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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hi all, weekly weigh in this morning, down 5 pounds. I am going to start walking today. I have been looking for a sugar free/low carb ketsup and was not happy with what I was finding in the local health food store. I finally gave up. The other day I was checking for some sugar free BBQ sauce and saw a bottle of low sugar ketsup made by Heinz. 1 Tb is 1 carb. I do not use a lot of ketsup but I have to have some for roast beef and if I have a gr. beef patty, otherwise I do not use it. I was very happy to find it. Have a great week all! Cindy

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mama ~ I too have the Heinz reduced sugar ketchup! Made w/ sucralose (Splenda)...I rarely use it, in fact, the top was still sealed when I checked today, but, I did use it on a small piece of steak...( Oh, the power of suggestion! )

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To all...


I'm technically 3 lbs from the goal I set earlier in the summer! Of course this goal is the high end of my goal weight so I'd be ok being just a couple lbs under that...ha! Always reaching for more. DH of course tells me I look fine and we indulge occasionally. Next week we're hosting an ice cream social so I'm plotting out my cheat day for that day ;)


Wanted to let you all know what has worked better for me this time...


Vegetables are my centerpiece

Now, don't think I've gone mad. I still love meat. But my meal focuses on vegetables first (and I try to eat those first) and then I supplement with a small portion of meat (the recommended 3-4 oz), eggs, or fish and now that I'm close to goal I include extra carbs of berries and fage greek yogurt or nuts/nut butter daily. I even tried those shirataki noodles last week and thought they were tolerable if I play with them a bit.


What I'm trying to say is that I used to have say:


ground beef burgers with eggs for breakfast

chicken breasts with the requisite 2 cups salad for lunch

pork chops with an extra cup veggies for dinner


and then I'd sneak in oils, butters, and sauces to come to 15-20 carbs daily. I thought by making meat my centerpiece (at 0 carbs) I'd more effectively use my daily limits. But I think as you lose that initial weight and then get closer to goal you gotta cut back on the fats a bit too- that means not eating meat 3 times/day, not soaking everything in butter (but hey I still butter my broccoli and cauliflower at night) and occasionally even having GASP vegetarian meals. I've found it really helped this time.


I am a bit heavily reliant on caffeine right now which I shall need to stop once I get to goal but it keeps me happy and sane so I try not to freak out. I'd say I drink 32-48 oz of it a day in some form (coffee, diet soda, tea). Not good. I do however attempt to get 64 oz water in as well by having the water immediately before and after the caffeinated drink.


Anyway, that's what's working for me along with tons of exercise. Hopefully I can keep this up in the fall/winter as DH spoiled me on my birthday with new wii fit plus and some more videos. Winters in New England pose a huge challenge- if it were mild year round this walking thing would be a piece of cake!


We've gone hiking at least twice/month this summer and taken advantage of our state parks. We're planning to do a lot of hiking on our vaca to Canada next month in the parks there (which will be great cause I'm not passing up tasties like the ice cream stand in Maine, lobster rolls, chowder, and delectables at this tasty pastry shop in Nova Scotia...oh yeah, I've got naughty foods planned AND mapquested because that's part of my enjoyment in life!). Fortunately there will be many low carb choices on our trip too though- mussels, lobster in the shell, and moose burgers for example and I'll try to make healthier choices on those days! We're also planning to do grocery shopping so that we can do a lot of breakfasts and lunches ourselves which means I'll have good control over what I'm eating!


I implore you to redesign your meal plan for just 3 weeks making low carb veggies your centerpiece and see what that does for your weightloss efforts:



-red and green peppers


-spring greens/salad mixes without carrots



-small amounts of stewed tomatos made into homemade sauce and served over chicken (or those shirataki noodles if you ever eat those in your diet)


I've been enjoying these in my diet this summer as I've now lost 15 lbs and sometimes just have 2 meals/day that are really substantial with two additional "snacks" of say celery and almond butter in the late p.m. as a pick me up and then steamed cauliflower or broccoli with 1 tbl butter before working out at night (right now eve workouts are better for me!).


