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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hi Guys&Gals!

Tom - A HUGE Congrats on hitting your "GGGGOOOAAAALLLLL"!! That's my in very loud sports announcer voice!! LOL!!!:D Really though - It's terrific!! You aren't going to ignore us on this thread now are you? We'll need your encouragement and WOE hints to get us through the theme parks! :D

Annie - Armed with a shake at the breakfast - that a Girl!! I had a raspberry one this morning and then I read about the nachos - wow - I don't know if I could have stopped with just the fixins and no chips! I love chips n salsa!!

We Are Girls that Demand Flavor, eh ?!?!

Have you had the chicken wings and a side salad - no croutons or carrots? We are probably going to Chili's tonight - drooool!

They had a report last night on the news about the green chili here in NM, last year my DS and I split bag of roasted chili and I cannot begin to tell you how yummy green chili roasting smells when your craving the flavor!! So the last thing Steve tells me last night is " Boy I could use some Mexican food!!" LOL!! I wonder if he dreamt of enchaladas! LOL

Plaugh - Your right! With Atkins you can hold the scales at a number for days and then you get on and boom! It drops! Happens to me a LOT!

Lisa - Doing the Doc Dance??!?!?!! Nothing like getting those in the Mail!! Woo HOO!!!!


Swansonia - How you doing???


I know it's pretty hot on these August days - Everyone take care!

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Well Jean- lucky for me those chips looked like cardboard, they weren't the thin white ones or I would have been tempted:D


CONGRATS!!!!!! Tom on making goal!!!!!Get outa here with your BAD self :cool: making goal and a cruise in a couple of weeks...ahhh does life get any better than that? You must be steppin' high these days:D


Lisa- you did so good with the cookie! I would have asked for a big glass of milk:p and happy birthday in advance! I guess you will celebrate with a big steak at Logans? or better yet Folks Foley? By the way, is your hubby still doing low carb? Has he lost weight? My hubby is staying at goal and I am very proud of him, he used to be a "sweetaholic" big time!


Jean- how bout your hubby? How did the stew turn out?


Plough- I can't wait to hear your results for this week;)


Ya'll have a good afternoon.


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Sorry Jean, I completely missed your question about the chicken wings at Chilis. I have not tried them; are they spicy? If it's spicier than ketsup I avoid it....I am not into spicy/hot food. I will eat mild salsa and mild rotel dip though. I had a friend from Texas that made the "Best" homemade salsa, she had to make a bowl of mild for me:p She tought me to eat a bit on a chip and then a chip by it's self to cut the heat. If you take a drink of soda it just makes it hotter, I neve knew that. Enjoy your dinner tonight!



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Hello All:

Thanks Lisa and Annie and Jean on the congrats....

plaugh: I hear you on the beers, I have Michalobe ultra or Bud Light now and then. I like wine with dinner but nothing is as good as a cold beer on a hot day.

It feels good to be 30 lbs lighter. :D I got positive attention at a work meeting yesturday. Now the real battle begins to loose the last few and to maintain. I am sort of glad that I will be in weight loss mode on the cruise. I really think I am in my version of "pre-maintainace". Which is very good. I have decided that I need to tell people about the real Atkins if they are open to it. I think the ton of "low carb" junk food being sold a few years ago did the reputation harm. When Atkins became"trendy" it lost validity with many people. People are often surprised when I tell them that I am eating more veggies than ever doing Atkins.. Also now that I am in pre-maintanace a small mount of fruit (mainly berries). But I have what I call "soft cheats" like 1/2 bannana now and then... Also I am making sugar free ice cream and putting it into small containers for portion control. The real surprise is that DH and

DS love it even though it is sugar free.... Our favorite flavor is Mexican Chocolate. ( the chocolate recipe that came with the machine with 2 tablespoons of cinnamon added)...

Well today I am taking my son to the movies. I will be "sneaking" in a small bag of nuts mixed with a few sugar free candies. I may have a few kernals of my son's popcorn, I will bring or buy a bottled water and I will not feel deprived..... My trick during induction was to feed us both right before the movies and let Carlos have money for video games instead of snacks....

All for now, Tom

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Sorry Jean, I completely missed your question about the chicken wings at Chilis. I have not tried them; are they spicy? If it's spicier than ketsup I avoid it....I am not into spicy/hot food. I will eat mild salsa and mild rotel dip though. I had a friend from Texas that made the "Best" homemade salsa, she had to make a bowl of mild for me:p She tought me to eat a bit on a chip and then a chip by it's self to cut the heat. If you take a drink of soda it just makes it hotter, I neve knew that. Enjoy your dinner tonight!




