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Anyone on Atkins?


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Everywhere you go today, you hear that eating a diet rich in high-antioxidant foods is the best path to take in order to embrace a healthier lifestyle. Berries are the king of antioxidants. Acai, blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are all very high in antioxidants. I usually prefer eating berries as my routine diet food...
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hope you all had a great weekend![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I became one year older....and 2 lbs heavier....but back on track first thing this morning! :o[/FONT]
Chased some Greyhounds this weekend....they belonged to some friends that we were helping move - - they run like lightening....but stop at Garage Sales- and one was only 3 blocks down the street! ...we snagged them there! LOL!! :p
Just stopping in to say Hi!
Catch ya's later!
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Ahoy all...I'm sorta alive...got hit Wednesday w/ round two of this or something else...actually stayed in bed until 3 pm that day...feel kinda okay now, the sun sure has been nice & it feels good to get that vitamin D!! However, as most know, you just feel like comfort food when you're under the weather, & to boot, DH did some of the meals. Can anyone say no to pizza...or fried fish/shrimp when you don't really feel good enough to fend for yourself?:eek:

Not really complaining because I actually didn't [I]gain[/I] anything, but sometimes things are just out of your control. Tried walking some today, still just don't have any pep...I must be a weinee:p

Good to see some great results & ideas this past week from everyone!
& aren't you glad to see another great year, Jean?! (Sorry about those lbs...:()

Berries are a wonderful part of the Atkins WOE in OWL, pre maintenance & maintenance of course. Many berries are low glycemic/ low enough in carbs to fit perfectly in the low carb plan...
Blueberries ~ 1 cup...22.2gms carbs
Raspberries~ 1 cup...21.0
Strawberries~ 1 cup..12.5
Cherries ~ 1 cup...20.4
So, see??!! We embrace our berries on this WOE!!
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Mmmmmm berries!! :p[/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Cerabella..... I was hoping since blueberries are so little...they'd be like .25 carbs each! HA!! :D Wow! Girl...what is it going to take for you to be all well and on the road to enjoying springtime in Texas!?! Hmmm? Oooo whatever you've got down there...it's mean! :mad: I have to take Sadie on the Mesa this afternoon and hike around...since the greyhound sprint on Saturday...I've been super busy...just not exercising! Funny how busy one can get - just when I think I have an exercise routine all made up! [/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]So...here's my whine....with cheese please...cuz, it's low carb...:p Allergies! Wow! Everthing that can, seems to be starting to bud, bloom and just spit pollen all over every where!! And drag....oh...my allergies make my energy level drop!! I've got all my stuff - eye drops, tabs, tissue, water -water-water etc.... But Jeesh! We just had Valentines day! It'll be 70 today!! Ok, time to stop the whining and get working in the flower garden....after all... Sadie is hoping to yank my tulips up, stomp on the geraniums, sit on the marigolds....and there won't be any if I don't get working on it! LOL!:D[/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Grilling hamburgers - no bun...lots of toppings for supper tonight! :D[/FONT] Edited by NMCruzzin
Punctuation...just in case an English teacher is lurking!
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]More info about berries, if you don't mind! My bag of frozen wild blueberries info: 1 cup = 18 gms carbs, 4 gms fiber, so, do the math, just 14 gms per cup, yum... and as we know, these can be eaten raw, incorporated in shakes, sprinkled on top of yogurt, cream cheese, added to low carb bake mix for muffins, bread, whateva':)

Jean, you're so funny - there is a [I]word[/I] that we teach our kids [I]&[/I] our dogs...[I]NO![/I] (Yeah, right:p) I'm sure Miss Sadie thinks all that hard work is just for her to have some new stimulating activities, hehehe!

Hope everyone is sticking to the plan...Cruisekitty, I really envy your results. I am 5'5", but I think around 140 would be a realistic weight for me, so I have to get busy, that means about 20 lbs need to go on a permanent vacation..[I].bye, bye!![/I] Just need to tweak my eating habits some & get busy with WOEx!!

