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Omar El Khayam ship


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Dear Capt. I'd love to know too. I'm scheduled to go on January 18, 2009 and I've heard some pretty negative things about this trip with Vantage. I asked Vantage and they assured me this is a brand new boat and it will be available for the trip. Are you going on the same trip?

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Yes, we are currently scheduled to go on the Nov. 5th trip, however, through the website of Travcotel, ships owners, the ships were not in the port on the day scheduled on this trip. I have read that the ship was switched to a 4 star for both January and February. And like you I was told "Vantage contracts for these ships therefore I was guaranteed to be on it". Finally I began to write everything in emails and 2 months later Vantage sent a letter stating we would be in different ports on this itinerary, blamed it on the ships owners, and gave us the 2009 reversal trip. As of today in an email from a Vantage paralegal she is contacting Egypt to verify the "ship's identity and the itinerary". The January and February tours were sent a $300.00 refund with their docs. for the "downgrade". The Nile cruise ships were also substituted and the passengers were told the night before!!


Not counting mine the BBB of Boston has logged 43 complaints over the past 3 years and the Attorney Generals Office has 19 complaints. We are currently working with the AG's office since there are 4 tours in Oct and Nov that are affected. However, I have yet to find anyone who has been on this ship, therefore, I am wondering if they contracted for this ship??


I believe that Vantage has engaged in deceptive practices in their advertising - advertise 5 star deluxe and give you 4 star.


All I wanted was what was advertised and the peace of mind that someone else was handling all the details. Our traveling companions have taken Vantage 3 other times and never had a problem. However, this trip has been our worst nightmare Lies, Non-responsive, and stonewalling. Since last May we have yet to see a land, cruise, and air package that will support the entire trip...pretty frightening. Dealing with Vanatage is likened to a war and you take each battle one at a time. It is really sad as this is a great itinerary but both our traveling friends and us could care less as we still have no idea what we really purchased.

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Yikes!!! We have friends from Arizona that are going on this trip in Nov. and we're anxiously awaiting their report. At least i have trip insurance and if I don't like what I hear, I'll cancel. I'd really hate to do that because I'm not getting any younger and this would be a fantastic trip. Keep me posted, please. And any info I get I will share with you.:eek:

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If your friends are on a Sunday departure they will be in the ports the ships are in. However, if you are on a Wednesday departure you were suppose to be embarking on a ship that was disembarking another Vantage tour in another port!! Thus came the letters 2 weeks ago of the "reversed Itinerary" still listing the Omar El Khayam as the ship for the Lake Nasser cruise. But yesterday the paralegal is checking on the "identity and Itinerary" for the Nov. 5th tour!


Do you know if your friends are leaving on the Sunday or Wednesday departure?


We also have trip insurance but the issue is did we insure a trip that did not exist on the advertised ships.

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I believe they, as we, are leaving on Sundays. I checked the Nile Cruise home page and looked at the fleet of ships adn the dates of their itineraries. It seems that Crown Jubilee departs on 3 day cruise on Wed. and the alternate ship is the Crown Jewel, which looks to be almost identical. The Omar leaves on 3 day cruises on Fridays and its alternate is the Tania, and that's the ship that seems to be causing all the trouble, although it doesn't look that bad. all four ships have pools adn while the cabins on the Jewel are smaller it's only 3 days! We were on a small ship in the Greek Islands and many people had complained that the ship had no amenities, the entertainment was really awful and the casino and pool were so small you could only fit 10 people in either one at the same time. But the food was absolutely wonderful and you know when you go someplace like Greece or Egypt it's not about the ship, it's about the destinations, so I'm going to go on this trip and hope for the best. And, of course, I have the added luxury of getting to hear your report and our friends' report before we go! Thanks for all the info. Is the Mass. AG going anything?

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The issue of the size of the ship is not the issue but the advertising of specific ships is the issue Why should one group receive exactly what was advertised while another group does not and we all have paid the same price. Would you accept a ship that was "old with cabins small and tired, conditions on the lowest level were absolutely HORRIBLE. On that level, it was like being in a submarine, with FUEL SMELLS....Several had headaches from the smell. On that level, none of the windows opened, the' hallway' (that's being kind) had steel watertight doors (just as subs have) separating sections, held open with fire extinguishers. Advertised as a 4 star...a joke!!" Since there was no storage one couple put their clothing in their suitcases under the bed and had to lift the beds to get their clothes!


And this was from an individual who took a tour with a Sunday departure in Feb.This was the same situation for a January departure. Don't you feel that the consumer has the right to choose? If I knowingly accept the conditions of a 4 star or lower ship that's my choice. However when the tour company substitutes a downgrade without letting you know then I believe that is false advertising. Vantage advertises a brand new 5 star deluxe ship and you receive an old tub likened to a submarine complete with diesel fuel smells. Is this what anybody paid for??


