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Home Lines employees/memories?

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Yes. early 80's thru 1987 when Home Lines sold its fleet.

Thanks I want to update my signature but couldn't quite remember when I was on Home Lines and Sitmar. I think my least favorite cruise was on the SS Norway. I did enjoy the more formal atmosphere of the cruises back then rather than now. But I still love cruising so I'm getting accustommed to the casual dress of some of the passengers. Sheryl

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  • 2 weeks later...
CrusinSue....yep! Giuseppe G was from Sicily and Giuseppe B(Nino) from Calabria. Know them quite well...my girlfriend married Nino, and, well, the other one, is a very very long story.



Oh my, please, please, please TELL the story... Giuseppe G. and I were very close for a coupla years, but many years before, it seems, that y'all knew him. He hung out w/yet another Giuseppe who last name escapes me...and I don't know how I could forget him. This other Giuseppe was adorable, hung out w/his cousin (?) Gaspari, all the time, and in fact the two visited several times to my home in Ct.


Giuseppe "Garage", as friends and I called him which he thought was hysterical, definitely made an impression, as they all did, when ya get right down to it. The other Giuseppe, Gaspari's cousin, even brought his very little brother onto the ship for one "contract" and then made him go home to never set foot on a ship again. oh, quite a little group.


How fun this was...I'm at work right now killing some time before I get the heck outta here. Can't imagine it was just a whim tonight to get on-line and look around. I found Cruise Critic a coupla years ago and frankly am never disappointed when I log on.


Thanks for tonight, gals. I know, I know, you can always count on those Home Lines girls. What other broads would wait around for hours on Saturday mornings, pacing, smoking cigarettes, smiling and talking to all the other girls, (trying to figure out if you were there to meet the same guys), just to spend from maybe 11 to 1 riding around in cabs while the guys "shopped", heh? No others. We were slammin' ladies, and still are!

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OK, out on a limb here and nervous. When were you involved with him? Could answer a lot of nagging questions. Was the other Giuseppe more dark skinned?


Yes. I began seeing the other Giuseppe, the darker one, lets call him G#1, around 1975/76 and continued my time w/him until he left the ship around 1981/82. After many angst-filled discussions with Guraggi, with me pledging my heart forever to G#1, and that I "wasn't that kind of girl" (how charming after all this time!), we began to see each other on a long cruise out of Port Everglades (Ft. Lauderdale) the winter of 1982 and continued to see each other thru the New York-Bermuda season. Giuseppe#1 returned to the ship for the next winter, I began seeing him again (more heart-felt discussions, of course), my friend Laura began seeing Guraggi which lasted only a short period of time and they each went on to others. Giuseppe#1 and I saw each other again for quite awhile, in ship time, that is.


Do we know each other? Were we rivals? :o

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Aruba Gal, I just remembered Giuseppe#1's last name. Lauria, Giuseppe Lauria. How could I ever have forgotten that beautiful man's name?


I don't know if it helps any, but it just occured to me as I was gazing out at the ocean from my 9th floor office window. Yea, I know, what a view!


My name is Janet, by the way. How does that work for you?

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Dated Giuseppe G from Sept 1978 thru 1981 hot n heavy. then a seperation. On and off, very sporadic until 1987, final sailing of Homeric.


Do you also remember his friend/cousin Lilo, balding blondish hair? Several of his cousins and friends told he had gotten married , perhaps mid 80's.


Funny, but when I cruised on New Homeric, Giuseppe L was on it, and GG on Atlantic. They shared use of a moped they had in Bermuda, and they had a tiff over Giuseppe L wanting to take me on the moped, as well as a few other incorrect assumptions.


Giuseppe always wore an anchor pendant and gold signet pinky ring I had given him.


We very well might have crossed paths.


CrusinSue also seems to know him!!!

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Giuseppe always wore an anchor pendant and gold signet pinky ring I had given him. We very well might have crossed paths. CrusinSue also seems to know him!!!


Ah, Home Lines. You really needed to have the experiences we had to understand what this was all about - and still is to some degree. I 've said before, in other posts, I grew up on Home Lines. I became the woman I am today because of each and every one of my experiences and each and every one of the people I met.

I'm betting our paths crossed somewhere in the world of Home Lines. We went from young & impressionable girls to fabulous, amazing woman. I wouldn't have had it any other way. Would you?