We can do it! (& all our other motivating mottos!):D
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]OOOOO Where'd everyone go? Must be this beautiful weather we're having...riding bikes, working in the yard, going for a run or ???? [/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]The ol' allergies really gave me a go around yesterday - I went home early to put my face under a cold wash cloth in hopes that my eyes would feel better and a little harder to rub them!!! Today...better, not the pollen - my choice of allergy medicine - at least I don't feel like I've been shot with a Rhino tranquilizer and I can hold my head up! ugh Hate when I feel like this...it really sets me back with my WOEX! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]WOE has been consistant - I've consistantly cheated for 2 days...so I sure don't expect a loss..... but today I've been good! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Every put on the wrong jeans/pants? This morning I put on a pair of jeans and could snap and zip...but thought "What in the World" 2 days of cheats and I'm out of my pants :mad: ?!?!?!?! :eek: oooo They are DH's....he he :o .... Get these things off of me!! :p[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Well.....not much to report from me, eh?!?! LOL![/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Cerabella - - Thanks for the correction on Blueberries!! You Rawk!![/FONT] Edited by NMCruzzin
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Okay, you Atkiners...here's some info from the older (99) book...DIL has my other one...it is found in Chart 17.4 Carbohydrate Increments in the OWL chapter
Blueberries......21 average size...5 gms
Raspberries.....17 average size...5 gms
Strawberries....13 average size...5 gms

So, Jean, there is redemption after all, it is [I]not[/I] too good to be true...we can ( & should) be having our berries & eating them too...yay!!

While I was shopping today for my groceries ( I realized I actually haven't been in a couple of weeks :eek:, you guessed it, [I]strawberries[/I] were on sale ~ couldn't resist, didn't[I] have[/I] to resist...but I do take issue with the [I]size[/I] of these whoppers...I do not think that 13 of them = 5 gms of carbs...but I probably wouldn't even eat 13 at one sitting anyway, just to be safe. Me thinks I would feel like a glutton:p
I did cave & buy low-carb ice cream today, don't even usually eat it - tooth sensitivity - but I think I am wanting something 'sweet'...hope I can exercise some semblence of constraint!:o

Come on you guys, let's beat spring fever & get this 'loser party' going!!

(Sorry about the allergies, Jean..my DS gets a really bad dose in the fall usually, he's miserable, so I know what that's like) Fortunately, I actually feel maybe 10% better that yesterday. Well, good enough anyway to make the shopping run, come home & work til dark, then pan grill some shrimp w/ veggies. Yum, never met a shrimp I didn't like!;)

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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ok...Everybody now....Yea!!!!! It's Friday afternoon![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Been a busy week![/FONT]
So glad that the blueberries are a plus.......and yes....the strawberries seem to be from the land of the giants these days!
Sun is shining and a light breeze this afternoon.......I'm outta here!
Have a great weekend!
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congrats jean- beautiful new addition to your family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dh and i returned from our cruise n mardi gras this week. we had a nice time but didnt love our ncl cruise :(
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Whew! Monday's almost over! Bu[/FONT]t, this is the best part...I'm home, dishes are done and it's time to relax.....ok, that's not happening...I'm working on laundry too! Ha!
I've been good you guys! And with chicken breast with a few veggies for supper....yummm....I'm hoping to see some results! I did the whole walk with Sadie out on the Mesa tonight too!

So how'd you guys do this weekend? Where is everyone!?!?! :confused:

Pink...what didn't you like on this Cruise? I've thought about going out of NO at times, because it's not as far away as the FL ports...is that part of it? C'mon...you can tell us! :)

Cerabella....you feeling ok?!?!

Come out, come out where ever you are!!:p;)
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Well....even though you guys are really busy right now...if I post...it makes me feel more accountable....so I gotta do it![/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Breakfast - Woke up with lights everywhere in the house but our bedroom!?!?! So after getting at least a few lights on, DH got ready and went to work. I might as well stay up - right? Grabbed the extra chicken taco leftovers from Sunday for breakfast - they actually were very good! A little spice in the morning![/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Went hiking on the Mesa last night - the whole route - so this afternoon with the winds kicking up - I think it'll be backyard work. [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Have a terrific day - Anyone, Bueller?, Everyone, Bueller? hehe[/FONT]
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Hey Jean!