I have yet to locate anyone who has been on the Omar so for all you know you could also be slated for the msTania!?

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Yes, I could be on the Tania. I did talk to someone at Vantage though and they told me the Omar El Khayam was only coming into service in Jan., which of course is in direct opposition to their brochures which have been advertising it since last year, I believe. I do agree with you that they are engaging in some "creative" advertising! And it is very difficult to get them to commit to which ship I'll be on. I wonder why they have no say as to what cabin you get? On the Odyssey I paid for a cabin upgrade and got exactly what I paid for....why would they contract with a ship line and not have any control over who got what cabin.....I can certainly understand all of the people paying the same price and some getting a cabin on the top deck with a balcony, while others get a cabin on the bottom deck at waterline!!!! Yes, I would be ticked off big time and would insist on a refund reflecting the downgrade. Have you had any luck with teh AG in Mass? I know from personal experience they can be very difficult to get more than lip service from! So have you already gone on this trip or are you scheduled to go or did you cancel?

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While this is a great itinerary as we included the post trip to Jordan, we did not pay over $10,00.00 to smell diesel fuel (13 cabins = 26 victims), lift the bed to retrieve our clothing, climb through steel doors held open by fire extinguishers, and have to stand up in order to look out the window. Nor do we intend to stay in a room half the size of the one advertised. This deceptive advertising Vantage baits you with the 5 star deluxe ships and then blames the cruise company even though Vantage has CONTRACTED for the downgraded ships of TANIA and Crown Jewel. Everyone receives a refund with their documents and no one is the wiser! Some victims have it worse than others depending on where you are placed on the ship. For the NOv. 5 tour the paralegal is still checking on the ships identity and the itinerary..has a call into Egypt!! Good Tv material.


We are filing a complaint with our credit card company . Anyone who gives this company cash is at Vantage' mercy. This company may be going the way of AIG and is desperate for cash. There is a demand for this itinerary and they can increase their profits by supplying substandard cruises...GREED.

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We are going with Uniworld this October, but I did check out the River Tosca, 13 day Splendours of Egypt trip which is same as we are taking.


For October date on the new Tosca, it is approximately $4000 per person. We paid just $2000 each. Air fare not included. And yes, our river ship the Miriam is much older and not as spacious. Still seems like a lot of money, for such a busy itinerary, where not a lot of time is spent in room.


At any rate, captainbob I sure hope you get things settled to some sort of satisfaction. We really feel your frustration and pain here.

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Yes, you are right, it definitely is a lot higher, but I think we will still do it. I will be anxious though to hear your trip report on the itinerary etc. when you return. We are not going until late Oct. and early Nov. of 2009.

We did do a Uniworld cruise this Apr. to Amsterdam and Belguim. It was wonderful and we had the greatest tour guide. Everything was so well organized. Hopefully their Egypt trip will compare to that experience!



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As of yesterday the paralegal for Vantage notified us that she has confirmed that we are on the Advertised ships of the Omar El Khayam and the Crown Jubilee for the Nov 5, 2008 trip. If the company advertises the ships, no matter what size, then that is what the consumer agrees to take. Its all about the consumers right to choose. Granted there are always exceptions, safety due to weather, civil unrest, etc. No one wants to take a river cruise down a swollen raging flooded river and the tour company would not attempt to put its customers in harms way. But a tour company should not advertise ships that it knows are in DIFFERENT ports when you have a schedule that you are embarking on the same ships in another port, therefore you are downgraded and given a token refund at the last minute. When the downgrade is from a 5 star deluxe to a ship that has a passenger level that is likened to a submarine with steel metal doors held open with fire extinguishers, permeated with diesel fuel odor, and the room is so sparse that you have to put your suitcases under the bed with your clothing

inside, lifting the bed to get your clothing then the customer has every right to complain. This is not anywhere close to what they agreed to purchase


There is a website by the National Library of Medicine called Tox Town which has information on Diesel Fuel and how it can affect your health. (toxic chemicals and environmental health risks) Apparently several passengers on the "submarine floor" of the Tania complained of headaches which short term exposure to both diesel fuel vapors and diesel fuel exhaust can cause along with a host of problems. I would certainly hope that tour companies would not contract for a ship that has the potential to "worsen symptoms of asthma, emphysema, heart disease or allergies" plus cause a list of other problems from increased blood pressure to vomiting.


The size of the ship is not an issue, but if it is an old ship that has passengers with the engine room where diesel exhaust permeates the halls and rooms and there is no outside ventilation such as closed portholes or windows then the individual is in an unhealthy environment.


Thanks for the info. re. other companies. If this tour does not come to fruitiion then we will be booking elsewhere.

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Glad to hear your trip seems to be working out for you! We spend so much money on these trips that it really infuriates you when it's not what you expected or worse, when it seems the company is trying to "put one over on you".


