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Hey Kiddos!


Kreeb - Isn't it so cool when you are eating with someone and you ordered the right meal, and the others have ordered something that 'would have' tempted you just a few days before and now has no effect on you!! That's will power at it's finest! :cool: Mexican food seems to a favorite among most everyone on this thread - but remember - fajitas are your friends! Meat, peppers, cheese .... just say no to the tortillias! And I just take the Flaxseed oil capsules - no reflux for me, this is easier for me then fish oil.

Plaugh- Keep focused! Cleaning that closet is one of those goals that aren't always going to be showing up on the scales - but in life - unloading all that stuff you don't have to keep stored, pressed or taking up space - You Go Girl!!:D

Swansonia, Tom, and everyone else. It's Wed - Be good!

Lisa & Annie - Stay where it's cool - I'm sure the cooler weather can't come soon enough for you guys down there! :)

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Hey Kiddos!



Kreeb - Isn't it so cool when you are eating with someone and you ordered the right meal, and the others have ordered something that 'would have' tempted you just a few days before and now has no effect on you!! That's will power at it's finest! :cool: Mexican food seems to a favorite among most everyone on this thread - but remember - fajitas are your friends! Meat, peppers, cheese .... just say no to the tortillias!



Wonder how weird it would be but has anyone tried brining along LC tortillias for their fajitas??? I avoid mexican because of the lack of LC selection but maybe that would work?? (I have a very large purse)


Well everyone keep up the good work!!! I've put off buying any new clothes for my cruise as I have 6 months to go and am hoping of reaching my goal - down 31lbs with 43 to go.

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Hey gang,


Just got back from Pilates & I have to immerse myself in finances...so quick post. It's bloat week & the scale will not be friendly, but I'll let you know the update when the bloat goes down...


Lisa and Jean - I started taking all my supplements yesterday, and I keep burping and tasting fish oil...Yuck!!!


LOL ~ I hate it when that happens!!


Jean ~ the actual temp (without the heat index) is 103 right now. We're supposed to be up to 112 with the index this afternoon.:eek:


Plaugh ~ great job getting back on track!


Kiraryker ~ good to hear from you! I think you'll have great results by the time you cruise!


Annie ~ hang in there!


Hi Tom & Karen! Have a great day everyone!

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How is everyone? Its pretty quiet in here!!! I have managed to stay storng and turn down homemade cookies yesterday!!!! It was soo hard but I want to look good in my bikini on the cruise!!


Annie how is your new program working for you?



Ok well have a great day everyone!!!!!

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My husband and I went to dinner last night at Carrabba's Italian restaurant. While he drank his beer, I sipped on unsweet ice tea. While he dipped his bread in the olive oil and spices and ate it piece after piece, I sipped on my ice tea. While he ate his pasta with alfredo sauce and shrimp, I ate my salad with grilled shrimp and scallops.


After dinner he told me how proud he was that I was able to face all the temptations and not waiver in my commitment to my WOE. I think Italian restaurants are one of the most difficult to eat at when following this WOE. What do you order at an Italian restaurant?


Last night I decided to have a "treat", so I pulled out the blender to make a chocolate dessert that is supposed to be like a Wendy's Frosty. You use a couple tablespoons of heavy cream, a little water, a tablespoon of cocoa powder, splenda or DaVinci's sugar free syrup to sweeten, and a few ice cubes. Well, my blender wasn't chopping up the ice and mixing properly because a plastic piece that makes the blades move disintegrated. So I guess it's time to buy a new blender. The drink wasn't as "frosty" as it should be, but I still drank it with chunks of ice and it satified my craving for a treat.

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Kreeb & plaugh !!

Wow !! What temptations!:eek: And you both succeded in the Challenge!! Good for you! And thanks for posting your experience!! See - we all go through those times but you stayed focused and I bet your scales will reward you!!

Kreeb - My DH and I laugh because when we sit down with a big glass of iced tea or water we tell each other " I'm just loving this peach cobbler!!" Or " This DQ blizzard has really hit the spot, don't you think?" LOL!! Ya gotta have fun with it!! Yes! I agree! Italian places are the hardest! And the bread with the spices and olive oil.... just to much temptations for me!! -- I suggest BBQ! Ha!

