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Hi Ivy...



Oh I will...I will definitely post the dress that I decide on. And the shoes...well we've thought barefoot...and me maybe wearing some foot jewelry or something. The 2nd link that I put on...didn't go to the dress that I was considering...but it's the first dress on that page. It's beautiful. Not sure yet what he is going to wear. I was thinking a linen shirt...rolled up in the sleeves and some linen type pants...so he can be in the water with me. We have our ideas on the beach but they aren't set in stone...I'll let you know when we plan it...but it'll be around the Ft Myers, Florida area. Now...flowers...I'd love to have them...geez...all this planning. haha. Actually, I've let him decide on all the wedding details...he's so wonderful!! I planned the honeymoon, hehe. I told him CRUISE..done.



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I think either one of those would be great! I love the ruching on the dress. I am addicted to anything ruched right now... :)


I attempted talking my FI into more casual wedding attire but he wants to wear a tuxedo! Surprising for a guy, especially since he generally is not into dressing up. :) Well, I think he's gonna buy one, we go on enough cruises that he'll get plenty of wear out of it! Maybe we need to start a "what my guy is wearing" thread!


Ivy, No luck with the tiara yet?? I have still not made any decisions on my headwear, either. I was looking at the Hairagami website last night to see if there is some tool I can use to do my own hair for the wedding. I guess the hair is more important to figure out first!


The garters that I posted were from ebay! Just type in "garter" and a ton of stuff will come up. I think I typed in "beach garter" for the ones that I posted. There are sooo many cute ones - I couldn't imagine wearing a plain one now!


Tonight I am attempting a class at the gym called "body pump" - just the name sounds scary! I hope I am not limping around all weekend!!!!



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Well a while back I thought I had found the dress I was wearing in the wrong colors.. well it was the wrong dress...




so this is it.. it is the Dion. http://www.maggiesottero.com/catalog/window.php?218


It came in on Tuesday and I tried it on today.. its a little big.. but very pretty. I even picked out my veil and tiara thingie.. its more like a comb though.. I don't know what its called.. I just know it was much more my style then a full tiara.


Anyhow THIS is what I am wearing..

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Hello everyone,


I have looked at everyone dresses and they are beautiful. I myself started out with a very simple but elegant evening dress for my destination wedding. But I ran across this dress in Modern Bride and absolutely fell in love with it. I tried on others but this dress kept me coming back.


I also love it but I am getting married on the island of St. Thomas.


So here it is and I am so excited!!!



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Shbroc, Regardlessgirl, & Karita- GREAT dresses!!!!!!!! They are all gorgous!! I never get tired of looking at them all!! Have any of you picked out any accessories as of yet? Shoes?

When are all of you getting married??


Traci- That is so great that your FI is so involed!! I love it!

If you need a shop for him to buy some great linen pieces go to scoopnyc.com

They have some great linen clothes for guys (pants & shirts) that sound as if they might be perfect!!

I love the idea of foot jewlery. Very cool for a beach wedding!! Any idea about the flowers yet or has FI decided??? Keep us posted...:)


Carrie- How was the "Body Pump" class??? I was in the gym last week and was approached by a trainer to do a quick workout with him. I had to go to school that night so I told him Friday...well I never wound up going that night but I am going tonight. I hope that he does not kill me if we do the workout!! :eek:

No tiara yet although I have quit looking for the moment. I need to take a break;)

Did you get those shoes???


I was online the other day and saw some GREAT dresses @ Neiman Marcus online under "dresses & bridal". Some are pretty casual but may be perfect for a wedding??? Some of you may want to check it out. Let me know what you think!!

They also had some pretty cool accessories!!!


I hope everyone had a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ivy - Oh man, well I went to Body pump again this week. Very odd is that the most sore part of my body has been my armpit area (what do you call that part? pecs??). I am thinking perhaps that is a good thing, perhaps I can get that underarm part to be a little toned for the strapless dress. lol :)


My shoes came last week!!! They're hot :) They are not the easiest to walk in, but I guess you need to sacrifice for the lovely look. :)


I got the little sample tulle packet from veilshop.com, but I haven't compared the colors to my dress yet. I still have to decide if I'm shelling out the money or going diy.. :) lol.



Is anyone else getting flowers for their parents??? I was thinking it would be a nice idea, but it's adding up to about $85 extra (3 bouttenieres for the guys and 2 wrist corsages for the moms). Yikes! Maybe the guys can live without them and we can just get flowers for our moms?? LOL. This is especially an issue as I'm not sure we'll be able to keep the flowers from the ceremony... Luckily mine and FI's flowers are included in the package that we are buying! :)


Anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!



