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It was amazing Deb!!! We were on Celebrity Eclipse!! 14 days through the south eastern islands, stopped at 8 of them!! Aruba, Barbados, Grenada, Curicao, Antugua, St Kitts, St Marteen, St Lucia....

It was awesome, celebrated both Christmas and New Years on the ship!!

You really have soooooo little to lose Deb, get ON IT girl!!!

You CAN do this!! You still have plenty of time!

Just pull out the 'kini you WANT to look great in, and keep it somewhere you see it and try it on EVERY DAY. Trust me on this. It will help to keep you on track and away from the JUNK, and little by little you WILL see tiny improvements each day, bigger ones weekly, until you ROCK THAT suit by the day you leave!!!!! Try it!!! You CAN DO THIS!!!! Your trip will be SOOO much fun, believe me lol!!!!!


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That itinerary sounds awesome. We are going to plan a Western one next winter(2016) and the exotic one in 2017. Going to book this week with the $25 celebration rates.


We have St Kitts and Barbados coming up. Did you do excursions at either or both ports? I can not wait to get out of the cold. December was fairly tame and I loved it but these negative wind chills I could do without


As far as a "kini" that will never happen in this lifetime but I have to get a move on. Not sure why I feel so uninspired and almost defeated. Guess it's so much work and leading up to the holidays I was so busy and ate way wrong with added guests here and after I have been exhausted and not moving well other then to refrig or so it seems. Just got the tv connected in exercise room. If I am going to get on something I need a TV to distract me. Starting that tonight along with our nightly mall walk.


Stay in touch! I need the badgering





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Deb!!!! You must be getting excited by now, it's almost here!!!! :) I hope you were able to get some traction and have some success with your weight loss, I KNOW it's really hard to get a grip with the holidays and all. A few of my friends fell off the wagon and are struggling to get back on.

Let me know how yer doin!

How much longer til you go?



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Hi Lizz!


We are sailing THREE weeks from today and I can not wait!!!


Wish I could say I did better. Holding my own but nothing major. It's all my fault but had a hard time pushing myself. Thankfully everything fits but I really was striving for more of a weight loss. Be nice if I could get 5# off the next 3 weeks. Wonder if I gave up carbs completely if that would help. Pretty sure my muffin at lunch is a downer for me even if multi grain with peanut butter on it. Any suggestions for a quick loss even if not huge ?


Thanks for thinking about me. Hope all is well



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Hi Deb!!!

WOW!! 3 weeks!!! I know how exciting that is, happy for you!!!!

Glad to hear to were able to maintain your weight enuf that everything fits, with the holidays and all that's quite a feat... you COULD have fallen off the wagon and had to buy all new clothes!!

My truly best advice for a quick trim, is to cut your carbs at LEAST in 1/2, cut out all salt and salty foods (makes you hold water weight), and drink 10 eight Oz glasses (minimum) of water faithfully every day....

This will kick your metabolism in the butt, and you'll drop water weight like crazy.... easily 5-10 in three weeks if you DONT cheat at all...

On ANY diet, it always seems like you lose soo much in the beginning? That's because it's all the WATER weight being released.....

You can DO IT!!!


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Oh I hope 5# comes off. Great advice Lizz. I am home during the day with my grandkids and I think that is the hardest time to be good. A snitch, a snatch of their food at lunch gets me on the wrong foot and even to put together a decent lunch for me day after day I find challenging. 20 days to go <sigh>





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Then Deb, don't worry!! :) Be happy yer healthy and "close enuf" that you feel good, so does hubby, and just enjoy this incredible trip you're about to have!!!

Cuz when all is said and done, the trip is soooo much more than all this little stuff we let ourselves worry about before hand ya know? Once on the ship, soak every second in, don't miss a moment, and don't give your weight another thought. You will look wonderful, that smile on your face 24/7 guarantees it!