SFS - Induction friendly shake - I make 2-3 times a week! :

1/2 cup egg beaters, 1/4 heavy cream, 1/4 c cream cheese, Divinci syrup - 1/4 cup of crushed ice - it usually does just the trick for a craving - and if you make ahead about 30 min - put in the freezer - it tastes pretty frosty!

Homemade cookies?!?! Yikes!! :eek: Good Job ducking that one Plaugh!

Have a terrific weekend!

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I am so proud of you all...Overcoming temptations like that!!! Cookies and Italian !!! How great does that make you feel? I had a tough time this week...Not sure why either...just wanted some no-no things and gave in... And, boy am I paying for it yesterday and today...My feet are so swollen...A little better today, but still not right... Gonna drink lots of water today and back to induction for a few days...Wish me well my dear friends!!!! Cruise is 8 days away and hurricane Dean is bearing down on my destinations...Cozunel and Playa Del Carmen...May be a cruise to nowhere...or may be a change in itinerary...Have to wait and see....


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Hey ya'll, just checking in to let you know that my low fat/calorie is not working so good for me. I have been soooo hungry and craving the bad stuff, so ofcourse I gave in too and had several cheats this week. I have gained a couple of pounds and I feel so bloated! I am going back to induction in the AM. I feel like a runaway for the past week. Obviously I am not disciplined enough to do the low fat stuff.


Swansonia/Karen, I posted on the 10% thread about the bloating thing, I know what you mean about the feet swelling. I am watching the hurricane too because all the ports on my next cruise are in the path of this "Bad Boy" storm. It looks like Jamaica didn't suffer too much damage, but, we will be able to know more in the AM. Here's hoping everyone is ok.


Jean.Lisa and Tom, how are ya'll doing out there?



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Hi all,


I'm on week 2 of induction. Planning to drop 25 lbs or so before our honeymoon cruise this December! Enjoying married life so far except that my husband can (and does) eat anything he wants without weight gain and I'm entering a period of life where I need exercise and some control over eating to maintain a healthy weight. I've lost 7 lbs since we started working out (walking 30min-2hrs/day depending on how we're feeling, weather, etc) and since I've been on induction this week. Unfortunately we got colds and haven't been able to exercise too much the last few days. I feel so sick and have been taking ibuprofen every 6 hours to control my sore throat and achy body. I've also gained back my 8th pound of loss in the 3 days since we stopped working out which signaled hitting my first "goal" weight and a purchase of a selection of da vinci sugar free syrups- cannot wait for them to arrive!


I'm getting a little bored with the induction foods (been eating them 13 days even though I've only been under 20 carbs/day for 9 days since it took some days to get out all the cookies, soda, starches from my diet entirely) and I'm glad I only have to eat them one more week. I can't wait to reread my OWL chapter in preparation for beginning the next phase of Atkins next Saturday! Hooray-- more food choices!


Look forward to losing before cruising with Atkins and maintaining on my cruise and thereafter ;) and possibly converting my husband with the exception of a little pasta, rice, or potatoes on the side of his low-carb meals that I'm making!

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Hello All:

welcome pinkbinkini:

Annie: Low calorie just does not work for me either. Atkins does and I feel great. :D

Swansonia: wow cruise 8 days away.... Time to be good....

plaugh: Itlian is a hard one. Turning down cookies, You Rock. We have to stay focused and have our own sugar free treats ( in moderation). What I really hate is when prople say "one wont hurt". That is true, but when I binge because I can not stop that will hurt. I have been practically sugarless since May.

Kreeb: Being able to stay on your program and let others eat is the only way to do this. YOu Go!! Italian is hard. So is Mexican!

Hi Lisa: you will get through this week..

Hello Jean: You made me laugh about pretending your glass of water or tea is a decadant desert. LOL


Well I went camping and did really good. I went hiking most days in the A.M. before it got hot. I also stuck to "premaintainace". I did have some beans. But no junk food, or white bread.... Perhaps I did have a little too much bacon. But good news I lost about another 2 lbs...

so that makes for about 33-34 lbs since May... And I leave for cruise in 3 :D days ... I did really make sure to bring my own food and always had the right snacks arround...


All for now, Tom

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Hi all,


It's been a very good week for me with regard to my WOE...I'm still in OWL & doing very well. It has been bloat week, though, so my weight keeps fluctuating. I'm getting many compliments and it's getting embarrassing...but I'm still 17 pounds from my goal! Little by little I find one more thing in my closet I can fit into...slow & steady does the trick!


