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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Bonnie - Congratulations!


Marlene - Hope that you went out and enjoyed a big dinner. Now you can lose, lose, lose.


I only have 3 more days before I go on our vacation.....Can't believe it is finally getting here.


Will weigh in the morning and hope it is good.



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It's easy to post your weight when things are going good. It's easy to "skip logging in to cruise critic when it's not going so good." So give me a brownie point for logging in today. I've had a very bad week - husband kept asking what was wrong. How can you tell DH you are depressed because instead of losing the scales are going the other way and pushing you back into the last decade. I saw my weight the past 7 days go from 148.6 to 151.6 and then bounce around between 150 and 151.6. Why? No clue - I felt fat, I felt like my stomach was bigger, so I drank and drank water. My fear was if it's doing this and I'm not eating, what in the heck is going to happen on the cruise. Finally this morning I'm back down to what I was last week - 148.6. I'm still a lb away from my "shoot for the moon goal of 50 lbs by cruise". I leave for Florida on 2/19 and the cruise leaves out on the 21st. So I guess next Wed is my official last weigh in before the cruise. At this point, I would be perfectly happy to just stay at 148.6. I don't think my mental state can handle another week like this one.


Pam - I haven't had that meal yet. I had a meeting last night. Now I'm kind of afraid to go eat, afraid I'll see 151 the next morning. <<<<<<<<<<<UGH>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Then another part of me says "you need to shake it up".


To everyone on the board - thanks for everything you have done to support me. With your help, I joined the board in September with hopes of 25 lbs by cruise. I'm ALMOST doubled that goal. And I have no doubt, you guys played a large part in that success.

AND this isn't goodbye......LOL.............I'm going to a 60 lb loss when I get back and you guys are going to help me with that too!



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I started to not even report in, since I did last night with the official #'s, but then I read Marlene's "sermon" and decided maybe I should, since today is "Weigh In Wednesday".


Congrats on making back into the correct decade, Marlene. Believe me, I know exactly how you feel with the ups and downs; I've been going through the same thing. I've even seen 156.something in the last week, but it didn't hold for long.


Pam, are you going on vacation a full week before Marlene? Your note says only three more days and Marlene's note says 2/19, but you're both going on the same cruise, so you MUST be getting a head start. Good for you! Have a wonderful time, both of you!


On The Biggest Loser last night, Bob had one of his guys eat more complex carbohydrates to help him lose more weight, and it worked. I'll be honest; I'm not totally clear on what a complex carbohydrate is, but I think it includes things like whole wheat bread, grains, etc. Of course, Bob was boosting his complex carbs for exercise purposes, so I don't know if it's a good idea to add to your carb intake and not exercise.


Here's this week's data:


Per my home scales (not clinic's):

SW: 220.5 (5/5/08)

Last week: 157.8

CW 157 2/11/09

GW 143 by 5/5/09.


Total lost to date: 63.5 pounds.


Have a great day,


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Bonnie - wasn't trying to sound like a sermon - more of using the board as my personal journal, that I have to record the ups and downs or I may quit posting if I start gaining weight back. I need the support of this group to keep from doing that and I shouldn't be afraid to say "ladies I've screwed up and gained a few lbs.".


Pam may be back on the board tonight but not sure so I'll answer the question for her. Pam's mom and sister (think that's right) live in Florida. Her mom has flown out to California to spend time with Pam and her husband and will be flying back to Florida with them. They are going to have a week's vacation visiting and touring Florida, including the everglades, before the cruise. We will meet up with them on Friday before the cruise for drinks/happy hour!

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Well, 2 days and we will offically be on vacation, as Marlene said, we are flying into Ft Lauderdale on Saturday and have a whole week before we get on the cruise.


I weighed this morning, and so for the finally weigh in here are my stats.


SW 171.6 12/30

LW 165.0 2/4/09

CW 162.0 2/11/09

Goal was not met Goal was 159. But I will get down to 145 lbs after I come back from the vacation.


I will be back on here after I return home. Looking forward to meeting Marlene and maybe someday each of you. Thanks for all the support.



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Congratulations Pam! That's almost 10 lbs since you started. I'm glad you have long term plans and they include us and weight loss! My goal "lost cruise" is to get down to 137.6 (total of 60 lbs). So I'll probably have 20 lbs to lose when we get back (10 of which I'll gain on the cruise - LOL)


On our Roll Call yesterday, someone posted the question - what will you be doing in 2 weeks. Pam's husband reponded: Probably wishing I had never met Steve (who is a liquor salesman on our cruise) and Marlene. I will probably be walking around with a big heachache! Guess her DH thinks Steve and I are going to be a bad influence with drinking/partying. LOL Hey after 5+ mos of no food and no drinks, you better bet I will be indulging in both!!!


