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There is actually a ready-mix I've seen for Black Bean burgers by the label "Fantastic Sams"..can't vouche for the content, but I do know there are recipes on the web to make them from regular black beans that are probably just as healthy. At Whole Foods Market this weekend I saw wheat free gluten free ready made pizza crusts in the freezer section..they were 4.99 which isn't bad considering you'd spend at least that much for a regular pizza..if you put your own sauce with no sugar, and veggies I think it'd be a cheap easy meal...menina


Just read the labels on the veggie burgers. As long as there are no flour/wheat or sugar fillers, should be fine.
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Heyloo! :D I just wanted to thank all of you for your great suggestions and encouragement! I have stuck to this lifestyle for a week and never felt better physically, mentally, and emotionally. I have lost five pounds already (and my monthly plague has struck :o), am much more concentrated, and am quite happy and energetic. I have HIV and depression (the cause of my great weight gain... I was too thin previously and became too big afterward), which makes me fatigued. This diet has been one major step in my change. I now run everday for thirty to one-hundred twenty minutes and actually eat MORE. All of my food is so healthy being organic, gluten-free, and wheat-free. I have been keeping a food log to help me to see that I was getting proper nutrition and intake. I also go to bed anywhere from 10-12 and wake up at 8 and do not each past 7 except when I have to eat with my medication. I don't eat much at all in those cases, however. I am also taking vitamins, including magnesium. My mom has noted that I have a "glow" to my face and thought that I had on make-up because my face looked so clear and bright.


This hasn't been easy, though. I love ice cream and my mom recently bought three tubs of my favorite type. I considered eating it but decided that the guilt was much, much worse than not eating that type of food. I made myself a salad with blue chips and felt quite happy. One morning, I felt like I ate a bit too much steel-cut oats (my family didn't think so... but I knew so! *runs to bathroom*). I proceeded to run and burn off double my calories. It's funny how little choices like those change so much. I also work at a bakery and bring food home for the family. My favorite danishes no longer appeal to me. I definately prefer mushrooms, cheese, or berries.


I've learned balance. I actually feel like I eat more now and listen to what my body wants instead of restricting it and later letting it crave bad foods. My relationship with food is a good once again. So, thanks so much everyone! :) I will keep you updated on my road to health.


If I can do it, you can too!

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Have you ever tried to make your own? It's not that complicated and you can just use Splenda..we actually bought an ice cream maker at Best Buy last year for like $10.00..it's a little work but it also makes a lot of ice cream and with the splenda you can control how sweet you want it. To me it's worth the work!


Bardgal: I am going to try the pizza crust myself this weekend. I have always eaten whole foods and I only need to lose about 10 lbs so I am making some of the changes you suggested. I'll let you know how it turns out. Also, on your caulfilower recipe....you can actually steam a whole head of cauliflower and mash it with a little skim milk and a little grated paremsan...taste like mashed potatoes...Menina


Heyloo! :D I just wanted to thank all of you for your great suggestions and encouragement! I have stuck to this lifestyle for a week and never felt better physically, mentally, and emotionally. I have lost five pounds already (and my monthly plague has struck :o), am much more concentrated, and am quite happy and energetic. I have HIV and depression (the cause of my great weight gain... I was too thin previously and became too big afterward), which makes me fatigued. This diet has been one major step in my change. I now run everday for thirty to one-hundred twenty minutes and actually eat MORE. All of my food is so healthy being organic, gluten-free, and wheat-free. I have been keeping a food log to help me to see that I was getting proper nutrition and intake. I also go to bed anywhere from 10-12 and wake up at 8 and do not each past 7 except when I have to eat with my medication. I don't eat much at all in those cases, however. I am also taking vitamins, including magnesium. My mom has noted that I have a "glow" to my face and thought that I had on make-up because my face looked so clear and bright.