Hope you guys hang in there and take advantage of our final months of warm weather if you live in an area that gets too cold to exercise in the late fall/winter months.



Take care all!

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Pink ~ what a great post! You have really thought things out very well, good for you!


I think I remember reading on SFS's faq's that she too incorporates more carbs from veggies, less portions of meat also. Funny, I was just re-re-reading Dr Atkins' book today & trying to reel myself in - I have just been too indulgent this summer...we are between seasons in our plant nursery, & it has been mercilessly hot & dry, so outside exercise has been killer for me as I am just not an early riser...too late in the day & I am quick to find excuses...tho I do have a routine of some indoor exercises...I guess I am just too easy on myself!:p


But, with a cruise now booked 2 1/2 weeks away, I guess I just won't shed the lb creep, or have that golden tropical tan! Onward tho, I will persist!


DH & I went to Sam's & got large packages of mixed fresh veggies ( broc, caul, etc) as well as mixed baby spring veggies & it is fresh salad every day! I guess when we're good, we're really good, then when we're bad, it just 'takes the cake!'

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So sorry to hear about your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. It's wonderful to read what a rewarding life he lived...


Thank you so much. Time is really helping, but we all miss him a ton.


I'm technically 3 lbs from the goal I set earlier in the summer!


Fantastic!! That is really great news. I bet that bikini (is it still pink?) is looking really great on you!


I just have a couple of thoughts regarding your plan:


Wanted to let you all know what has worked better for me this time...


Vegetables are my centerpiece

Now, don't think I've gone mad. I still love meat. But my meal focuses on vegetables first (and I try to eat those first) and then I supplement with a small portion of meat (the recommended 3-4 oz), eggs, or fish and now that I'm close to goal I include extra carbs of berries and fage greek yogurt or nuts/nut butter daily. I even tried those shirataki noodles last week and thought they were tolerable if I play with them a bit.


What I'm trying to say is that I used to have say:


ground beef burgers with eggs for breakfast

chicken breasts with the requisite 2 cups salad for lunch

pork chops with an extra cup veggies for dinner


and then I'd sneak in oils, butters, and sauces to come to 15-20 carbs daily. I thought by making meat my centerpiece (at 0 carbs) I'd more effectively use my daily limits. But I think as you lose that initial weight and then get closer to goal you gotta cut back on the fats a bit too-{I have to disagree with this...see below} that means not eating meat 3 times/day, not soaking everything in butter (but hey I still butter my broccoli and cauliflower at night) and occasionally even having GASP vegetarian meals. I've found it really helped this time.


The above combined with:


Anyway, that's what's working for me along with tons of exercise. We've gone hiking at least twice/month this summer and taken advantage of our state parks.


...and of course, your age:D has a lot to do with why it's working so well for you. One of the things that Dr. Atkins recommended (and it's stressed even more on the new website) is that the more one exercises, the more carbs should be added in the form of veggies, berries, and with regular, strenuous exercise, even low-glycemic whole grains.


If an Atkins follower significantly increases veggie intake without increasing activity, the weight loss can slow. It doesn't mean that it's bad for us--of course too many vegetables will never be bad for the body, if there even is such a thing as too many vegetables--but if the carbs replace too many fats & proteins, without exercise, weight loss can stall.


The great thing about veggies, of course, especially the low-glycemic ones, is that the fiber reduces the net carb count, making it easier to incorporate more into our eating, especially as we add activity & move through the phases. One thing I love most about Atkins is that I'm...ahem...regular when I'm following the plan (even in a very low-carb phase) because when I'm not, those white carbs stop me up something terrible.


