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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Yes .... less than 10 days and back to pre-cruise weight! Now to start working on the next 40 lbs!


Marlene ... thats a major accomplishment to be in healthy BMI. It seems so far away for me.


Robin - 10 days to be back to pre-cruise weight after everything you told me you ate (and drank) :D, that is totally awesome. I'll have my fingers crossed that I will be able to do the same thing, but don't want to get discouraged when it doesn't happen. Will need everyone's help to get back on track after the cruise.


Robin - need to add your Halloween cruise to your signature now!


Did my weigh in this morning and I'm at 49 lbs lost - one lb to go and two weeks to do it in!!! Would be totally awesome to lose an extra lb or two as a cushion, but I'd really like to go out and celebrate after I lose my 50 lbs, but then if I do, I won't be staying at 50 lbs................decisions decisions.....


SW: 197.6 (9/6/09)

LW: 151.0 (1/28/09)

CW: 148.6 (2/4/09)

Shoot the Moon Weight Goal - 50 lbs by 2/18/09


Do you think it's ok to "order" my new camera now that I told my husband would be my 50 lb reward.................that's already sitting in my closet......



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I weighed twice this morning, thinking maybe I'd weigh less the 2nd time, but I weighed .4 of a pound more, so I'm reporting my first weight, which I THOUGHT was the same as last week and I would've been happy with that, but looking back at last Wednesday's note, I realize now that I'm actually an ounce or two lighter this week!!! Must be credited to yesterday's "smooth move". :o


Marlene, did you get snow last night? Our (work) meteorologist did not predict it, tv weathermen didn't predict it, but they were both predicting major snow for the mountains, so I told my DH "they're not predicting it for us? We'll get it!" And, sure enough, we did. Not that our snow comes anywhere close to comparing to Chicago's snows, but I actually think we got more this time than we did last time when they did predict it! And, it's so cold that it may still be there when I get home today.


I think you're safe in ordering your camera now. If you've only lost 49.5 pounds when cruise time comes, I'm sure John will forgive you. He's going to want to take 100's of pictures of his "new" ("Just Married 35 Years Ago") wife, so he'll be happy to have a camera he can use to do that with. What kind are you ordering? :) Mine is a Sony somethingorother and I bought an underwater housing for it so I can take pictures while snorkeling. I really like it.


I got right back on that horse I fell off of. Even considered starting to write the things I eat down again...but haven't gone that far yet!


Here's my "score":


Per my home scales (not clinic's):

SW: 220.5 (5/5/08)

Last week: 158.2

CW 157.8 2/4/09

GW 143 by 5/5/09.


Total lost to date: 62.7 pounds.



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Wow - Bonnie - 62.7 lbs!!! That's great. My goal is 60 lbs. That would put me at 137.6. Doctor says that's as low as I need to go. I'd like to get that off before summer. Going to beach for Memorial Weekend so I'm going to make that my goal.


We didn't get this snow either. Someone must be holding an umbrella over our little neighborhood. There was snow this morning on my trash can and on the sides of the road but it's gone. But dang it's cold! I just took dog out and it was so cold out there, maybe because I had on capris, short sleeve shirt and no shoes. LOL My thermometer is showing 41 degrees.


Bonnie - so proud that you got back from the cruise and then your Nassau trip and back on the horse again - so let's gallup to the finish line!!!!


I got another Canon camera. I have a larger Canon so decided to stay in same family. It's a powershot SD770. I wish I could afford the water housing and may look at that later. Do you like it? Do you feel comfortable using it - that it's not going to leak?



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Hi All


Well what an up and down week. At one point I was at 163.8 lbs but back up some. Here are my stats:


SW 171.6 (12/30)

LW 165.4 (1/28)

CW 165.0 (2/4)


Down only 6.6 lbs


I was so happy when it was 163.8 but it didn't last long enough. We leave for our vacation in 10 days so doesn't look like I will meet my original goal of 159 lbs. But!!!!!! any amount is better than gaining.


Marlene - I like your poster.....You need to put it on your door. Can't hardly wait to meet you and your husband.