Can't wait to read your report on thise trip since we leave in Jan. for the same trip. Are you upgrading to business class? I'm considering it....it's a lot of money, but it's a really long ride! Have you gotten any info from Vantage about optionals....like the balloon ride, which I'm going to take but I'm wondering how much it is. I checked out a web page in Egypt and it seems like they run around $200 US. It will be interesting to see what Vantage charges us!!!

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Your My Account should have your optional trips with the price, however, if it is like mine it will be totally incorrect. The Air itinerary does not match my land itinerary. The Egypt Air (whom I called) does not match entirely either. So why would I think that my optional tours should match...I have Giza sound and light show in optional tours, the itinerary has Philae??!! And it goes on.


The Great thing is that both the Attorney Generals office and Better business Bureau are asking the same questions. Our credit card company is sitting in the wings with copies of our demand for a Refund and not a cancellation since there never was a "complete land, air , and cruise package" to cancel. They are requesting the exact time and date when we are to embark on both the ships with the name of each ship. The contract states that they comply with the laws of Mass. but the Consummer Protection Laws of Mass. say that deceptive advertising and deceptive business practices are unlawful. Since I have in writing from the paralegal that the only reason for switching ships is for "safety and not in commission" the switching to the Tania would be placing passengers in an UNSAFE Health Environment. I will post on a new thread what the Attorney Generals office told me which should help others.


When I have some form of confirmation on these ships I'll worry about business class air. But when I spoke with Egypt Air we can give them our frequent flyer # for Us Air which I have - that is good.


I should be glad to post a report, if and when, I really do go on this trip. By now I'm sure that Vantage NEVER wants to see my name again. At least the people on my tour will not be screwed over. I tried to get the AG's office to look at the other tours as well. I hope there has been enough pressure to get Vantage to correct their tours as well.

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Vantage has sent me around 20 pictures of the Omar. They are gorgeous. The ship is floating on the river so it is up and running. Everything from a disco to a pool table. The outside pool is lovely plus the the outside eating area that is covered has tables and couches. The gym has some equipment. The dining room is elegant...certainly looks like a wonderful setting to spend a few days on Lake Nasser.

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Hey Bob: My account is listing any optionals yet but I don't leave till mid-January. My plane fare seems accurate though, although we fly Egypt Air directly from NY to Cairo. I was under the impression that for this trip everyone flies the same flight to Cairo from NY. I know our friends are flying from San Diego to NY even though they live near Tucson. How does your air itinerary differ from the tour guide?


I think I'd pass on the light shows....that type of thing doesn't do a lot for me.....I like "raw" beauty.....the light show at Niagara Falls made me nauseous!!!! I'm most excited about the balloon ride (which I fully expect to be around $200 per person) and the tour of Old Cairo which a person my husband works with and who comes from Egypt says is not to be missed....although he's also suggesting that we go to the bazaar on our own which I'm not sure I feel comfortable doing. we're also hoping they offer an optional to Alexandria.


the only thing I have to go by is my past trip with Vantage, which was everything they said it would be, the only change was the cancellation of the one option I bought for my husband and I think that was because he was the only one signed up for it! They refunded the money directly to my credit card and made sure we got on a different optional tour that turned out to be great.


Good luck with this and keep us posted.

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All of the air problems were the domestic Air flights in

Egypt i.e. having us fly out of Luxor when we would be in Aswan, having us fly and cruise from Aswan to Abu Simbel at the same time, having us fly round trip on one day from Aswan to Abu Simbel.Then there was the air from Abu Simbel to Aswan when we were on the Nile cruise. The domestic air in the U.S. did not start out right either..our traveling companions were flying to New York on a different day and we bought the same trip!! As of yesterday it was still messed up and when I would ask about it...silence.


The complete info. should be in the Answer Book in My Account. I believe it is in the Help Section. But the optional tours will also be in there. Alexendria is also on our tour as we are getting the reverse of the 2009 tour. Are your friends, also leaving in Nov., had their itinerary changed to the 2009 itinerary?


Friday is the day when Vantage will provide the verification for the ships.


Spoke at length with the AG's office today. Some of our conversation centered on the Tania where passengers were booked in areas with toxic chemicals. Vantage claims to be unaware of such problems. I don't believe people did not comment on that on their final evaluation but, I don't think they'll try it again. There is one good thing about filing a complaint with over 25 exhibits it becomes PUBLIC RECORD. The condition of the Tania and how people were unaware of ship changes and the "horrible conditions" customers were subjected to is for anyone to read.


The pictures of the Omar I received today were just awesome. It is really sad that people had to experience such a negative environment when the ship appears to be everything that is advertised.


We are skipping Alexandria as it is 3 hours each way..too much riding in a bus. If I want to see Alexandria I'll do it from a cruise ship that ports in the city.

