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Anyone on Atkins?


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Well, I'm back. I've had post cruise depression, so I have not been around here for a while;). I gained 8!!!! pounds on my cruise(3 or so was water weight though). I did good for the first day or so, but fell, no jumped off the wagon. New Orleans did me in. I love cajun food and rice in general. Here's some other news though. hubby got back and had a return of his medical condition and had to go back on steroids. He had lost 13 pounds on Atkins. He decided he wanted to do low fat and not atkins. Long story short, he gained 15 pounds. We are both back on Atkins. I am back down to pre-cruise weight and still loosing. My stomach issues have gone away again(came back while off Atkins). I'm starting to wonder if I have some sort of a gluten sensitivity going on. It's so nice to be able to eat and not hurt afterward. We are starting to see that this is probably going to have to be a life long thing for us. Pretty hard to admit for Italian food loving folk like us. Hubby keeps going around saying "nothing tastes better than thin" LOL:D, he picked that up from me, and I got it from this site. We are just wating until my boss announces his next vacation to plan another cruise! Ours was wonderful, other than my daughter running up a $200 phone bill while in international waters. Oh, and I have no pants that fit me. In a bout of depression last year, I threw out all my skinny jeans because it hurt to look at them. I will have to go shopping soon, but want to loose a little more before spending them money. Thanks for everyone's help!

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Hello all. I am new here and am looking for any words of wisdom and/or advice on a low carb diet.


I did Atkins 8 years ago, and lost 40 lbs. Now after two babies, I need to do something again. Since Atkins worked the first time, I will try it once more.


Breakfast seems to be the hardest for me. I am not a big fan of eating in the morning, even though I know I need to. After awhile I remember that I couldn't even look at an egg. Any great breakfast ideas?


I have 3 months before our cruise. I need to do this. Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!


Thank you!



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Hello all. I am new here and am looking for any words of wisdom and/or advice on a low carb diet.


I did Atkins 8 years ago, and lost 40 lbs. Now after two babies, I need to do something again. Since Atkins worked the first time, I will try it once more.


Breakfast seems to be the hardest for me. I am not a big fan of eating in the morning, even though I know I need to. After awhile I remember that I couldn't even look at an egg. Any great breakfast ideas?


I have 3 months before our cruise. I need to do this. Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!


Thank you!



Hi there. I, too, am new to this thread. I started Atkins 2 weeks ago. Although, I did it several years ago with great sucess, unfortunately, I let life get in the way.


To your question I have 2 suggestions.


1. I find the Atkins bars are not so bad. The morning ones are pretty good actually. My favorite is the Apple crisp (which is funny since I don't like apples that much). There is also the Atkins shakes. If you make them really cold, like in a blender with ice they are good...later on you can do the vanilla and add a few strawberries to it and it will be almost a smoothie.


2. This took me a bit to get use to not having a "breakfast" food but this is an idea. We have taken a full romaine leaf put mayo, fried bacon, maybe some chicken if we have some and a slice of cheese, halfed..but use both halves..just end to end..fold over and eat like a taco. These are yummy! Great for lunch too!


I found this idea on the internet. I love cinnamon toast kettle corn. Miss this the most. Take plain pork rinds and put in a ziploc type bag. In a small container mix some splenda and cinnamon together. Put this in the bag with the pork rinds and shake shake shake. This makes for a nice break when you feel like you HAVE to have that sweet something. (splenda amount and cinnamon to taste)


Hope this helps a little. Good luck! BTW, I lost 7 pounds week 1. Not bad for a semi old lady in forced menopause!

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Hey Kiddos!

Happy Monday - or something like that! LOL...

Well, I did my official weigh in, after taking 5 days to get back on track after 2.5 weeks of fun with my family visiting and I am only 2 lbs above where I was before they all started landing on my door step! LOL... And if there is anything that has confirmed to me that eating 'Atkins' WOE works....this was IT!! Wed my sis and I had lunch together just before they headed back to Denver - and I had my wings & unsweetened tea and I know by that evening when DH & I had a good dinner....I was back on track!! And each day I came down a little more & a little more - but since Mondays are my weigh in's this is how I came to a 2 lb gain. So, a bit more work, I'll be back at my pre-company weight and if I can just take off 9 more lbs - I'll be doing good for the holidays! PEOPLE! This works! :D

Welcome - wernew2crusing,Dayna1517 - Best advice to newbies....go back on some of the past pages....lots of good tips, answers and links to really get you going - educate yourself on the benefits of Atkins/low carb - remember it's not NO Carbs...you still need healthy carbs in your meals.

Mountaingurl - Welcome Back! Back to Pre Crusing weight and losing...good Girl! :D

Good to hear from the 'Party Queen'! :D

Lisa - How'd the weekend conference go?

Tom - what's keeping you busy these days?

