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Whew...what a day I had yesterday...very, very busy...and full of problems...but I survived...and now here I go again!!! Hope all is well....its off to work I go again!


Survivor,...well...so much for hoping for the best out of people....everyone talked the talk...but no one stood up against Jamie!

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Jamie needs he Butt kicked! He's just TOOO Mouthy for his own good! But he'll probably be the one that wins! YUCK!!!


I wasn't too busy yesterday, but I will be today! I even have to go in early...yuck!


Still haven't found a day care...they are full...imagine that?!


Oh, and on top of everything else, one of my dogs (a chihuahua) had puppies four weeks ago, so now I'm trying to get them to start eating food so I can sell them in 4 weeks! You wanta buy a puppy??!! JK!


This weekend will be crazy, I'll just be glad when it gets here! 10 hours and 15 minutes and counting!

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A Chihuahua?!?!?! They remind me of rats!!! Totally to each his own though...but I'm just not a chihuahua kinda guy I guess! We do have plenty of pets though! Four cats, two dogs!


Jamie won't win....his own team hates him too much also....but they just didn't have the guts to do anything about it last night...they all chickened out...and thought about saving their own hides instead. The other tribe may be in trouble now...we'll see what happens next week...but if they gain up on them one more time...then its all over for them!

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Now that's not very nice! I have 1 female shortcoat chihuahua, 1 male shortcoat chihuahua, 1 longcoat chihuahua, 1 female pomeranian, and 1 chihuahua/pomeranian mix! Plus 3 chihuahua puppies!


Why do people get on that show and just loose their brains??!! Remember, nobody liked Richard Hatch either! I SURE didn't like him!


Did you see Junior qualified tenth at Texas??!! Maybe he'll do good!


I've got a busy weekend ahead of me, I'm doing some rearranging of furniture so I'll have more room for Christmas...yes, I'm getting ready for Christmas this early!

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I'm so sad...the web cam in Miami must have blown away during Wilma! Now I can't watch my ship tomorrow!


I see where there's an investigation on a courier from where you work...first thought was: I'm glad max is an Engineer! I don't understand why some people do stupid stuff like that, sure he might have gotten some money for the stuff he sold but not enough to live the rest of his life on! To me, IMO, people who do drugs don't make since either!


I have a busy day...here's a partial list:


1. Feed puppies (check)

2. Get son's hair cut

3. Get bottled water (Borger water has to be the nastiest stuff they have ever made!)

4. Go to Wal-Mart (we only have a little one; I WISH we had a super Wal-Mart!)

5. Do laundry

6. Clean house

7. Rearrange furniture

8. Shampoo carpet


Hopefully I can get this all done today!


Oh, and on top of everything else, I'm 'dog sitting' for my Aunt. The dog (Peachy) was actually my mom's dog but when she died her sister got her, so now I dog sit when she goes out of town. She's a pomeranian/maltese mix and she's a mess! Talk about spoiled rotten! I've never seen a dog mourn but she did when my mom died.

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Hello!!! I'm back!!! Sorry....ran a few errands myself this morning!


As for your chihuahuas.....to each his/her own....trust me....I was just giving you a little grief....sounds like you have quite the clan of small dogs!


Sounds also...like you have a fairly busy day ahead!!! As for myself....well....there's house cleaning in my future too....but other than that...I will probably take it easy today!


As for the courier....actually...I haven't even heard about that one yet...I'll have to look into it!!! As for where I work...99.9999% of us....take it pretty darned seriously...but bad eggs slip in there sometimes!!!


As for Jr. I am predicting a win tomorrow!!! I really, really, really think Jr. is going to start turning things around....and its going to start at Texas!!! Just wait and see!!! Jr. runs VERY good at Texas!!!! Its where he got his first Busch and Cup wins!!!


Oh....and we get to baby sit dogs and cats a lot too...any time.....any family member is gone....we get pet duty!!!

