday so a friend has offered to take me to the dr in her truck if it gets too bad for me to drive. BP is still low, have been worried that I would make myself sick being so depressed for such a long time.Bill has called me the last few days so it has been nice to hear his voice.


The plans for my sister are getting set. They are having a small get together tomorrow, she was cremated. Then they are planning on bringing her up here to be buried with her husband. Not sure when that will take place but glad I don't have to go to Florida, just not up for it.


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Sharon, so sorry about your sister once again. That is also good that her son's are taking care of everything and that they will be bringing her remains back here to be placed next to her husband. That is also good that your friend will take you to the Dr on Monday, so if the weather is bad you will not be all alone. We just have to wait and see, as I have heard from 3-4" around here on Monday. We only got 1/2" last night and most is all gone now with the bright sun today.

Just stayed inside today and Bill did the laundry and I cleaned up a bit. Getting everything back to normal with the GK's staying here while Bill was gone.

I realize that there is nothing I can say or do to help you through this difficult time. All I can say to you, that I am here if you need anything at all. Prayers are always being said for you as well.

Take care,



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I cancelled my dr appmnt for today, I don't want to drive and I don't want my friend to have to drive. I changed it to Thursday. Hopefully by then it will be better weather.


Have been taking my BP and it's been pretty good the last day or so, not sure I should even go to the dr now. Don't want more meds or tests.


Its stopped snowing now, but think its supposed to start up again later.


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Sharon, we got 4" and now that Bill has cleared it all away, now it is snowing once again. So we could get another 1-2" of snow from now until tomorrow. How much do you get. Good idea to cancel the appointment. Thursday will be better as it is suppose to be above freezing. Sunday close to 50. I would not cancel that 1. The med's may have to be changed. You want to make sure the med's that you are taking are the right dose.

So a few days ago I broke 1 of the 3 mirrors on the medicine cabinet. When it fell it also took a chip out of the bowl. So we went yesterday afternoon to look for new one's and it looks like this will be an expensive repair.

So Bill has a board meeting on 2/7 back in CLE. He is taking me to this one. We will leave on 2/6 and return on 2/8. They will be finalizing the plans for the convention in September.

Stay warm,



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We got several inches, had the driveway plowed, but he did it before it stopped so its still covered with snow now again.


Supposed to have Viet Nam Veterans come and pick up all the stuff I have boxed and bagged. They called this morning and confirmed, anytime between 7am and 7pm. Well its 5pm and they are not here yet. I cannot put out the garbage at the end of the driveway till they come so looks like I will be doing that in the dark.



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Sharon, after Bill cleared the 4" we got on Monday. Last night and into this afternoon we picked up an additional 1". It was not enough to take out the blower, so Bill just pushed it away with a shovel. With temps going higher, by Sunday temps will be at 50 around here and rain so most of the snow should be gone. But now we have to be very careful of black ice.


That does not sound right to me having them come after dark. Does not sound safe at all. When I have the vets come and pick up cloths and stuff they call the night before and ask to put on the front porch. They never come after dark. Always during the daylight. If there is a number to call I would complain about coming in the dark.


I have not talked to the jerk in 2 days. When he was talking to his son and brother, he had the nerve to say to them that he was not yelling at me at all. I have another lady that sits next to me and he first started yelling at her before me. So she is my witness, and she was so upset, I really thought she was going to quit. Me, I just walked out the door and came home.

Also keep this in mind. Due to the Federal Holiday yesterday, everything may be 1 day off like garbage pick-up.



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Well they never did come. I called them this morning and they gave me all kinds of excuses. One, the driver called and no one was home, wrong: he never called I was here all day. Two, he couldn't find the address. Three, if the driveway is longer than 3 car length they can't come in. Then they had the nerve to say how about Feb. 5th. I told them to just forget about it. Will have to call someone else.


Guess your boss is also a liar! But with a witness you can prove he was yelling.



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Sharon, that was totally ridiculous what they did to you yesterday. I would try Amvets. I have used them in the past and they are very reliable. They also give you a receipt for deductions on you taxes. Another place I actually go to is Goodwill. They are just down the street from here so I go and just drop off and leave. Plus all of those goofy rules and regulation that they were throwing your way was totally nuts. The nerve of them to say they were there and no one was home.


So was your garbage 1 day off due to the holiday? I know our's will be and there are people who always forget and put everything out a day early, and everything just sits there.


It gets very cold and night and first thing in the morning. Only in the teens here today. But starting tomorrow temps on the rise and above freezing.