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Pam - I'm sure that 163.8 will be back very soon. I weigh and post my weight daily. A lb fluctuation from one day to the next is normal, at least for me. If it's not already off this morning, set a goal to drink, for example, 64 oz of water today with limited sodium intake and see what it looks like tomorrow (obviously you need to diet today as well LOL). When my weight does that, I'll try to do a very low calorie - most liquids - diet with lots of water the next day or so. It works! In act looks like my weight is going to be up a lb today and I plan to do just that today. I've found that if I track my weight and food intake, certain foods the day before will often cause this jump. You just have to figure out what foods do that for you.


Yesterday I scanned documents that Robin (Angel Kisses) got from her weight loss doctor back in the fall. It has some helpful information on it. I'll email them to you later today.



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Marlene, This morning I was back to 163.8.....I seem to lose on Thursday after we weigh in on Wednesday.


Looking forward to our vacation. Only one week before we leave home. My mom is flying back to Florida with us. She will be here tomorrow so don't know how much I can be on computer. She is 94 years old and she flew here with my niece (who just went on a cruise in January). She lives on Merritt Island, about 3 miles from the cruise terminal. My sister will pick her up at Ft Lauderdale airport as we are going to sight see. I have got to start to pack......I still don't know what I am packing. I have lost but not in the right places. My friend says you always lose where you need to last.


Hope that everyone is having a great week.


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Pam - I knew you would drop back down!!! You know the answer to this problem - just post a day late each week. LOL Fortunately, Wednesday are normally my lowest weight of the week. Today I'm back up 1/2 pound and then tomorrow starts the weekend. It's not that I eat that much worse on weekends. I think it just being on a different routine for the weekend. Then I have to really be good and starve on Monday and Tuesday to get my weight back down. Funny how after a while you get to know your body so well. LOL


So looking forward to the cruise and meeting everyone!! Did you get a chance to look at the roll call book I put together?



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Pam - I'm sure that 163.8 will be back very soon. I weigh and post my weight daily. A lb fluctuation from one day to the next is normal, at least for me. If it's not already off this morning, set a goal to drink, for example, 64 oz of water today with limited sodium intake and see what it looks like tomorrow (obviously you need to diet today as well LOL). When my weight does that, I'll try to do a very low calorie - most liquids - diet with lots of water the next day or so. It works! In act looks like my weight is going to be up a lb today and I plan to do just that today. I've found that if I track my weight and food intake, certain foods the day before will often cause this jump. You just have to figure out what foods do that for you.


Yesterday I scanned documents that Robin (Angel Kisses) got from her weight loss doctor back in the fall. It has some helpful information on it. I'll email them to you later today.




I got some new tips at the weight loss doctor yesterday. One being to drink a 1-2 cups of chicken broth before lunch and dinner to regulate your sugar and help with digestion and metabolism. The only caution is for those who have high blood pressure because of the salt content. I'll post some other tips later today. Dr. seemed a little disappointed because I only lost a 3 lbs this week but I thought it was pretty darn good considering I gained 6 lbs on the cruise and got that off too.


I started taking the Philips tablets a couple days ago and it has really really helped me with my regularity.

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I would never have thought about chicken broth.....very interesting. AND that is suppose to speed up metabolism? I can see that having the broth may fill your stomach up so you don't eat as much.


Pam - I don't think I ever emailed those sheets to you. Will do it now!

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Sass - you have plenty of time yet before the cruise - 3 months. I wouldn't worry too much until the middle of April. You could easily drop another size by then! And from the pictures I've seen (before and after) - you are going to look so great! Think about what you looked like last summer vs this summer. And you are doing all of this toning now - so you go girl! You will be HOT on the cruise.



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Marlene - I did get them, thanks. Now I just need to follow them. It is hard to eat right as my mom is here and we are on the go or trying to fix something here for her. But I am happy I lost .2 lbs.


Hope that you can leave on Thursday night so that we can meet Friday evening for a meet and greet.


Got to go......Pam

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I know it's hard when you get away from your diet routine. Just try to have a "maintain your weight" week with her there. I always put those into my weekly goals around holidays or special weekend events.


Whether we leave Thursday night or EARLY Friday morning, we should still be there by 3:00 p.m. on Friday. So we can definitely meet that evening.


Weight wise - I'm struggling this week. I had lost down on Wed to total of 49 lbs lost and thought just one more lb to lose - that's a breeze. I'm watching calories but it's just not enough this week. I've actually gained a lb so now need to lose 2 lbs to meet my cruise goal of 50 lbs and time is running out. I hope it's fluid or maybe last Wed was more of a fluke that I had lost the 2 lbs. I think I'll try mainly liquids today - lots of water & low calorie soup and see what happens. Gosh that will be hard to do on a Sunday.



