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Anybody start their weight loss plan this week(4/18/2012)?


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I have been here several times before:rolleyes:..We cruise at the end of August. I started back to Weight watchers Yesterday:o...Its about the 8th time Ive been there in 10 years.. Anyways...Im tracking everything like crazy and weigh in on Fridays

Ive been walking about 4-5 days a week for exercise.

Anybody want to join me in this journey???Love to keep up with everybody and share in on their accomplishments.:D

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Hi Jackie..

We don't cruise til Dec and started my weight loss plan on the 1st of April..

I started a thread (Legend Losers..but for anyone...) and haven't had much participation but it's good way for me to log (and vent).

You're welcome to chime in there anytime you want and I'll post here if you want...

I NEED to 15lbs or so to be in range for my height..would LOVE to lose 20+ by Dec. for my Legend cruise.

I'm counting calories and added in a steady exercise regimen last week. I normally weigh in every Sunday. I'm limiting myself to 1200 c a day..drink lots of water..trying to eat more fruits and a more balanced diet.

I gave up diet coke and rum ( really miss that) completely..although may add in an occassional glass of wine eventually..haven't yet though.

I'm 160lbs today..down from 164 when I started...not coming off as fast as I'd hoped..but I intend to continue this new eating lifestyle for a lifetime..so I guess I can't be too impatient:o

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Oh..I forgot to mention My Fitness Pal..It's a great app..really a large data base of calories..helps you stay accountable.

You can also access online via computer...

I have the app on my pod and just love it!

Check it out!

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I will be starting my journey tomorrow (4-23) as my Cruise is on 9-2 and desparately need to lose some weight for health and self-esteem.

I am going to try and use the app that has been mentioned and intend to follow through with some sort of healthier lifestyle.


I am a recovering nicotine addict (quit smoking/dipping) a month ago and have not had a puff/dip of anything since. so hopefully I can take that discipline and move it towards my goal oriented weight loss.


I am a 25YOM currently 5'11" 300lbs on a large frame. I will have official weigh ins when possible and will check in as much as feasible. (Goal weight is around 210lbs for now but not necessary before the cruise)


- My username for the my fitness pal app is GetNBy929

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I started (again) last Monday so tomorrow will be may first weigh in. I have become a bit obsessed with Myfitnesspal.com, logging all my meals. I am finding it so useful to control how much I am eating.


My next cruise is on the 29th June to the Baltic on the Queen Victoria (Cunard) so not much time but I am hoping to have lost a stone by then. I may then get into the clothes I bought for my last cruise in September last year. I really do not want to have to buy anything new in a bigger size.


I have got a lot to lose as well so this is really is a damage limitation exercise at the moment but I would really like to carry on after I come back.



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Hi All.. thanks for replying to my post.. Why is it so hard to lose weight:confused:..UGH,, It seems simple enough right.. I know we all know what to do.BUT..so hard, expecially for me..

I had a good first and 2nd day on WW..but today..not so good:o

Went to a birthday party with my daughter, and well the pizza had the best of me...Tomorrow is a new day and I did have a salad for dinner, so I did do one thing right today;)

Tomorrow I will go back to tracking everything I eat.. and making sure I get my walk in..Today it literally rained all day long...and still raining..

Hoping to hear about all your updates !!

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I will be starting my journey tomorrow (4-23) as my Cruise is on 9-2 and desparately need to lose some weight for health and self-esteem.

I am going to try and use the app that has been mentioned and intend to follow through with some sort of healthier lifestyle.


I am a recovering nicotine addict (quit smoking/dipping) a month ago and have not had a puff/dip of anything since. so hopefully I can take that discipline and move it towards my goal oriented weight loss.


I am a 25YOM currently 5'11" 300lbs on a large frame. I will have official weigh ins when possible and will check in as much as feasible. (Goal weight is around 210lbs for now but not necessary before the cruise)


- My username for the my fitness pal app is GetNBy929


I wanted to say congratualtions for quiting smoking and dipping..That is a great accomplishment!

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Hi Jackie..

We don't cruise til Dec and started my weight loss plan on the 1st of April..

I started a thread (Legend Losers..but for anyone...) and haven't had much participation but it's good way for me to log (and vent).

