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*OFFICIAL CC GROUP CRUISE*"Spirit of the 'Magic'al Dream" CARNIVAL MAGIC, FEB 26,2012


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Good morning SMDers.

Andrea - I talked to Peggy and she still hasn't heard back from Johna either, so I emailed Johna last night just to check and make sure that she did get those emails (and to check the price of the Alaska cruise next year).

Still no word from Laura.

OK, got things to do today, so I'll check back later

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Good morning, SMDer's!

Happy Friday to all.

Marie, no I have not sold the condo, however, the guy in the next building wants to rent it. May go that route. We are planning to go either way to Florida the end of Nov. The stress will kill me if I keep going the way I am going. So Florida or bust here we go.:eek::D

Off to grocery shopping and will chat later.

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Morning SMD'ers

OK I thought you all would get a laugh at of this

Cause allot of you have already met me, and know me more than you wanted to :D

On this last Cruise to Alaska I became a "Cougar"

can you believe that? I mean really a Cougar :eek:

Ok let me explain...

This was my DH Nick's first Carnival Cruise,

our son with the same name only Jr, went on an Alaska Cruise a couple years ago, but on Holland

Anyway, Nicks Fun Pass kept saying welcome back Nick, and that he was a past Guest.

Sure enough when we got our Sail and Sign cards his was Gold.

OK so we figure, maybe it had something to do with Jr.

Well, I go to get a FCC and I am talking to the Guy (Joel) and I ask him about it, and he looks up Nicks info.

He is looking at the computer screen and says, well it looks like you are married to a 27 year old.

And he has been on 4 cruises,

Joel then looks up at Nick who was sitting off a bit waiting for me, and gives him the Thumbs up,

Not sure if it was because he had four cruises under his belt, or that his wife was married to a 27 year old :D

So do I straighten that up, or let the other Nick be one cruise closer to Platinum.

As I don't think Nick will be cruising again (soon any way), he wants me to cancel his booking on the Liberty.

I say I let it go for now...to busy to worry about a Carnival mess up for now.

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Morning SMD'ers

OK I thought you all would get a laugh at of this

Cause allot of you have already met me, and know me more than you wanted to :D

On this last Cruise to Alaska I became a "Cougar"

can you believe that? I mean really a Cougar :eek:

Ok let me explain...

This was my DH Nick's first Carnival Cruise,

our son with the same name only Jr, went on an Alaska Cruise a couple years ago, but on Holland

Anyway, Nicks Fun Pass kept saying welcome back Nick, and that he was a past Guest.

Sure enough when we got our Sail and Sign cards his was Gold.

OK so we figure, maybe it had something to do with Jr.

Well, I go to get a FCC and I am talking to the Guy (Joel) and I ask him about it, and he looks up Nicks info.

He is looking at the computer screen and says, well it looks like you are married to a 27 year old.

And he has been on 4 cruises,

Joel then looks up at Nick who was sitting off a bit waiting for me, and gives him the Thumbs up,

Not sure if it was because he had four cruises under his belt, or that his wife was married to a 27 year old :D

So do I straighten that up, or let the other Nick be one cruise closer to Platinum.

As I don't think Nick will be cruising again (soon any way), he wants me to cancel his booking on the Liberty.

I say I let it go for now...to busy to worry about a Carnival mess up for now.



Oh how exciting... Marie a cougar!!!!!!!!!! Well you go girl.:p


Now what is this about Nick wanting you to cancel his Liberty booking?


Sounds as tho he has been chatting with my DH.:eek:


I love cruising,Ed not so much so.:( He had much rather be home taking care of the fur kids..


Good thing is that he does not mind that I go.


When he is ready to go with his buddies panning for gold I am just as content to be home fur kid sitting myself..lol


Well gang I did talk to Betty yesterday for a short chat and happy to report that her knee is improving....SLOWLY..

She is able to enjoy the Islands tho she says she is having to take it very slow.


Good morning to everyone!!!!


I do remember seeing Rich and Cathyp here...so waving to you two.

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Good afternoon ya'll. Nice day here today, not too hot.

For anyone else that may have emailed Johna and not heard back from her in a day or two, please email her again or call her. She didn't get the emails from Andrea or Peggy

Marie - you know that if we hadn't already had the Splendor cruise booked for next month, that we would have gone with ya'll on the Alaska cruise. But, I am really looking into one to Alaska next year.

Cathy p - somewhat good news on the condo. Maybe he will move in and want to buy it:D.

Hi Mimi and Bobbie.