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Introducing myself - I'm a 39 year old working mother of 4. I exercise A LOT, and just completed my first ironman triathlon in November. Despite that (or because of it), I gained close to 20 pounds this year and weigh about 155. I am taking a 15th anniversary cruise with my husband on Celebrity in 63 days. I know I can't lose 20 pounds, but I want to try! Right now I can't imagine putting on a bathing suit. I am doing the GNC lean shake as a meal replacement for 2 meals a day, starting today. We will see if it works. I'm also a vegetarian, so I have to watch carbs because my diet naturally includes too many. Looking for help and support here !



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Introducing myself - I'm a 39 year old working mother of 4. I exercise A LOT, and just completed my first ironman triathlon in November. Despite that (or because of it), I gained close to 20 pounds this year and weigh about 155. I am taking a 15th anniversary cruise with my husband on Celebrity in 63 days. I know I can't lose 20 pounds, but I want to try! Right now I can't imagine putting on a bathing suit. I am doing the GNC lean shake as a meal replacement for 2 meals a day, starting today. We will see if it works. I'm also a vegetarian, so I have to watch carbs because my diet naturally includes too many. Looking for help and support here !



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Hi, happyscmom. I'm beyond impressed with the completion of an ironman triathlon. I am 40 years old and looking to lose 20 pounds before my cruise as well and I'm curious how the GNC shakes work. It is winter weather here in STL where everyone tends to hibernate until Mar/Apr. Congrats on your 15th wedding anniversary! I'm sure your husband (as does mine) tells you that you look great. It's not how they see us, but how we see ourselves. If you have the determination and dedication to complete a triathlon, you can do this! I'm cheering for you!

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Hi, happyscmom. I'm beyond impressed with the completion of an ironman triathlon. I am 40 years old and looking to lose 20 pounds before my cruise as well and I'm curious how the GNC shakes work. It is winter weather here in STL where everyone tends to hibernate until Mar/Apr. Congrats on your 15th wedding anniversary! I'm sure your husband (as does mine) tells you that you look great. It's not how they see us, but how we see ourselves. If you have the determination and dedication to complete a triathlon, you can do this! I'm cheering for you!



Thanks for the welcome. The GNC Total Lean is a shake powder. I chose it because it has 25 grams of protein in 200 calories. You drink it for lunch and breakfast. I use almond milk (30 calorie kind) with it because I don't like it with just water. You also can have two small snacks (~100-200 calories). I do cottage cheese and a total lean bar. You then eat a normal healthy dinner. I chose this because it is easy and gives me a lot of protein. We will see.


Yes, my sweet husband always says I look great. I don't feel anywhere close to great. It doesn't help that most of my friends are tiny athletes. I'm tall (5'9 1/2") and heavier, so I feel huge right now! A cruise is a good excuse to shake things up!




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  • 2 months later...

Hi Deb!!! WELL??? How was your cruise???? I've been thinking about you my friend!!!

Also happyscmom!! And Obiedawg! And jktheangel!!

All your cruises have happened by now yes?

I'll bet you all looked stunning, but more important when it came right down to it, FELT stunning! We are our own worst enemies leading up to a cruise or beach vacation.... only to ALWAYS find we are beautiful enuf, God fills in the gaps ;)


Hope to hear from you soon!!


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Hi Lizz!! How in the heck are ya??!!


I am doing much better now that winter is out of the way and Spring has sprung. Soooo much nicer getting outside to walk


Our cruise and vacation at Disney World after with the grand kids were both wonderful and memorable times. Not sure I would use the word stunning but did ok.


Still battling losing weight. Think watching my 4 year old and 2 two year grandchildren plus my 10 month old youngest grand child is wearing on me and reach for something not so great to snack on Its a mind thing that food makes me feel better when feeling stress with having them every day. Need to get past that

What's going on in your world? How you been feeling? Another cruise planned? We do !!

Thanks for thinking of me!

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Hi Deb!!! WELL??? How was your cruise???? I've been thinking about you my friend!!!

Also happyscmom!! And Obiedawg! And jktheangel!!

All your cruises have happened by now yes?

I'll bet you all looked stunning, but more important when it came right down to it, FELT stunning! We are our own worst enemies leading up to a cruise or beach vacation.... only to ALWAYS find we are beautiful enuf, God fills in the gaps ;)


Hope to hear from you soon!!