You know what else is crazy, all of the flu cases there are all over the country. Here we are in 2018, and it is almost like we are in Medieval times with all of these experts just throwing darts to see if they have gotten it right or not. Emergency rooms over crowded and lots of people dying.



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No the garbage was picked up on the right day, guess the garbage company doesn't have the day off on MLK day.


Yes the flu has really been bad this year, so many little kids have died and fast!


Got a call from my nephew, sisters son, last night. He said they are all going to try and keep in better contact with me since their mom is gone. Was very nice to hear that, can always use someone looking out for you.


The dr appmnt I had today was cancelled by the dr, called and told me there was no heat in the building. Seems I'm just not supposed to go to the dr, this is the 3rd time the appmnt has been changed. Next date is Monday the 22nd. Probably get a big snow storm or something, I'm thinking.



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Sharon, that was nice that your nephew had called you to tell you that. Have they been nice to you in the past? It is always good to have people who care about you and to look after you as well.


Today around here lots of sunshine and above freezing. Sunday and Monday close to 50 and rain. It should clear most of this snow away.


I should say so if this is the 3rd time your appointment has been canceled. How have you been feeling? Crazy how this flu season has turned out. Many, many people are getting very sick. What is really crazy I heard 2 people who went to the ER, and they released them both and within hours once they came home they both died. There is something wrong with that picture.


I guess I should call our refuse place and see if they are on schedule or off 1 day due to the Federal Holiday.






William Corbett


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I'm feeling pretty good, no cold or flu so that's a good thing. My blood pressure seems to have normalized also lately.


The leader of our zumba classes came and took me out to lunch today, thought that was very sweet of her. Really didn't want to go but didn't know how to get out of it. Not in the mood to go places still.


Only going to dr for medicare physical and so I can get my prescriptions renewed.


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Sharon, I forgot about that. You have to go to renew you RX's. Otherwise I would say why bother to go. But the Dr has to see you each and every year to renew those RX's. But I am glad to hear that you are feeling much better. This flu stuff is absolutely crazy. I saw 2 people a young boy and a mother of 3 went to the ER and they release them both and only to go home and die a few hours later.


Today first day above freezing for awhile. It was windy but with the wind it felt much colder than it really was. Sunday and Monday rain and temps close to 50 around here.


After Bill got off this morning, he came and picked up my car. For some 2 weeks my passenger tire showed low. So last week he took it to get it filled up and I have nitrogen inflated into the tires. It want low once again. They took it off and put it in water and nothing. As it turns out the gauges were never set right from the factory. So they were getting a false reading. It was actually the passenger rear and it had a small screw in it on the side. So he had to buy a brand new one for $190. A expense I was not planning on. But we had to do it. There was no use in plugging it if the repair would not last.


I woke up this morning at 4 and could not go back to sleep. All of this crap at work has me all wound up. I hope I can fall asleep tonight and stay asleep and not to wake up again. Perhaps after my bath I will have a glass of wine and then fall right to sleep.



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Good you got your tire replaced so you don't have to worry about it anymore. They are expensive though.


Nice out today, snow is melting, most of the driveway is clear except where the pine trees shade it on one side.


My stock guy had a dinner in town last night, I had signed up to go a couple of weeks ago so decided I had better go since they would have to pay anyway for the meal. Lots of food, too much actually, couldn't eat much after the soup and bread course. Did enjoy the ice cream sundae served in a wine glass, very pretty. Got home about 7pm.


Had some friends drop in this afternoon, brought some bakery sweet rolls and a pretty candle. Was nice to see them, they are dancing friends.


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Sharon, yes expensive, but like you said, at lest I have piece of mind now with the new tire. Yes, nice day today, and by tomorrow all snow should be gone. Rain and temps to 50.


Good that you went to the dinner and had friends to come and visit as well. It is always nice to have friends stop by.


I do not understand this. But since you said that your garbage pickup came the regular time. We put out ours and it was picked up on time as well. Since MLK was a federal holiday, and no banks, PO, and schools then why was this not taken like any other federal holiday. It does not seem right to me. But it is what it is.


So I told you I broke our medicine cabinet with mirrors and light. The new 1 arrived today and we took the old 1 down and found that this 1 is too short. So we will return this 1 on Monday, and we have already ordered a new 1 that should arrive towards the end of next week. Bad thing is we had already took the old 1 down and will just have to deal with it until the new 1 arrives. Oh, well.


I went to WW this morning and I was down 1/2 pound. I would like to just keep going down instead of gaining 1 week and loosing the next week.