Annie: My favorite phrase is "on the side!" Then if the sauce is to hot, I can take a fork and just put a bit here and there on the wing. Gotta be careful with the sweet sauces - lots of sugar! If the chips didn't look so good then I can see why you passed! I love the light crisp ones though!

I do like thier ribs that have a BBQ rub instead of sauces, have you ever tried them?


Tom: Yesterday I hit the local Farmer's Market and got a few veggies and we had just a bit last night with our dinner and they were so good! Summer veggies really hit the spot! You need a new picture on your logo here - I bet you don't look like that now!!!


Lisa - How very smooth you were to give your daughter the rest of your cookie! :cool: Special events are a part of life! Our 28th Anniversary is on Saturday and we have been trying to make special plans that will still keep us on track! I don't have a little one to sneak food too - but Sadie will eat anything not made of steel !! LOL!!! :D


Have a terrific evening ~ All Ya All!!

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Good morning all!! I am soo excited I lost another 2 lbs!!! Sometimes I think that the scale is wrong but I got on it 4 times to be sure!!!! I am going to do most of my shopping this weekend for the cruise.

How are you doing Annie? Do you have a Mr Gattis pizza where you are? They have wings that are not spicy or fried and they are very good!!!


Tom, mmmmm that ice cream sounds sooo good!!!! 30 lbs!!!! Wow that is awesome!!!!! When is your cruise?

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Good morning, everyone!


I did eat popcorn again at the movies last night, but lost another 4 ounces. I was really surprised, because I usually bloat after popcorn. So maybe I would have lost more without it!!:p


Go, Tom! Go, Tom!! We expect pictures from that cruise, you know!!!


Jean ~ thank you! Yes, we did a little mini-doc-dance the night we got it. I think it's now real for DH...we went to see Surf's Up with the kids & he was sighing the whole way through. The ocean graphics in that movie are amazing!


Annie ~ DH has really only given up flour & sugar...which is huge for him, but he's not seeing the results he thought he would. He does eat a ton of fruit, which I've told him he's better off with veggies, but he's a stubborn man.:rolleyes: I think once he starts really going after the exercise he'll get it. Honestly, I think he looks fine...but I guess some guys feel the same way we do about being seen in a swimsuit!!


Plaugh ~ wow, you go! How very exciting!


Karen ~ how's it going? You hanging in there?


Have a great day, everyone!

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Good Afternoon Atkins Buddies!


Plough- you gonna dissapear girl:eek: That's awesome!!!! I would love to see that kind of result!!!! You will feel so much better on your cruise!!!!


Lisa- good job as always with your discipline at the movies, I wish popcorn was my only weekness since we rarely go to the movies it wouldn't be a bother.


I didn't tell ya'll that my daughter called me as I was leaving work yesterday to tell me that she and my son-in-law would be cooking dinner for me last night! My first thought was, OH NO!!! What will she make that I can eat? Lucky for me they grilled chicken and steak! I was soooo glad to hear that, until I woke up at 2am soooo sick this morning:eek: I don't really think it was the steak because no one else got sick, but you know how you feel when you only remember the last thing you ate and you don't want to eat it! EVER AGAIN? The only thing I want to eat today is ice-cream! I haven't had any, but I went to lunch with my hubby and had a cheat with a couple of bites of chocolate cake. It seemed to satisfy for now. I will stick to salads and eggs for the week-end. I will also walk an extra mile tonight to try to compensate for the cheat.


Ya'll have a good week-end.



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Hi Everyone!


I did Atkins about 3 years ago and lost 30 lbs. and have put it all back on plus. This past January I went to a diet doctor for three months and lost 36.5 lbs. Starting in April, life got in the way...company for a month, visiting family up North and going to a wedding, going on a cruise, picnics, etc. and before I knew it, I had gained 14 lbs. That was it! There was no way I was putting this weight back on, so about a month ago I started Atkins again and have committed to the way of eating for life. I have lost 13 lbs. so far and need to loose another 50 lbs. to be at my goal weight.


This time I am following Atkins correctly, by doing induction and then going through the rungs adding food back in slowly. Here is the link for the Ongoing Weight Loss Carbohydrate Ladder that I found on the Atkins Diet Bulletin Board, http://www.atkinsdietbulletinboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5516


It is important to follow the rungs and add foods back in slowly and in the correct order, or you will get sick of eating the induction foods and give up. In order to be successful on Atkins, it is really important to have cheat-free days. Once you eat or drink foods that are not on the plan, you sabotage your blood sugars and ketosis, and it prevents you from losing. Is it really worth the "cheat" if you have to go back to induction for several days to start losing again? I have made up my mind that cheating is just not worth it to me.