This hasn't been easy, though. I love ice cream and my mom recently bought three tubs of my favorite type. I considered eating it but decided that the guilt was much, much worse than not eating that type of food. I made myself a salad with blue chips and felt quite happy. One morning, I felt like I ate a bit too much steel-cut oats (my family didn't think so... but I knew so! *runs to bathroom*). I proceeded to run and burn off double my calories. It's funny how little choices like those change so much. I also work at a bakery and bring food home for the family. My favorite danishes no longer appeal to me. I definately prefer mushrooms, cheese, or berries.


I've learned balance. I actually feel like I eat more now and listen to what my body wants instead of restricting it and later letting it crave bad foods. My relationship with food is a good once again. So, thanks so much everyone! :) I will keep you updated on my road to health.


If I can do it, you can too!

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Kalamari, I'm anxious to hear about the pizza. It has been one of my weakness foods in the past, I haven't had any since I started this diet and am not really craving it which surprises me.


However, next time I'm Whole Foods I'll be sure to pick up the pizza crust, as I want to try it.


My weight loss has slowed down, I know that the biggest loss is usually the first week and than it tapers, but I'm still doing it.

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Hi there,


I've recently lost 30 pounds on MediFast (it was AWESOME- ask if you're interested) but now that I am done, it's amazing- I have transitioned to my own version of what you're describing.


During MediFast, I learned that carbs are not my friend; at least, not the highly processed ones. I have never maintained this long, and what I have done is to eliminate the high process starches such as bread, potatoes and pasta. I eat rice, (white sushi rice) but only a VERY little. Other than that, if it's lean protein or green veggies I eat the hell out of those. I have some snack bars that are higher in fiber that satisfy the sweet tooth but still provide some good nutritional things.


Bottom line, I think we Americans are just in love with processed starches and that's our downfall, I know as long as I want to maintain this weight, all I have to do is say "no bread, please" no matter how much it kills me... even on the cruise...

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Hi there,


I've recently lost 30 pounds on MediFast (it was AWESOME- ask if you're interested) but now that I am done, it's amazing- I have transitioned to my own version of what you're describing.


During MediFast, I learned that carbs are not my friend; at least, not the highly processed ones. I have never maintained this long, and what I have done is to eliminate the high process starches such as bread, potatoes and pasta. I eat rice, (white sushi rice) but only a VERY little. Other than that, if it's lean protein or green veggies I eat the hell out of those. I have some snack bars that are higher in fiber that satisfy the sweet tooth but still provide some good nutritional things.


Bottom line, I think we Americans are just in love with processed starches and that's our downfall, I know as long as I want to maintain this weight, all I have to do is say "no bread, please" no matter how much it kills me... even on the cruise...

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I just returned from Whole Foods.


They were out of the brown rice pizza crusts, but they had a package of 2 cornmeal crusts..wheat free/gluten free....2 in a pack for 3.99! I didn't buy.


HOWEVER....in the refridge. section..by the yogurts, etc..they had this package of "Mochi"..I'd forgotten about Mochi, had eaten it years ago when I lived in Japan....but....it's like a "puff" pastry from rice flour..you bake it like . They had cinnamon/raisin, garlic, sesame..I bought the garlic one to try this weekend. .


I also bought some red lentils..made a very yummy and easy "dahl"..with onions, hot peppers and ginger last weekend..it's an Indian recipe..very easy to make.The other thing I am making is a blackbean, cilantro, lime, and cucumber salad..am thinking this might go good with the Mochi


Kalamari, I'm anxious to hear about the pizza. It has been one of my weakness foods in the past, I haven't had any since I started this diet and am not really craving it which surprises me.


However, next time I'm Whole Foods I'll be sure to pick up the pizza crust, as I want to try it.


My weight loss has slowed down, I know that the biggest loss is usually the first week and than it tapers, but I'm still doing it.

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MeGoobie - HOW MUCH DO YOU ROCK!? Great job!!!!! (I'm an ice cream freak too. Chocolate Fudge at Baskin Robbins OMG. However - that is a once every six months thing, if that, for me now.)