You're welcome to chime in there anytime you want and I'll post here if you want...

I NEED to 15lbs or so to be in range for my height..would LOVE to lose 20+ by Dec. for my Legend cruise.

I'm counting calories and added in a steady exercise regimen last week. I normally weigh in every Sunday. I'm limiting myself to 1200 c a day..drink lots of water..trying to eat more fruits and a more balanced diet.

I gave up diet coke and rum ( really miss that) completely..although may add in an occassional glass of wine eventually..haven't yet though.

I'm 160lbs today..down from 164 when I started...not coming off as fast as I'd hoped..but I intend to continue this new eating lifestyle for a lifetime..so I guess I can't be too impatient:o


4 pounds is still a loss.. I dont think we ever lose as quick as we want too..But just think all those little losses add up to one big loss..

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Yeah I'm not complaining (too much:rolleyes:)...just so determined...

What I keep reminding myself is this an eating lifestyle that I expect to continue for the rest of my life..I think a much healthier way to go...and I really don't feel deprived of food most of the time.

I know the weight loss will be slower but I think the end result will be SO worth it!

Fitness Pal really helps...I log EVERYTHING I put into my mouth..this morning I was cleaning out kitchen cabinets and tasting open boxes of crackers to see if they were still fresh..I even logged those!

I just finished some yard work (hate it!) and prior to that had gone for a 15 minute bike ride so I think that's all the exercise I can do today...My arms are KILLING me from trimming hedges and lugging cans of clippings to the curb.

I'm 59 and terribly OUT OF SHAPE!

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Yeah I'm not complaining (too much:rolleyes:)...just so determined...

What I keep reminding myself is this an eating lifestyle that I expect to continue for the rest of my life..I think a much healthier way to go...and I really don't feel deprived of food most of the time.

I know the weight loss will be slower but I think the end result will be SO worth it!

Fitness Pal really helps...I log EVERYTHING I put into my mouth..this morning I was cleaning out kitchen cabinets and tasting open boxes of crackers to see if they were still fresh..I even logged those!

I just finished some yard work (hate it!) and prior to that had gone for a 15 minute bike ride so I think that's all the exercise I can do today...My arms are KILLING me from trimming hedges and lugging cans of clippings to the curb.

I'm 59 and terribly OUT OF SHAPE!


I have always heard the slower the weight loss the more likely it will stay off.. It makes sense in a way.. My husband has been doing a diet of sorts. A co-worker of his(another man..go figure..men talk about dieting too;))they are on this basically no carbs thing.. For the life of me.. I wouldnt be happy with that. He has basically cut out 90% of the bread he ate, and switched almost to all unsweetened ice tea.. At one time he would drink a gallon of sweet tea a day. I think he still may have one glass..anyways, hes lost about 25 pds in 6 weeks or so..It seems fast to me.. its not something I could be happy with..but hey whatever works.. He still has treats with me.. If I feel like Ice cream, we will split something, and he does enjoy his "frosty"s from Wendys...I am jealous in a way, but then on the other hand, that is not something I l could live with and be happy and pleasant to be around. Even on WW..nothing is off limits..but it is still hard.. to watch portion sizes and to right everything down all the time.. but it keeps me accountable.

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Thank you for the compliment on the quitting.


Let me just say, official day one on he diet has been rough...but i stuck to under my 2200cal limit and at the present time am not hungry...this will have some getting use to. My biggest problem is my carbohydrate intake. From english muffins or a bagel in the morning to sandwiches to loaded treats (cookies or cake and the like). Anyway, I will have to try and find a new way of eating cause I feel that eventhough I kept under the limit I didnt have enough to eat today...strange but maybe it has been too long of overeating I am thinking this eventhough I have eaten plenty. Ok I'll stop rambling time to go to Job #2. L8r.

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Getnby..Meant to chime in and compliment you on quitting....quite an accomplishment....DH and I are both smokers and not proud of it...but its the one vice we both really enjoy...

