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Posts posted by bubba83

  1. No she wont be allowed in if not potty trained. We also will only have a just turned 3 year old by the time we go on explorer im praying she gets it quickly. Will start 6 months before.


    Yeah we're going to start here soon....we had great opportunity when she was showing signs of being ready, even did both on her potty a few times, but this was around Christmas, we got busy and didn't follow through as much as we should have...now she could care less about her potty...



    I would be so hard to have her on this cruise when big sis can go play in "camp" and swim and she can't....


    Finger crossed and prayers both of our 3 year olds will be good to go on cruise!

  2. My daughter will be 3 years and 2 mths at the time of her first cruise...if she isn't potty trained will she still be able to go into adventure ocean with her 5 year old sister or will she have to go in the nursery?



    Currently she isn't potty trained, we have 11 months to get that concurred... So fingers crossed I won't have to worry about the swimming issue as well...she loves to swim in a big kid pool!

  3. I guess I haven't put much thought in how our cat will handle our 10 day cruise next year. He is only 6mths old now.....I picture him being happy at home alone, without the dog bugging him, without a toddler squeezing his eyes out with a great big hug or being pushed around in her baby stroller.....

    I just planned on getting an automatic feeder and water dish and having the neighbor check in every few days when they get our mail....


    We went to the beach last year while we had a man dog sit our two dogs at the time at his house....one pooped a couple times in the mans house but other than that we were drenched in kisses when we went to pick them up. Now with one dog we will either have her go to someone's house during our next cruise or put her in a boarding kennel, but I hate the outrageous fees for that so hopefully we can find a friend who would do it, love her up while we are gone, and not charge as much :)



    but there really isn't anything you could probably say to change these peoples minds, they think you wouldn't understand because you don't have pets...

  4. Yep. We just paid $808 for our 7-day Premium. I waited intentionally to purchase it as I had heard the rumors going around about half-off once on board. Ultimately, when the drink prices increased, I realized that the break even was at around 4 cocktails for the Premium package, I pulled the trigger. Between water and a few pool-side or after dinner cocktails and we will more than break even.



    Its a hard total to swallow for sure! I know that we would def make out when it comes to the package. We aren't big drinkers through the year but when we are on vacation we like to enjoy, especially on a ship where no driving is involved :D

    Last summer at the beach the hubby easily drank 7-8 beers just on the beach all day (possibly more).... and I am more of the fruity and frozen drinks type of girl...I do not really enjoy wine, so even though we are permitted the 2 bottles I don't know if I would actually be enjoying the wine....

  5. What they're asking about isn't the BOGO50 being offered on line - but rather the rumor that if you wait until you board you can purchase BOGO50 on the ship.


    This is all I know -- this same subject was rumored a couple of months ago as well and a whole long thread went on and on about it. And at some point, someone came back and confirmed no, it was not true. And if I recall, the other thread was also about Grandeur. Again, this was a couple of months ago. There was confusion on the other thread about the BOGO50 offer with new bookings vs. the BOGO50 rumored to be available for purchase AFTER BOARDING the ship. And in the end, the consensus at the time was that no, it's not available for half off once on the ship.



    This is my understanding too.


    I would just advise all those who want the drink package to prepare for full price and consider yourself lucky once onboard if they do indeed have a special (However I don't think that will be the case)....it would be a wonderful surprise though considering if both my husband and I get a package for out 10 day it would be around $1000, yuck!

  6. Overall a great cruise. We had some issues with our aft JS cabin :mad: and some of the specialty dining venues :( but the ship herself is great, wonderful crew, well maintained and great sail.


    Chefs table is a must do if you enjoy food. I would do this and then stick to MDR for future. MDR is some of the best food we`ve had in recent sails and our staff were impeccable - they earned a 10 out of 10.:)


    Cabana at Nellies Beach in Labadee was worth every penny - we had a great day!


    More details in my formal review but let me know if any questions and I will do what I can to answer.





    Looking forward to the formal review!

  7. Don't go crazy, EVERY CRUISE EVERY DAY we see VERY HEALTHY VERY MOBILE PEOPLE using the elevators to go up or down one or two flights. Don't pretend there are not lots of perfectly healthy people using the elevators for no good reason. I've always wondered if it's that they are just lazy, or don't realize there are stairways they could use.......It's almost bizzare when you watch a bunch of teenagers for example barge on an elevator and go DOWN one floor........ and there is a stairway 10 feet away.......

    There are some truly disabled people who could use that elevator without the competition. :(



    yes but riding in a pretty awesome elevator with some cool views is fun! Plus we need to get in the elevator to see what day of the week it is.....


    for the record I am in my 30's and have never had people fight over elevators both on cruise ships and off...most people wait their turns.....

  8. Just off the Indy on sunday:


    People, please use the hand sanitizer stations in the windjammer and dining rooms. It's for yours and our protection. Don't just walk past them. These are the same people that poop and don't wash their hands I'll bet.