Kalamari - your cauliflower recipe sounds yummy as does the Mochi!


I've gotta get myself to Whole Foods - except I know I'm gonna go nuts and spend a fortune!


Anyone who finds that pizza crust (the corn ones should be fine as well) let us know how they are!!!





:D :D :D

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I got up early today, and made the mochi...oh my gosh..LOVED it..they poofed up to the size of a small dinner roll..and was nice and hollow..so you could very easily stuff it with a filling (I was thinking taboulah or hummus or a rice filling) and have a very satisfying lunch. I ate the mochi plain, but it has like 4 grams of protein and 100 calories and it STUFFED me..I was able to get 9 out of the 2.99 pack so at .33 each to me it's a food bargain.


Thanks for your challenges..like I said, I only need to lose about 10 lbs and I work out like a fiend (2 hours daily). Fortunately I love to cook, so it's been fun for me to get out all my foreign cookbooks to look for suitable foods. I am finding a LOT of very do-able recipes that simple in my Indian cookbooks..lots of brown rice and lentil based dishes, plus the "heat" of the various indian spices helps the calorie burner. Lentils and Rice are cheap if you buy in bulk so I think the average person with a little creativity and willingness to spend the time could be be very successful on this eating plan. I'll see if I can scrounge up a pizza crust recipe to make at home..




MeGoobie - HOW MUCH DO YOU ROCK!? Great job!!!!! (I'm an ice cream freak too. Chocolate Fudge at Baskin Robbins OMG. However - that is a once every six months thing, if that, for me now.)


Kalamari - your cauliflower recipe sounds yummy as does the Mochi!


I've gotta get myself to Whole Foods - except I know I'm gonna go nuts and spend a fortune!


Anyone who finds that pizza crust (the corn ones should be fine as well) let us know how they are!!!





:D :D :D

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Hi all....Bardgal talked me into trying this diet in January and I am hooked. So far i'm down about 13 pounds, starting Jan 2, which is so exciting for me. I've been lurking on this thread for awhile (CONGRATS EVERYONE!! :D ) but this brought me out of lurking as I had to ask some questions:


I got up early today, and made the mochi...oh my gosh..LOVED it..they poofed up to the size of a small dinner roll..and was nice and hollow..so you could very easily stuff it with a filling (I was thinking taboulah or hummus or a rice filling) and have a very satisfying lunch. I ate the mochi plain, but it has like 4 grams of protein and 100 calories and it STUFFED me..I was able to get 9 out of the 2.99 pack so at .33 each to me it's a food bargain.


Thanks for your challenges..like I said, I only need to lose about 10 lbs and I work out like a fiend (2 hours daily). Fortunately I love to cook, so it's been fun for me to get out all my foreign cookbooks to look for suitable foods. I am finding a LOT of very do-able recipes that simple in my Indian cookbooks..lots of brown rice and lentil based dishes, plus the "heat" of the various indian spices helps the calorie burner. Lentils and Rice are cheap if you buy in bulk so I think the average person with a little creativity and willingness to spend the time could be be very successful on this eating plan. I'll see if I can scrounge up a pizza crust recipe to make at home..




Menina! You are a woman after my own heart. I LOVE good Indian food, but have never tried cooking anything on my own. Would you mind sharing some recipes? For instance, what are you doing for filling of the Mochi (which I realize is not Indian, but still am very curious)? Is it something that would travel well to work for lunch (something that could either be eaten cold or be reheated easily)? Is it an easy thing to cook at home? What about some of the other recipes are you digging up from your Indian cookbooks that are working for this diet? I have also taken down the cauliflower recipes you have all shared and plan on using them often. I've done the mashed one before but it has been ages and I had forgotten about it. I've got to get back to Whole Foods but every time I go I do spend a fortune. But it is so very worth it. Thanks in advance for sharing.




