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Anyone on Atkins?


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Jocelyn: My DH & I make up his tuna salad every Sunday evening with eggs, mayo, celery and he takes a container that holds about 1 cup every day to work - and he's not tired of it yet!:eek: But he's lost 17 lbs and love that he doesn't have to suck in his tummy to button his pants! I always felt like I was cheating too, at first when I had mayo! Hey!! Good luck on that new scale!! :D My new scale stuck 3 extra pounds on me :eek: and won't let go!!LOL! But I really do think now that it is more exact then the old one!


Lisa - Anchor! HA! I'm just bored at work and I can 'Cruise' on in here at all times of the day! If there was someone else in the office, I'd have someone to yak it up with - instead I stop by your desks and chat with you guys! hee hee :D Your just to cute! There are some days I feel like an Anchor....lead bottom and all!! LOL!!!! Seriously though - I hope your ladies conference goes really well - lots of time and work go into those! And Atkins friendly food - wow..where do I sign up!?!?! ;)


Comforcove - First day Congrats!! Hope you made it!!


Donna - I have to remind myself to drink water through the day too!

Funny how one of the easiest things we can have all we want - and we need a reminder!?!! Now if it were M&M's....I'd be in front of the line! LOL!


Tom: What are you doing these days for exercise? More Rollerblading? Do you hit the theme parks now that the summer crowds are thinned out? Our State Fair just finished last weekend...we didn't even go this year! About every 5th year we don't go - and then really look forward to it the next few years.


Annie: How are you doing girl!?! Haven't heard much from you this week, I know your work can sure keep you busy! Miss you.....

Have a great evening guys!

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Hello Everyone:

Lisa: I forgot to answer that Carlos is doing much better in school this year.. Right now he is busted for taking his PSP (portable play station) to school and lending it to another kid..... Arghhhh...

I think you have it right about the cruising.. just go and have fun...:D

Jean... I am still walking and going to the gym. No parks or outings. Kid is in school and I need to pay off my credit cards. :mad:


Thank goodness for this group....


All for now, Tom

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Jean: I didn't quite understand what Lisa meant when she she said I should get a new scale now and said "Jean will tell you about a new scale" but after reading back a few pages I understand LOL. I don't know if I am quite as brave as you are to get on a new scale....I am going back and forth on it.


BTW, I tried SFS's chicken nugget w/ parm cheese, but I used it on thin sliced chicken cutlets; all I can say is OMG it was soooo good. My DH loved it! He even said it would be great as chicken parm. I just have to see if I can have tomato sauce.:)


Here is a recipe I saw on Rachel Ray 30 min meals I think would be carb friendly; I made this b4 and it is WONDERFUL! It is steak pinwheels


Take a flank steak(I have the butcher butterfly it but you can do this yourself) and lay it out flat to stuff


Put fresh spinach, crumbled gorganzola, green onions, and pepper. Enough to cover the inside.


Roll up the flank steak with the stuffing and tie it with kitchen string.


Slice the steak to make pinwheels in between the string, & coat with olive oil so it doesn't stick to the grill


Then just grill.


It is soooo good.

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OH! YUM Jocelyn!!! What a great idea - but what's gorganzola?:confused: I have no Idea what that is -- and I'm a big 30 min meal watcher! I love flank steak for fajitas - but hadn't thought about using it for a 'roll up' ! LOL Great Idea- thanks for sharing! Yeah - that scale thing really threw me for a loop! :eek: But by now, it's ok - DH isn't sleeping on the couch anymore! JK!! ;) I'm used to those digital numbers coming up now - even though I would love to see the number decress a bit faster! :o


This has been the worst week here at work! UGH! I'm so glad it's Friday!

Are you?!?!

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OH! YUM Jocelyn!!! What a great idea - but what's gorganzola?:confused: I have no Idea what that is -- and I'm a big 30 min meal watcher! I love flank steak for fajitas - but hadn't thought about using it for a 'roll up' ! LOL Great Idea- thanks for sharing! Yeah - that scale thing really threw me for a loop! :eek: But by now, it's ok - DH isn't sleeping on the couch anymore! JK!! ;) I'm used to those digital numbers coming up now - even though I would love to see the number decress a bit faster! :o


This has been the worst week here at work! UGH! I'm so glad it's Friday!