However, decreasing *my* fats, no matter which phase I'm in, slows down my weight loss. Those fats keep me full & happy, & if I'm not having enough, I crave stuff I shouldn't have. After almost 12 years of unlimited fats on Atkins (even with my latest lapse) my triglycerides are a deliciously low 57, even with that extra 10+ lbs I'm still carrying. HDL/LDL is 57/66 with a total cholesterol of 150. And now that I'm in my 40's, those fats fight wrinkles.:p


This is all just based on my experience with this eating plan. When I follow it, it works, when I don't, it doesn't. :)


What I think your plan and your results absolutely prove is that each body is different & different things work better for different people--one of the miracles of the human body. And each of us has to find that happy WOE that we'll be able to stick with for the long haul. The main thing that attracted me to Atkins & continues to make it my WOE of choice is that I don't have to measure, count, think when it comes to calories, proteins, & fats. I just know what works with my body & what doesn't. Maintenance the first time around was surprisingly easy, even with occasional cheats, and my carb intake was a crazy avg 90 grams/day to maintain! I can enjoy a lot of foods within 90 grams. But for loss, it has to be much less for me. More as I exercise more.


From someone surrounded by obesity in my family, and who has experienced firsthand the blow-up that can happen just by eating a "regular" diet due to insulin resistance, I know the battle I will face for the rest of my life. I wish I didn't have to, but there it is.


I implore you to redesign your meal plan for just 3 weeks making low carb veggies your centerpiece and see what that does for your weightloss efforts:



-red and green peppers


-spring greens/salad mixes without carrots



-small amounts of stewed tomatos made into homemade sauce and served over chicken (or those shirataki noodles if you ever eat those in your diet)


I've been enjoying these in my diet this summer as I've now lost 15 lbs and sometimes just have 2 meals/day that are really substantial with two additional "snacks" of say celery and almond butter in the late p.m. as a pick me up and then steamed cauliflower or broccoli with 1 tbl butter before working out at night (right now eve workouts are better for me!).


Hope you guys hang in there and take advantage of our final months of warm weather if you live in an area that gets too cold to exercise in the late fall/winter months.


So may I just add to this to those who want to try Pink's plan...don't forget to ramp up your exercise too if you haven't already. Your body will thank you!


Looking at that list of veggies is so refreshing. Bok choy is my new favorite vegetable. :)


Take care all!


Thank you for taking the time to post what's working for you & it sounds like you & your DH are having a blast! The Wii Fit Plus is fun & I like it better than the plain 'ol Fit.

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As regards fats, I have been using more coconut oil...yummm, & so healthy w/ that good caprylic acid (esp if you tend toward yeast sensitivity).


That, incorporated w/ olive oil of course, & just using less real butter - tho a year ago I would have never believed I would do that - I just love, love, love me some good butter!:D


Everyone has made some valid points, that's why it is good to read the book ever so often, to remind ourselves not only what to do, but why we do it!


Breakfast ~ one egg over easy gently sauteed in coconut oil


Lunch ~ a nice salad of mixed baby greens, veggies topped w/ some tuna (oops, I was out of dressing, so once again, an emulsion of coconut oil, real mayo, a little seasoning - dash of balsamic vinegar - good to go!)


Supper ~ grilled salmon & asparagus


I think I just made myself hungry thinking about all that healthy food! Sixteen days til we board Carnival Conquest for Key West, Bahamas!:D:D

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Hey all healthy eaters! I have really cleaned up my WOE this week & it has paid off! I am happy to see I am deep into ketosis - I certainly hadn't checked in a while! Also, lost a couple of pre-cruise lbs...sooo happy about that! What could a girl accomplish in two more weeks?! We'll see...:p


I also did a smidgen more exercise this week. Cut back on the smoothies some - I was probably overdoing it there a bit (perhaps a little too much in the way of blueberries, etc.)


DH has started complaining he's tired of salads again, but for lunch he grilled a medley of country ribs, hamburger patties, & flank skirt, & I made a wonderful mixed green salad topped w/ ranch dressing! Sooo, that's my story for the day...


Ms Jean, do I have to hunt you out on your sfly site to see whassup?!;)

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Hi all. Today is the end of my 2 weeks induction. Down 7 Lbs and

5 1/2". Not quite what I was hoping for but acceptable for me. I am going to stay in induction for another week or two. Don't know how far I am in Ketosis if at all. I could not find the strips. What is the actual name of them? Are they on the pharmacy shelf or do you have to ask? I know I have to eat more veggies but I don't like them and have to force myself.

Salad is not my favorite thing either. LOL I also need to start exercising.