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Here is a quicky:


Red Lentils with Ginger:


2cups dried red lentils, sorted, rinsed, drained

4 cups waer

1/2 teaspoon dried tumeric

2 tablespoons butter or veg.oil

1 teaspoon cumin seed


2 med. red onions cut in half, thinly sliced

2 tablespoons finely chopped gingeroot

3 fresh thai, serrano, or cayenne chilies, crushed

1 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons fresh cilantro


Put first 3 ingrediants in 3 quart saucepan, heat to boiling, reduce heat. Simmer uncovered 15-30 minutes, skim off any foam from the lentils. Cook until lentils are soften and most liquid is abosorbed, remove from heat


Heat butter over med. high heat, add cumin seeds, sizzle 30 seconds. Add onion, gingeroot, chilies, stir fry 2-4 minutes until onion is golden brown.


Stir onion mixture and salt into lentils, simmer uncovered 10=15 minutes until tender, sprinkle with cilantro.


This is called "Dahl" in Indian cooking.


8 servings, 160 calories, 4g fat, 12 grams protein. Equals 2 starch, 1 lean meat.


Indian food can be complicated at times, but many of the recipes are quite easy. I have 5 Indian cookbooks, my fav. one is "Betty Crocker's Indian Home Cooking" which tends to be the most uncomplicated. Many of the foods with "flour" are made from a garbanzo bean flour which you can make yourself by grinding a whole bag of garbanzo beans (dried) or you can buy it from your indian grocery store. There are many recipes on the web.


Mochi filling: I am making hummus. That's easy and cheap to make, a can of tahini paste is 3.50 or so, and a bag of garbanzo beans (dried) is .69 or you can used canned ones drained. When I make my hummus I put in an ENTIRE head of garlic and use less of the olive oil, plus the appropriate amount of Tahini according to the recipe. Of course, then garlic comes out of my pores for the rest of the week. I also made a cucumber salad today with cucumbers, black beans, a chopped up green chili, a little lime and orange juice, and fresh cilantro. That recipe I got from the "southern living" website.


Hope this helps..Menina




Hi all....Bardgal talked me into trying this diet in January and I am hooked. So far i'm down about 13 pounds, starting Jan 2, which is so exciting for me. I've been lurking on this thread for awhile (CONGRATS EVERYONE!! :D ) but this brought me out of lurking as I had to ask some questions:




Menina! You are a woman after my own heart. I LOVE good Indian food, but have never tried cooking anything on my own. Would you mind sharing some recipes? For instance, what are you doing for filling of the Mochi (which I realize is not Indian, but still am very curious)? Is it something that would travel well to work for lunch (something that could either be eaten cold or be reheated easily)? Is it an easy thing to cook at home? What about some of the other recipes are you digging up from your Indian cookbooks that are working for this diet? I have also taken down the cauliflower recipes you have all shared and plan on using them often. I've done the mashed one before but it has been ages and I had forgotten about it. I've got to get back to Whole Foods but every time I go I do spend a fortune. But it is so very worth it. Thanks in advance for sharing.




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Hope this helps..Menina


Menina---Yes! This helps immensly. I will have to check on the cookbook suggestion, see if I can find it somewhere here. Sounds fabulous...can't wait to try it. Thank you so very much!!!!




'bout time you came out and shared your success!


Well kids, I am off to Vegas for two days, let's hope I have some will power!




Thanks...you knew I would eventually be forced out of hiding! :D I had to ask about those recipes....I've done pretty well so far, but as you know, I've GOT to buckle down and get even more strict. I have no doubt in the world that I will lose it...I MUST!!! :D


You will be good in Vegas...I know you will have some willpower!! :p Hope you have a fantastic time!