As far the the dieting..I know it's hard but so worth it...Have you tried the Special K protien bars?..They are amazingly sweet and VERY FILLING...also very expensive but helps me ward off the cravings for cookies and the like...(Oh BTW they're in the Pharm dept at Walmart..with the vitamins and such..I had a coupon and had a TERRIBLE time finding them at first)

Also the WW and other low cal ice ream bars do it for as a late night snack...


Yeah my DH is dieting too..he's doing what I'm doing and usually drops weight FAST but not this time. He's threatening to go back on Atkins (low carb) which we both did about 8 yrs ago and had great success with but I'm a bread and carbs gal so was miserable and will never so it again..can't eat that way the rest of my life!

NOT FAIR men always lose faster than women!

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i just started my most recent 'lifestyle change' on friday. we don't use the word 'diet' because, hello - DIE is in it.


i joined a gym in feb with my dh who is GAINING weight (PITA that he is with his high metabolism). he's been on a really high protein diet and building muscle and stuff like that. and he's gone from 175 to 203 pounds (he's 6'2" and his goal is 215... i WISH i weighed 215 lol).


so i've added in weight training to my workout because when you tone/build muscle, it burns calories while healing. plus it will, you know. tone me up. hopefully all the flabby bits will be toned bits at the end ;)


i'm using an app i found called myplate from livestrong.com. so far it's really easy to use and it syncs between my iPhone and my computers. there is also a community board on there which is nice - people boost each other up.


we sail 10/29/12 and i'm hoping to be down at least 50 pounds by then *gulp*. i figure that's 2 pounds a week which shouldn't be impossible at my size.


has anyone made any drastic changes (aside from no nicotine - way to go on that one!!) or using any supplements? i have a bunch of stuff from gnc that i'm taking now.

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I cant say Ive made any drastic changes..But..does anyone obsess about food when they are trying to lose weight? Funny..when Im not really trying.. I dont think about it. I mean when Im hungry I would eat.. Sure, if I had fast food, I would think I could of made better choices..but I never onsessed about it.. Now though.. everytime Im trying to lose weight, Im constantly thinking about it. I mean what am I going to have for my meals, how many points did I have already, am I going to get any exercise in.

Yesterday I was worried because I didnt do my stantard walk.. BUT I worked from 12-7, and I actually have a really cool job.. I work at a doggie day car boarding facility.. Its a brand new location and very large.. And, I realized I could exercise there and not really feel like I was doing anything.. For example, one of the play yards has these ramps and stairs, that lead to a huge block of cement.. I know its hard to picture.. So I walked up the 6 steps, walked the cement and down the other stairs.. I did this 20 times..Then when I rotated to the indoor play area, I walked the area 20 times...all while throwing tennis balls to the dogs. I realized, in the 7 hours I work there, I can get plenty of exercise.

Dles anybody have a habit of weighing everyday??? I have that habit. My official WW weigh in is on Friday..but I cant keep myself from jumping on that scale..I feel like what I see on the scale doesnt count until I get officially weighed.. silly I know:rolleyes:

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Jackie..what a cool job! You certainly can get a workout at work and the dogs will love it too! That's a win/win...

Yes..I have to control the urge not weigh everyday..we do have a digital scale...but I wouldn't discard the old one...we have an old 'dr style' scale in the garage and I like to compare the two..but only weigh once a week...Sometmes when the batteries are ready to die on the digitals they give false readings!:eek:

And yes..I obsess about food...look at pictures of food in magazines etc...EVERYTHING looks so good..even stuff I wouldn't normally eat.

I was up VERY early this am so got 15min on the Nordictrak and did lots of upper body weights and floor exercises..

I need to weed our front landscape bed and prepare for fresh mulch etc..so that's today's project....

Trying to get DH to do an area on the side of the house...looks like a jungle..will end up helping him with that at some point today...


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I would say mine have been drastic...I never counnted my calories but looking back I have probably cut my daily caloric intake by at least %50 if not more like %65...I would consider that drastic.


I have found today an eating routine that I like and works well for me for now...a single serving of cereal and milk %1 with a zero carb/calorie energy drink (to replace my cream and sugar hevy coffee) for breakfast.


A meal replacement shake for lunch with a hard candy or mint (helps with the nicotine cravings).


