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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Pam - you've taken the first step - admitting your weight and putting your goal in writing for all to see. With determination and willpower you can lose the 30 lbs by the cruise. I didn't think I could last year but I was so disgusted with my weight that I actually did something about it - and joined this board. So get pumped and let's go for it!!



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Even though looks like no activity, I anticipate this board to get going this coming week. I've chatted via email with Pam, Robin and Bonnie and know they are ready to get started back. So if you are "just checking in", we're coming back!! Judi - I hope you see this post and come back. I didn't know your email address.



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Ok, I'm back again. Weight is coming down a little at a time. I even went to two buffets yesterday. I'm really determined to lose and I did really well. Smaller plates and went to salad and fruit bar instead of the dessert bar. Even drank WATER. That is the big one. No sodas at all.


Come on everyone, if I can do it, you can also.



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Pam I think that is one of the tricks as well - no diet drinks. I try to limit to one or two week maximum and only as special treat. My doctor told me it's probably the sodium and that I may want to look for no sodium and no calories and try those. I actually lost one pound between Friday and Sunday. Normally I gain on weekends so let's keep fingers crossed today is a good day ---one more day until weekend is over.

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I have thought of you ladies 100's of times over the last six - seven weeks, but I have hardly had time to breathe in those weeks, much less log onto the internet. This is the first time I've logged onto Cruise Critic since the last time I posted; no lurking here, although I was thinking about it a lot. I now have two full-time jobs (both at Duke) with three bosses, so things have changed tremendously at work.


I have, apparently, found time to EAT while I wasn't logging onto the internet, though. I am up at least seven pounds, but it feels more like 70 pounds than seven.


I did not get Marlene's e-mail about starting the weigh in on Fridays again until last night, so that's why I didn't report in on Friday. I also went to a wedding yesterday and ate everything in sight, have had two beers tonight, and will probably weigh 200 pounds in the morning, but I will weigh and I will report the result (gulp).


DH and I are in the process of making plans for a December cruise with NCL and I am really hopeful that a cruise in my future will help with the weight loss tremendously.


BTW, I am no longer taking the medicine I was, but if WW@Work doesn't work like I hope it does (starting 8/3/09), I'll be going back to the weight loss clinic again.


Need to go iron clothes for work tomorrow.



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So glad you are back Bonnie. We have all been "absent" and as a results we have all gained weigh back. Hopefully Robin will be on this week as well. She says she will after she sees the new weight loss doctor in Huntersville on Tuesday. I'm struggling on the diet this week - so dang hungry but that's to be expected initially. Hopefully that will ease up soon.



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Thought I better log in now, before my work day starts, to report that I weighed 161.4 this morning :(. Goal weight is 140 by December 5th. Short term, I'd like to weigh 155 when I start Weight Watchers on August 3rd.


Good luck, ladies, and have a GREAT low-fat day!


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Hi Bonnie. So happy you took that first step and posted your weight. That's the hardest step to take. Hope all of you have a great week and make progressive in our weight loss battle.


Now that we are starting back let's look back at the last few weeks and make a confession. What have you eaten in the last 3 weeks that you look back now and think ---and think ---I can't believe I ate or drank all of that We confess and forget about it, moving forward. Ok here is mine. I bet you can't top it!


my weakness is ice cream. 4th of July we went camping. The first night we stopped at a convenience store and I bought a pint , took it back to the camper and ate the whole thing in one sitting. The next morning we went to buy groceries. I bought pack of 6 klondike bars and yeap - ate all six before the weekend was over. My rationale was that when I got home I would start new diet and would be able to eat ice cream so better eat it now!!


Ok what's your story???



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Good morning, welcome back Bonnie. Today was another good scale day. It was down to 171.6.


Marlene, I was leaving for work and stopping at the donut shop each morning. Not just one but sometimes even two and then taking more with me to work. I now have to go another way to work so as not to pass the shop on the way.


Have a great day. Will post later on how the day went.