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BNDGRL, I've decided to have my Grandmother's favorite flower in my bouquet...she was like a mother to me and she died 3yrs ago. She would've loved my hubby-to-be...so this makes me have her a "part" of this special day. What I'm also going to do is print out a list of flowers and their meanings...and have everyone pick a flower off that list ...according to the meaning and give to me for my bouqet. It'll be interesting. We're only going to have 20-30 guests...so it shouldn't be too big. I think I've decided on a dress...so far...haven't bought it yet...but my heart is kinda set on it. http://www.alfredangelo.com/index.cfm/fuseAction/COLLECTIONS.productDetail/fromAdvancedSearch/0/productID/92259aee-e862-4c0c-a619-c5aea742d6cd/categoryID/6eb1ddbe-45d0-4d16-93d6-ca5ded5c84d6


Yup...we're definitely going barefoot...but he suggested some fancy flip flops for after the ceremony...


Anyone know of a website with fancy flip flops???



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I was just in a Bridal Ship today and they had several different "bridal" flip flops, some were jeweled. They would be great with that dress. I didn't check the brand, but you might try Touch Ups or Special Occasions or bridalshoes.com. Those are the 2 brands I was looking at in other shoes.


Your dress is lovely.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone!


I'm not sure if anyone will read this post since it looks like the last time anyone posted anything was nearly a month ago but I just read all 4 pages of this post so I would like to respond.


First I will tell you my little story, I am happily married (going on 5 years now) and I came upon this thread because my husband and I are going to be renewing our wedding vows in February of 2007, and I'm telling you, I'm having WAY more fun planning this one than I did planning the first one LOL. I guess I don't have as much stress about this one as I did the "real" wedding back in 2000. Anyways, I already have my dress picked out (I'm a planner and I figured the dress could go anywhere I could no matter what I planned) LOL and I was curious to see what everyone else was planning and my, my isn't this a diverse group. There is everything from the "princess" type dresses to the "beachy" ensambles that are perfect for someone with the right body (definately not me LOL) Mine is somewhere in between, here is the link for my dress:




It will be in the ivory color.


The shoes I'm wearing are at:



(they will also be ivory)


so far that is all I have.


For my hubby, I think I will have him wear khakis and maybe an off white button up shirt or something like that, nothing fancy.


We were first going to do the renewal onboard (we will be sailing on the Empress of the Seas February 12, 2007 for 11 night S. Caribbean) but I think we have decided to instead to our renewal on the beach in Aruba at sunset. I just think that will be more romantic. We visited Aruba in April of this year and we absolutely loved it. I am keeping my options open right now but I have e-mailed RCCL to get more info on what they offer as far as vow renewal packages (and pictures) they offer and I can't get a response. I know I have well over a year but even so I think they should get back to me a little quicker, it has been 3 weeks since I requested the info with them. I have since talked (several times) with a planner in Aruba (2goAruba.com) and they have been absolutely wonderful and patient which I am appreciative of, just because this isn't a "real" wedding doesn't mean it is any less special to me or my husband. The lady ther "Valerie" has been very helpful so far. Like I said I dont' have anything nailed in stone just yet and I have plenty of time but I am a "planner" and have to have everything in line WAY ahead of time!


I have really enjoyed reading everyone's posts and hopefully there is someone still out there who I can post and bounce ideas off of. I wish something like this would have been available the first time for the original wedding. I mean I'm sure it was but I didn't find it.


We won't be having any attendants or anything like that, it will just be me and my husband and that is just fine with me.


As for the rest of the details I'm at a loss. I know I don't want to wear a veil or any kind and my hair is thick and falls midway between my bra strap and shoulders and I have NO idea how to fix it. I need something that is going to be fairly simple though since I would "like" to do it myself (I dont' have to but I would like to be able to) like I said before we will be doing the ceremony on the beach which means that most of the time I will probably be barefoot and I don't want anything super fancy, just something relaxed and fun. HELP?!? LOL


I was also reading the posts about the undergarment issue. Well I'm a bigger girl with lots to "hold up" up top LOL and I found the best bra at David's bridal, it is a long line bra (which means it goes all the way down your waist) which helps in holding everything in if you know what I mean LOL. It wasn't that expensive either, around $35 if I remember correctly so you might try there. It didn't slip down or bunch up anywhere and it made you have very good posture! I'm a shortie too (5'2") and it fit me just right. I was actually pretty amazed.


Well if anyone reads this and has anything to add I'd love to hear it.


:) :) :) :)

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Your dress is very pretty and I have been looking at a couple of the Galina dresses from David's Bridal too. I want a low tiera, but I haven't decided if I want to go with a veil or not yet. I'm also in the same boat with the hair situation, so many decisons to make! :) Our wedding's not till April '07 so I'm still looking for dresses. I recently thought I had found one I loved but unfortunately I was looking at a Bridal book from Fall 2004 and when I called to inquire about the dress it had been discontinued.:( Oh well, like I said my day isn't till 2007 so I still have plenty of time to find the right dress!