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Good Morning Rich, Marie, Cathy, Poofy, Bobbie and all you other SMDers!! I've been a bit awol this week, lurking but not real sociable. I think I'm fighting off a sinus infection as well as these annoying shingles. Today we're having a bday party for our 2yr old DGD in Don's barn. Its a cowgirl theme complete with a real pony for rides later. Then a bonfire tonite if the rain goes away.

Marie--what can I say--you go cougar!!! LOL!! that was hilarious! loved the pix!

Cathy--how exciting to move to Florida, just think, no more snow! Are you taking your giraffe with you??? LOL!!

Bobbie--thanx for the updates on Betty. At least she's trying to make the best of her vacation, hopefully that knee will get better quick!!

Poofy--you didn't get lost again did you??? :D

Hi Rich!!!!

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Good morning SMDers. Great day here today. Walked out of the house this morning to a cool 72 (much better then 88 at 7 in the morning).

Marie - at the rate your going with the cruise review, we could have taken the cruise:eek:. lol But, thats alright as we are all looking forward to your posts. Don't work too hard.

OK, for anyone that has tried to email Johna and haven't gotten a reply in a day or two, email or call her again. It seems that a couple of our SMDers have emailed her and she did not get the email. So, please don't wait if you have not heard back from her.

And still no word from Laura on our business page.

At work all day today, so I'll be checking be in later. Have a great day ya'll.

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Hi all,

Just a quick stop by........missing you all!

Busy, loving my new job and getting ready for a quick getaway to a local resort next weekend. Something to hold me until the Mateys cruise. (Maybe it will or maybe it won't hold me until then:rolleyes:)

Hope all is well. You know, you are all welcome to stop by my Bermuda Bound Pirates of the Pride group anytime you want. Would love to hear from ya!

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Good morning, SMDer's!

Lori, I laughed so so hard with you talking about my knee deep animal.:D No I think I will leave him with the kid next door.

Welcomed home my girlfriends son yesterday from Irac with a big party and lots of Coor's Lights.:eek: Needless to say I had a few (thousand) I think. Pooped today.

Oh I have to tell you a story. I was at the grocery store on Friday with my Dream Catcher shirt on, well this woman comes up to me and says she was on that cruise and we were everywhere. She asked how we did that so I told her about CC and about our next 2 cruises we are going on. She said she will check it out. Then I went to the pharmacy and this guy says I sat next to you at the bar in the lobby one day on that cruise. Sure enough I remembered him. Now I have worn those shirts over and over and this is the first I think someone has said anything.:D

Chat later and Hi and waves to all.

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Good Morning my MAGIC friends!!!

Well we are officially into the rainy season here. Started last night and as of this moment, still throwing it down. Still foggy too. Haven't been able to see the ocean all week, but I sure can smell it..heavenly!!!!

I am slowly adjusting to life with fibromyalgia. I have found a pain killer that doesn't make me a zombie, and I am going to try acupuncture as well.

LORI saw the pics and vid of Julienna on FB. OMG what a sweetie. It is so hard to believe she is 2 already though. My Oh My how the time gets away from us. Hope you feel better soon. Shingles and sinuses ..ugh

CATHY My little ray of sunshine. So glad to hear that you are finally getting to move to Florida. Sometimes renting works out. We rented our old house out for nearly 6 months(all the time it was on the market) It FINALLY sold. We gave our renter 90 days notice, and it all worked out very nicely. How is the puppy feeling?

SHERYL How's it going Teach!! Did you enjoy your weekend away? How is the Bermuda board going? I should go over there and say hi. Loving your dinner threads over on FB too ! Hilarious though, because of the time difference, I haven't even started lunch yet.

MARIE Glad you had a good time on your cruise. I have been on many cruises and still maintain that the ALASKA cruise was the best one. The glaciers are spell binding. I was looking at your pics, and it made me want to do it all over again. It is a very $$ friendly cruise for us, as no air fare is involved.

JANET LOVING the pics of the pub crawl on the Dream..lol What a fantastic wonderful silly time we had. BUT Rich, the questions were too hard, especially after all the wobbly pops..

POOFY!!! Where are you? Did somebody seal you in a box and mail you away? I hear Cathy needs help in the packing dept... It's been fun watching you bond with Little Chef aka Nico over on FB.

BOBBIE How is the hand doing? did your silly sinuses ever clear up?Thanks for the Betty updates. looking forward to hooking up with you again girl!! So are you and Betty going to be roomies on this cruise?

RICH! So excited that we will get to meet up before this cruise. I read on my email about West's aversion to pubs and wings. Hmmmmm. Let's put our heads together and come up with something to do while you are in port. High tea is out of the question, as it will be well past dinner time. We will figure something out, and make your time (albeit short) a good one here in Victoria :) I will call Johnna tomorrow, she is not the first to remark about not receiving my emails. maybe it's time to look for another email addy.