Have a great week everyone! Cindy

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cerabella ~ woohoo! That's a great feeling, isn't it? I've finally gotten on a workout schedule for Mon, Thurs & Sat, and I'm going to add Tues this week or next, then Friday later on. You must be getting excited!


Cindy ~ 7 lbs. in 2 weeks is fantastic! I got my strips at Kroger. I think I did ask at the pharmacy. They're just called ketosis testing strips. I'm sure Walgreens would have them too. It is more difficult when you don't like veggies!! Are there any at all you like? Hopefully the more you eat them, the more you'll start to like them. :)


I love salads & I'd eat 'em everyday, but I hate making them, so I don't. :p

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90 grams of carbs...WHOA... do you remember what a typical daily meal plan at that carb level would have looked like for you?


I'm curious as I am creeping towards goal but have TOM issues this week so not expecting too much from my body... I have a feeling my ACE will NEVER be that high. I see weight loss stop on a daily basis at 30-40 net right now so I'm eating more of an OWL level 1 (25 carbs) with the extra veggies everyday and with occasional extra treats like the tofu noodles, blueberries or yogurt some days (2-3x/week). I'm so excited to hit goal and start experimenting with the OWL rungs to see if my body is sensitive to particular food groups at those carb levels or the carb numbers themselves.




who has been "rockin" bikinis at least twice every month this summer (thanks for asking!) in a variety of colors as we go hiking and beaching at our local state parks with our pupster-- the blue, green, pink one, the orange and pink wildcat one, the pink jcrew one hasn't made an appearance but I'm sure it will when we get to Canada...

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Thanks for those links, Lisa - I was getting Atkins emails at one time, don't know what happened there, it's been a while...that was interesting reading...BTW, have you read the new book? I'm still referencing the last book Dr Atkins actually wrote, so I don't know what's new, different, or the same to warrant a 'new' book...

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Hey Hey Everyone!

Know what will make the weight just melt right off you....buy some new jeans that fit...and in 2 weeks they'll be to big....and you wonder why you spent that money on new jeans!! LOL!... That's what I did...bought 2 new pair of jeans...was a good girl over the last week & weekend, put a pair on today...and I have to keep pulling them up!! Ach!!

Yep...I'm am in the swing of ...will that wedding ever get here, so I can get my life back... mode!! Next weekend...the 4th!

I have things to do every night and there's no way I can do much about this until after next weekend. We get to have family coming...and then the 'new in-laws' who are coming here to meet us before we head to the church for rehersal! Bless the kids though..we're having BBQ - Brisket!! I get to eat!! :DLOL!!

Lisa and Pink...you'll be able to tell that I am the Middle child when I can say that ....I can actually see both sides of your thoughts on what to eat!! :p hehe... seriously...!!

For me...I love the veggies and salad...but I better be able to work out! But I've also learned that I have to limit myself to beef...2x's a week for my cholestrol....which is doing really great at my last check up!

Cerabella....you come see me anytime! ;)

I'll try and pop in here again later this week....but if anyone wants to come help me with ribbon and candles...I could use it! :p

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It's been a long while since I've been on the boards. We have a short cruise booked for early December and I really want to drop a chunk of chub. I need to lose 50 lbs but don't know if that's realistich in that time period.

I was trying to get a start on calorie counting and Weight Watchers but just couldn't get going. I'm on my second day of Atkins and am feeling very hopeful. Thing is I really believe that low carb is probably the best WOE for me (it's more what I'm not eating rather than what I am) I just need to make it past the first week when I feel kinda psycho ( I know that's not an Atkins approved side effect) also tend to feel a bit nauseated (sp).

Love this thread, can spend hours going back and reading for inspiration.

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90 grams of carbs...WHOA... do you remember what a typical daily meal plan at that carb level would have looked like for you?