I'm here, I've been reading the posts through my emails, but haven't stopped by. Still on plan, with a couple of popcorn hiccups this week.

I haven't been able to exercise as much as usual the past couple of weeks...lots of appointments getting in the way. So hopefully if I can ramp that up, things will really start cranking.

I see a few people I don't recognize...hello!

rockcod31 ~ It's fantastic that kimkins works for you. People are built differently & what works for one may not work for another. Lower fat does not work for me. What I love about Atkins is that there is no fat allowance. Controlling carbs is challenging enough...if I had to restrict fat, I would go nuts!:p I'd also never stick to the plan. Atkins is proven to have lasting results, and the speed is fast enough for me, even when it's not going as quickly as I'd like.:) FYI, with NO fat restriction, my blood pressure is 110/70, my total cholesterol is under 150 w/ HDL over 60. My triglycerides are under 60 (anything under 150 is considered normal), which is the biggest indicator of whether your weight is affecting your health. Dr. Atkins has proven that with the right carb levels, fat is not the enemy unless it's trans fat. Adding fat to my diet actually helps me lose more. So we're different that way.:)

Hope you all are doing well! Happy hump day!:D
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I was wondering why this thread is so long and not really up to date and easy to scroll through. I was surprised when I was reading it that I was actually reading post from a year ago.

I would like to chat with those that are working on the Atkins now for their upcoming cruise. I just think it would be a lot easier to maneuver through the thread and to easier to see who all is currently doing Atkins.

Just a thought that maybe we all can (re)introduce ourselves on a new thread.

I restarted Atkins, March 1. I had done it before about 5 years and lost around 40 lbs. Now, I just want to get back into again and loose those pounds that I don't want to be showing on the cruise.
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Ahoy cruisin' losers! No, I haven't fallen into the dirt machine...just busy & not really motivated to post...wish I was doing better, but still neither gaining nor losing...

Welcome Roadtripster...the thread [I]is[/I] actually older, but if you just click on 'last page' you will be on the current postings by the current posters...there are probably a dozen or so that check in regularly or at least from time to time, so welcome & feel free to join right in...we are a very friendly & supportive group IMHO;) If we started a new thread, I think we would be lost...but it might be nice for everyone to restate their goals, losses, gains, what's on the menu, [I]pets names[/I] (hehe) etc...

Ok, I'll go first...48 year old female... 5'5"..lost about 20 lbs when I first tried Atkins about 10 or so years ago. (Had one shot of depo-provera (sp?) that had sent me up the scales so fast & couldn't lose no matter what until I kept hearing about low-carb this, low-carb that, bought the book & watched the lbs just melt off...boy were those the good old days:rolleyes:)

I have gained just a few back, but seem to maintain ok even with a 'cheat' or 'binge' now & then:o Will have to get serious to lose a dozen or so to be at goal #1, then a few more to be at probably my optimum fighting weight...Getting real exercise is my downfall, tho I am very active, it's just not the same as cardio/weights...

The cera in cerabella is the name of my little Australian Shepherd '[I]dogter'[/I] as SFS says about Sassy!! (pronounced Sara)

Anyhoo...it's busy at the farm, so keep the ball rolling, rolling, rolling...
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Hi cerebella and others.

I am assuming not a lot of post hapen here and that if you click on "last page" you will be were you need to be and not having to back track. Some threads if I did that I would have missed a ton of previous pages. LOL

I do think it is a great idea if we all could (re)introduce ourselves here. That would be great. Here I go...

I am 45 and about 5'8". I really don't have a goal for my weight loss. I just really would like to drop some before the cruise. On my weight lose tracker, I have it set for 30lbs though.

So far I have lost 5 pounds. I am drinking about 100 oz of water a day and also I have started following the military basic training program they suggest you do at home before you get to basic training (and look like a fool there. LOL)

My daughter is looking into the military and I was researching and found that information.