Well folks that's it for me for now. Part of the regimen I have started is walking, as it seems mild to moderate exercise helps take the pain away.

The sun has actually come out while I was writing this, so I think I will harness up my poochy and get a quick walk in before the clouds gather again. Take good care and remember folks..
















and if you are interested that works out to 525 get ups :eek:


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Afternoon ya'll.

Andrea - West doesn't like tha bars because of the smoke (can't blame him there) and the wings he says that there isn't enough meat on them for the fight.

Trying to watch the cowboy game and work (it's not working out very well:mad:).

OK, later

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Afternoon ya'll.


Andrea - West doesn't like tha bars because of the smoke (can't blame him there) and the wings he says that there isn't enough meat on them for the fight.


Trying to watch the cowboy game and work (it's not working out very well:mad:).


OK, later



Rich, British Columbia is a non smoking province :)

No smoking allowed indoors ANYWHERE including the ONE gov't run casino.

Smokers have to be at least 15 metres from an entrance to a public building. If you get busted smoking in your car with a minor onboard, you can be subjected to a very hefty fine. And the pub we go to has all sorts of things on the menu! Being that it will be on the late side, maybe we could just go for a drink together, perhaps an appy or two. It will be dark by 9'sh or so, then we could make our way back to your ship via downtown. The parliament buildings are really quite beautiful all lit up at night. My 5 y/o grand daughter calls it her castle. Anyways we got loads of time to plan something, just thought you could share the FYI to West about the smoking, or should I say NON smoking policy here.

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Marie - at the rate your going with the cruise review, we could have taken the cruise:eek:. lol But, thats alright as we are all looking forward to your posts. Don't work too hard.



I know huh...

Well, I have only been home 4 1/2 days, I worked 3 of them, took my mom to Washington State to visit a baby, did the Bulletins for church, and then did church...

I am so looking forward to tomorrow.

A day to myself. :D

(mom and dad left yesterday for the coast, Nick goes to work and I don't!)



On another note,

Rich you are going on a cruise in Jan, and not with me.

What's up with that!!!

for the price of that 4 day, you could have seven with our group!

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Hey Cathyp, Rich, Marie, Lori & Andrea.


I think that is all that I saw on this page, and since I`m only here for a sec. this is the only page that I have time to read....:eek: Will catch up later.


Andrea my hand is good, have the stitches out tomorrow...Surgeon and I will then talk about when the second one will be done.. Right now I will have therapy to regain strenght in the left hand.


My snooty nose and runny itchey eyes are still with me, but I am better..Thanks for asking..


Betty and I are going to be roomies on this Cruise, on the Mateys cruise and we will be doing the Panama Canal together.

Her friend Peggy will be her roomie then as my DH is going to do that one with me.;)

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Good Morning, Bobbie, Rich and Marie (and any other lurkers!). Just a quick pop in before I leave for work. Sure wish I could have slept in, still tired from the weekend. I still have that snotty nose and itchy eyes too Bobbie. Not to mention the itchys from the shingles. Julienna's bday party went well, we had a misty rain for awhile, glad the party was in the barn. The rain came btw the pony and the bonfire so all was good. Pics are are my FB if you haven't seen them. Gotta go, have a great day!

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Good morning, SMDer's!

Happy Monday to you. NOT! I hate Mondays. The only thing good about this one is I am only working 4 1/2 days and then we are off to the State Fair in Richmond for the weekend. Of course we will stop in our Embassy Suites in Hampton first night for the 2 hour happy hour then on to the Fair, Embassy Suites in Richmond for another 2 hour happy hour and then on Sunday we head home and not before a stop at the Outlets. I am so excited as I am tired of packing.

Kenny got into the attic last night and all I heard was *(&^(&%Y*&*)^% so I finally went up the latter to look at my 6ft 1" guy just looking around not know where to start. I said just pick up a box and move it ding bat. I got the blue eyed stare back so I just walked back down the starrs. At that point he brought down box after box of our life as the Peeles.:eek: Then I found some stuff that I had bought from LV at one of our sales and was giving to the Angel Tree and forgot about. I went to one of my neighbors in the next building that had 2 little boys and told her I was moving and would she like my armful of stuff. OMG she almost cried and then I almost cried. She then said I will take anything you don't want. I said how about a 7 ft pre lit Christmas Tree. Well she go so excited so we went back over with the tree and a big box of Christmas stuff. I know I could have had a yard sale and sold it but I much rather give it to someone that needs it. We were so excited for her. Plus to see the look on her 2 boy's face was priceless.