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Oh...and sorry about the web cam...don't worry though...it goes down all the time....it will be back up before you know it!!! Probably stopped working...3-4 times while we were waiting on our last cruise!!! They will get it going...long before your trip! And in fact...I will get to watch you sail away...via that camera....come later on!!!

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Finally, one of the web cams is working! I got to see my ship!!! WAHOOOOOOOO!! I'm just TOO excited!


I knew you were giving me a hard time about my dogs! You don't know how many times I've heard the statement about other peoples dogs having bigger poops than the size of my dogs! MY DH's boss asked him: "So, tell me, do you put a leash on your chihuahua and take it to the park for a walk?" I've had big dogs in the past, it just doesn't work very well being in the city limits and trying to have a big dog. I used to have cats but not anymore, the DH hates them!


I don't mind the dog sitting though, she's a good dog and she's very sentimental to me. If something were to happen to my Aunt I would keep Peachy. My mom wanted my aunt to have her, that's why she lives with her.


I got almost all my stuff done yesterday. It's was so much fun trying to move a huge computer desk with a 12 yo and 7 yo helping! We had to move it down a hall and into another room. I had to take a door off the room to get it through the door!

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Wow, took a door off the hinges and everything...that's very industrious of you!!! Don't see my wife going quite that far...but then again...she sometimes really surprises me! I guess though...when the hubby is gone so much...you'd better be able to get a little more industrious sometimes huh!


I think I hear my wife cleaning already...we have some guests coming over this afternoon....gotta clean that house a bit ya know! So if the wife is starting...I'd better start too!!


Oh...just wait...the race is going to be really good today....Jr....I'm telling ya....he's gonna win it!!!


Oh...one other thing....our dogs...are decently big....we actually used to have...two German Shepards....and they were both HUGE...(long story...but we no longer have them)...so we decided..."well...lets just go get a pound puppy...a SMALLER little runt of a dog...just save a life...and GET A SMALL dog", so the Pound/Human Society...gives us this little bitty dog..tells us...its a terrier-mix....should be a VERY small dog....well after we spent $600 saving this tiny little puppy from Parvo....it started to grow....and grow, and grow...into the proud Doberman Pincher that it is today!!!! We also got ANOTHER...Pound Puppy....about 6 months after we got the doberman....this new one was supposed to be a border collie mix....well...turns out that sure....she does have some border collie in her....mixed in with Saint Bernard!!!! (Actually....its not St. Bernard....but there is another dog very close to a St. Bernard...I don't remember the name....but that's what our Border Collie turned out to be)...so we now, once again...have two...pretty good sized dogs!!!

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Yes, it was unfortunate Jr. didn't win Sunday! I was glad he had a decent finish!


It's been a crazy week! I got wireless internet at the house Monday but have had nothing but problems since! The router (motorola) isn't talking to the adaptar (linksys) and when I call either one of the manufactures they say they can only help me with 'this and that'! And I end up on the phone for 45 minutes with each one separately! And considering that I had to make 3 phone calls last night, it's the PITS!

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Well...I feel your pain!!! That's typically EXACTLY what happens to us...whenever we make ANY kind of computer change...whether its buying a new computer...or moving...or changing service....it NEVER works right off the bat! I'm surprised you are up and running now! That's good though...I was wondering where you were.


As for me...just busy at work....work, work, work. Otherwise...I don't really have anything new to report! So have you firmed up any more...what you guys are thinking about doing excursion-wise?!?!

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The only reason I'm on is because I have my modem 'hard wired'! I'm not 'WIRELESS' at all! It's been very frustrating and I just got off the phone with Linksys, AGAIN! Now, I have to call the Cable company, AGAIN! At least I can understand the people with the Cable company! They're in Phoenix, the people from Linksys takes twice as long because I have to keep saying "what" "HUH" "Could you repeat that?" "What did you say?"! They are NOT from the states! :eek:


I've been looking at the BOB thing! Now, that looks interesting! I don't know if the DH would like doing that, but you never know. We are going to have one port where just me and the DH go off together and do our 'grown up' thing, while the DS stays on the ship. DS will want to go to a beach, so that only leaves St. Thomas or St. Martin. And we want to go snorkeling, so I'm in a BIG delimma on what to do! I want to maximize our times in port!