Hello. Sorry it's been a rough 6 months. I have self hibernated due to stress and sadness. I'm getting better. I have been

Attending a church group which helps. I leave for my cruise this Friday and I'm trying to be excited to just get away from the stress here. I have lost a few pds but only due to stress and no where near where I wanted to be but oh well. I hope yal are doing great. I will try to keep in contact more on here I just need to break this funk I'm

In. Have a great week [emoji3]

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Hi Deb!!! WELL??? How was your cruise???? I've been thinking about you my friend!!!

Also happyscmom!! And Obiedawg! And jktheangel!!

All your cruises have happened by now yes?

I'll bet you all looked stunning, but more important when it came right down to it, FELT stunning! We are our own worst enemies leading up to a cruise or beach vacation.... only to ALWAYS find we are beautiful enuf, God fills in the gaps ;)


Hope to hear from you soon!!


Hello. I have been at a snails pace to lose weight, but I'm working to change that. I've started a dietbet competition. With the warmer weather, it leads to more outdoor time. I have six months to drop the 20 pounds that taunt me before we sail away. How is every one else reaching their goals?

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It's soooo nice to hear from you guys!!!!! Deb I'm so glad to hear you had fun on your trip, Disney with grandkids I mean how could that NOT be perfect ??!! I can't wait til we have some so we can spoil them at Disney!! We brought Trevs kids every summer when they were little, so I KNOW it will be in the cards for our furture!

I'm really fortunate with staying my skinny weight in a way, having sooo many food allergies really keeps you honest when it comes to "cheating". Not many options lol!

I just had my left knee replaced March 30th, so having my weight down low has made blasting thru physical therapy pretty easy. Still in the "hurts like crap" stage, but it's improving at a rate that even blowing the doctor away! Lol

My weight is up 4 pounds, but he said it because of the fluid my body is retaining for my knee. Ugh.

Oh well.

Jktheangel , your cruise is THIS Friday?! Wow!!! I think it's just in time, and just what you need!!!

Don't let your weight loss at this point have ANY bearing on this cruise, that's NOT what's makes you YOU.. You're going to be swept up in the fun and energy on the ship, and that wonderful sunshine is going to kiss your stress away. I've always believed that I'm closest to God on a beach..... I bring a tiny bible or an inspirational book to read on the beach. I love to pray on the beach. I love to write my fears in the waters edge in the sand and let the waves take them away....

I can't even describe HOW refreshed I feel after time with HIM on a beach, nothing like it....



6 months? 20 pounds? Oh you GOT THIS girl!!!!

I'm not on a regular "diet" FOR weight loss, I just have loads of food allergies. But because of this, my weight stays REAL low, very easily! I also have a disabling spine condition, so I can't "work out". My size is ALL about the food I eat (and dont).

If you can eat just FRESH fruit, veggies (cept no potatoes or corn), meats, fish, honey, nuts, fresh plain low fat yogurt...


Don't eat!!!! Sugar, anything with sugar in or on it (including all sugared drinks) , nothing made with grains (carbs) ie: pasta, bread, donuts, chips, etc., no dairy milk products, no beans, no prepackaged anything (no chemicals or preservitives, including "sugar-free" drinks and prepackaged foods),

well you get the idea!

You pretty much cook everything from scratch, no fast foods.

It's a bit getting used to, but man it is soooo worth it!!

I for one don't get violently sick anymore lol, but also get to enjoy the side effect for my husband and I that were really healthy, and my weight is where it was in high school. And I can eat all I want lol

Even if you just use part if my diet, it should help you!! :)


It was so nice to hear from you guys! Keep the faith!!!!! xxxx

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Wow, Liz! I can feel your bundle of energy in your message! Thank you for the encouragement. I am sorry to hear you've been forced to make such drastic changes due to allergies and other medical issues. I used to drink a diet soda or two every day. Now I'm down to one or two a week. My water intake has dramatically increased. I know I have tons of room for improvement in food choices. I have a tendency to eat my emotions. Stressful days at work lead me to salty, sweet cravings. The fresh foods are difficult with working full time and taking care of the house in the evenings. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you. Any cruises for you in the near future?