I'm curious as I am creeping towards goal but have TOM issues this week so not expecting too much from my body... I have a feeling my ACE will NEVER be that high. I see weight loss stop on a daily basis at 30-40 net right now so I'm eating more of an OWL level 1 (25 carbs) with the extra veggies everyday and with occasional extra treats like the tofu noodles, blueberries or yogurt some days (2-3x/week). I'm so excited to hit goal and start experimenting with the OWL rungs to see if my body is sensitive to particular food groups at those carb levels or the carb numbers themselves.




who has been "rockin" bikinis at least twice every month this summer (thanks for asking!) in a variety of colors as we go hiking and beaching at our local state parks with our pupster-- the blue, green, pink one, the orange and pink wildcat one, the pink jcrew one hasn't made an appearance but I'm sure it will when we get to Canada...


Oh MY GOODNESS that puppy is too cute. Okay, now that I have that out of the way :p...


90 grams, I know, right??? I have a feeling it will be way less this time around; after all, I was in my early 30's & my body reacts differently in my 40's than it did in my 30's (which in turn was different than my 20's...it was way too easy then). BUT...basically what that meant for me was I would eat a "typical" Atkins day, but allow myself up to that 90 grams if I was at something special or felt like having mashed potatoes, bread or pasta. I worked out hard pretty regularly, and trained for and did a triathlon during that time too. Then my last pregnancy shot it all to Hades.:o I'm really interested in knowing what my final maintenance level will be.


Your current carb level is awesome with all those veggies! Please let us know how the experimenting goes & what level ends up working for you.


I'll admit I'm a little green at seeing all those colored bikinis.:D I'm not there yet. I can't seem to find a bikini that can handle my "ahem" assets.:eek::p


Thanks for those links, Lisa - I was getting Atkins emails at one time, don't know what happened there, it's been a while...that was interesting reading...BTW, have you read the new book? I'm still referencing the last book Dr Atkins actually wrote, so I don't know what's new, different, or the same to warrant a 'new' book...


I haven't read the new one, but I read a lot of what they put on the website. I guess my old ones (actually 2...I have the 1992 version & the 2002 one) feel right to me.:) I am curious, though.


Hey Hey Everyone!

Know what will make the weight just melt right off you....buy some new jeans that fit...and in 2 weeks they'll be to big....and you wonder why you spent that money on new jeans!! LOL!... That's what I did...bought 2 new pair of jeans...was a good girl over the last week & weekend, put a pair on today...and I have to keep pulling them up!! Ach!!

Yep...I'm am in the swing of ...will that wedding ever get here, so I can get my life back... mode!! Next weekend...the 4th!

I have things to do every night and there's no way I can do much about this until after next weekend. We get to have family coming...and then the 'new in-laws' who are coming here to meet us before we head to the church for rehersal! Bless the kids though..we're having BBQ - Brisket!! I get to eat!! LOL!!

Lisa and Pink...you'll be able to tell that I am the Middle child when I can say that ....I can actually see both sides of your thoughts on what to eat!! hehe... seriously...!!

For me...I love the veggies and salad...but I better be able to work out! But I've also learned that I have to limit myself to beef...2x's a week for my cholestrol....which is doing really great at my last check up!

Cerabella....you come see me anytime!

I'll try and pop in here again later this week....but if anyone wants to come help me with ribbon and candles...I could use it!


LOL...Jean, there was definitely no argument intended there. I think it's awesome that Atkins can work within different plans & bodies.


I hope you don't go crazy this week & that the wedding is an amazing time for your family!

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It's been a long while since I've been on the boards. We have a short cruise booked for early December and I really want to drop a chunk of chub. I need to lose 50 lbs but don't know if that's realistich in that time period.

I was trying to get a start on calorie counting and Weight Watchers but just couldn't get going. I'm on my second day of Atkins and am feeling very hopeful. Thing is I really believe that low carb is probably the best WOE for me (it's more what I'm not eating rather than what I am) I just need to make it past the first week when I feel kinda psycho ( I know that's not an Atkins approved side effect) also tend to feel a bit nauseated (sp).

Love this thread, can spend hours going back and reading for inspiration.


Hi Cruisin250! Hang in there! You cracked me up about the non-Atkins approved side effect. Been there, done that!:o

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Rereading my answer to Pink, I see it sounded like my 90 gram maintenance consisted of lots of bad carbs...