Ok, I'll check back later...

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Welcome New People, and I concur, the best advise is to go back on these threads and posts and gather some really great advice. And go to the:

atkinsdietbullitenboard.com the offical websit, and get recipes and advice!


Well, it was a no loss, no gain week for me. I attended a wedding this weekend and ate correctly at the reception. It was the last minute emergency that tripped me up! Long story short-stayed to help with the cleaning of the rental hall, took us waaayyyy longer than anticipated, finally exhausted and finished we all sat down and toasted the couple with a glass of champagne and a slice of leftover wedding cake. Up until then I had resisted both, but what the hey? I went on a 2 hour hike up a mountian to see beautiful foilage on Sunday and raked leaves today.


Need new skinny jeans...:) you make me jealous, at least I know mine now fit me so much looser!


2lb gain after all that company!!! You did awesome!! Family, gotta love em!


It is a glorious fall day here in Maine, it was 80!!! Had shorts and tee shirt on to rake leaves! Now if I can only bottle it so I can pull it out in December! Take care all!!


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Hello all. I am new here and am looking for any words of wisdom and/or advice on a low carb diet.


I did Atkins 8 years ago, and lost 40 lbs. Now after two babies, I need to do something again. Since Atkins worked the first time, I will try it once more.


Breakfast seems to be the hardest for me. I am not a big fan of eating in the morning, even though I know I need to. After awhile I remember that I couldn't even look at an egg. Any great breakfast ideas?


I have 3 months before our cruise. I need to do this. Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!


Thank you!




Good for you, coming back. Having been on Atkins (with a few tweaks) for 7 years after losing 130 lbs. I'm a total advocate. If you don't care for eggs for breakfast, how about bacon, ham or sausage with a breakfast bar? Often I make a crustless quiche with spinach and chopped ham or bacon for breakfast. If you need a recipe, just let me know.


You'll find a lot of support here and should be in great shape in time for your cruise.

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Hi all,


Sorry to be AWOL for so long...it was a crazy busy weekend. Between my exhaustion from the Women's Day & worrying about my family & friends who are out of their homes in CA, I have gone off track for a few days. It hasn't affected my weight much, but I can see my addictive patterns surfacing...e.g. eating things I don't really want just because they have sugar! Like Red Vines...bleccchhh. So please give me a little kick...I'm trying to get back on track today & I'll let you know how it goes.


The Women's Day food was fantastic...I chose the menu to be Atkins-friendly (with the exception of Tuscan chicken pasta & roasted potatoes, which I skipped, and of course the desserts...which there were no sugar-free choices!)...I had a mixed-greens salad, the chicken picked out from the pasta, mixed veggies, & London Broil. Perfect, right? Then I dipped into the chocolate mousse...but thankfully only had time to eat a few bites.


Welcome Dayna & wernew2cruising!


Jean ~ well done, lady!


Donna ~ how ironic...it's "cold" here in Memphis...the rain has brought us down to the 40's with a high in the 50's. I'm happy for the rain, though. If we just had a way to blow it over to California...


Hope y'all have a healthy day.

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Thanks everyone for the advice and the warm welcome.


I checked out that Aktin's board and it's wonderful. Hopefully I will find some extra time this week to really explore it. I have a 2.5 yr old and a 10 month old, so finding time to spend on the computer isn't easy.


Gooselace ~ I would love that recipe. It's not that I don't like eggs, I do. I just know that after a few weeks, I'll be sick of them.


I just finished day3 and it's going well so far. I need to stick with this and make it work. I am tired of carrying around 50 extra lbs.


Hey, should I be getting email notifications of replies to this post? I am on another board with a similar format and we have that there. Maybe I just need to search more on here.





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[quote=Dayna1517;12128544]Thanks everyone for the advice and the warm welcome.

I checked out that Aktin's board and it's wonderful. Hopefully I will find some extra time this week to really explore it. I have a 2.5 yr old and a 10 month old, so finding time to spend on the computer isn't easy.

Gooselace ~ I would love that recipe. It's not that I don't like eggs, I do. I just know that after a few weeks, I'll be sick of them.



I'll find the spinach version - seems to be in a paper file, not on my computer - and will get it to you tomorrow. Meanwhile here's a meaty version that I've used a lot for breakfast. Good hot, but also can be refrigerated - a cold slice is good for lunch with some salad.

1/2 pound ground beef

1/2 cup onion, chopped (optional)

3 whole eggs

1/2 cup mayo

1/2 cup heavy cream

1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese ( or shredded Mexican mix)

salt/pepper to taste

(can add basil, thyme, and a bit of parsley, really any spices you like)

a couple of sliced mushrooms (optional)

Brown beef and onions in a skillet. Drain any liquid from skillet. Whisk

together eggs, mayo and cream, and spices. Mix in cheese to eggs, then add to beef mixture. Pour all into a greased 8" pie pan, and bake at 350 degrees for 45 mins.Remove from oven and let sit 10 mins before



As you can see, this can be varied quite a bit - for example, skip the mushrooms, use the Mexican mix cheese and red pepper flakes. add a bit of Tabasco if you like spicy.