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Hi Obiedawg!!! No cruises on the horizon for us :( .... We just came thru a period of loads of travel for a couple years (always to the sun ;) ) So we decided this was the year to focus on some home improvement projects we've talked about. Plus I've needed knee replacement since last summer, so got that over with a couple weeks ago and now I'm blowin thru PT for 6 weeks. We have a big wedding (my bestie) this summer and I'm their wedding planner for that, plus my step daughter and her fiance are coming in August for 2 weeks from England for a fun visit! WHEW!! hahaha!!

Between this year and next (their wedding in England) life is gonna be hectic fun, I won't miss cruising for a while hahaha.

Usually when we DO decide to take a cruise (or any vaca) we decide pretty spontaneous, and go within 2-4 months.


I hope you can carve out time in your busy full days to make yourself a priority, and be kind to yourself with foods that are good for you.

There's always going to be those spontaneous emotional eating moments, but they are sooo much less damaging when you have set aside real time to feed yourself one truly healthy meal each day. One step at time, right? You can do this.... I'll add you in my prayers for tuffness :)

What's your real name?

Mines Lizz...

Have an awesome day!!!!!

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Nice to meet you, Lizz. My name is Cheryl.


I hope your PT goes smoothly and you are back on your feet and better than ever soon. Sounds like you have a very busy summer in store! Two upcoming weddings! How fun (and one in England?!?)! I wish we were more spontaneous (so the wait isn't so unbearable), but we like long vacations so we usually have to plan out a ways.


I like your suggestion of starting out with one really healthy "natural" meal a day. Thank you for your prayers! I hope your day is a happy one! 🌞

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Hi Lizz

So good to hear from you and your inspiring words... I really need to hear them right now. Going through a rough spot and feeling defeated....I know I need to turn my head upward for strength but satan seems to want to put those negative thoughts in my head. Really struggling with losing. It is like I am stuck and my eating isn't that horrible and we walk at least 45 to an hour every day so putting in a good 30 miles a week. Can not figure myself out and I am frustrated. I would love to hear from you in an email if you ever get a chance....so much easier communicating and I feel we have a spiritual link and that you are an inspiration to me at this time. My email is DJSchib99@aol.com if you get a chance to respond.


Hoping the discomfort you are feeling from your surgery is subsiding and you are on the mend and starting to feel better. You have gone through so much but yet seem to remain so positive....




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I think I am like you....don't eat horribly but stress can make me put things in my mouth that shouldn't go in and think that is where I am going wrong. It not in great amounts but a little here and a little there must be it....very down on this whole situation. I got on the scale this morning and its been awhile and I was not very happy. I know stress can do things to your body as far as bloating and where I feel uncomfortable...all in the tummy area. With walking and up and down stairs continuously every day, I feel like my leg muscles have gotten bigger as well. I don't feel great in my clothes as well....Ugh....need to get through this.




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Hi, Debbie. I saw you cruised in February. How was it? Anymore cruises on the horizon? Congrats on the weight loss! Stress does a number on your body, but I know if we keep doing what we are doing, we will overcome the plateaus. Hang in there!

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Hi Cheryl

Thanks for the encouragement Think that is great how this forum can give you the oomph to go on along with a "thatta girl you can do this" and to know others are out there feeling how you do


We LOVED our cruise this past February (our 2nd cruise) and booked another for next February as well as 2017. Think the 20 days total (land and sea) is what really threw me off track and when vacationing next year, need to get a better grip on the healthy eating ALL the time. Did pretty well with eating in Aqua Spa but some dinners and creme brulle here and there didn't help

Have a great and healthy week!

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  • 3 years later...

TO the OP:


What would you eat on a cruise if you are on a SIBO diet?  I got diagnosed with it two months ago and been treated with antibiotics since.  We are going on a cruise in a week and I am wondering how hard it will be to maintain my strict diet.  Thanks!

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