Are you?!?!

LOL! I hear ya but I still have one more day at work...it doesn't help that I am fighting a sinus infection but I feel much better today.


Re: The Scale...I wasn't going to weigh myself today, but I decided that it might keep me on track, well I am down another 2 lbs...I will check again tomorrow to see if this is still true. I almost fell off the scale when I saw this, that scale hasn't moved down from where it was pinned for a year. I had my DH get on it one day to make sure that it actually went to a different number:D


I am planning to try my best to keep up this WOE for my cruise...I told my DH today that I will not be eating any bread on the cruise and I will try to order the cheese plate for dessert or SF desserts. He said "well you can't deprive yourself" (he is so well meaning, I love him) I said I am not depriving myself so much as just choosing another WOEing...I have to say thank to you all for that little gem of an answer:)


BTW, gorganzola it like blue cheese...it comes crumbled which makes it easy just to sprinkle it on. I also forgot in the receipe that you also put shreaded Asagio Cheese...It is kinda like Parmagian just a little softer or you could use a swiss type cheese. SOOOO GOOD, you have to try it.

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Hello Jocelyn:

On my last cruise (this August) I just handed the bread plate to the waiter/ asst waiter on the first night and told them that I would not be having any. It was slightly harder to tell them no to the danish in the A.M. But I stuck with it. One great side benifit is that you really do enjoy your food more and do not feel so stuffed when you leave the dining room.. I meant to order cheese but ended up having sugar free deserts most nights.. bottom line no weight gain on cruise :D. I did enjoy wine and congac..:D So If I were not drinking I could have lost weight on the cruise... But luckily I was / am close to my goal.

Tom in Long Beach...

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Jean ~ I'm sure you look NOTHING like an anchor!!!:eek::p Just want you to know you add so much to this board.


Tom ~ oh, those portable things. I told my son he couldn't have one & that I had told Santa & all the relatives about it, because I couldn't bear to have his face stuck in one more electronic device. Well, Grandma just sent him a $30.00 gift card "just because", so he bought a virtual pet with it. You can't win for losing!!


Jocelyn ~ way to go!! That's a great start! Those pinwheels sound yummy...our Costco sells something just like it, pre-made. It's a little more expensive that way, but I do love them.


Annie ~ how are you doing? Haven't heard from you in a bit...


Hello to everyone else & Happy Friday! Have a great & healthy weekend!

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Hello! So, tell me: are any of you as big on omelets as I am? Really, it is just about the only thing I can bring myself to have for breakfast on cruises, and I just love the omelet bar! I load them up with mushrooms, tomatoes, cheddar cheese, avocado if they have it, sausage, onions, peppers, and just about whatever else they offer. :) It's such a great thing to have if you've a long day of sightseeing ahead of you, as it sticks to your ribs for hours on end!

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Hello Jocelyn:

On my last cruise (this August) I just handed the bread plate to the waiter/ asst waiter on the first night and told them that I would not be having any. It was slightly harder to tell them no to the danish in the A.M. But I stuck with it. One great side benifit is that you really do enjoy your food more and do not feel so stuffed when you leave the dining room.. I meant to order cheese but ended up having sugar free deserts most nights.. bottom line no weight gain on cruise :D. I did enjoy wine and congac..:D So If I were not drinking I could have lost weight on the cruise... But luckily I was / am close to my goal.

Tom in Long Beach...


Thanks for posting this, it answers so many of my questions/fears of cruising in 22 days. I was worried if I could have wine or not, (not into fruity drinks thanks goodness) I mean I know I could have drinks(I saw SFS's list on alcohol (thanks Sheila)) but wasn't sure what they would do to the scale LOL I was also wondering about the SF Desserts. I won't over do it but you calmed my fears...Thank you sooo much :)


And I know what you mean about leaving the diningroom stuffed, I am so tired most times after dinner that I just go to bed. YUCK! This cruise I plan to be up and out on the dance floor:D Thanks again...BTW, can't wait til I get to take macademia nuts to work as a snack yum, great tip.