I LOVE a challenge for myself, so I decided to see if I could get that accomplished. It is 12 weeks and that is right when my cruise is, so afterwards I can relax and party on the ship. LOL
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Goood Morning Low Carbers! :D [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I think I'll have a new mailing address by tonight...NM is supposed to blow over into TX somewhere this afternoon! Ha! [/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey Lisa! Good to see you stopping in! The busy weeks...they sneak in there and throw us off huh?! Last week was mine, and now I've gotten off track of my morning walk...however short it was...it was still exercise! Ugh...having a hard time getting back to it! Good Follow up for rockcod31....!;)[/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Cerabella: Hey Girl! Not motivated?! It comes and goes......motivation. Do you have your tanks and shorts out? a trip planned? shopping? massage? a reward for another 5 lbs lost? What motivates you? I'm headed to San Diego to be with my sister in just about 2 weeks, this has been good motivation for me...because the hotel has a pool...and we plan to be there part of the time. I personally like the beach better then a pool but knowing I was going to be putting on my swimsuit :eek: ...well that was motivation to have a hot cup of herb tea at night instead of something that'd I better not start with! (...there are some new pics on my website if you want to take a look...I know your a shutterbug too! )[/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Roadtripster: Welcome! Your goal before your Cruise is Very Do-able! And a great motivation to keep working at it! Wow! a Military work out!?!! Good for You!! That is great!! Keep us posted on your weekly work outs! My nephew just graduated from Boot Camp....my sister was amazed by the way he looked!! [/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Umm...ok... I'm 51, 5'6" Did Atkins 5 yr ago and lost 30-35 lbs...have kept most of it off...last summer went down to another lowest weight for me - here came the Cruise in Nov, Holidays and Baking Fever....and I shot my self right up into the numbers on the scale that I swore I wouldn't go to again...and there I saw them! :eek: So, New Year rolls around and I have worked worked and worked some more of getting it off .... I'm back to the before Baking Fever weight ....but have 15 more to get back to last summer's weight....aaargh! But right now...I'm doing about .5 - 1lb a week...so hopefully by summer...I'm back where I was. :o The older I get...the harder it is to come off :mad: ...but I have a closet full of clothes that I need to get back into! And Sadie is my ....Mutt! LOL![/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]deckguy, Annie, Jocelyn, Pink, Karen, Donna......anyone else?[/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]** One of the good things about a thread that continues...there are great helps on back pages!! If you have the time and can back track some...lots of good stuff![/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Happy Friday Everyone! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]What are your plans for the weekend? It's supposed to be pretty much spring here in the southwest.....warm, windy, chance of showers, sunshine, few high clouds.....:p yeah...we get it all! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]This is the first weekend in about 6 that DH and I do not have any 'have to's" and I have to confess....I'm really looking forward to it! I'd like to just stay home and garden, house chores and just chill for awhile![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]And with spring...one of our favorites is finally hitting the stores...with reasonable prices....asparagus. Oh now come on!...no yucking out there! :p I got 2 bunches last week, washed them off and then cut in 1in pieces. Take a pan with some olive oil, and just cook them for about 5-7 min - toss in about 1 Tbl spoon of butter, salt pepper and a little garlic....cook for about 2 more min. There ya have it! Last night we had some BBQ chicken and 1 cup of this...ea. yummo! It's a good veggie to do like this and then since there will be some left over...just microwave a little and it's just as good the next time around! Give it a try! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]This week........I managed to drop 2 more lbs! Which is HUGE for me...it just does not want to come off easily! So looking at my calendar since Jan 1 I've come down 11 and ...I have 14 lbs that really need to come off and then I'll work from there! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Have a terrific weekend everyone![/FONT]
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Hi all,

I just got finished with exercise. It was such a beautiful morning out when I woke up. Been a longgggggg time since we have seen 60* when you wake up. The sun was shining, the birds chirping. It just made me want to get out there and do it. It is definitely a challenge for me and I look forward to seeing how far along I get after the 12 weeks. Will I be able to do it? I don't know, but I am going to try.

Jean - enjoy that asparagus, cuz I know I won't. My husband would, but not me. LOL

My plans for the weekend are work, work, work. I work alot and some of this overtime pays for the cruise, so I do benefit from it. LOL

I work second shift at a hospital so Friday I work, then I will come home, sleep 5 hours and go back to work on Saturday and work a double shift and then on Sunday I work my second shift again, work Monday, second shift again, and finally have a day off on Tuesday. This is my "long week" as I refer to it. I work a week straight including the weekend. My "short week" I have a day off during the week, plus the weekend off.