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I have been on the Fat Loss Patch and have lost 17 lbs in 2 months without really watching what I ate and only walking on the tread mill once or twice a week. If I did what I’m supposed too (eat right and exercise) I could have lost more. The patch has cut my craving for carbs and sweets :p (and I have a bad sweet tooth). I eat 1/3 of what I did before and it took my cravings for sodas away. I get full so fast now it’s great and I’m voluntarily drinking water instead of a soda or a cocktail. WHAT”S WRONG WITH ME???:rolleyes: I know the temptation to indulge on a cruise will be high. Especially the Drinks of the day, :D but I’ll keep you posted on how I do on my February cruise. I wish I would have been on the Fat Loss Patch on my last 4 cruises. I would'nt be 40 lbs overweight! Thanks for the yummy sounding reciepie!

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Alright im sorry if this has been asked on here but i have been trying for so long to lose these last 10 pounds before my march 17th cruise in tahiti.. I mean its tahiti.. ALL SWIMMING, i have to look good..


I have been trying to get rid of these pounds for the last 2 months, NOT ONE BULDGE ON THE SCALE.... So here we go, im going to give you some random facts about myself and hopefully you can help.



I have a membership to a gym

I am ADDICTED to apples and grapes

I am also addicted to Grande nonfat caramel lattes....

My family and I always have dinner together, usually steak and potatoes and a vegetable.

I am 5'10

I want to lose the weight in my tummy.


I am most totally down for anything, I just want to lose these pounds, anyone have a problem like me, or well you know?


Thanks for reading about my patheticness. haha

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read this thread from start to finish..sorry honey if this sounds cruel, but you have to dump the carmel lattes if you expect to lose..or you forfeit your right to complain and lose the 10 lbs. Too bad if you're addicted..is being 10 lbs fatter really WORTHthe lattes?? How do you think drug addicts stop using drugs..they want it bad enough, they do it one day at a time, find support, and they stop..albeit with difficulty..but you have to want it bad enough. If you can't give up something, then you don't want it bad enough. You can make an excuse to justify anything you don't want to give up.


The other thing is you have to do crunches..a lot of them..whether you like them or not..and back/sides/ab work...I work out with a navy SEAL trainer for 5 hours weekly..and we do no less than 1000 crunches/side work/back ...I see a difference but you have to do them for many months..and I also do an hour of cardio ..RUNNING...5 or 6 days per week..Menina


Alright im sorry if this has been asked on here but i have been trying for so long to lose these last 10 pounds before my march 17th cruise in tahiti.. I mean its tahiti.. ALL SWIMMING, i have to look good..


I have been trying to get rid of these pounds for the last 2 months, NOT ONE BULDGE ON THE SCALE.... So here we go, im going to give you some random facts about myself and hopefully you can help.



I have a membership to a gym

I am ADDICTED to apples and grapes

I am also addicted to Grande nonfat caramel lattes....

My family and I always have dinner together, usually steak and potatoes and a vegetable.

I am 5'10

I want to lose the weight in my tummy.


I am most totally down for anything, I just want to lose these pounds, anyone have a problem like me, or well you know?


Thanks for reading about my patheticness. haha

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Greencruisers---Menina is right. Read this thread from start to finish and follow the advice, and it WILL come off. It is working amazingly well for me. I don't know who said it first, but nothing tastes as good as being thin (or in your case losing those last 10 pounds) feels! :D (Yes, cheesy, I know!! :p )


The other thing I would recommend is cut back on the potatoes (eat them rarely) and decrease the red meat intake...chicken, turkey, fish, that kind of thing are better for you. Apples and grapes and great, but they are really high sugary (although natural sugar) fruits...what about berries? Fresh veggies as snacks? Grilled chicken and steamed veggies instead of steaks for dinner? Salads? There are some great recipe suggestions in this thread too.


Also...something that has helped with my workout...does your gym have any personal trainers? Ask for specific workouts or something to target the area you want to lose weight in. As you know, you can't ignore the other areas, but getting extra things to add to your routine that target your tummy might help. Just a thought!!


I hope this helps and good luck!