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Oh my, oh my. How fun is this. I'm telling you, I bet each of us has shared many a Home Lines crew member. Funny thing is, some of those who have shared, have unknowingly become very good friends. I, myself, have personally run into someone on this board who shared my special someone. I can't help but wondering how many more things have some of my friends shared with me other than friendship. How young we were, and as my dear friend Janet says, how those times molded us into the strong, confident women we all are today. I look back on those times with only the fondest of memories and how I wish I could relive just 1 more day of those times. Janet, how I wish you would put your writing skills into a book of stories, what a hoot n holler that would be!

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It was a crazy world unto itself, that outsiders could not understand. I'd love to relive one day too! Had a lot of great times and new and wonderful experiences I might not have had otherwise.....with no regrets.

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It was a crazy world unto itself, that outsiders could not understand. I'd love to relive one day too! Had a lot of great times and new and wonderful experiences I might not have had otherwise.....with no regrets.


Hi Arubagal, I haven't been here in a while and it's always very interesting when I catch up :rolleyes:.

What you say here is so true, "outsiders" really don't get it. When ever I speak of my Home Lines cruises, though it was only 3 of them, I have to smile from ear to ear, just remembering those special days and only those of us who have shared those experiences can appreciate why.


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I was wondering when your name was gonna show up given these particular postings the past couple of weeks. Thanks, Marge, I love you and miss you and you really don't have a clue how many times in any given period I think about you, things that you said, moments that turned into shared experiences, our separate lives turning into a relationship that has lasted what I'd consider a lifetime, at this point. Joined together by and because of Home Lines, but lasting forever because of the woman we were always meant to be.


Did we ever really think there would be a "last time" on Home Lines? We knew it was the end, at the end, but how much thought did you give to what that last moment would be like, who you would be with, what you would be doing, what the last word spoken on your beloved shop would be, and to whom? It makes me cry now because I can't remember the specifics, just the more easily recalled general conversation, the groups of people, the area we were hanging out - usually outside on deck - but not exactly where, at the rail, on the deck chair, at a table...WHERE? WITH WHO? TALKING ABOUT WHAT?


I get emotional and carried away, forgive me. Would it make me feel better to remember each and every specific item? Perhaps. I don't know 'cause I can't remember. Its been a long, very long time. So much has happened since then and now. I believed I'd never forget a single thing about my days, and nights, on Home Lines.


These postings and being in touch with those special folks like Aruba Gal and CruisinSue, and you Ms. Marge106, make it real, helps me remember more, and remember it better.


I'd give my left tit, as a friend used to say, to have one more time, that last time, with my Home Lines family. Maybe we feel this way precisely because of what we're writing about. All that sharing.

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:) Hi Everyone finally here again work has been keeping me really busy but I have really enjoyed reading all of this This is so much fun I feel like I just returned from a Home Line cruise. I feel very close to all of you even though we have never met or maybe we did. We all have so much in common especially GG he was such an adorable charmer. On one of my returns from Bermuda I went back to work very depressed and when I showed my Supervisor a picture of GG she was like oh my;my cousin and her daughter justed returned from a cruise last week and GG spent quality time with her cousins daughter she also took pictures in to work for me to see.He called me every Wed night from Bermuda and when I had mentioned it to him he told me that he did that as a favor to her Mother which of course I did not believe it for one second Hope everyone is doing well Talk to you all soon.

Nicely said. ( Sigh!)
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:)On one of my returns from Bermuda I went back to work very depressed and when I showed my Supervisor a picture of GG she was like oh my;my cousin and her daughter justed returned from a cruise last week and GG spent quality time with her cousins daughter she also took pictures in to work for me to see.He called me every Wed night from Bermuda and when I had mentioned it to him he told me that he did that as a favor to her Mother which of course I did not believe it for one second Hope everyone is doing well Talk to you all soon.


"as a favor to her mother"! Oh Mr. Guaraggi give it up...how funny he thought you'd actually fall for that answer. Yea, he was a charmer, alright.


I wonder how it would be if we "girls" got together some Spring Sunday for a visit @the Landmark Tavern, Y'all know the Landmark, right? We could have a few cocktails, or maybe tea, share a meal (we're all so good at sharing!), a few good stories and some laughs! We're having such a swell time on this board, it could only be better in person. Well, maybe better. We'd have to see about that!