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I have to think of this as a whole new diet because I've done so poorly.


Today, I have learned that on the WW@Work program (or any WW program for that matter), I will be allowed only 20 points/day. There used to be some points you could save up for special occasions, etc., but I don't know if that is still true. Judi, can you fill me in? At any rate, I have eaten 12 of those 20 points so far today, and I'm still very hungry. I also went out at lunchtime thinking the weather felt great for a walk, but once I'd done two miles, I decided it was much too hot and humid out there to be walking!!! Hindsight is always 20/20.


While I was out, I got as old as you are, Nana #1!!! We're in the same "boat" (age-wise; not weight-wise -- you've got me beat by a mile there) for a few months.


If any of you are on Facebook, I am too. I'm Bonnie Cadd Smith. Look me up; I'll be your Facebook Friend, and, if nothing else, you can look at pictures of my precious grandbabies!!!


Gotta get back to work.




P.S. Marlene, I'm SURE I could beat your story. Just to name one thing, though, the wedding I went to Saturday had a "candy bar" for its guests as a take home momento. I filled up two boxes (jewelry sized) and ate most of it on the way home!!! One was supposed to be for my husband.

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I had 8 points left for dinner and "spent" 7 1/2 of them in Gorton's Beer-Battered Fish Filets (I didn't realize I was going to make this commitment when I bought them) not to mention the cole slaw, baked beans, and cherries (they were supposed to be dessert, but.....)


Oh well. Tomorrow's another day!

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Pam - I don't think it's those carbonated diet soft drinks that caused your weight gain but probably those stops on the way to work that are to blame.


Bonnie - So you are counting WW points? How many points are you suppose to have? I've always wondered how that works. Although you went over in your points, I think it's really great that you feel guilty. If you had not made the new weight loss committment since you bought that fish, you wouldn't be feeling guilty. So I think you are on your way!!!


My confession - Did pretty good today but John grilled burgers and I was so hungry. I fixed my on that whole wheat thin bread (still 100 calories but I think it's suppose to be better for you) and only use onion, mustard and dill pickles. So all in all, not bad................well it wouldn't have, but i went back for seconds and added a glass of red wine. But like you, Bonnie, I wouldn't have felt as guilty 2 weeks ago.


Ladies - I think we are on our way to weight loss. I can sense the comittment like we had before. And we are actually checking in daily!!! YES!!


Now if we can get Robin and Mango Tango back in here...... Robin has her doctor appt tomorrow so hopefully she will get pumped up and get back on here.


Bonnie - where are you guys cruising to in December?



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Bonnie - I just saw your earlier post on the 20 WW points - sorry missed that and then asked you how many points you get. OOPS!


Donuts...................ice cream ..............candy bars.....................LOL


Aren't we a sad lot of dieters. LOL



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:D:DYea!!!!Everyone's back...now we can get skinny! Wow, so many on WW"s. As you may remember I started Weight Watchers in Feb. I started out at 169.5 and now weigh 141.0.....And all cuz I can keep candy out of my mouth!! I'm allowed 18 points a day and 35 flex points a week. The 35 extra points can be used all at once or dispersed through out the week. They should cover things like weddings, camping trips, buffets etc. My big downfall is cake and candy... W.W is basically calories in calories out...If you are a big exerciser you get more points. You are allowed between 1200 and 1400 calories a day to lose weight. I use a bunch of tricks. I serve dinner on smaller luncheon plates, eat lots of veggies (no problem, I actually love them) limit starches ( like minimal) and when I'm hungry I drink flavored water and eat a banana. The banana is 2 points, and water nothing. Flavor it with crystal light or such, I actually put 1/3 cup of Plum Smart in 1 liter bottle, the rest plain water. Walmart sells flavored sparkling water that has no calories and is sodium free. You have to eat things low in sodium and low in fat. If it has over 2 grams of fat, you have to have fiber! Fruit is an excellent snack, cherries are 1 point for 1 cup! Skinless chicken legs are 1 point, shrimp is 1/2 cup for one point! Almost all veggies are no points! I've been doing this for so long it has become a habit to watch what I eat. The important thing for me is to journal. Write down everything you eat, even if it's only a bite. You'd be surprised at what you consume during the day. I found that I would take a handful of pretzels or some candy for no reason...it is the mindless eating that gets us in trouble. There are lots of things to snack on that are only 100 calories. If you have any questions, just ask. I am in a loose size 10 waiting to go into those size 8's. I am 61 and do not exercise at all. I never thought I would be able to do this, but I have. No one is more surprised than me! I can eat anything I want, just in moderation. No gimmicks, no pills, just lost weight. Also, if you screw up ( which I have done many times) you just start over the next day.