Today DD is 11, and I'm bringing cookies to her school at lunch...but I'm not worried about it. Tonight we're going to Logan's to celebrate her birthday...steak, salad & veggies, skip the rolls!


Tom ~ woohoo! 3 days left, that's awesome! Please come back & give us all the details.


Plaugh ~ how long do you have until you cruise? I'll bet that bikini will look great...great job turning down the cookies!


Kreeb ~ same to you for the italian! That is pretty difficult to resist...


Jean ~ love your imagination!


Annie ~ sorry to hear about your week. I hope getting back to induction makes you feel better. My cruise destinations are in the bullseye of Dean right now...like you, I pray for the people there. BTW, I didn't go to Logan's on my bday...but I would love to try Folk's Folly...haven't been there yet but I've heard great things! I went to my favorite fajita salad place, Costa Vida on Germantown Rd. It really is the best fajita salad I have ever had!


Pinkbikini ~ welcome! Sounds like you're off to a great start! I wouldn't be surprised if part of feeling miserable is your body detoxing. I hope you feel better soon!


Kiraryker ~ great progress! You will surely reach your goal!


Karen ~ I wish you well! Hopefully the bloat will go down in no time. I'm eager to hear how everything works out with your ports.


Have a great Monday, everyone!

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Welcome to the Atkins Board Pinkbikini!!

Yup, Induction is a tough one - we've all done it - are doing it - and are still doing it! :D Sugar Free Sheila website had some really good helps and ways to keep induction a bit more tasty!! Check it out! She posts on here sometimes and is a great encouragement! Read through past posts and you'll see some great receipes!

ANNIE!! Welcome Home Girl!! Friday night we went to the movies - shared a bag of popcorn - yum going down - - I felt crummy all Saturday! BLAH!! Popcorn was the only stray for weeks now - so I know it was that. :( And I love popcorn. But I think in a way it was good - because I was good on Sat and Sun and I'm feeling so much better. Next time - I'm taking a bag of Macadamia nuts with me!

Tom- You have done so great! And your right on the 'just one won't hurt' - because that's my problem- I have a hard time stopping with just ONE!!!:eek: Better to just pass on the cheats and feel good! Remember - You have to take a new picture on your cruise to show us how great that tux looks! :cool:

Lisa- enjoy the compliments - you've worked so hard for them - and just keep your good eye ;) on your goal - you'll get there!

*My DD leaves Sept 9 for the Western Caribbean and is watching the path this storm is taking also!

Catch ya's later

Keep dodging those High Carb Bullets this week

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I thought of you when I was rereading Atkins this morning and found a section on dining out. The items that stuck out at an Italian restaurant including chicken piccata, any sort of fish with sauces that don't include flour, and even some shellfish was recommended (like seafood salad or scallops).


I don't personally like a lot of shellfish but I could definitely find some chicken or probably a fish I could eat. Just watch the sauces. More detail in the books. Just thought of you when I got to the "eating out" section. So far we've only gone out to a steakhouse so it hasn't been a huge challenge for me to find something on the menu!

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Good Morning everyone!!!! My cruise leaves in 5 days!!!! I am soo excited! I cheated over the weekend, and am not proud of myself but I am back in induction. I have hit my goal weight, and I dont want to gain any back!!! I just want to maintain. Anyway hope everyone is doing well.


Annie- Welcome back!!!!

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Good Morning everyone!!!! My cruise leaves in 5 days!!!! I am soo excited! I cheated over the weekend, and am not proud of myself but I am back in induction. I have hit my goal weight, and I dont want to gain any back!!! I just want to maintain. Anyway hope everyone is doing well


Plaugh- Only a few more days and there you'll go sailing off from the pier! sigh.... How wonderful!

I'm really glad for you that you hit your goal weight - your going to love looking at your pictures from your trip wondering 'Who's that good looking gal in those pictures?' :eek: ;) Choose wisely during your trip and remember to come back and let us know how you did!


Tom - Do you leave tomorrow? We'll be waving at ya from shore!