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Well...Hurray for the old fashioned modem! As for the Courier...YES, I did see that...saw it later that day when you mentioned it....went and bought a paper!!! Anyhow...no one ever said a word about that out at the plant.....but those kind of things are typically hush, hush! Talk about an IDIOT though....I mean that is REALLY, REALLY stupid!!! Although...it wasn't like he was selling babies on the black market....but it was still pretty bad!!!


As for the BOB....we loved it....its VERY different...and it come along with some good snorkling as well! Myself personally....I liked the shipwreck...that really stands out in my mind....I've never seen a HUGE ship...that wrecked....that is sitting on the bottom of the ocean...that has been there for a long time...with my own two eyes....if you husband is has any geek in him....that was a cool thing!


Well...crud...I gotta run off....you know where!


Talk to you again soon....go modem...and good luck with that wireless...I've heard of people having LOTS of problems with those....just getting them set up.....once you've got it....its supposed to be smooth sailing....but there are all sorts of difficulties involved...to GET THERE!!!

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Well, I had to wireless router and adaptar 'talking' to each other for about 15 minutes lasat night! But when I unhooked the cable from the modem, the internet wouldn't come up! It's starting to really make me mad. I spent twos hour on the phone with both the Motorola people and the Linksys people and have gotten nothing accomplished! I'm not getting anything else done at the house because of this stupid problem! 4 nights of this is plenty, if you ask me!


When you did the BOB you could also do snorkeling on the side when you were done? That would be cool!

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Oh Yes...I feel your pain...I HATE when my computer is doing stupid things...and NOT cooperating!!!! We're on the cable modem...or in other words...high speed internet....and our very first computer...was hooked up that way...for years....while the internet..was in its early days...and we had no fire wall, no spy ware, no pop-up blockers, etc. etc.....well...it took a while...but eventually...after about 5 years or so....our computer became so jammed up with crud...that we just trashed it...and started all over from scratch...but this time...armed to the teeth!!!


As for the BOB....yes, (this is typical)...but you go out with a group of say 30-ish people....but they only have like 10-12 Bobs....so they divide you up...and take you in groups of 10 at a time....the whole thing takes about 30 minutes...for the actual BOB part....so while one group...or two groups...are BOB-ing...they also hand out snorkel gear...so while you are waiting...you snorkle...and the area they take you to....is pretty cool!!! We were the very first group with our trip...to do the BOB...so we BOB-ed...and then snorkeled...for like the next hour or so....it was really a neat experience!

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Well....I see your ship...sitting in the Port of Miami...looks good! You should check it out...just get on the internet...and go to...(wait a second....Oh, I'm sorry!!!) Well...take my word for it....ship looks good, all ready to go for another big cruise!!!


Do you guys know what room you are staying in...or are you just supposed to find that out when you get there?!?!

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We don't know what room yet, I'm hoping we'll get some kind of 'upgrade' but I'm not sure how all that works, winning this and all! I'm just excited about the balcony!


I'm looking at our ship right now! Just think, I'll be there in 3 months! WAHOO!!!!


I have to be a good DIL today and go visit the in-laws! Christmas is coming! ;)


Did you see Kurt Busch got a ticket for wreckless driving in Phoenix?


My wireless is connected but it shows status "limited or no connectivity", whatever that means...I guess that means I'll be on the phone AGAIN with those stupid people.

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Sorry...just had to give you a little grief over the internet troubles...but seriously...I feel your pain on that one...and hope that you can get it all straightened out soon!