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Hello! So, tell me: are any of you as big on omelets as I am? Really, it is just about the only thing I can bring myself to have for breakfast on cruises, and I just love the omelet bar! I load them up with mushrooms, tomatoes, cheddar cheese, avocado if they have it, sausage, onions, peppers, and just about whatever else they offer. :) It's such a great thing to have if you've a long day of sightseeing ahead of you, as it sticks to your ribs for hours on end!

I also love omletes! I usually have EW's with tomato, cheese and onions. I can do w/o the onions this time though!:)


Sheila, I also want to thank you for having such an awesome website. It has so much info that has been helpful.

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Jean ~ I'm sure you look NOTHING like an anchor!!!:eek::p Just want you to know you add so much to this board.


Tom ~ oh, those portable things. I told my son he couldn't have one & that I had told Santa & all the relatives about it, because I couldn't bear to have his face stuck in one more electronic device. Well, Grandma just sent him a $30.00 gift card "just because", so he bought a virtual pet with it. You can't win for losing!!


Jocelyn ~ way to go!! That's a great start! Those pinwheels sound yummy...our Costco sells something just like it, pre-made. It's a little more expensive that way, but I do love them.


Annie ~ how are you doing? Haven't heard from you in a bit...


Hello to everyone else & Happy Friday! Have a great & healthy weekend!

Thanks Lisa:)

I will see what other recipes I can find and I will try to post them here...One good thing about this WOE is that you have to cook and I LOVE to cook.:)

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Heh everyone...Just checking in to say hi and I'm doing very well on the Atkins! My blood sugar is running around 109 consistently, and Atkins is working great! I can't wait to go back to the dietician and wave the results in front of her. She wrote on the diet chart for me to consume up to 60 grams of carbs per meal! LOL! I don't go over 10 carbs a meal and my blood sugar isn't going out of whack. I also bought some of the Atkins chocolate bars and DH and I split one in the evenings, and they satisfy my sweet tooth and it doesn't elevate my blood sugar at all. I'll be curious as to what the dietician has to say about my progress, maybe I'll be an inspiration to her to lose 200lbs! :eek: :D

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Heh everyone...Just checking in to say hi and I'm doing very well on the Atkins! My blood sugar is running around 109 consistently, and Atkins is working great! I can't wait to go back to the dietician and wave the results in front of her. She wrote on the diet chart for me to consume up to 60 grams of carbs per meal! LOL! I don't go over 10 carbs a meal and my blood sugar isn't going out of whack. I also bought some of the Atkins chocolate bars and DH and I split one in the evenings, and they satisfy my sweet tooth and it doesn't elevate my blood sugar at all. I'll be curious as to what the dietician has to say about my progress, maybe I'll be an inspiration to her to lose 200lbs! :eek: :D

Great Job! 60 grams of carbs PER MEAL!!!!:eek: LOL:D

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Hi Guys, I'm one of those Lurkers, been hangining around for about a week. I went to the beginning of this thread and read all of it. You guys are great. I started Atkins 12 days ago. I have lost 7 pounds so far. I'm amazed that I have not even been tempted to cheat. I think having my cruise 9 weeks away gives me a goal and a target date. No more putting it off, now's the time. I did Atkins last year and lost about 40 pounds. I'm proud to say I did not gain any back, but it's time to start losing more. I need to drop about 70 pounds!


I tried the chicken with the parmasan cheese from SFS website. It was fabulous. I have to tell you: I was watching Food Network this afternoon, Giada with "Everyday Italian" used the exact same recipe, except she used bite size fresh Broccolli and Califlower. It looked tasty. What a great idea. Also thinking about trying it with shrimp, yummy, fried shrimp!


Glad to finally step in to say hi! I'll be hanging around!



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Welcome Pamela! -You've done what I did. After reading all these great threads it made me decide to just "do it"! And these people here are sooo supportive! Post often, it really is helpful and fun!


Jocelyn-I work in a hospital and began wieghing myself on a scale in the cardiac rehab gym, and then I thought maybe their scale is off (digital) so I went to the surgical floor and found one of the old fashioned ones you use to get on at the doctors. It weighed me exactly like the other, whew!:p So I can stick with the digital one.