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bulldogmom, your dress looks perfect for a vow renewal! Congratulations on your 5 years of marriage!


It seems everyone is in the same boat with this hair/veil/headpiece situation! I just found this one which is kind of cute:



I don't understand how to match the whites, though. My dress is "Pearl" .. I wonder if that'll match white?? SO confusing! If anyone ends up with a great veil/hairdo idea let me know!!


I have been practicing walking in my shoes, lol. I think that walking in SAND will make it even more interesting. I got a pair of flat silver sandals also (actually my mom found them) - so I can reduce the pain if possible, after pictures! haha.


2007CarnivalBride, I almost picked one of the Davids Bridal Galina dresses, this one: http://www.davidsbridal.com/bridal_gowns_detail.jsp?stid=2039&prodgroup=123


It looked sooo pretty on. I ended up getting a Mori Lee dress (pretty similar, less embellishment though) for half the price. I just have to find somewhere to get it altered... that's the next step !! :p

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Hi Ladies,


All of your dresses are beautiful! It is so much fun to see what everyone else is wearing! Here is a picture of my dress...



Style T8076


I got both my tiara and veil on ebay--$15 plus shipping for each! They are both beautiful and exactly what I wanted. Beats the $200 that David's Bridal wanted for thier veil! I have pics of both of them if anyone is interested.

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Hello everyone!


I'm not sure if anyone will read this post since it looks like the last time anyone posted anything was nearly a month ago but I just read all 4 pages of this post so I would like to respond.


First I will tell you my little story, I am happily married (going on 5 years now) and I came upon this thread because my husband and I are going to be renewing our wedding vows in February of 2007, and I'm telling you, I'm having WAY more fun planning this one than I did planning the first one LOL.

I am a lurker on this thread:D- I love to see what the new brides are wearing. We are also renewing our vows in a VERY casual ceremony on the beach. We should start a renewal thread- it would be fun.:)


We are renewing our vows in celebration of our 25th wedding anniversary. You are so right- this was so much more fun to plan than our original weddding which was a very formal church wedding. After raising 3 children - the last off to college in 2004 we decided it would be nice to start this next chapter of our life together by renewing vows. Not that the original ones didn't hold meaning, but after 3 kids and 25 years of marraige you realize what it really is all about!!


Our cruise is Southern C. March 06 and we will renw our vows on Hawksnest Beach in St. John USVI. I decided not to do RR but went with a private planner in St. John simply because we wanted more say and with RR you do not even get to know the day of your renewal until you board. I also wanted to do the renewal on a beach.


My DH is wearing a tasteful black & gray tropical shirt and winter white shorts and I am wearing a tropical print georgette type dress by Maggie London. We plan to be bare foot on the beach - very simple and private really just the two of us, minister and planner- our planner agreed to take the few photos we want. Our ceremoney will be performed by a Baptist pastor from St. Johns.


It will be formal night on the ship so we will have a formal picture taken that night.


Here is my dress, though it is not at all bridal. Just perfect for the next "fun" chapter in our lives. I still haven't decided if I want flowers or not. The dress is pretty floral itself!


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Hey gals!

How exciting is it for everyone to be either getting married or renewing their vows.......!!


love2vacation - that is an absolutely lovely dress, I'm sure you will look awesome in it. It will be perfect for your vow renewal. We are doing ours in Aruba (have I already said this?? LOL) We decided to do ours off-board too because it just seems a little more special that way, we are using the company called go2aruba.com to plan ours, they do everything including flowers and pictures and they are really affordable as far as prices go. I have gotten SO much help from them so far and every time I e-mail with a new question they are so patient. You guys will have so much fun, WOW, 25 years, while you are doing your renewal to start a new chapter in your life we are doing the same, except for us that new chapter will be children, we feel it is important to renew our vows to each other before we vow to take care of children. Everyone has their own reason for doing something like this and they are all good reasons.


stevesgirl1111 - that is an awesome dress, I'm glad you decided on a veil/headpiece too, you are way ahead of the rest of us LOL, we can't seem to decide what to do with our hair LOL.


carrievision - I tried that dress on at David's Bridal but it didn't lok as good on me as the one I picked out, my belly is too poochy for that ribbon to go right thru the middle of my gut!! LOL The empire waist was much more flattering on me. I really liked that dress though, it was actually my first choice just by looking online or whatever. I have no idea what color "pearl" is to be honest with you, I would say that it would be closer to white than to ivory of off white though, maybe you can ask the company to send you a swatch??