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I just came from my account and my answer book is not there yet. I did get one in the mail but it doesn't have the optionals in it. As for the plane itinerary, the only flights shown are our round trip between NY and Cairo and our round trip between Cairo and Amman, and they both seem to be correct. I don't have any flight info on the internal flight to Aswan but I do know it's a very early a.m. departure.


I haven't heard about any changes to Sally and Carl's itinerary and I think I would have because I've been keeping him apprised of our "conversations".


Before we left for our Vantage trip in August, I had read a couple of complaints about the Egypt ships, including one about the Tania being substituted and the accommodations being sub-standard.


Also on our trip there were at least two couples who had been booked on an earlier trip on the Discovery. Interestingly, they got telephone calls from Vantage a few weeks before departure telling them that the trip "was over-booked" and that they were "rebooked on our trip but lost their cabin preference". they got between $200 and $500 per couple for the inconvenience! Now, this is where it gets interesting: we're having dinner with one of the couples this happened to, who also happen to be from Arizona by the way, and they were telling us about this. I asked how you can over-book a cruise and they happened to mention the Discovery. That's when I told them that their cruise wasn't over-booked, the ship had been sold~! Thanks to Cruise Critic, I knew about the Discovery several weeks before we left but they didn't find out until I told them that night at dinner!


Moral of the story is: if you're going to book your own trips on line, like we do, you owe it to yourself to check out Trip Advisor and/or Cruise Critic before you go!!


Thanks for taking this on, Bob, you've done us all a favor.

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These are the current tour prices but they could change however, it will give you a barometer. The Old Cairo is $49.00 and the Balloon over Luxor is $149.00. Have no idea what the price for the Alexandria tour is since it still has not posted in Optional Tours even though it is in our new itinerary.


The mess with our air is the domestic air in Egypt...never has matched our itinerary either the first itinerary or the second itinerary. I'm sure it is standard practice in the travel industry to book you on a flight when you are in the city in order to take the flight!!! This is not the case with Vantage and "don't worry because they don't finalize their flights till 40 days before"! Why would a company book anyone on a flight form Luxor to Cairo when they are in Aswan and are suppose to fly to Cairo? Why would a company have the same individual taking a cruise on Lake Nasser from Aswan to Abu Simbel and at the same time be booked on a flight from Aswan to Abu Simbel, on the exact day?? When you put it in writing they refuse to respond.


Wonder if the Vantage staff are prepping for "Are you Smarter than a FIRST Grader"...forget firth grader!


I do have the Answer Book for the 2009 in MY Account and also in my email. It was revised on 9/03/08 which also includes the pre-trip to Israel. What I did find interesting is now the Crown Jewel and the Crown Jubilee are listed as the ships for the Nile Cruise. The Crown Jewel is NOT LISTED in their brochures. The Omar is the only ship listed for the Nasser cruise.


The paralegal has denied that Vantage has any contract with Travcotel for the Tania. One person stuck on the Tania stated they were told it would be taken "out of service" when the Omar started sailing. This is a company that will tell people anything, do anything , and then give people a token refund, while they pocket the remainder of the profit for themselves. This has been a market that has great demand sot they decided to increase the number of tours with the 2008 itinerary (the Answer Book claims there are a total of 6 of these trips, but I can only find 4) KNOWING these tours could not be on the advertised ships since they were disembarking another Vantage tour over 200 kilometers away. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure what was planned for ships since the Tania is the only other ship by Travcotel on Lake Nasser.


Did you know that Vantage takes its employees and their families on a "FREE TRIP" to different cities each year? That could be a reason people are willing to tell you such lies.

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Received via email the final list for hotels and the Tour Itinerary. Still have not seen an accurate air itinerary yet but there is hope! We are confirmed for the Omar El Khayam and the Crown Jubilee. The pictures of the Omar were gorgeous so we are looking forward to the cruises.


Spoke at great length with Shawna Hansen, paralegal, this morning regarding the My Account inconsistencies. Since May there has never been an accurate day by day itinerary and an air itinerary that matched. If the purpose of MY Account is to provide the customer the venue to access accurate information specific to their trip then why wouldn't anyone from Vantage take some corrective action when the customer alerts Vantage that the My Account is absurdly wrong. Refusing to address the issue not only frustrates the customers but also sends out the message there is something to be suspicious of. In a word, to put inaccurate information in the My Account is counterproductive to its intent.


I sincerely hope that I have rattled enough cages regarding the "diesel fuel" issue so that never occurs again. Also I have stressed that when a mistake/human error occurs, at least recognize the error, apologize, and take corrective action. Most people are reasonable when they believe that they are being treated with respect. Lastly I pointed out that the complaint that I filed contained over 25 pages of exhibits which will now be public record with a case number with the Mass. AG's office.


Anyhow we are looking forward to this trip as the itinerary is wonderful. Will post a report when we get back particularly on the ships.

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