Looks like weight this morning is beginning to move in the right direction - a few ounces. Hopefully I am going to be able to get this 50th lb off by next Wednesday.....



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Pam and Marlene - Have a great time on that cruise you guys - it sounds like you have such fun plans. LOL on your headache comment Marlene. One of our jokes when cruising is "So much to eat and drink - and so little time!" (as we circle the buffet no less) :p Will be looking forward to hearing about the blast you had when you return!

Bon Voyage!


Bonnie - your loss is terrific. Congratulations! You mentioned a month off - is that at your choice or just how the program works. (Sorry if this has been covered before - I get behind on back posts and then read them all together at a blur)


Tried the callinetics DVD a few times - to tell the truth its such slow motion (no music) that its boring as could be. It is very low impact (almost none) as move only "1/16th of an inch" from position and do high number of reps. Will attempt again with a better frame of mind and try with some of my own music on. But on a better note - Riding the recumbent bike has become a part of my daily routine - ride most every morning before I dress for work and then again when I change into sweats/pj's in the evening. Working on increasing resistance levels now.


Weighed in at 165 today - that's pretty good cause the scale was bouncing up for several days.


Supposed to be working and here I am goofing off for waaaay toooo long! Gotta run - Have a good week whether you are doing your regular thing or heading off for a great vacation in the Caribbean!



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I used the word "sermon" teasingly, Marlene, and I hope I didn't offend. Certainly didn't intend to. I will soon be weaning myself off the weight loss clinic and will be leaning even heavier on my "online weight loss buddies" (as you are all referred to with my associates -- somehow "T.I.T.S." just doesn't sound quite right!) than I do already (if that is even possible).


I worked out with Wii Fit last night, for 45 minutes. I'm finally trying the strength and yoga exercises and I can see where they will definitely help, if I will just set aside the time to do it every day. I also walked five flights of steps (22 steps each flight) yesterday here at work. Something needed to be delivered to the sixth floor (I'm on the first), so I decided to take the steps. Wasn't easy, but most of the time I try to do all 14 floors, so five didn't compare.


Have loads of fun, Pam. I'm so jealous. I would make SUCH a good rich woman and I'd (probably) be traveling all the time. I had my first 2-week vacation ever (I'm 54) this past December, but my second week was spent at home, not off to some exotic location.


Guess I better get back to work so I can put some money in our travel account eventually. It's run pretty dry lately!


Have a great Thursday!


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I'm not offended Bonnie - just didn't want to come across to you guys that I was giving a sermon. LOL I was just mad at myself when I typed that as well.


Today's a good day. Marie/Mango - I had the same problem with the weight going up. Let's blame it on the full moon. My weight dropped overnight by 1.2 lbs (guess I'm coming off the plateau) and I hit 50 LBS TODAY! Did you guys hear the rumbling and wierd sounds coming from NC - I was doing my celebratory dance and shouting!!! Called my husband at work and said, "I DID IT - I GOT TO 50 LBS!!" Now I just got to be sure it stays at 50 and doesn't bounce back up again.


Bonnie - Is there a reason you have to come off the program for a month? Is that to wean you off so you can learn to maintain without the drugs? I will definitely be back after the cruise. In addition to wanting to lose more weight, I need help maintaining once I do. Pam says she's coming back so she can get her weight off and I know Robin isn't done yet so hopefully we can continue the group support. As far as referring to us as T.I.T.S. Robin (or I) made the mistake of referring to TITS at one of the holiday gatherings. Her daughter in HS jerked her head around and eyes got huges - like what the heck are ya talking about!?!?!?!?


Have a great day - I too much get back to work.




WTG to all you who are exercising. I've been lacking in that area and really need to get that started. I look forward to camping/hiking when weather gets better but always have to put something into my daily routine.

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Hi All - here's an idea for you.


I had my suitcase packed for the trip, added a couple hand weights to make it 50 lbs. When my husband came home today, I asked him to pick it up. He did and looked at me (like ok what next....). I said, "That's how much weight I've lost." He was amazed and kept picking up the suitcase. Told me I sure ought to feel better now with getting that much weight off. I was also amazed. That suitcase was heavy!! I can't believe that 5 mos ago I was carrying around that much extra weight. No wonder it's unhealthy for your body.


So go find your suitcase, take it your scales and start packing stuff in it to equal how much you have lost. You will be amazed! Your DH will be amazed as well. We see "#'s on the scale" but to actually feel how much we've lost.....Wow!"