But there were LOTS of veggies & more fruit, usually. Rye or dense breads, potatoes, pasta, etc. were something I indulged in once a week or so, and usually they were in small portions. I would also pick a day a week to have a dessert I really wanted. When I added up the extra carbs for these, and distributed them among the days of the week, my avg was up to 90.


This, along with exercise, kept my weight off between 1999-2005. If I had a bump in weight, which happened a couple of times (both were when I made a major move: from CA to TN, and then from Nashville to Memphis...what is it about moving that made me want comfort food???), I went back to induction & moved on through the phases 'til I got back to my normal weight.


Hope that makes more sense.

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Hello all, I have been reading thru all of these threads. Thanks so much . You all have some great advice. I am trying to drop the last 3 pounds before my cruise. I am going to put some of your suggestions to use and hopefully it will help me get the rest of this weight off. I think I need to take a closer look at how much dairy and fat calories I am eating. I am still eating the same amount of fat and protein I did when I first began atkins. I added more greens in OWL. After reading your posts, I think I am probably having too many calories for my current weight. I also need to get moving again. I have been slacking with the exercise. As far as cruise eating, I know myself enough to understand that having anything with sugar will trigger me and send me off into a carb feeding frenzy so I will avoid sugar altogether. I plan to allow myself more carbs per day while cruising . I am looking forward to eating more berries and the occasional sugar free dessert :D oh, and water, water, water.

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Aloha! Just a few days til I sail away! We leave this Sun from G'ton - headed to Key West & Nassau, Freeport Bahamas!


As usual this time of year, the hurricanes are 'reproducing' like rabbits!:eek: My DSis is accompanying us this year, plus we got a pretty good deal to upgrade to a suite ( well, if you divide it by 3...):p


I have upped my exercise in the a.m., & added more walking in the p.m. Actually have dropped a few lbs, tom will be this week, so that is a good sign, all things considered!


Hope all are doing well!


Here are my reinforcements!


~clean up my diet...green leafy veggies, tuna, salmon, celery, eggs, more tuna, more salmon, some chicken, green beans, asparagus, pork rinds for that crunchy snack (well, just a few), lots of water, cut back on coffee, wine (whine!)...


This week will be cucko for me, so I will check in when I can.


Jean ~ hope the wedding is smashing, & you are the lovliest M O B ever!!:D

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cerabella ~ lucky you! Bon Voyage!! And it's great that you're heading down there lighter. :) Fresh food, who can beat it? I have 3 weeks before I head down to Miami (for work, but I'd like to venture to the beach at least once).


Jean ~ I second what cerabella said. :)


I was thinking about this thread yesterday. I was so tired & didn't go to the gym, which I really need to do. I have to do something physical today, besides cleaning.

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Hi all,


It's been a while since I posted. I started Atkins on the 6th of July and saw immediate success the first week, then nothing for four additional weeks. I actually gained back two of the pounds I lost.


I went off of Atkins for about another 4 weeks, and actually started back this past Tuesday. I'm doing a doctor assisted program now, and surprise they recommend Atkins! You get a B-12 shot as well each week, and weekly weigh ins. So as of today, from July 6th, I'm down 11 pounds total.


At minimum, I'd love to loose another 21 pounds. In my dream of all dreams, I'd lose another 26 LBS. Though truthfully, I can't remember ever weighing that little, so it might be unrealistic!


One thing I noticed during the 4 weeks I was off Atkins, my skin was not nearly as nice as it had been on low-carb. I guess additional proof it's good for you!

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Hello everyone!!! Well I have done atkins lost 30lbs then quit and gained it all back - so I'm back but I'm wondering has anyone did the Low Carb slimfast shakes along with atkins? I really need to be strict and need the jump to get going again and I was going to try the 2 shakes a day with 1 meal and a few low carb snacks like cherry tomatoes or celery or such....


Anyway I am hoping to drop 35-40lbs by January and with slimfast shakes it seems real simple and easy but just have never tried it with atkins.


Just wondering your thoughts???? Has anyone used them along with their low carb eating plan?

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