Well, I usually post on Sundays but I won't be at a computer all weekend, so I weighed tonight and I am down another 2 lbs!!! Total of 12 lbs with 4 weeks on induction! I will be starting OWL on Monday. Looking forward to other things.


I cruise in February with my sister, and she has begun lurking here with us. Hi Sis! :D She sent for the book, and wants to begin. So I know you'll all be there for her too! Got to send her to Shelia's website for recipes! She keeps wondering what to carry for lunch/dinner to work. And she's worried about the carbs in the house because her hubby doesn't need to diet, grrr! I'm single and keep my cupboards free of non-atkins friendly foods, how do the others of you handle it?


Remember what a great bunch of losers you all are!;) Have a great weekend. TGIF!!


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I had been weighing myself on a scale I have at home for years. It's the old fashion one that the dial moves back and forth. Then you have to kinda figure the number.


I went out and bought one of those digital scale. I wanted to "see" the numbers go down. To my surprise the new scale "added" 15 pounds to me. UGH!!!!. Talk about a depressed moment. Well I got over it. Luckily I waited to start on Atkins after I bought the new scale! So I'm moving down off the "new" number.

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Hey Donna! Way to go girl! Those 12 lbs....gone for ever! Bye Bye!

We did some grocery shopping tonight - I always start in the Meat sections! I wonder why? LOL!!!! :D Have you noticed how fast grocery shopping is when eating Atkins...? I think I've cut my time in 1/2! Yay! So many of those aisles...I don't even go down! Since DH is eating the same as me - we do not bring in any desserts, if he just has to have one - he'll get it when we eat out. No bread, no high carb veggies - but my fridge is full! Eggs, mayo, leftovers.... My Mom comes next week for a 2 week visit - I know we'll have to have a few things for her, she's an oatmeal every morning lady. sigh It'll be ok.

jayesouthworth - Yeah! On your blood sugar!! Are you feeling better? Your body must be so happy not swinging back and forth on high level readings!

Hi Pamela! Welcome! Sounds like you are really off to a great start! Since you've read the past pages - we totally know how frustrating the 'Scale Swap Shock' can be! But you know where to start - and I'm sure you'll see your goal number come up on that new scale! I'm a 'Back in the Day' Homeschool Mom. 90-2000!

My DD-25- went on to get her Bach Degree in Business - My DS-23-is 1 yr off from his Degree in Law Enforcement, his wife just graduated this spring-so he let her go full time - and next spring he'll go back and finish. But Back to Atkins - 40 lbs - that is great! I know you'll get your other 70 off!


SFS - I love omelets - that's our special breakfast on the Weekends! Thanks for popping in!


Good Night ya'all!

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Homeschoole Mom, fried shrimp YUMM!!! I didn't even think of that, my DH will be so excited, he loves fried shrimp. He is not officially doing Atkins but he does eat whatever I make for dinner and so far has loved everything:) .


I made a decision about the scale....I am going to stick with this one, I can't bear the thought of getting on another one and weighing more. I figure as long as it's going in the right direction I'm ok with that LOL:D


Last night for dinner we had pan seared sea scallops with pan juices. Sounds hard but it was so easy and done in 10-15 minutes. Heres what I did:


I took large sea scallops (12) rinsed and dried them w/ a papertowel.


In a frying pan over med/high heat put enough Olive Oil to coat the bottom of the pan.


Season the scallops with pepper, garlic powder and cayenne (opt).


Put scallops in pan and cook til done and golden brown.


When you take the scallops out their will be some brown stuff (I call it flavor:D ) at the bottom of the pan. Just put alittle water so it bubbles up and scrape bottom (still over heat). Viola, pan juices:) Pour this over the scallops.


Note: Just make sure when you are making the pan juices that the "Flavor" is not burnt, just dark brown.


I had this with salad, it was really good and easy. I decided to start writing down the recipes I make so I don't forget:)

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well, i'm going to eventually switch from Atkins (Low Carbs)to Slow Carbs.

It was nice to read that some do Atkins during the cruise, i was planning on doing this also, just wondering how many omlets i can order before being cut off(lol)


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well, i'm going to eventually switch from Atkins (Low Carbs)to Slow Carbs.