The Landmark Tavern is on 11th Ave, @46th Street, a block up from the piers where Home Lines docked. Used to be a pretty casual place, reasonable prices, and you could "hang out" for a coupla hours with the "boys of Italy". I think it may have changed a little since I was there last - maybe 15/16 years ago, but its still there and it would provide a great scenario for a visit. Seriously ladies, give it some thought, 5 or 6 of us in the same place at the same time with nothing but time to share about some of our best times.

And Marge106, we would finally get together after talking about it way too many times and doing nothing concrete. This could be the launch of that book you keep asking me to write. How's that for luring you in,heh?;)

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Ok CrusinSue, so when was your go around with our "one and only"? That little ****.!!! :rolleyes: Well, at least I got 2 weeks of quality one on one time in Italy with him...no sharing! That is also another interesting story...quit my job to go. Duh....what I did for love...can't forget, won't forget...and however the song goes. Well girls, we made Home Lines rich and successful. I'm sure romances still go on nowadays aboard ships, but in this day and age I can't see it as full blown like these guys were! A friend of mine dated David from the Engine room, and later on switched over to the QE2 and married an Englishman.


This has been a fun and very enlightening board to say the least:eek:

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Hi everyone ArubaGal my run around with our "one and only" :mad: was on Saturdays not every Saturday but I did get a phone call every Wednesday night from Bermuda between 9pm and 10pm girl you were really in love. When I was on board he was like my guardian angel hitting all of the clubs. Talking to all of you I feel like I justed returned from a Bermuda cruise on Home lines and you are all of my girlfriends telling our stories even though we were all there together. I can still see him in that picture with my supervisors cousin they were at horseshoebay.This has been like a magic carpet ride back in time Im enjoying every min of it. I still cruise Im divorced so Im back in that circle again this time a little bit smarter. Yes they still act the same but not like home lines they are a little more strict with the crew now. I do wish I can have one more cruise with Home Lines. Take care all chat with you soon.:)

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CrusinSue, can't tell you how many times I flew to Bermuda for a few days. Sure wish I had that $ now. I am very curious where he is now, and if anyone has any info on him. In spite of now knowing he was quite the Romeo, there are some old feelings that never die. We had quite the ride. Hey, did he still have that white jacket that he would roll the sleeves up on? LOL

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Hi ArubaGal I understanding exactly what you are saying especiall the $ in this day and time. But you know at that time of your life you were doing what made you happy and was spending time with someone you really had feelings for.Just remenber the experience as something that you will always cherish with good times.I always say God always plans our life happenings for a reason and I hope as you moved forward with your life you found someone who filled your life with love and happiness Yes I do remenber the white jacket with the rolled up sleeves. In fact in Bermuda we all went out to the Club and he had a black jacket that I called a Don Johnson Miami Vice look and of course the sleeves were rolled up I guess that was his trade mark. Thank you so much for sharing all of this with me I will chat with you soon. :)

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Hi CrusinSue! You hit the nail on the head! We were doing what we wanted back then, having fun. Now, as responsible older adults, we can look back, and say..what the heck was I thinking? It was a fun exciting period in our lives, and gives us some happy memories to reminisce about...esp with people who have been through the same experiences. Most people didn't understand what we were doing. On my last sailing of the Homeric, I was with my now husband. I remember all the knocks on our cabin door, from cabin crew members stopping by to say hi and scope out the "American" boyfriend. My husband and I still laugh about it. He always asks if there was anyone onboard that I didn't know! hey, they were like my family. Anyways, we were on starboard side, and you know who just happened to be the cabin steward portside. Our cabin was close to the elevator and stairs, and guess who was always hanging out there. I tease that my past and present met up! It was a fitting ending. But, he hit on one of my girlfriends who was a passenger in his area!(We had a small group of friends travelling together). And he knew she was a friend, cuz he saw me in her cabin a few times!. Games. So, married, and still sowing those oats.


My husband and I have cruised quite abit, and we have a timeshare in Aruba, and travel to other US destinations and some other islands also. I am lucky he likes to travel. Things worked out just the way God planned them to. I have someone who is there for me at all times, thru thick and thin, good and bad. It's all good!

I recently told my BFF about our chats on this thread. She was with me thru all those years, and she got a real chuckle out of all this info we have shared. She agrees, you had to have lived it to understand it.


I had a friend who I met on the Oceanic who lived outside of Philly... she worked at a hospital near there...she was from Lansdowne, and now lives in Upper Darby. She became a fan of Costa Line!