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Well, of course, right after I sent the other one, I found the Spinach Quiche (forgot I'd used it in a low-cab workshop I did).


Crustless Quiche

1/2 LB bacon

1 bunch green onions, sliced, or 1/2 onion sliced and cut in quarters

6 eggs

3/4 cup heavy cream

2 cups fresh spinach, lightly sautéed, or 1 box (10 oz) chopped spinach, thawed & drained

2 cups shredded cheese (Cheddar, Pepper Jack, Swiss, Gruyere) in any combination

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. cayenne or black pepper

Preheat oven to 350.

Fry bacon until crisp. Remove from pan and chop coarsely. Drain all but 1 Tbsp drippings from pan; add onions and cook until tender. Butter 10" quiche dish (or other 3 cup dish). Cook or thaw spinach, drain and squeeze well. In large bowl combine eggs, cream, spinach, cheese, salt and pepper. Add bacon and onions. Pour into prepared pan. Bake until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Check after 1 hour, may take up to 15 min. longer. Let cool for at least 5 min. before cutting. (I actually like it better cold.)

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Good Morning All ya All!


Gooselace - Yum! As I sit here reading these great breakfast ideas - boy am I hungry! ;) Thanks!!


Dayna - Don't think you get emails/reminders from here - I just check in a few times a day from here at work - and at home if I can pry the lap top out of my DH hands for a little bit!


Lisa - your Ladies Weekend sounds like it went really well - so much work and yet it is such a blessing to those that attend! Give yourself a couple of days and you'll be back on track, mostly because you know how much better you feel when you are on track! I totally get you on the 'bad eating patterns, once you start', it's so easy to do - been there, do that! :o You have been one BUSY Lady these last few months - it'll settle down, .... after the new year... LOL!!! JK!!!


Catch everyone later!

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Where is everyone??


I just finished a 5k in the Susan G. Komen race for the cure. It's a beautiful day after a dreary gloomy week, and I lift my glass (of Diet Pepsi) to all the strong & beautiful survivors of breast cancer!


Have a great Saturday!

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Congrats Lisa on your race. Way to go!


I'm doing well. I'm about 2 lbs from my "upper goal limit" and closer to 10 lbs from where I want my "lower goal limit" to be. I am enjoying moving up the OWL rungs because the variety is so nice. I keep buying too much food each week and not getting around to all of it- carrying over recipes from one week to the next. I'm starting in on berries this week-- yeah!!!! So excited to have them with my yogurt.


My wt loss has slowed to less than half a pound/week even with 5 days/exercise. I'm only at 40 carbs this week. I'll be interested to see how high I can go. I really thought my limit would be closer to triple digits due to my ave-high wt loss in induction despite only having about 25 lbs to lose from the get-go. But I know I can eat well, even on 40 carbs, so I'll be content wherever I land.


Also wanted to mention that my tastes have changed quite a bit. For example, I'm loving my Lindt 85% dark chocolate soooooo much that I had a mini-krackle bar the other day and it was absolutely disgusting. I loved those once upon a time... my tastes are definitely changing. Hubby and I tried a new burger place last week. I had a diet coke and it was so sweet and yummy. I don't drink them, except for the occasional restaurant outing, and I was shocked. WOW. My tastes have changed quite a bit, it's amazing.


Have a happy Halloween everyone. Good luck this week. Stay strong!!

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I'm hanging in there, but the weight loss is slowing. I seem to do this from time to time. I need to get outside and walk. I've probably only lost a pound or so in the last week, but I have not gained, so that is good. I got my cookbooks in from sugar free shelia. They are WONDERFUL!!! I swear I like everything I have cooked so far. Oh, and I got into a pair of size 12 jeans this week. I did not have to suck it in, hold my breath, or even pray!!!! It was truly a miracle. Of course, I could have looked better in them with 5 more pounds lost, but at least I could wear them.

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Hi Everyone,

Today I am returning to Atkins as a WOE. I will be in the induction phase for at least the next two weeks.

As background, I started Atkins In March lost about 25 lbs, began an intense vitamin program, exercised 3-4 time per week and lowered my BP enough to quit taking medication. My goal was to lose 50 lbs by the end of this year.