For exercise, I go to Curves three times a week. I have to make an effort to get there on a regular basis and to incorporate more exercise in to my sedentary lifestyle. I really do have so much more energy when I follow this way of eating, that I never want to go back to eating processed junk and feeling like crap and tired all the time.


We have a cruise coming up November 24th and another on December 31st, and I would like to weigh significantly less by then. It's always fun buying new clothes in a smaller size. Today I am going through my closet and getting rid of all my "fat" clothes, because I am not gaining this weight back again.


Congrats to all of you who have lost weight or are losing weight following Atkins. I do believe it is a healthy way of eating if you follow the plan correctly.

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Welcom Kreeb!

Thanks for posting your story and I do hope you'll keep posting with us! :) Congrats on your last 13 lbs - and a "you can do it!" on your next 50!

*Is the 'cheat' really worth it?:rolleyes: A good question to ask each morning when you get up - as I think we all come across opportunities to cheat through out the day - unless you work in a closet! :p

Lisa you and Tom are such good examples of working toward your goal - and actually getting there!

Annie - Wow.... how terrific your daughter was about cooking so that you can stay on track! That's so great!

So, yesterday was our Anniversary and Breakfast was an omlet, Lunch was chicken and salad greens. Then we went to a movie - split a diet coke! I was so proud of my Hubby not 'needing' his popcorn fix. :eek: , Out to dinner and we went to Pelicans! Ok Annie, I totally thought that I would have to fess up on this - I just had to have a piece of their bread with the butter n garlic!! Oh Man! It was so good, but I just had a couple of bites! Salad and Coconut shrimp and steamed veggies (I picked out the carrots) and a blush wine to celebrate - so see - good eating events happen to all of us! (Macaroni Grill on Friday for you and your hubby)! So, I'll weigh in tomorrow - and we'll see - but I think I better go for a REALLY LONG walk tonight! Ha!

Have a great Sunday - see ya's tomorrow!

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Happy Monday, everyone!


Well, my kids are officially off to school & I just have the little one at home. We're coming into the home stretch for the cruise, so I really have to devote myself to exercise these next few weeks!!


Jean ~ you are so sweet. A friend of mine the other day called me "the incredible shrinking woman". It was encouraging. Many of my clothes are just too big, and I'm fitting into more & more of the old ones. On Sept. 1st I'm going shopping for the cruise. I figure my size won't change anymore after that...until after I get back!;) This week I will actually get the old space bag of 8's down & see where I stand.


Kreeb ~ welcome! My very best to you in doing Atkins for life!


Annie ~ how are you doing? We got a little break from the humidity, but it looks like it's coming back. Oh well, I thought Elvis could keep it away for at least a week!!:p


Tom ~ less than 2 weeks to go!!!!! Woohoo!!!!


Karen ~ you doing okay? Haven't heard from you in a bit!


Plaugh ~ you should be getting ready to leave soon, yeah?


Have a great day, everyone!

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Good Afternoon Ya'll,

I just wanted to tell ya'll that I am changing my WOE to the low calorie plan for a couple of weeks. I am just not behaving myself like I should. I stocked the freezer with lean cusine dinners and low fat snacks. I will lurk around to keep up with all the wonderful success stories:p

You guys are awesome!!


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Hi There!

Lisa - How'd it feel to go through your 8's bag and see all of those favorites that you've hung on to - and now I be they fit really nice! Good for you!

Annie - Ya know - you just need to find what will work for you and what fits into your life style! I really hope that it works for you and that you really see results that keep encouraging you to hit your goal! I know you work on your exercise and maybe the change will shake things up a bit for you and you'll see those numbers on the scales drop!! I look forward to seeing your results on the 10% board, and that you'll post here to!!

This weekend I kinda got off track- but right back on today! DH noticed his button up shirt is a lot looser around his waist - I think he's sleeping better too!

Kreeb - How'd the closet cleaning go? I always look around and wonder how I got all of those hangers! LOL :eek:

Catch ya's later!

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Jean - I went through the clothes in the closet yesterday and have 4 large bags to donate to charity. I still have to go through shoes, purses, my dresser drawers, and then my cruise clothes closet in the spare bedroom. It feels great getting rid of clothes that are too big!!!


I weighed this morning and I am down another 4 lbs. since August 1st. I'll take any loss I can get, but averaging 2 lbs. per week is ok by me.


I went to the store today to pick up vitamins/supplements. I bought the following: a multivitamin not containing iron, vitamin C, Biotin, Calcium plus vitamin D, chromium picolinate, super omega complex, and B complex. Now I just have to remember to take them daily. What vitamins/supplements are you taking?