Annie.... How you doing gal? Getting back on track - feeling better? Don't forget the SFS shakes!! :D My hubby showed up at home yesterday with a digital scale under his arm!! :eek: AAArrgh! :mad: So which scale do I work with ? I knew you'd get a laugh out of that one! LOL


Lisa, Karen and everyone else - How are you doing?

Just checking on All ya All!!

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Hello All:

I went out and bought some "emergency" snacks. Mainly for the airport, plane, hotel, and tranfers. Oh and shore excursions. I bought my Macadamia nuts. Roasted and unsalted @ Trader Joes. and also my fav.. Atkins Advantage penut butter and choclate bars. Now to find room in my luggage.... Also some trail mix w/o salt. It has rasins but I am on pre maintain so that should be O.K.

I fly out on Thursay and board the ship on Sunday. I am vowing to stay on track. It is too easy to say "I am just cheating on the cruise" and then weeks later I am still struggling to get back in control.. Trust me I have done that. So no bread and no desert for me. Perhaps only desert on formal night. But I will try to go for cheese or sugar free.... My main treat will be the wine with dinner and cocktails. No fru fru...

Also I need to think thin for the next cruise and eveyday life too..

All for now, Tom

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Hi everyone....Back on track this week and was in ketosis yesterday.... I am getting ready for my cruise on Monday. I am taking some Atkins bars, too, and now after reading Tom's post, I think I'll go buy some nuts as well...While I do tend to eat too many nuts, they might be an alternative to the temptations on board that I am facing. I am definitely saying NO BREAD !!! That will be a great start for me since in the past I have had 2-3 pieces each dinner. I am trying to say NO DESSERT, but then I think of warm chocolate melting cake....:rolleyes: and I think "maybe a taste" or "just one night" and I know that would be even harder!!! So we'll see if I can talk myself into the cheese for dessert while hubby eats his......:confused:

How are you doing Annie? I think your week into the land of most dieters has convinced me to stick with the low-carb WOE...It works for me !!! I couldn't find my Atkins book, so I went and bought a new copy and am going to read it (again) on the cruise and refresh my brain....And also want to read the parts about the supplements again....I bought some chromium the other day...Now I need to take it...What supplements are the rest of you taking???

Enough ramblin for now !!!

Here's to Low-Carb !!!!


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Hi all,


I'm having a rough time...well, not rough compared to those in Dean's path...but my weight is fluctuating again. I haven't cheated, and I've been exercising, but I don't think I'm going to lose much more before my cruise. I just need to be okay with that. I'm fitting into 10's & even stretchy 8's, but I don't feel "bathing suit ready". I know I'll still have a ball, and in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter, but it is a sobering thought as I get older how very much I will have to watch my WOE to not gain weight for the rest of my life.


Sorry for the melancholy...I'll be back to normal soon. I think my heart is heavy for all the destruction from Dean & the miners still trapped. I almost feel guilty for being excited about a cruise.


I'll check in again soon.

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Hi Karen,

Look back on pages 15 & 16 and we listed what some us are taking. In fact this is a good reminder that I emptied some of my vitamin bottles on Sat and need to pick some more up. Could be the reason I've really been dragging these last few days - or it's the heat - or I'd just rather be doing something at home instead of being at work! LOL!! Ya that's it! LOL:D


Lisa - Don't be so hard on your self this week! Your just getting your schedule all in order with the kids back in school and getting ready for your trip- it adjusts everything! Hang in there! 10's & 8's ... wow! Your doing great! It's just a bump in the road, especially if you know your not cheating and still exercising - maybe your inches are moving instead of the scale this week? And I'm with you there on the miners & islanders & cruisers this week! Wow! Keep the prayers going up!


"No Bread, Thank You"..... I sang that song on our trip in May - boy does that seem like a long time ago! :(


You all have a good day!

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Hey there Guys, I am just now getting a couple of minutes to check in. They blocked CC at work so I have wait until I get home, cook diner, do laundry, do the shopping and everything else that matters in life. Boy, the next thing you know they will block Amazon.com:eek: I do get more work done since they stopped my CC life though...hehehehehe.


Tom, you get out there! Have fun and report when you get back:p


Karen, like you said, Atkins is just better for me. I am feeling better and I got back into my new/better decade. Yup, the low fat/calorie was the pitts! I have been doing better this week.


Lisa, I can appreciate what you are going thru. You seem to be the strongest in our little group, so you have every right to get bummeed about the scale not moving, but, size 8s & 10s is nothing to sneeze about! I'll bet you look marvelous!