My arms are sore, but I guess that is a good thing.

Enjoy your day and weekend! Keep up the good work.

Nancy Edited by Roadtripster
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Jean- Congrats!! :D I am sure she will love her Grandma Jean just as much as I love my Grandma Jean!! :D

Okay, Here goes. I have absolutely blown it!! Where did all the time go. I said I would just eat what I wanted for Thanksgiving and then get back on track until our December cruise. Do you think that happened? NO!! After Thanksgiving it was only 2 weeks until our December cruise so I ate carbs, carbs, carbs. Then after the cruise it was almost Christmas so I figured I would wait until after Christmas to get back on track. Then it was Mama's birthday so I would wait until after her birthday. But Keith's birthday is coming up on February 9th so I will just wait until after his birthday, then Valentines day but after Valentines day I will go back on Atkins. Did that happen? NO!!:o Then I started thinking about Haven's 11th birthday coming up and I will just wait until after her birthday. This has got to stop. I have got to get back on the program. I have not even weighed lately. I bet I have gained every pound back that I lost last year. Last time I checked I hadn't gained it all back but it was pretty close. How in the world did I let this go on for 4 1/2 months!! I should be ashamed of myself.

I am going to Costco and Kroger to get the ingredients for my shakes and I am getting back on the program!! In the last week or so I have really noticed that I am not feeling as good as I did a couple of months ago. Thank goodness that Daylight Savings Time starts Sunday. I am gonna start getting up earlier and walking every morning before I go to work. I just am not happy with how I have let myself go. I worked so hard last year to lose that weight and it didn't take that long to put it back on. Let's just hope that I don't have to start with the same weight all over again. :eek: I guess Monday morning will tell the tale on that one.

This has been a crazy week in North Carolina weather wise. Sunday night and Monday it snowed about 4 inches and the low Monday and Tuesday night was down in the teens. Tomorrow and Sunday should be in the upper 70's and I am hoping it stays warm from now on. Edited by donnaholder
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Here I am at work (doing a double shift today. 7am-11:30pm) and don't get to exercise today. But, I am going to staying focused and on track with eating. Kinda hard to do with just a pop machine and vending machines around here.

But have no fear, I packed 3 bottles of water, a cup of hot tea on my way here, a cup of sugar free tang and eggs - so I can fix some scrambled eggs for breakfast.

My husband is hopefully going to stop by and bring me lunch. If not, then I will have to order in and order a salad.

Not sure what I will get to do for dinner. If my husband comes up for lunch, then I will probably order in for dinner.

Have a great weekend.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]A quick weekend post!
The wind is very bad....I think I called Sadie...Toto a couple of times! LOL!!:p

Nancy - Way to go on packing some of your foods for work!! Being prepared can make all the difference in staying on track and falling off! And your long work shifts! Wow!!! But I'm so thankful for hospital staff! Pink works at a hospital too! Thank you for your service!!!

Donna - Girl it's so good to see you back....but it's been awhile....and wow...you just gave a review of all your ups & downs! But you've been to 'battle'before and did great...and I know you can do it again!! We're here and your determined...so hang in there...and keep us posted on your progress! I'm glead you had a good Cruise! You have a Grandma Jean?! awwww!

The birthdays, holidays, showers, vacations, parties, picnic's, they are all a part of our lives, and we should enjoy that time with our loved ones...just go with the will power to eat as Atkins' like as possible...and before you put that heavy loaded carb item in your mouth....ask your self....is it going to be worth it? :confused:
I so wish I had started asking my self years ago, "if the carb item I'm about to splurge on was really worth the carbs vs taste"....I think I could have spit out 1/2 ... and I'd be 1/2 the size I am now! :p:o

Hope your Having a Terrific weekend!
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Hi everyone. Ok, I have a little under 9wks to lose approx. 15lbs. Have lost 7 so far but it has been slowwww (8wks). I'm doing Atkins. What has helped you all lose the best? Plus, I workout about 5-6 days a week, usu. doing Jillian Micheal's Shred or treadmill for about 35min. Thanks for any advice.
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