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Happy Monday !!! :eek: Well it was happy for me because I worked the weekend and today was my day off!! I lost another pound this week and I am happy to report that makes my total loss THIRTY pounds since June 6th!! I still have many more to lose, but I feel like I am making progress. We are cruising in two weeks and I am trying to convince myself that I can do well while I am afloat!

Welcome Kreeb...your philosophy on "cheating" is very timely for me and one thing that I am learning is that it is easier to stay on track than to go back to Induction all the time. Kreeb, I think you could talk to us more about the supplements. I know when I did Atkins 5 or 6 years ago, I took more than I am taking now. Right now I am only taking Centrum Silver and Calcium...I had forgotten about the Chromium...I need to get my book out and read it again...Now that I am doing well with the basics I need to read it again and see what else I should be doing...Well I know, I know...Excerise....AAARRGGG...but honestly, after this cruise in 2 weeks...I'm gonna "Just Do It !!"

Annie...I know you have been struggling with the Atkins vs WW WOE for awhile now. Girl you gotta do what works for you...I think some days that I am ready to switch to WW or something similiar, but then I look at the progress I've made with Atkins...for me not only the weight loss, but the improvement in my blood sugar as well....So I'm gonna stay with it a little longer. I actually am lucky enough to have a doctor who is supportive of this WOE as long as my bloodwork stays good...My next scheduled lab work is due in Sept and she wants to check my lipid profile again to be sure that I within acceptable limits because I had to come off the cholesterol medicine because my liver enzymes starting going up...

Enough rambling for now.


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Hey Atkinites!

Do you see how late it is and I just have to post this tonight!! So... my DH has been in the market for a new truck ...all month... and today he found his dream truck. This man keeps his cars/trucks until the bitter end of their lives so you can imagine what this has been like for me! Anyway we both had our tuna salad portions for lunch at 11:30 - head to the dealership at 3:00 - at 6:30 we're still waiting for paper work - at 7:00 I tell him that I'm going to faint if I don't have anything else but more water!! :( He's starving too!! So now the truck is to be detailed before we get it - but we're just about on our last ounce of energy so there's a burger place across the street and a pasta place down the road :eek: What's an Atkins WOE girl & guy going to do:confused: ? (Sorry Tom, I did not go prepared with any spare nuts , ugh) We go for dinner to the bowling alley next door to the dealership and get a 24 pack of Chicken wings and a diet pepsi! LOL To most people this would sound down right desperate - but if your eating Atkins - This just hit the spot! We filled up right away - and by the time we got back the truck was ready! So....late night and no walking with the new pup - but I feel like since we ate 'right' we're ok!! This was as crazy as it reads! LOL Ok....catch ya's tomorrow!

Annie Girl - Your cracking me uP!!!!:D LOL!!

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Hello All:

Well I must be honest. I think I went to crazy with the home made splenda ice cream last week. No weight loss to report. But I have made my original goal and the tux pants ( dating from 1998) fit just a little loose :D. Food of any kind can be such a slippery slope.

Anyway I am going camping this week and I am making sure I am 100% prepared. I am bringing chicken, veggies, and boiled eggs. ( and a few mixed nuts.).... Also the Atkins bars. (limit one a day).

Jean I can really relate to your chicken wing storey. I know what it is like to be straving and having to get the closest thing to O.K. eating...


Annnie: I like Atkins foods, Meat, Cream, Eggs, Veggies, Cheese, etc, Low fat so does not work for me..... But I really think that different diets work for different people. Giving up flour and sugar for me make my body work like a fine tuned watch....

But the hateful reality is that evil exercise is part of any real world weight loss.... No gym bodies w/o the gym


Lisa my "little angel" will be going back to school almost as soon as I get back from QE2... But he is already in day camp. My partner has him camping right now and I am enjoying the silence.... But I will meet up with them tomorrow..


Kreeb: Atkins is a great way of eating if you really do it correctly. I am going back myself.... like you say it is so important to slowly add foods back in.


Swansonia and plaugh... Keep on loosing :D


All for now, Tom

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I went to the store today to pick up vitamins/supplements. I bought the following: a multivitamin not containing iron, vitamin C, Biotin, Calcium plus vitamin D, chromium picolinate, super omega complex, and B complex. Now I just have to remember to take them daily. What vitamins/supplements are you taking?


Hi Kreeb!

Funny, this morning I emptied the last of my supplement bottles - will pick up more on the weekend.