:)Now we are officially leaving the house on the 21st of November and will be in our new place on the 22nd. I will give my 2 weeks notice to LV and I will be so very sad and probably cry as I have been there 10 years. :(

Bobbie, glad the hand is feeling better.

Lori, I have never had the shingles and don't want them. How long do they last? I hope you are feeling better.

Marie, enjoy your day of peace and quiet.

Rich, we had hot wings last night watch the crummy Redskin game in overtime. Of course we had Coor's Light to go with it or at least I did.lol

Mimi is around and about. She has been busy unpacking and putting stuff on Craigs List for me. Bless her heart she is such a doll and I can't wait to meet her on the Liberty.

Well off to Looney land, chat later.

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Hi folks, I'm here! Busy weekend for us and now I'm here drowning in a sea of laundry waiting to start the machines up.


Cathy, that's so great that you're finding things to give to your neighbors. You're a very sweet person! Yes you could have a yard sale, but you'll make next to nothing and you won't have those heart felt moments like you did yesterday.


Well back to posting for Cathy. No sales yet, but that is going to change today. I can feel it.


Have a great day all!

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I know huh...

Well, I have only been home 4 1/2 days, I worked 3 of them, took my mom to Washington State to visit a baby, did the Bulletins for church, and then did church...

I am so looking forward to tomorrow.

A day to myself. :D

(mom and dad left yesterday for the coast, Nick goes to work and I don't!)




On another note,

Rich you are going on a cruise in Jan, and not with me.

What's up with that!!!

for the price of that 4 day, you could have seven with our group!


The cruise in Jan is a "free cruise" for attending a time share. Still cost $115pp, but I will pay that for a 4 day cruise anytime:D.

Wow what a busy board this morning. I also got an email from Johna this morning with some not so good news for those of us that made the reservation with the reduced deposit:o. Here is the email:

Carnival's New Group Deposit Policy and Its Impact on You

Effective November 1, 2010 for all existing and new group bookings sailing January 2011 and onward, Carnival will require the FULL per person deposit in order to secure a reservation number. For those reservations that are currently booked with only the $ 25 per person reduced deposit, the FULL per person deposit is required to be paid prior to November 1, 2010 so you can maintain your reservation number. If you choose not to satisfy the FULL per person deposit by November 1, 2010, then your reservation will CANCEL and the $ 25 per person deposit will remain on group level without a booking number associated with it until the full per person deposit is paid, at which time you will be rebooked into the group and a new reservation number will be established.

Without a booking number you will have NO visibility into your reservation on Carnival's website and ANY previously secured modifications to your booking will also CANCEL, including but not limited to the following:

- secured dining times (i.e. early, late or anytime dining)

- booked shore excursions

- completed Funpass

- submitted coupons, Funship Dollars or Future Cruise Certificates

- applied stockholder onboard credit

- purchased Bon Voyage items

We have attached a letter from Carnival Cruise Lines informing you of these new policy changes being imposed and enforced by Carnival. In addition, you may view the Group Deposit policy and FAQs on Carnival's website goccl.com and select the link in the bottom left hand corner titled Group Deposit Policy under the Latest News & Updates section.

We at CruCon fully understand the confusion and concern that will be associated with Carnival's new Group Deposit Policy. We want you to know that we are dedicated to answering all questions and will handle your reservation in a manner that best suits your needs. Please feel free to contact me directly either by phone or email to address any questions and to advise me how you would like to maintain your reservation. It is your choice as to whether or not you prefer to keep your reduced deposit with Carnival (and forfeit your current reservation number) until the second deposit is due, or if you prefer to maintain your current reservation number by paying the additional deposit prior to November 1, 2010.

I look forward to hearing from you before the November 1, 2010 deadline in order to answer any questions and assist you with securing your reservation.


So, as I understand this, those of us that made reservations with the $25 reduced deposit will have to make a full deposit payment before Nov 1 in order to keep our booking number. I will also check to see if the reduced deposit still applies for this cruise. I emailed Johna just to make sure. This new policy real sucks, but nothing we can do about that.

OK, now back to us:

Lori - good to hear the party went well. Hope ya feel better.

Bobbie - Its good to hear that your hand is better. Glad to hear that you and Betty will be bunking together on this one:D.

Cathy p - I'm really happy that your finally getting to move to Florida. I know that you've been wanting to for the longest time now.

Mimi - seems like your always doing laundry:eek:. Are you running a service?

I will let everyone know when I hear back from Johna. And, still no word from Laura.

Back later

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