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Too bad about the medicine cabinet, wouldn't you think they would be a standard size just so that wouldn't happen???


Good for you on the WW lose! I went but did not weigh in, think I was done again and didn't want to see it.


Had a nice day today, Bill was able to get the weekend off and went back to his place. We made plans that I would drive up to see him. It was about an hour and a half, not a bad drive, hardly any traffic and through the Kettle Moraine Forest, very pretty. He showed me his place and we visited for a while, then went up to old town and had lunch and window shopped. Went back to his place for a little while and then I came home. It was really nice getting together again. He said he is going to try and get off again in a couple of weeks and not make it so long in between seeing each other.


I am going back to zumba tomorrow, then have the dr appmnt in the afternoon, hope it works this time and doesn't get cancelled or snow or something!


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Sharon, that sounds good that you were able to drive up and see him. Now you know how to get up there, you can go again if he is going to be gone too long.


Temps in the 50's around here today. I woke up to much thunder and lightening this morning, as it was just pouring. Now just light misting. Should clear most of this snow all away.


It must feel good to be back at Zumba once again. Lets hope the weather holds up the way it is so you can get to that appointment and get all checked out and get your RX's refilled.


The night before last I woke up and 4 and could not go back to sleep. Last night I was able to go to bed and to sleep all night. This place has had me all jacked up.



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No he was only at his place for the weekend, going back up to Appleton to work again today.


There was rain here this morning but no thunder. Most all of the snow is gone, but they are saying we could get about an inch tonight.


I have done that, woke up at 3 or 4am and then not been able to get back to sleep again, frustrating!


Finally did get to the dr. appmnt. Everything good, all they did was look at my record of bp and listen to my heart and retake the bp, all good. Gave me an order for a blood test to get another day. The dr & her hubby are old friends of Bills, so I mentioned to her that I was seeing him, she said oh I just love Bill! Next time he's in town call us and we'll go out to dinner. Guess Bill and her hubby rode motorcycles together. I have been seeing this dr for 20 years or more and never knew that.


Hope things are better at work for you so you can get some sleep.


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Sharon, now I understand what you were thinking about the medicine cabinet. Five years ago we completely gutted the bathroom and redid it all over. The original medicine cabinet was 1 of those types that was sunk into the wall. So Bill said now he should have filled in the hole in the wall, but instead he tiled around the hole and insulated it but left the hole. So the 1 that was just replaced with fit over the hole. This 1 we just sent back did not completely cover the hole. So now we have ordered the new 1 coming sometime this week that will cover it up completely. It would cost us too much now to fill in the hole.


So for us I woke up yesterday morning to thunder and lightening. Rained most of the morning and started up again yesterday evening. Now I woke up this morning to snowing very lightly. Just a dusting and really nothing to worry about. Just a lot of salt truck going around.


Wow, Bill lives a long way away from you. But now that you know how to get there, once he comes in again you can go there to see him once again. That is something that all of these years that you never knew that your Dr's husband used to ride motor cycles together. Also good that you checked out OK, and that you can continue to get your RX's as well.



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Got really dumped on with the snow last night. Real heavy wet stuff. Must have been about 4 inches or so. Did get the driveway plowed so when it warms up the rest will melt off.


After zumba tomorrow a bunch of us are going over to the pool for the afternoon. Hope the roads are good by then. I like to sit in the steam room for a little while too.


Also got hold of Epilepsy, and scheduled a pickup for next month. All I have to do is put the bags and boxes outside the garage door and they will pick it up, don't even have to be home.


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Sharon, wow you got the snow and we got nothing. That is the way it is sometimes. North gets it and south gets rain. Sometimes it is the opposite, where south gets dumped on and you get nothing. Temps are going down now that the sun is down. Should go into the teems tonight. Tomorrow temps into the 40's.


Well that will be good to get back into the pool and the steam room. We have until the end of the month to get our 2 for 1 membership at our health center. So far Bill is the only 1 who uses it. Perhaps I will make a resolution to go this year. At least we are not paying more for it. It is always nice to go with more than just going all alone.


I went to the skin Dr yesterday and she found a pre-cancerious spot on my leg. So she used that frozen spray and zapped it away. I just have to keep an eye on it and make sure it heals correctly. If not I have to go back. Foot Dr tomorrow, for just a regular check-up.


Our new medicine cabinet will be delivered on Thursday and it will get installed on Friday. Perhaps we can get the new sink installed on Friday or Saturday. Bill should be able to do that himself. Someone is coming to install the cabinet.



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