Edited by ArubaGal
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Hi ArubaGal Im so happy for you it sounds like you have a great guy there and he was your purpose in God's plan for you. I now cruise Princess I started cruising with Princess back in 2000 from New York that had 2 years of special cruising on the original Love Boat to Bermuda the previous summer I had ran into my first love after not seeing him for 33 years we started dating after four months of dating him I just knew he was my soul mate you never forget your first love we were 16 years old and two days before Christmas on Dec 23rd he passed away I was turning 50 that year and my Mom and Dad give me the cruise for a birthday girft I went with another girl that I worked with. I do like princess alot leaving out of Brooklyn is wonderful. I hope some day ther will be A Home Line reunion that would be such a good time. Chat with you soon. :o

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CrusinSue, I am so sorry. What a tragic ending to such a sweet love story. Many people go through life not finding their soulmate. Hopefully you had a good amount of time to spend together.

Yes, cruising out on NY is so much easier. We are looking at Celebrity for next March(possible, not definite). I have been trying to get a group together for the Oasis next year, but with the economy, people are hesitant to deposit that far out and spend the extra $ also. Very understandable.

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In fact in Bermuda we all went out to the Club and he had a black jacket that I called a Don Johnson Miami Vice look and of course the sleeves were rolled up I guess that was his trade mark. :)


Trademark? Oh that's being so kind...his sleeves were rolled up because he was so short! The sleeves on the jacket were way too long for his arms, proportionate to his body, certainly, but that's what made them so short. He and his good friend, the other Giuseppe, whose last name I remembered while driving by the beach the other day (honestly!), was Lauria, (Gisueppe Lauria, also short, compact, and absolutely adorable, very dark, great smile, perfect teeth, lots of wavy black hair), were WAY lucky the Miami Vice look was definitely "stylin" in those days! Otherwise they woulda looked like little kids wering their father's clothing. And I hemmed those suit pants for Giuseppe L. on one of my cruises. Believe me, I had to cut inches and inches off before I could make the hem.

Those two adored being on the ship. I spent over 6 (1975 to'81) years seeing Lauria, then until the end of Home Lines all those years he and I were "friends". Lauria worked in a factory in Germany for a few years before he came to the ship, and he used to cry when he talked about how awful it was in Germany and how horrid working in this car factory was, but he needed to work since there was no work in Sicily and he had a wife and daughter,mother and brother to support. He always said that "the life" on the ship was hard work (oh, please) but nothing like the life of a German factory worker.

Yea, I knew he had a wife from the very first minute...he used to say that when he was in Italy he loved his wife because he was there; and that when he was on the ship he loved me very much 'cause he was with me, here (in the U.S.). Hell, when he came home from one of his two or three month vacations his wife sent me a wooden wall hanging of a Sicilian cart encased in glass (oh my God!) and a note THANKING me for taking care of her husband while he was in New York City and making sure he was always "robusto" (healthy). Did you ever? I don't quite know where the note went to, but I still have the cart in a box in the cellar. Can't throw the damned thing out.

That's it for now. My memory break for today is over and I must get back to the job. I'm looking forward to reading more adventure stories from all the former Home Lines girls. What a treasure trove of fabulous moments.

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Ok gals...this is getting fun...I admit I was a little "miffed" at first, but now these comparisons are kinda fun. Did any of you meet the Bahamian girlfriends? That was my 1st clue that everything wasn't what it seemed to be. (Oh to be young and semi-naive again!) Did any of you cruise during the Tugboat strike? ANyone remember cousin Lilo, a little taller, a tad older, with balding blondish hair. Cabin boy also. Hung with Giuseppe G a lot. Giuseppe L was the 1st one to knock on my cabin door when I cruised with my now husband. I'm sure he was put up to it by the other snake.


I remember one cruise, writing cards out to numerous girls for some of these guys. I still have my stash of postcards and letters. Why, I don't know. Maybe I was saving them for a meeting like this! It would be such a hoot to compare photos. What a trip that would be.


Heck, I had to go shopping to buy gifts for him to bring home to his family. I was like a walking bag lady,laden down with all kinds of items for his perusal...a walking shopping catalog! Picky...what a brat. Schlepping thru the pier with 2 tons of crap with almost the identical 2 tons to bring back home and exchange. Ugh. I should have spent the $ on a shrink instead!:p

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