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The other thing is you have to do crunches..a lot of them..whether you like them or not..and back/sides/ab work...I work out with a navy SEAL trainer for 5 hours weekly..and we do no less than 1000 crunches/side work/back ...I see a difference but you have to do them for many months..and I also do an hour of cardio ..RUNNING...5 or 6 days per week..Menina


umm....HELLO!!! I'm jealous! :eek: :D Right now I'm up to 26 minutes (out of 30 min of cardio) running and increasing. I don't have tons of time to work out, so I'm trying to get as much as I can in about 1 hr, 15 min or so. I agree.....LOTS of crunches, and I do plenty. I try to get in the gym to work out 3 times a week and do pilates when I can't. I've got all sorts of areas I want to target :D....abs, arms, legs...well, basically everything. Suggestions on things that have helped you? Care to share a workout or two? If you want to but cannot on the board for whatever reason, email me at mjshap @ gmail . com (no spaces). Always looking for some new tips!!!



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Are the lattes really that bad:(?


I'm not a coffee drinker, but I have several friends that used to work at Starbucks. If you saw the fat and calories and sugar in even the nonfat stuff you'd be shocked. It's the caramel that gets you with that one. So very sorry.... :( I understand the addiction thing to certain foods and sweets...trust me. My addiction was the Nonfat Vanilla Chai Lattes (with the whole shot of Vanilla)....even done nonfat it was still FULL of sugar, calories, etc. Or you could do it this way....give up the addiction, and use it as a reward instead. When you reach your 10 pound goal, or when you reach 5 pounds, let yourself have one (but only one). Makes it all that much more worthwhile! :)



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Like anything..you suck it up and DO it..


I work in Palm Beach and Miami..live in both places..my schedule last year was that I had to commute from PB to MIA two days per week..which meant I was up at 4:30 am to make it to the hospital by 7:15 a.m..after driving 1.5 hours. Then, I taught 4 grad classes at a university, and saw patients in PB the other two days. Some days it would take 3 hours in rush hour to get home from traffic...so I packed my gym bag, if traffic was bad, I bailed out of traffic and stopped at the gym, as my gym has several locations along the way.


That was in addition to doing a lot of other court work, etc. and research. On the days I stayed in PB, I still got up at the same time, and worked out and was in my office by 8am. By 3pm I was still going strong and not tired at all. AND I finished a PhD two years ago through all of this.


How I did it: ORGANIZATION. Granted, I have a housecleaner who also does my laundry..a big splurge..but..it's organiazation and guts and letting go of some things. The other thing I did was if I was short on work out time, I rode my bike to the grocery store or if I had to prepare for classes I walked with my books to Starbucks and back..which was another 45 minutes. So there it's creativity. Or to see my friends, we would plan a walk somewhere or a bikeride, etc. Something that didnt' involve food.


I cook on Saturdays and Sundays..I do easy things that pack well..my Indian dishes..I cut up all my veggies and put in ziploc bags, and buy fruit..so I "grab" from each pile for my lunch and or dinner.


You can make the time..you just have to get creative. Even if you get a lunch break you can use it to power walk. My patients are on the 9th floor in my hospital and my office on the first..yep..take the stairs...


But for me, the trainer worked..if you've ever noticed the same people in the gym day after day and their bodies are not improving...well, a lot of it is not using proper form and breathing. The trainre made all the difference for me,a nd even when I didn't use him two months I could still maintain on my own.


This is an excellent website: http://www.stewsmith.com , he has a lot of good ideas to.



umm....HELLO!!! I'm jealous! :eek: :D Right now I'm up to 26 minutes (out of 30 min of cardio) running and increasing. I don't have tons of time to work out, so I'm trying to get as much as I can in about 1 hr, 15 min or so. I agree.....LOTS of crunches, and I do plenty. I try to get in the gym to work out 3 times a week and do pilates when I can't. I've got all sorts of areas I want to target :D....abs, arms, legs...well, basically everything. Suggestions on things that have helped you? Care to share a workout or two? If you want to but cannot on the board for whatever reason, email me at mjshap @ gmail . com (no spaces). Always looking for some new tips!!!



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