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I kind of came to the same realization as you did, Marlene, when we packed for our cruise. Fifty pounds weighs a LOT. Just weighing one pound of something in the produce section of the grocery store and thinking "wow, I've lost 50 of these" is eye-opening as well, but that 50-pound suitcase really does it. I can't believe that you had room leftover for 10 pounds in weights, though. Hubby & I had three suitcases and they all weighed 50 pounds! You are obviously a much better packer than I am. Congratulations on meeting your 50-pound goal!!! Now you can go buy that camera you've been wanting! :D


No real exercise last night to report. I did some chores around the house that felt like exercise, but I'm sure they didn't help with weight loss or muscle development whatsoever. I did well exercise-wise last weekend; I hope I can do a repeat performance this weekend. It being Valentine's weekend, though, I am hopeful for a nice dinner out tonight or tomorrow night, though.


It is the DEA's (that stands for Drug Enforcement Agency) rule that a patient be prescribed Phedermine only four months before taking a four-week break. Apparently, the DEA's rule was okay to overlook at first because I had the prescription five months before taking a break the first time around, but this time, they stopped it at four months. There is nothing that says I can't take the medication the month that I am on break; they just can't prescribe it for more than four months. SO, I've been getting 45 pills for three months so that when my four-week break comes up, I'll have pills leftover to use during that four weeks. I learned the hard way the first time around -- 1/2 pill a day doesn't work nearly as well as a whole pill does. I'm allowed 1 1/2 pills a day (thus, the 45 pill prescription), but I've only taken maybe five 1/2 pills since I started getting 45. Not because I don't need the extra boost; because I don't think about "eating" a pill instead of eating something I shouldn't have until it's too late and, taken too late, I may have difficulty sleeping. I must admit, though, I've had little or no trouble sleeping on the medication. Of course, I'm one of those people that can drink three cups of coffee before bedtime and have no trouble sleeping, too.


Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone!

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Marlene - I know you will really enjoy that camera now - Great job! Take it you will be leaving soon - have a great trip!


Bonnie - I want to apply for that "rich woman" title too - LOL! We could travel whenever, not have to work, absolutely not be snobby, be skinny (private chef & personal trainers would help!) and have all kinds of fun and interesting things to do with our days. Very importantly we could pamper the heck out of ourselves and those we love! For good measure lets throw in lots of good charity stuff with the stroke of a pen. Great idea - I'm in too! Feel free to add any and all the things I didn't cover.



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Bonnie - Don't worry about the "bad weekend". Consider you were just "shaking it up". LOL I'm bouncing around a little on my weight too - all my fault. I didn't completely stick to the diet this weekend. But I'm still at 50 lb loss. I actually saw a 51 lb loss one day. I hope when I get back from the cruise, we can pick up the "chatter" on the board a little. I need to come back, get serious and lose a little more weight. We need to evaluate our weight loss goals and make both short term and long term goals. It will be summer before we know it - bathing suits, shorts, etc etc. I also need to make some goals to try to get these arm wings reduced a little. My shoulder to my elbow - YUCK!!! Think about your goals and let's post new goals on Wednesday, March 4. You T.I.T.S. with me? If you don't see me on the board by March 4, your duty is to hammer me with emails!!!!



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Marlene - you are one motivated woman! We'll miss all your insightful advice & comments on this board but for goodness sakes - go have a good vacation! I know you are worried about losing ground but I would bet you'll jump right back on the diet wagon when you return. What the heck - the TITs need you and we won't let you just dump us anyway! :D


BTW "arm wings" is a problem here too! Sass must have some good weights workout going - remember her "guns"? Sass - what are you doing? What weight did you start at and how many reps etc.



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:DHi all! This time tomorrow I'm be driving to the port! I am so ready for a vacation and so ready to drink & eat!!! Seems like forever since I've done either. LOL My DH emailed to say he thought he could grab a couple hot dogs for supper tonight. It was wonderful to say "I'd like one too!" You would think I was having a big steak or lobster for supper - hot dog sounds wonderful! And by 5:00 this afternoon, I'm going to have a nice glass of wine. Funny how sometimes simple pleasures can bring so much joy!


Hopefully we will hear from Sass while I was gone - for some help with our "wings".


Again want to say thank you to everyone for the support. I joined the board on September 6 with hopes to lose 30 lbs by today. I exceeded my expectations - mainly because of the support of you guys! Here's my final #'s. Remember: New goals by March 4 for everyone!!!