And a full meal for dinner...eaten slowly. <--- which is key. I had hotdogs, baked beans, carrots, and pickles and am full. which is suprising to me since my stomach has not had time to shrink. And I am still below my recommended daily Caloric intake amount!


Eventually I will add something to lunch (package of crakers or handfull of peanuts or something.


I havent made the time to precook or prepare my lunch for the workday so the Shakes are quick to grab running out the door and and easily interchangable for breakfast or lunch depending on my work that day.


Sorry if this gets annoying but I am liking to jot everything down on here not only for self awareness but its good to see feedbck from others that are horizontally challenged like myself.

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I would say mine have been drastic...I never counnted my calories but looking back I have probably cut my daily caloric intake by at least %50 if not more like %65...I would consider that drastic.


I have found today an eating routine that I like and works well for me for now...a single serving of cereal and milk %1 with a zero carb/calorie energy drink (to replace my cream and sugar hevy coffee) for breakfast.


A meal replacement shake for lunch with a hard candy or mint (helps with the nicotine cravings).


And a full meal for dinner...eaten slowly. <--- which is key. I had hotdogs, baked beans, carrots, and pickles and am full. which is suprising to me since my stomach has not had time to shrink. And I am still below my recommended daily Caloric intake amount!


Eventually I will add something to lunch (package of crakers or handfull of peanuts or something.


I havent made the time to precook or prepare my lunch for the workday so the Shakes are quick to grab running out the door and and easily interchangable for breakfast or lunch depending on my work that day.


Sorry if this gets annoying but I am liking to jot everything down on here not only for self awareness but its good to see feedbck from others that are horizontally challenged like myself.


That is wonderful, u made some many drastic changes..Im sure it will pay off big time for you:)

Me.. I make changes slowly.. I hate change:rolleyes:...So I take one day at a time, and I have been preplanning my food for work.. Before I would never do that.. I would stop and grab some junk food, cookies , candy or whatever to munch on..Now Ive been bringing yogurt and a fiber bar brownie thingy or a sandwich...Ive been trying to eat something every 2 hrs.. so I am not starving at work, and stop the craving for wanting to stop for fastfood on the way home.

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Jackie..what a cool job! You certainly can get a workout at work and the dogs will love it too! That's a win/win...

Yes..I have to control the urge not weigh everyday..we do have a digital scale...but I wouldn't discard the old one...we have an old 'dr style' scale in the garage and I like to compare the two..but only weigh once a week...Sometmes when the batteries are ready to die on the digitals they give false readings!:eek:

And yes..I obsess about food...look at pictures of food in magazines etc...EVERYTHING looks so good..even stuff I wouldn't normally eat.

I was up VERY early this am so got 15min on the Nordictrak and did lots of upper body weights and floor exercises..

I need to weed our front landscape bed and prepare for fresh mulch etc..so that's today's project....

Trying to get DH to do an area on the side of the house...looks like a jungle..will end up helping him with that at some point today...



Good for u for not weighing everyday.. Me.. still doing it.. I dont know why...tomorrow is my first official weigh in... So will be having anxiety about it. I really do enjoy the WW meetings..Its nice to hear others stories and advice about meal plans and eating healthy and all that stuff..

I do love my job.. I am a DOG person ....I have 4 dogs of my own and a foster dog...( I keep dogs for a rescue group until adopted), plus I watch other peoples dogs in my house while they go on vacation. SO when I found this job at a doggie day care center.. and they hired me.. It was pure heaven for me.. I feel so lucky to love my job and look forward to it when I go to work. I only work 3 days, which is plenty.I am so happy I am able to fit some exercise in at work.. I feel like I walked the floors there, for hours yesterday.. Dont get me wrong. I do sit and play with the dogs, or hold the small ones.. But then I get up and do my laps and throw balls to the dogs..its great..Its raining today.. so maybe not too much outside time doing the stairs at work..

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I enjoy reading others posts about their daily food..etc...helps keep me accountable...I do the same thing...

Jackie..still thinking about what a cool job you have...neat that you can exercise at work...makes it easier I would think...

Yesterday ended up helping DH in the yard w/ the side of the house (jungle)...didn't do much out front...that's today..After working out yesterday and then in the yard trimming, raking and loading..my arms felt like they were going to FALL OFF last night.