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Marlene - Keep up the good work....you can do it. I can't believe it but when I got on scales this morning it read 162.4. I had to weigh again to make sure the scales were working.


Have you told your husband about the camera? Just tell him that you know that you are going to lose the 50 lbs. (even if it is after cruise) that you got the camera to use on the cruise. I'm sure he won't hold it against you.


Glad to hear that you will be able to meet on Friday night. Have a great week and lose the 2lbs.......you C A N do it.



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Thanks Pam - actually my weight is up even higher today. It has to be fluid retention. No way with what I'm eating it can be true fat. So it's lots and lots of water today. At this point, I'd be very happy to get back to last Wed's weight. You know how this weight loss thing works - you lose nothing for days and then suddenly it just drops. I tried to get ready for church this morning and everything I found in the closet was too big. These are clothes I could wear 3 weeks ago. So how can my scales say the opposite? WATER, WATER,WATER,WATER,WATER - I'm going to drink so much water that my eyes will be floating.....That's what Momma use to say. LOL


See you at the Radisson! We may go to that Rusty's Seafood with Steve and Stayce for happy hour and supper Friday afternoon. I'm going to ask DH what he thinks. He loves some good seafood and loves happy hour....LOL......



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Marlene - what a neat poster! You look fantastic! All your hard work has sure paid off! Thanks for sharing. Looks like cruise time is just around the corner for you and Pam also. Sounds like you two have some fun plans to meet up at the hotel - I know you will have lots of fun. Its neat to go on the ship already knowing some new friends.


Have not been stopping by much - busy, busy busy at work and just toooo tired in the evening. Weight is holding again - I swear my metabolism is slower than slow. Have been journaling intake on sparkpeople as someone here suggested - found out I am not eating enough. So trying to find that correct spot between opening the floodgates of eating everything in sight and narrowing out too much. Have slowly been increasing my time on the recumbent bike as well as the level of difficulty. So far my knee has cooperated - fantastic!


I don't know if I mentioned it here but I met a lady who was Mrs. Jordan's (Michael's mother) personal assistant and trainer. (She teaches belly dancing too and is this little tiny perfect shape) Anyway, she was at our big benefit in fall and a couple of days ago sent me a callinetics DVD. She claims its perfect for individuals with problems such as mine - lots of slow controlled movements. It was a nice surprise to receive - thought she had long forgotten about it and it was very thoughtful of her. Am going to start that today and see how it goes.


This week I have a black tie work function called First Look for Charity - its a huge charity event held the night before the big opening of the Chicago Auto Show. Very fancy and so I am trolling the closet for a dressy outfit. Thank goodness I have cruise stuff that will work so I don't have to hit the malls. Shoes are always the problem since there is a HUGE amount of walking involved. By the end of the night you feel like you just want to take your feet off cause they are killing you. Always try to wear something long - then I can hide my black suede Rockport sandals and its not so obvious. LOL Have even seen ladies at it in gorgeous gowns with slippers on even so I don't feel too bad.) What the heck its for work - can't see that we raise any money from this event if I totter around on heels. ;)


Hi to all you T.I.T.s!



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Mango - I think possibly that could be part of my problem, not eating enough. then again I tried shaking it up on Wednesday night and the weight been going up ever since....


Yes, cruise time is getting close! We do have a great group of roll call people. I look forward to meeting everyone. I did a form, emailed it to the roll call - they filled out and returned, many with pictures of themselves. The form included who was going on the cruise, when they would arise and where they were staying, mobile phone #'s and what everyone is doing at each port. I compiled and sent back out to everyone. We had about groups respond, which I thought was great. Some of us have found we are doing the same excursions & can meet up. Pam & her dh are doing an excursion we thought would be fun in Belize so we actually booked together (Captain Your Own Boat). We feel like we already know each other. Right now we have a pre shuttle (from hotel to port) tailgating party set up in the Radison parking lot & we are making plans now to meeting at a bar/seafood place (outdoor seating) right at the port ( 1 mile away from the Radison) on Friday night for happy hour. Another ship will be leaving and we can watch them sail out. No doubt we have a partying group and we've never met each other. LOL

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Can I come too? Maybe I can just sneak on - I'll camp out in a deck chair! ;) Your plans sound really fun - you've really added alot to your whole cruise experience by adding those get togethers. Super idea to get together at the seafood place by the port and watch that ship sail out - what anticipation ----- love sailaway party!:D

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Just wanted to stop by and let everyone know that I'm still around. Just haven't had a lot of time to surf the net lately -- especially with the 70 degree weather outside! Marlene, don't get sick with all the up and down temperatures we're having.