SW: 197.6 (9/6/08)

LW: 148.6 (2/11/09)

CW: 146.2 (today - 2/18/09) - total of 51.4 lbs

GW: 50 lbs by 2/18/09


New GW: 137.6 by 7/1/09 (total of 60 lbs)



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I'm Back!


SW 242.5 (October 13)

Last Week 208.6

CW 201.0 .... 41.5 lbs total.

Missed my Moon Goal ... 195 by 2/18 :(:(:(

GW by 10/31 -170 :D


I'm so sad.... I missed my moon goal by 6 lbs! I really thought I would at least be in the next century by now but my weight this week has been bouncing like a rubber ball. I'm a little bit scared as the most I ever lost before at one time was on Adkins and when I got to the weight that I am right now I just fell apart. Never saw the scales get below 200. The last 12 years I have been over 200 lbs. I contributed my weight to a bad (really really bad) marriage. Now, I have a wonderful supportive husband and he is so proud of me that I can't quit. I don't want to disappoint myself or my husband.


Sorry, I've not been very active on this board lately. I really miss everyone. I've been pretty busy trying to plan our next two group cruises and my daughter's softball season is getting into full swing. Excuses ... excuses ... I know. I will try to do better.


PAM, I would like to make some kind of deal with you. I need some really good embarrassing cruise pictures of my sister. Do you think you might be able to help me out? I know what happens on ship is suppose to stay on ship but seriously I really need you on this one. ;)

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I'll go ahead and get the bad news out of the way. I wanted to say I'd forgotten to weigh this morning, but my conscience won't let me lie!


Per my home scales (not clinic's):

SW: 220.5 (5/5/08)

Last week: 157

CW 159.4 2/18/09

GW 143 by 5/5/09.


Total lost to date: 61.1 pounds.

I'm not going to moan and groan about the 2.4 pound weight gain in one week. It is definitely all my fault (and the four brownies I've eaten over the last two days)! Not to mention that I've hardly done anything that can be considered exercise in the last week. I WILL do better. I WILL do better. I WILL do better. Oh, sorry; that was me talking to myself!

Robin, I had the same fear you have (can't get below where you've gone before), but, when I found my old Weight Watchers log the other day, I discovered that I am 20 pounds lighter than my lightest on Weight Watchers (6 years ago)!!!:D And, since you and I are on (basically) the same plan, I KNOW you can do it. Keep up the good work. I've been there before (very recently) -- dreaming of my weight beginning with the number "1", and once it happened, I never went back...and I hope and pray that I never do.


Sass, hurry up and tell us how to get rid of the wings -- before I take off and fly away!!! Marie, if we don't hear from Sass soon, maybe you and I can fly toward each other and meet somewhere in the middle! :)


Marlene, have a GREAT cruise vacation and know that we are all thinking about you and are all jealous of all the good things you are having to eat and drink. Have a BALL!


Happy Hump Day, Everyone!


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First of all, I do have Sass email - I'll send it to you guys and you can include in your list of T.I.T. emails and maybe send her a "get back in here" email while I am gone.


Second, Robin - Just think if I hadnt started hounding you about losing weight with me. You've lost 41 lbs - a total combined weight of 92 lbs! And yes, when you get to a certain weight that your body has been at before, it tends to want to stay there. The hardest part is to keep dieting when you see no results. But I also think that when you body finally gives up those lbs, you tend to lose a couple lbs very fast. So hang in there. I had the same problem when I was in the 160's. I'm lower now than I can ever remember being before. Normally I lose to low 160's, once to about 157. I'm 10 lbs lighter than that now!



Bonnie - I am so proud of you for weighing and posting today. I had the same problem last week - remember? This next week is going to your week - I can feel it!!!


Robin - so glad that Pam is apparently not checking the boards. I'm sure even without asking, Pam will get some pictures of me. Keep in mind, Pam doesn't drink (per her DH). That will make me look that much worse. We are spending the day in Belize together with our husbands, which should be fun. I hope to see her and Weldon at Happy Hour Friday afternoon. I think we both have Supper Club reservations for the same night - maybe 30 minutes apart. It will be so neat to actually meet her.


Bonnie -we still need to plan lunch. Maybe we can plan for something in April or May. It has to be after I get back from the cruise and get back to my pre-cruise weight.


Robin - thanks for introducing me to CruiseCritic.Com. I have met so many friends (here and on the roll call).


MangoTango: Yeap, I do tend to get carried away with encouragement, just trying to encourage myself!!


Remember: New short and long term goals are due by Wednesday, March 4!