Go and have a blast on your cruise. You wear that swim suite! I'll bet you will look better than any other woman in your hubby's eyes, and really that is all that matters:cool: Like my hubby says; there are two thousand people who you will never see again so who cares! You do remember my swim suite story...huh? You get out there girl!


Jean, I see you are doing pretty good for yourself. Did you throw that scale at your hubby? I did get a kick out of that! I put mine in the guest bathroom and didn't look back:D


PS. I didn't forget about those wonderful shakes! I have all the stuff in the fridge to make some when I get time. Oh yea, I checked at Chili's in our hometown for the wings, I didn't see them on the menu. The next time you order them please ask if they have them in all areas. They had some boneless buffalo wings and some kind of wings with special hot sauce; could that be the item? I am sure you have told me in the past, but I have slept since then.


Well, ya'll have a good week and I will check in later.



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Hello All:

Swansonia : you have a great cruise. :D

Lisa: It is O.K. to be excited about a cruise even while concerned about things beyond your control.... I know I have to watch my WOE and exercise, But the main thing is the long haul... Also kid(s) take a lot of energy they can leave us feeling energy depleted for sure.... Also I am sure you will look better than most of the passengers. Never compare yourself to the crew :rolleyes:. I should be back before you leave...

Plaugh: have a great cruise :D

Jean: Thanks for all of the support etc.


Seems like a lot of us have cruises real soon.....

I leave today so this is most my last post unless something unforseen happens...

All for now, Tom

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......And there goes Tom's ship......bye! Have a great time!

Annie! That rascal husband of mine threw our old one away! I asked last night where it was and he said about 10 miles from our house! :eek: Aaargh! Blast! This digital is about 3 lbs heavier from our old one! DRATS! :mad: Talk about a set back and I didn't even EAT ANYTHING!!! :mad: Now that's tough! I didn't even get to enjoy the weight gain! He's broke 200 - so he says he just loves this new scale.

Blocking CC?? What? Isn't there a law against that somewhere? LOL? I'm really slacking today here at work - I know I'd get a lot more done if I wasn't on line, but it sure makes the day fly by! LOL

Yes, the wings in hot sauce - - ONLY be sure to ask for that on the side!

And also ask for a side salad.

Lisa - You doing better today?

Pinkbikini, Karen, plaugh, kreeb........how's it going?!?!

Good thoughts today!

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Hello everyone!! I am soo excited I leave on Sunday!!! I have been strong and resisted temptation. I dont know if I will be that strong on the ship!!!


Annie- How are you doing? I would like to hear the swimsuit story!!


Jean- you make me smile!!


Tom- Hope you are having a wonderful cruise!


Lisa- hang in there girl!! I am a size 8 to 10. Not everyone can be a size 2!!!!!


To everyone else have a great day!!!!

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Plough, you have a great time on your cruise! Where are you cruising to? If you have shared that I must have missed it. To be at goal must be wonderful:p I agree that not everyone will or should be a size 2. I look back at my pictures when we got married almost 27yrs ago, I was a size 4 and boy did I look sick:eek: I am in a 12-14 now and I think a size 8-10 would be good for me. I have read somewhere that a normal size for women should be a 10-14. If you are a size 2-6 and have been most of your life then it could be that is where you should be. We are all made different for a reason.


Jean, I will try the wings with the sauce on the side next week and I will "of course" report my findings:D I have been on my low carb for three days and boy do I feel better! I am not even worried about the wedding on Saturday:cool: I am going to a "Viva Las Vegas" party at a retirement center with a group from my bank where I work tomorrow. I am not worried about that either! I am having lunch with my hubby and I will have a salad w/grilled chicken and that will be fine until I get home. I will have to make a SFS shake then. Ya'll wish me luck.


I hope Tom has a trip of a lifetime next week.


Lisa, are you ready for your cruise? Have you shopped for your formal yet? The "tax free week-end" would have been a good time, huh?


Swansonia- where is your cruise? I hope Cost Maya is not on your port list. You stick with what works for you. You can eat plenty of good Atkins friendly foods on the ship and you will feel better too. I can tast those omlets and bacon now:D Please check in when you get back.


Those of us that are stuck here in the real world for the week-end, hang in there!



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