I take a Calciaum, Mag, Zinc + D combo - 2 Flaxseed Oil 1300mg ea - 1 A Day Energy multi-vitamin (need all I can get!) - 1 Hoodia to keep the early morning cravings down - I had forgot about the Chromium picolinate. That's what I wash down every morning with a big glass of water!


Tom - Enjoy that fresh air camping - we were in Durango last weekend and I can never get enough of that crisp mountain air or hear the sound of the river going bye ahhhhhh! Sounds like your going prepared!


Karen - I'll be doing new blood tests in September - I'm really wondering how it's all going to look! :confused: How terrific that your Dr is such a support to you! 30 lbs since June 6 - Wow!! Your doing something right!


Annie - You crazy girl - let's go out for some wings n salad ok!?! LOL!

12 lb ea huh? Do you know how great our clothes will feel and how better we'll feel getting 12 more lbs off!! LET'S DO IT!!!


Lisa - How's the kids first week of school? Your right around the corner from your trip - enjoy the days of getting ready!

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Well it sounds like everyone had an exciting weekend! I bought my formal dress for my cruise, but I also cheated alot this weekend!!

I feel sooo guilty, and I gained back 2 lbs, probably water but still!!!

I had enchiladas and a few mexican martinis!!!! It was sooo good, but those things are loaded with sugar! I am back on the straight and narrow for the next 2 weeks.

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Good morning everyone,


I'm tired! Had a busy but fun day yesterday, and started it with Boot Camp since I wasn't going to make it to the gym. The kids had a great first day of school, and I look forward to the little one going to her first day at daycare tomorrow! I need one day a week to get things done!


Annie ~ I wish you the best with your new WOE. I'm like Tom, low fat would be a disaster for me, but maybe it will work for you. Keep us posted!


Jean ~ I haven't gotten the space bag down yet...too busy yesterday. I'll probably get to it tomorrow. I have to wait on the congrats, though...I don't know if anything will fit yet!;)


Tom ~ have fun camping! We're going on a family camping trip the day AFTER we get back from our cruise!!


Karen ~ you're doing awesome! It's inspiring! Keep it up! I hope you have good news regarding your lipid profile in Sept!! My total cholesterol went up from 144 to 150 since I've been on Atkins, but the latest reading doesn't reflect the breakdown of HDL & LDL. I'm sure the HDL has gone up. The ratio was really good before, and I'd be shocked if it were different now.


Plaugh ~ you'll get back on track! I believe guilt, when it relates to food, is a waste of energy, don't you? Did you enjoy the enchiladas & margaritas? Then consider them a speed bump & keep on going. I hope when I'm back on maintenance to have a cheat meal once a week...maybe even a whole day. When I was at maintenance before, it worked really well & I didn't gain the weight back.


Kreeb ~ I take the Kirkland equivalent of Costco silver (even though I'm not silver, I like the combo), a B-complex, potassium & magnesium (to regulate my heartbeat) and Kirkland version of Viactiv (sugar-free) calcium. Before I started Atkins, I took a green tea/hoodia supplement, which had been working, but it stopped when I resumed Atkins. And I take Move Free for my joints, which recently started bugging me. It's helped a lot.


Have a great day, everyone!

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Plough! Oh my goodness!!! I hope I haven't been a bad influence with my bad self:o You get right back up there girl! You have been doing so good to throw in the towel now! You want that dress to fit!

Have you ever noticed that you tend to just bloat the minute you walk on a ship? Of course the minute you walk on the ship they send you to the buffett line:p But really, I think it has something to do with the salt air:confused:


Ya'll are all doing great!

This is day two 1/2 on my nwoe, I feel a little bloated already, maybe the rice in the healthy choice dinner I had for lunch? I am probably sabbatoging my self:rolleyes: I will let ya'll know on Monday.



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Lisa- Yes you are right about guilt, theres not alot I can do about it now!!! And yes I enjoyed it soo much!!! I miss mexican food, it is my favorite!!!


Annie- No, you are not a bad influence, I just had a weekend of weakness, but its ok Im back on track today!!! I do want to fit into the dress!!! I hope your new program works well for you!!!


Have a great night everyone!!!!!

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Plaugh - I found this Atkins-friendly recipe for tacos. Here is the link:


I haven't tried making them yet, but it would definitely satisfy my craving for mexican food.


Lisa and Jean - I started taking all my supplements yesterday, and I keep burping and tasting fish oil...Yuck!!!


I went out to lunch today and had a delicious salad containing lettuce, ham, swiss cheese, sliced green olives, and bacon. My husband had a club sandwich with french fries and then a piece of key lime pie for dessert, and it didn't even bother or tempt me in the least. It's amazing how much self-control I have now.

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