Bonnie, I added myself to your facebook.

Can't wait to get started. I weigh in on Wed.s, but I'll post here on Fridays.


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Hi Guys - Glad to see you are all ready to hit it again - thanks for all the WW info Judi. Nice to see everyone is back. Had some vacation time but that's over now - always goes too darn fast.


The hard truth is I weighed in at 174 tonight. I knew I had eaten (and drank) alot (Okay,okay - everything in sight!) while gone but that's horrendous.:eek: Just for good measure there was an "ice cream social" for us at work today - you guessed it - had that too!:eek::eek: Kind of my own diet horror story!


So here I am tonight 'fessing up. HELP! Will weigh tomorrow morning and see if that's any better.


Been wanting to check out facebook too - seems everyone uses that lately. Will try soon and add you guys too.


Is weigh in Friday now?


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Hi Judi!! Glad you are back on as well. Congratulations on your weight loss. I've never tried WW but sounds easy enough. I've noticed many things have WW points listed. I love the Walmart flavored water too. And I use a lot of those flavored packets (like Crystal Light). I'm trying hard to keep away from drinks with sodium as it seems as extra sensitive to anything with sodium in it.


The rest of us are also on Facebook now too. I'll go to Bonnie's friends and send you an invite to be my friend. Sounds like elementary school notes - "Will You Be My Friend?" LOL Hopefully Robin will be back this week too! That would give us 5! I lost a lot of weight initially and have gotten to the point that it's going to be a slow go going forward - have to try to get focused and not get discouraged.



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Here it is early in the day and I am reminding myself to stay focused and plan out my day. Making a dash into the grocery store later to pick up a few things I'm out of that are helpful to have around - SF jello & fudgsicles, a nice new water pitcher for my desk, crystal lite flavors, spray salad dressing, etc. I also love the veggies so that gives me lots of options there.


Gotta run - Hi to all and have a great day!!


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I knew in reason that that 161.4 weigh-in yesterday morning was too good to be true. It was. This morning, once the weekend craziness "sunk in", I weighed 162.6!!! I ended up eating 30.5 points yesterday (out of the 20 I'm allowed!), so I am relieved to hear that the 35 "floating points" are still a part of WW. I used to know all the tricks, but I have since forgotten them. Need to get rid of all the bad stuff in my refrigerator (i.e., Gorton's Beer-Battered Fish Filets) and fill it back up with good stuff before I can really start WW, but I'm trying to get a head start so that I will be accustomed to the plan by August 5th (may have said 8/3 before; another building has their meetings on Mondays -- can you IMAGINE? but our building's meetings are on Wednesdays, thank goodness).\


It's so good to see everyone coming back. Welcome back, everyone! Marlene, our cruise is to the "Eastern Caribbean" - Samana, St. John's, Tortolla, and Great Stirrup Cay. Are any of those the places you visited? Where did you find the monkey and snake (you are one brave woman to hold a SNAKE).


So glad I mentioned Facebook. It does seem overwhelming (or "too busy") initially, but eventually you figure out what you're interested in and what you're not, and if someone becomes your friend and is too obnoxious for you, you can have them blocked without their ever knowing it, which is nice. I have a couple of blocked friends -- couldn't take the constant "jibber jabber" they wrote. "Unfortunately", I find myself spending a lot of time playing the games.