Well...depends on what room you get...which side of the ship and all...but with a balcony...you do at least have a chance at sending signals...if you will....from your balcony! That's what we did this summer....we were on the Navigator...(as we've discussed)...on the star board side...which is the side that is normally facing the web cam...and fortunately...the Navigator also docks closest to the web cam...but so long story short....I brought a Texas A&M Flag with me on the trip...and when we were in Miami...as soon as we could get into our room...I put that flag outside on our balcony...(not hanging off the ship or anything tacky...it was inside our balcony)...but you could see my flag...on the web cam...just a sign to the parents and others at home...that yes, we were on this ship!!! Of course we knew which room was ours well in advance...so we could also tell everyone...exactly where to look!


Good luck with the Christmas stuff...we haven't even thought about that yet. Call us lazy or whatever...but we typically don't really start thinking about Christmas...until after Thanksgiving! I like to take it one holiday at a time! Now don't take this the wrong way...we love Christmas...and everything that it stands for...(I was raised in a Southern Baptist Church)...but like...there are people around here already, that have their Christmas lights out and ON...their houses! I just think the first week of November is a little early for that stuff!!! Literally, its like...."Okay...Halloween is over, quick...pull down the ghosts and the witches...and slap Santa Claus and a bunch of lights all over the house!!!" Slow down people!!!

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I'll get an OU flag and put it out for you to see!! Too bad there's no sound, I could have "BOOMER SOONER" playing too! Hopefully, I'll know my room by then...I'm kinda hoping for an aft balcony! I think that would be just too cool!


I don't even have my lights out of the attic yet! DH annd I will do that while he's home for Thanksgiving! I think that will be soon enough. I like Christmas and everything, but I'm with you on having that stuff out the first week of November??!! My BD is actually two weeks before Christmas and I wouldn't let my mom put anything out to do with Christmas until AFTER my BD! But then my brothers is a week before Christmas and we always had stuff out by the time his BD rolled around! My parents didn't plan very well did they??!


One of my nephews has a soccer game today, so I'm actually going to that. The MIL and I have to discuss what all we are going to do for Thanksgiving. We go to her house every year and she usually does the turkey and ham (I don't like turkey, so they do ham for me!)

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OU flag....ha ha ha...yeah that's funny!!! I wasn't aware that people in Oklahoma even knew how to sew?!?! Hmmm, maybe though?!?!


Aft balcony eh?!?! You are aiming high!!! I hope you are right, and get lucky...that would be neat...but those are pretty in demand!!! Best of luck to you there!!!


BD coming up eh?!?! Soon!!! Mine isn't too far away...mine's in February! No real interference from major holidays..however it is very close to Valentine's Day....but that doesn't pack near the punch of Christmas!


Have fun with the MIL today! OH, and Good Grief AGAIN!!!! My whole life...my Mom has always made a Turkey and a HAM for Thanksgiving....the Ham has always been for me!!! Cause I never liked the turkey!!! Now then, admittedly...in my older age...I have come to like the turkey too....but the ham is still my first choice!!!

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Yes, we know how to sew! We have lots of talents that you, as a TEXAN, would never know about!


When in February?? DH's in February 3rd! Yes, he's younger than me, but I don't look my age :) and I have more hair on the top of my head than he does! And yes, I tell him that to his face when mentions being younger!


That's part of the reason why we want to go in February, to celebrate his BD and my little boys is in March. We actually want to fly in on the 3rd. I looked at the price difference and it's only $50/pp to fly in on the 3rd instead of the 4th! We really haven't booked anything yet! My DH wanted to make sure I could get the time off before we booked anything, and I found out this week I CAN get the time off!


You hear about Kurt Busch??? I didn't like him, and dislike him even more!


And as for Thanksgiving, I'll eat the Turkey, but I don't like it! The only Turkey I've ever liked was a smoked Turkey and that's because it tasted like ham! But we got our menu planned today...I get to do the Pumpkin pie, Pecan Pie, Green bean Casserole and a cheese ball! My MIL is making Turkey, ham, dressing, potatoes and rolls! My SIL is making the cheese cake, pinwheels and sweet potatoes! This is going to blow my diet! I’ve been on the low carb diet and there's nothing about thanksgiving LOW CARB!






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