However, I got lost along the way and have not lost any more weight since then. Thankfully, I have managed to maintain the loss. I had a wake-up last week when I went to the doctor and my BP was 135/84. Too high for me. Honestly, I have been feeling tired and my stomach is so irritated since I fell of the wagon. :(

Needles to say, I am back to Atkins as of this morning. I am currently at a 27 lb loss since March and my goal is to lose 1-2 lbs per week for the next 6 weeks. I cruise on the NCL Spirit on Dec 9th. I have been to the grocery store and already have made my lunches for the next 4 days. I am still looking for the Da Vinci syrup so I can make some yummy shakes.

So wish me luck and I will be posting my successes on Sunday mornings. I finished reading all the previous posts last night and each of you is an inspiration to me.

Thanks for listening to this long post.

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Happy Sunday Everyone!

Reading everbody's post are amazing...breast cancer runs, size 12 jeans (someday, maybe), surviving conferences, family visits, cruises....you are all doing great!!

Happy to say that this week showed a loss finally, 1 1/2 lbs. So I'm happy. I'm 4 lbs away from a mini goal of mine, and only 9 lbs from another goal. The weight it has said I am on my driver's license for the past 10 years!!:D

Thanks for the crustless quiche recipes, I love the pumpkin ones I make and then have the sugar free real whipped cream with it, mmmmmm!

Remember everyone, plan for all that Halloween candy that's gonna show up at work, and come on...buy the stuff you DON'T like, to give out!!:p
Hang in there....
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Welcome TX Girl 28! If you look at past pages....you'll see that sometimes we all go astray...well except SFS! LOL! But it sounds like your getting back on track - keep us posted on how your doing![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Donna - wow... congrats on your weight loss! Pick up some bags of candy...I didn't see anything that I really don't like! :eek: But I'm thinking of sticking 3 pieces of gum in my mouth so I don't have room for something that I'll regret! LOL[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Dayna - Here's hoping for great success - and it will put a smile on your face in the morning!:D [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Have a Great Evening![/FONT]
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[quote name='NMCruzzin'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Welcome TX Girl 28! If you look at past pages....you'll see that sometimes we all go astray...well except SFS! LOL! But it sounds like your getting back on track - keep us posted on how your doing![/FONT][/QUOTE]

Hi Denise! As Jean said, we've all gone astray...and my friends, I've gone in a big way...let's just say the Oreos finally found me.

It's been a strange few weeks...lots of ups & downs. I'm looking forward to life straightening out a little more.

Hope y'all have a good day!
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Hi Everyone,

I truly believe that getting back on track is harder than just starting out. I have had a pretty difficult time these past three days, but sticking with it. I decided to add some macadamia nuts and some almonds as a snack for my drive home. I am also having two pieces of SF chocolate per day (just can't get rid of the sweet tooth). I did find the Da Vinci SF syrups today. I bought White Chocolate, Amaretto and Carmel at Marshalls. I think I will try the White Chocolate in a shake tonight when hubby has his Blue Bell Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.

I haven't started exercising, I am rationalizing that I should start on Monday as I will have technically gained an hour and won't be so tired:D

I hope everyone is having good and low-carb week:)

Talk at you soon.
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Finally the rest of the world is catching up to what Dr. Atkins has been saying for decades:

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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hi Lisa, - Oh Girl - the attack of the Oreo cookies!!! Oh No! .... But...I totally understand! Those things are all around us - aren't they?!?! Good Article! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]You'll get back on track! I bet one of your really good days at the gym would be a good motivator for you - or one of your pairs of jeans from earlier this year?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Denise! Your going to like the shakes! They really taste good, easy to make and keep you on track! We don't have a Marshalls - so my flavors are limited to what Wal-mart has.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Jocelyn - Are you back yet?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]SFS - getting ready for your Cruise?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Tom - What are you up to these days?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Annie- Missing your posts...planning another party?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Swansonia, Donna, Gooselace, Pink, Mountaingurl - Everyone doing ok?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Posting helps - It gives you that moment each day when you can think about what is your goal, who is doing it with you and what can you be doing each day to help stay on track to reach your goal?!?! And it helps take care of those last 15 min at work before it's time to go home!!:D [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'll be keeping my good eye out for you all tomorrow!;) [/FONT]
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Well, I lost 3 lbs my first week. It's not great, but it will do considering I did eat my fair share of nuts this week.


I went out today and bought the 2002 version of the Atkin's book. I had the older one. Now if I can only find some time to read it. :confused:


What is this flavored syrup that everyone is talking about?



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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hi Dayna - Here's the shake reciepe[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
"..1/4cup heavy cream; 1/2 cup egg beaters; 3oz cream cheese & 1tbls DaVinci SFS that shake is soooo heavenly I would hate to give it up:) "

This is SFS's induction shake that is really very tasty and you can flavor it using sugar free syrups - and DaVinci syrups have a lot of flavor - but since we are all live in different areas, sometimes it takes a little hunting to find them. Some order them on line.

Hope this helps!

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
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