If anyone has trouble finding the pictures of my grandbabies, I'd be happy to lead you in the right direction (if I can figure it out myself). I have more Cayman pictures (taken by ex-husband, but excellent pictures) to add...as soon as I can stop playing "Word Drop" or "Bejeweled Blitz"!!! Can you believe that baby will be a year old in three more weeks??? And, Baby Ryan just turned three months old (and I read on Facebook last night that he's going for his three-month photo shoot on Saturday :p).


I guess I'd better get back to work! Have a great low-fat day!


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Hi Marie! So glad you are back. Hope you are getting pumped for weight loss with us AGAIN..... Do you have Ken's salad dressing where you are? I found a great one made of 100% virgin olive oil - Raspberry Walnut! Great change from the regular oil/vinegar low calorie dressing.



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Mango Tango (Marie):


Do you have a FACEBOOK account? Seems everyone else does - just another way to keep in touch. I just signed up this week - kind of behind the times I guess. Anyway, if you do, let us know and we'll hook up.



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Nope I don't yet - but going to try to figure out a bit about Facebook tonight. Seems like I'm the only one on the planet without account so I better get with it!:p Have never even ventured into it but its about time to.


Will check out the Kens Raspberry Walnut - the other Kens dressings I've had were yummy - thanks for the tip.


Had a veggie stir fry with shrimp for dinner and then the leftovers for tomorrow lunch. I know I did pretty darn well today. ;) Wrote it all down too - Yeah! The fans go wild!!!!



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Don't feel too bad. Pam and I just joined facebook this week. It's neat that you can search by high school and year you graduated and see what people look like now. After I joined I continually get emails from people who want me to be a facebook friend, mostly from where I grew up. It's great way to catch up with old friends but beware you will get invites from people you don't know and people who were friends from with your kids. You wonder WHY??? look me up when you get set up. Marlene Cash Reynolds

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Hi all. Hope you are having great week and sticking to you diets. I sent each of you a facebook email about Pam's sister in law dying. I thought it was odd last night when her and Weldon were so quiet on line. Please keep them in your prayers during this difficult time.


Ok tits - 2 days to weigh in. look forward to seeing our results. Robin went to her new doctor yesterday and she told her not to have more than one alcohol drink per day. Sounds like my kind of doctor.


Later tits



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Weird how I never noticed your last name, Marlene, until I read your note to Marie! My grandmother's maiden name was Reynolds! My family from Virginia, so there's probably no relation, but just seemed like one of those "It's a small world moments".


So far, so good this week. I went over 10 points on Day 1 (thanks to Gortons), hit my 20 point mark right on the money Day 2, and went over 4 points Day 3. Today, I am supposed to go out to lunch with a group from work, but once I looked at the menu online, I KNEW I couldn't be good there, so I declined the invite. They're going to Brixx Pizza!!!:eek:


This morning, I weighed 160.4, which is 2.2 pounds less than I weighed Tuesday morning, but who knows...I may weigh 165 tomorrow with my crazy scales. I went to a "dry run" WW @ Work meeting yesterday and weighed on their scales, with my clothes on, and after I'd already eaten my lunch, and weighed 164.4. Figured I should get a clue as to what their scales are going to say when my actual class starts on August 5th. I do, however, officially weigh almost 20 pounds lighter now than I did when I stopped going to WW the last time (6-7 years ago)!!! :p


Welcome back, everyone. So good to have all my friends back together again, and it's good to see you as Facebook Friends, as well. All those folks that invite you to be their friends (and you're not interested in) can either be ignored when the request comes to you OR, once they are your friend and you aren't happy with that fact, you can ignore them again and everything they say will disappear from your page and not show back up until you reactivate their friendship. Chats will still come through, though. I found Facebook VERY indimidating at first, but not so much anymore. I just ignore the indimidating parts and go to the things I know.


Look forward to reporting my weight tomorrow (gosh, I haven't said that in a very long time)!!!



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