I think my scales need to be set on fire! They are NOT my friend right now, that's for sure. I certainly hope that the clinic's scales are kinder to me tomorrow evening than my home scales are every morning. I want to hit the 60-pound mark at the clinic so badly (remember, I went to the clinic on 4/30 last year, then went to the beach for 4 days, so my home scales started out five pounds heavier than the clinic's did -- I'd lost 57.8 pounds at my last visit). I THINK I'll be "skipping" March (their rule, not mine), but if I only lose two pounds this month and two pounds the next time I go, I'm going to have to give the clinic up. It costs way too much money to lose no more weight than that. I had planned to only go for one year anyway, so maybe I'll make it the full year.


Nothing much going on. I hope you all have a wonderful week.



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Yes, our roll call group has gotten so close. It's really strange in that you feel like you know the people you chat with online day after day. I feel like I'm going down to Florida to meet friends I haven't seen in a while. It's hard to believe, I've never met them! It's going to be fun to finally meet everyone and really nice that some of us (including Pam and me) will meet Friday afternoon for happy hour and may just party all night. One guy on our board - yeap there's one in every crowd - calls Friday "Practicing for the Cruise". Then we get up on Saturday morning and tailgate pre-shuttle! All of this is BEFORE we do the actual meet/greet at top of slide after muster drill....


I have a couch in my room if you want to stow away and come to my room.


Bonnie my scales are not nice this week either. This is the worst week I've had since I started this diet. I could actually end the week weighing more than I did last week and I'm not eating more. I may just have to get on the cruise, shake it up and come back and start over. At least my body will know I'm not starving it after the cruise. LOL You could drop the doctor and just stay on board with us here. Good luck at your appointment!



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Hey all!

Checkin in.. I weighed myself yesterday and I'm at 126 so still losing just need to do more toning.

Hope all are doing well. I haven't had much time to be online lately~So much going on! I'll do better at logging on at least once a day.

*Love to all!*

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Went to the weight loss clinic this evening, and, even though I know I could've done better, I was happy (& surprised) with the results. I lost 3.6 pounds in the last month for a total weight loss thus far (drum roll, please) of 61.4 pounds!!! :D I wanted so badly to reach the 60-pound mark at the clinic, and I did it!


This is when I have to take a one-month break and won't be going back to weigh in until April 7th. Last time I had a one-month break, I lost 10 pounds over two months. If I can do that again, I'd be real happy.


Of course, I'm down to the weight that may require a jack hammer to get off now, since I've been carrying it around for WAY too long. I just need to work as hard at it as I did when I had a cruise on the horizon. Unfortunately, there's nothing (but reality) on the horizon now.


Good night!


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Went to the weight loss clinic this evening, and, even though I know I could've done better, I was happy (& surprised) with the results. I lost 3.6 pounds in the last month for a total weight loss thus far (drum roll, please) of 61.4 pounds!!! :D I wanted so badly to reach the 60-pound mark at the clinic, and I did it!


This is when I have to take a one-month break and won't be going back to weigh in until April 7th. Last time I had a one-month break, I lost 10 pounds over two months. If I can do that again, I'd be real happy.


Of course, I'm down to the weight that may require a jack hammer to get off now, since I've been carrying it around for WAY too long. I just need to work as hard at it as I did when I had a cruise on the horizon. Unfortunately, there's nothing (but reality) on the horizon now.


Good night!




Unfortunately, I'm having the worst week that I have had since I started in September. I noticed there's a full moon - had a lot of problems in November and it was a "full moon". OK - can't figure it out so thought I would just blame it on Mr. Moon. I think I'm going to go out and get a significant meal tomorrow night and forget about dieting. Then I can go back to dieting for a few more days before the cruise. Maybe I just need to shake it up a little.

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