We also went out for dinner (it was our anniv)...DH is tired of my diet dinners I think:o.

I stressed a little over what I was going to eat but it worked out okay...had the (Longhorn) steak and crab stuffed mushrooms w/side salad..dressing on the side and asparagus..(no potato:mad:)..ended up being 700 calories or so which is more than I usually consume at dinner but was still under my 1200 for the day...

Everyone keep posting and good luck!

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Well..yesterday kind of flew by..really didn't eat too much or even obsess about food...did work in the yard some (HOT here in FL) so didn't do much in the way of other exercise..ran out of steam!

Today I need to go get more mulch for the yard..only was able to get 3 bags yesterday cause the truck wouldn't start..(dead battery..it sits too much!) so had to take the car..:(

I'm determined to at least go for a bike ride and do some floor exercises..weight etc...in addition to the mulch spreading that should be enough for today...

Where is everyone..I'm tired of talking to myself...

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Im so glad its Friday..Just came back from my first WW weigh in.. I lost 4.6 pounds this week.. WOW.. for me Ive never lost that much in one week, and Ive done WW about 10 times in the last 20 yrs:rolleyes:

Now comes the hard part..meaning..not to slack off.. I think a lot had to do with the exercise Im getting by working my 3 days..In the past I would be lucky if I lost 2 pounds a week...But I am going to keep it up. It wasnt a totally bad week, and didnt feel too deprived. I still ate pizza one day, and had some chocolate of some sorts each day.. I am in love with chocolate:o...

IM GOING to get my walk in this afternoon...and going to walk each day this weekend.

Hope everybody has a great weekend.

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Wow!..Congratulations...I will be so thrilled if I've lost 4lbs on Sunday..think I may have...I really notice a difference in my waist and I 'feel' lighter if that makes sense..

I love chocolate too and found that the lower cal ice cream bars satisfy my choc cravings..also about every three days I allow myself a teaspoon of nutella spread on two or three crackers or butter cookies..about 150 calories or so but if I eat them slowly I really enjoy them....also the choc chip protein bars seem to be very filling and do the trick.

WW has pizza..and I've found it to be pretty good. Had it last night for dinner.

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Wow!..Congratulations...I will be so thrilled if I've lost 4lbs on Sunday..think I may have...I really notice a difference in my waist and I 'feel' lighter if that makes sense..

I love chocolate too and found that the lower cal ice cream bars satisfy my choc cravings..also about every three days I allow myself a teaspoon of nutella spread on two or three crackers or butter cookies..about 150 calories or so but if I eat them slowly I really enjoy them....also the choc chip protein bars seem to be very filling and do the trick.

WW has pizza..and I've found it to be pretty good. Had it last night for dinner.


Thanks..it definitely made my day :)

I hit the dollar store right afterwards, there is one in the same parking lot.. They sell some of the older style WW deserts.. I know all dollar stores dont have the same stuff..So I found they had the icecream.brownie dessert..YUM.. so I bought all they had which was 4..Also they sell these chocolate cookies in a green box.. they are 50 cals each and no fat.. They equal to one point each..So I got some of those.. Those are my treats for the week.. Now, just to hide them from the kids..

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Wow!..Congratulations...I will be so thrilled if I've lost 4lbs on Sunday..think I may have...I really notice a difference in my waist and I 'feel' lighter if that makes sense..

I love chocolate too and found that the lower cal ice cream bars satisfy my choc cravings..also about every three days I allow myself a teaspoon of nutella spread on two or three crackers or butter cookies..about 150 calories or so but if I eat them slowly I really enjoy them....also the choc chip protein bars seem to be very filling and do the trick.

WW has pizza..and I've found it to be pretty good. Had it last night for dinner.


Yes, feeling lighter does make sense.. Sometimes I think I feel lighter too.. BUT in the past...nobody ever notices I lose weight until I lose at least 20 pounds.. LOL..that doesnt happen too often. I dont tell a lot of people I am going to WW...If somebody happens to notice in the future I will tell them..other then that, I dont like people looking or judging me on what I eat or dont eat..My kids love Nutella..I like it too..but I have a hard time with just a little of it:rolleyes:

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