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Marlene - don't know when you actually leave on your vacation but again BON VOYAGE and have an awesome, fantastic, wonderful vacation. It already seems like ages ago since we went (its about 6 weeks!) We'll be here waiting to hear about all the fun - ENJOY! BTW - your encouragement is much appreciated!


Bonnie - Had to laugh at the Bingo Wings (and will check out the sites too - thanks for the tip). Reminds me of when I was a kid and used to keep my Grandma company at bingo - all the elderly ladies waving their arms for bingo - very "right on" name. And now I'm the Grandma with "bingo wings" - OMG!!!!!:rolleyes:


BTW, my daughter told me that at her exercise class they call the arm exercise for that "Hi Betty's". (Raise your hand and wave hi to Betty - see why? LOL)


Weight pretty much stagnant - weighed in at 165.2 (that's up .2 lbs.) Really ate more than usual over 3 day Weakend so to stay the same is pretty okay with me.


Got hub interested in losing some weight too (he found his suit is waaay too tight to be comfortable) and that may make it easier for me too - less junk in the house. He's doing most of the shopping/cooking right now (he's a cement contractor and is home during winter months). Hard not to eat when you are stuck home and bored.


Gotta run. Take care


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I cannot imagine being at home all winter and not being able to eat. This is the very reason that my weekends turn into weakends. Even if there's nothing good to eat, I manage to eat way more of the things I am allowed than I should. I try to stay busy on weekends, but as soon as I stop, my mind goes right into the "food gutter".


I need to go look up Bingo Wings, too. That was Robin that suggested it, not me.


I "Walked Away the Pounds" with Leslie Sansone (DVD) last night. I did the "Walk & Kick" segment for the second time. I couldn't help but think that some of those punches have to improve arms, but I'm also sure that the secret is to do the exercises with some regularity, rather than once a month!


I hope you all (except Marlene & Pam) have a great WEEKend. They're allowed a WEAKend...followed by a WEAK! :)



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Oops - thanks for the tip Robin. I did look up the "bingo wings" - You are right - some of those pictures are GRIM! Started with a couple low weights right away (thought I might as well do a little conditioning so I don't get sore neck/arms right off) Printed off some exercises to start with.


You guys are waaaay ahead of me on weight loss and I'm not really sure why. It seems to take forever to get the scale to budge the tiniest bit downward - unfortunately it can bounce up a couple with the slightest provocation. I know they say metabolism slows with age (I'm 61) but I think mine is in total hiberation. Drinking the water, ride the recumbent bike most days (knee dictates what exercise I can do) start the day with protein, limit carbs and food in general. Journaled intake in SparkPeople - it says I need more calories - soon as I up calories I put on weight. Where am I missing the boat. I know I can't expect the kind of weight drops that you get on doctor supervised plan with shots etc. but this is incredibly discouraging. You guys have any input?


I was thinking about those "new goals" - What the heck is the "secret formula" that I am missing? :confused: Would love to set some realistic goals that I can achieve but don't really know how to put it all in motion. Really feel that I am missing something. Thanks in advance for any help.


Puzzled Mango

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Mango, not sure where the secret formula lies for you but I'm sure you will find it. Sometimes I get discouraged and I'm doing the shots and going to a weight loss clinic. It started good but now my scales seem to be stuck in the same place day after day after day.


I spoke with Marlene today and she put Pam on the phone. They must have met up as soon as they got to Florida. It sounded like everyone was having a good time already. I really hope they have good weather and smooth seas.

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I felt that I needed to make that "announcement" since this means I've actually exercised twice in one week (plus climbing a few steps here and there).


Mango, MY secret lies in the appetite suppressants. Without them, I KNOW I couldn't have lost any weight. I've tried too many times. Now the problem is going to be, once I reach my goal (IF I reach my goal) and I no longer have the clinic and medication to lean on.....what happens then? That really frightens me terribly.


Have you tried the over the counter appetite suppressants i.e. "Alli" or "Slim Shot"? MAYBE they would help suppress your appetite and give you more energy so that you'd feel more like doing things that don't require your knee.


Just keep hanging in there and don't give up. ANY weight lost is better than an ounce gained. It IS discouraging. I am SO familiar with that feeling, but you just can't give up. Maybe you need to go out and eat everything you want ONCE to let your body know that you're not trying to starve it. Maybe then it'll let go of some of the weight it's holding.


I know Pam and Marlene are having a blast. I'm sitting here wondering what they're eating for breakfast this morning!


Have a great Saturday,



P.S. I didn't bring my glasses downstairs, so please excuse any typos; I can't really see what I'm typing!!!

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