2007Carnivalbride - It is never too early to start planning!! LOL I went into David's Bridal a couple of weeks ago just on a whim really, I mean I had looked online or whatever but I wasn't planning on buying anything, then they had their sale on their dresses and the one I picked out fit so well, I just couldn't resist, I knew I would kick myself if I didn't go ahead and get it. I would love to lose weight between now and 2007 but I'm not going to count on it. LOL I'm definately not doing a veil but then again, we are just renewing our vows, if I was doing a "real" wedding I might opt for a simple veil, who knows?! LOL


I'm still doing the hair-do looking, I think that will be the hardest part for me, I'm NO good at fixing my own hair, I'm more of a ponytail gal! I don't want to wear it in a ponytail for the renewal ceremony though, a ponytail really doesn't flatter my chubby face. I'm thinking something more along the lines of half up/half down but I can't find just what I'm looking for yet, when I find it I will know though, just like I did with my dress.


I am going to carry a bouquet of tropoical flowers (a small round one) what is everyone else doing as far as flowers go?? You can see mine at www.go2aruba.com/options.htm it is labeled "round mixed flowers bouquet" I figured since we weere doing this thing on the beach we might as well go for the tropical feel. The first time we had the formal, roses and lace type wedding, I just want this time to be fun.


Well I gotta go to the dentist, everyone have a good day and talk to you soon



:) :)

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Ivy, Glad to see you're still here! Your wedding is coming up pretty soon isn't it?? Did you end up finding all your accessories?? :)



The URL you sent for the flowers didn't work :( Here is a picture of the flowers I am thinking about using. We are also going to have a floral arch type thing that we stand under for the ceremony, I guess in similar colors. I kind of wish there were some pink/fuschia flowers in this bouquet, so I am still searching. The coordinator said I could get this one for the same as the package price though so that's enticing :) I love the tropical flowers too... traditional flowers just seem out of place on the beach don't they??


You're right, the pearl dress is pretty much white (the dress actually came in "pearl" and "white" .. I never saw them next to each other though). My dress came with a little wrap thing that matches so I am going to use that for comparing the colors. I might try and make my veil or buy one used. Veilshop.com also sent me a bunch of swatches, but I am not sure if I want to use them yet (Not sure if I can bring myself to pay over $50 for a veil to wear for 2 hours!).




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Try going to www.2goaruba.com/options.htm and clicking on the "options" page (I had this backwards before, LOL) , the bouquet I'm talking about is similar to the one you posted but it is a little different and you are right, regular flowers do seem out of place on a beach, although I have saw several people use white roses and those look nice, I still like the "tropical" look better though. The bouquet in the pic on the link above has reds and yellows and purples and oranges and pinks all in it.


I wish you all the luck in the world finding a veil. The one I wore for my original wedding was a "headband" type (I had shorter hair then and couldn't wear much of anything else) and it is just pretty simple, it has some beading on the headband and then the veil has the "pencil" edging on it (the edge is like 1/4" wide or so) and it falls to about the elbows. I didn't want anything "frou-frou" looking the first time either so I got this one.


I hope your search for the perfect hairstyle/veil/flowers comes to an end soon!


Have a good day



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We are going with silk flowers since I wanted to be able to keep my bouquet, to take home. I picked out two so far, the one I'm leaning to is called Tuscany Tulips on a website called weddingsandflowers.com. I love the colors and the bouquet includes tulips and tiger lilies both of which I love! :) So even though I haven't picked a dress it does seem as though I've picked a bouquet! Best of all if comes as a package with bridesmaid and maid of honor bouquet as well as boutineers(sp) for the groom, groomsmen and fathers as well as corages(sp) for the mothers.:D

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone got any links for some less formal-on the beach- sundress style dress that isn't very expensive? i don't want my girls to pay lots of money, I don't want a "loud" tropical print, just something light and feminine for a beach wedding on St Thomas.

By the way... Here is my dress in Ivory. :) http://www.davidsbridal.com/bridal_gowns_detail.jsp?stid=1739&prodgroup=123&nav=next

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Anyone got any links for some less formal-on the beach- sundress style dress that isn't very expensive? i don't want my girls to pay lots of money, I don't want a "loud" tropical print, just something light and feminine for a beach wedding on St Thomas.

By the way... Here is my dress in Ivory. :) http://www.davidsbridal.com/bridal_gowns_detail.jsp?stid=1739&prodgroup=123&nav=next


Rara, depending on when your wedding is, I'd check out catalogs when they start to come out with their spring and summer stuff: JC Penney, Newport News, etc. Then you're guaranteed to get the right sizes, as opposed to a store that might not have everyone's size. On first glance, I found these, which I think is basically what you're talking about:





Not sure what color you're thinking about.. but is that basically what you're thinking? I'll keep an eye out...


Oh! I ordered my veil off of ebay, from the seller Valuveil:



I just hope the color is right. As far as I can tell, my dress is Diamond White. We'll see !

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