It was nice to read that some do Atkins during the cruise, i was planning on doing this also, just wondering how many omlets i can order before being cut off(lol)


Sky's the limit:D :D :D

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Well, maybe I shouldn't weigh myself everyday but I was so excited with my progress so far. I got on the scale this morning and I was up 2 lbs:(


I didn't even stray from the induction rules. I did have sushi last night, but with no rice on anything. The rolls I had were wrapped in cucumber and I only had 4 pieces. The rest was sashimi, avacado, fried soft shell crab in butter sauce. And I even stayed away from the pickled ginger b/c it has sugar. This is really depressing b/c it make me feel like I can't eat out w/o gaining. Sorry, I don't mean to bring anyone down, I just needed to write this on here and maybe get some advice.

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Hey All.


I'm still having my TOM... we're going on almost 3 weeks now. I need these new seasonale pills to kick in and stop the bleeding soon or I'm just gonna die. Uh, anyway, cravings have been awful this week. I had a couple dark chocolate bars over the last week (prob about 12 carbs/serving). I still lost about a pound this week but it's not satisfying to be craving all the time. So now I don't know if it's dairy or TOM causing my cravings. Anyway, I'm cutting off dairy this week and going back to rung 1 again for a week to see if I can cut the cravings. If I do then I tearfully have to assume its the dairy causing cravings and despite the fact that I'm no longer lactose intolerant (no tummy cravings with any of it-- including the milk and ice cream!) I'll have to let it go and stick with cheese.


I love omelettes and have several a week. Some of my faves are 1)cheese, chicken, spinach, 2) mushrooms and cheese and 3) ham and cheese. But I don't eat them every day. What else do you guys eat as a filling breakfast on cruises? I don't like pastries much but I do get tempted by waffles, pancakes and crepes. What do you guys eat???


I'm really bummed about this dairy thing. On a related note...



I still go through days when I feel deprived. I wish I could offer advice that was more soothing but... hang in there! You'll find lots of things you can have in your diet that you used to restrict. And I allow us to spend more on our groceries now than I did before (used to buy lots of rice and pasta to keep things cheap) and I enjoy the fresh veggies, fruits and meats much more than the cans. I figure if I'm restricting what I'm eating then I might as well enjoy the best I can eat!

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Jocelyn, I' having the same issue here! I weigh myself everyday, heck, even several times a day. This is the end of my second week of indication. My weight has is the same it was at the beginning of the week! I try to tell myself I did lose 7 pounds the first week, and if that was mainly water, maybe my body is catching up with it. What do you other losers think?

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My DH and I returned from our Carnival Glory cruise yesterday. We had a wonderful time and beautiful weather. I stuck to low-carb eating for the first three days and then things went downhill from there. A few cocktails, a few desserts, a dinner roll or two, a cheeseburger on a bun, and even a baked potato the last night!!! The cravings have definitely set in, and I will be going back to induction to get things going in the right direction again.


I haven't gotten on the scale yet...I'll face the beast tomorrow morning and deal with the results accordingly. It just solidifies it with me that carbs and sugar are an addiction for me and my body cannot handle them without me getting out of control with food cravings.


Welcome to the newbies that joined last week! On Atkins, the scale does not always give you the encouragement you need. At times you will be losing inches without the scale moving. Make sure you measure yourself. You can also tell by the way your clothes fit. It's not all about the number on the scale!!!

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Hello All:

Jocelyn and Pamala: Do not worry, just keep on program. You do not get the amazing first week on induction forever... I am sure you are both exercising? That is what really keeps the weight loss ball rolling...

Also 2lbs is basically normal fluctuation......

I am sort of going back on a short induction to start loosing my last 5-7 lbs.. for a few days. Sort of helps me back from all of the Carb Crawl ( slowly adding in more carbs than you realize).

Anyway I love omlettes... that is a cruise ship staple.. and if you are further along fresh fruit also... I love smoked salmon.... Beware the evil danish cart/tray in the dining room..


Lisa we got the PSP back thank goodness. There will be morning back pack and pocket checks....


All for now, Tom

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