    Unless you are 80, use a wheel chair, or a cane please feel free to walk up or down ONE deck using the stairs instead of stopping a full elevator full of people to be so lazy.


    Please ditch your beat up Harley Davidson shirt and hockey jersey and show up in the main dining room looking presentable and show respect for once in your life... slobs.


    In the Windjammer, don't stand around the buffett holding conversations with 10 of family members blocking traffic and food accessability. Go sit down and get out of the way.


    Thanks ....


    OP, are you 80 or over? Use a wheel chair/cane? just curious....and just and FYI....elevators are not just for handicapped people....I like them when I feel LAZY!! Oh I admitted that yes I can get LAZY, who gives a crap!

  9. I never get the opportunity to nap in my real life, so I try to make opportunities on the cruise to get a nap in. Usually head back to the cabin to get a break from the sun which results in the nap....we may also grab a snack and drink to take back or order some pre dinner munchies.... I prefer early seating dinner vs late so after nap its getting ready for dinner.

  10. Last trip, within 45 seconds, saw three different people taking from buffet and shoving food in their mouth, bare hands. All three were older women. Gross. I always wash my hands before handling food. What the hell is the matter with people?



    some people are just HOGS!

  11. It's nice that sink were put in so if you are coming from the pool or wherever you can wash before eating. I'm not a fan of being led through the wash room and forced to wash my hands. I'm not a child. Honestly, what are they going to do to passengers who politely refuse?



    But why would one refuse..... honestly I think if people don't follow it then they should be refused to be let in until doing so. Its more of a health concern if those don't wash hands...and buffets are breeding grounds for germs that come from dirty hands....if restaurants can put in guidelines as far as what is required to be worn to enter then then should be able to enforce the washing hands some how....


    Why would anyone be offended to be asked to wash their hands! people need to get over themselves and their sense of entitlement....

  12. Mix the clothes up a little in case one gets misplaced



    that's a great tip!


    My very first cruise I was 17, my checked bag which had all 7 days worth of clothing in it except for my formal clothes was left at the port and I was not able to get it until the 4th day of the cruise.....RC was very kind and did free laundry service during this cruise and gave me 250 on board credit to purchase clothing from their shops on ship....plus my sister and I were pretty identical in size so it was just more of an inconvenience vs a disaster, LOL

  13. That's alot of bags but I don't think there is a limit. I've seen people bring alot more than that. I remember seeing someone bring 4 large bags and 4 carry on's for 4 people. I find it amazing what people bring. Honestly you probably wont wear half your clothes that you bring.



    I am probably going to be one of those people..... I have a history of over packing, in my mind I am preparing for what if's! But this next cruise will be our longest, 10 days, 4 people (2 young kids) so yes...we will probably all have one checked bag and one carry on each.... I have good intentions of trying to fit in least amount of bags as possible but we shall see!

  14. I am a frequent hand washer, after every bathroom trip :D


    So I think this addition is fantastic and not an eye sore at all.


    It is amazing how many still do not wash their hands. I feel it just comes down to being LAZY! I guess they don't mind walking around with pee, crap, and who knows what else on their hands, spreading it all around and into their mouths! YUCK, not for me!

  15. It's working for me now, but I had same issue when I was logged in to my cruises last week. You might try a mock booking as a new guest.



    nope still not working...see if you can do a mock booking for grandeur of the seas april 17, 2016 out of Baltimore



    update: must be my computer cause it will allow me to do it on my phone....no savings for me, but we just had a reduction a few weeks ago :)

  16. I will definitely do that, probably in a month or so, closer to the cruise dates and once I get all the information like booking numbers from my father so I am a bit better prepared. Thanks!



    RCI has a special needs department, try getting ahold of them and you may make out better then just speaking with a customer service rep.

  17. Our travel agent signed us up for early seating...I believe its 5:30 on our ship....then if I understand correctly, the first day of the cruise, when we sign our kids up for adventure ocean, we also sign up for the family time dining....then starting on day 2 they will come and get the kiddos around 6:15 (45 min into dinner).....I assume the servers will know this and make sure the kiddos have their entire meal within the 45 minutes.

  18. Glad to hear you had a great cruise and now are hooked....my first cruise I was 17 and would prefer those over any vacations....our anniversary was my husbands first...while he enjoyed himself his idea of vacation is in the woods hunting, lol....It took a great deal of convincing for him to say yes to our upcoming cruise, it will be my third, his second, and out children's 1st....


    and I do believe that those who have nothing but negatives to say about their cruise went in looking for negatives....sad to say but the world has its fair share of complainers or negative Nancy's :D

  19. Working in the field with individuals with disabilities, I have seen great things come from using essential oils with those with Autism. When you see an issue coming along they have essential oils that you could put on a designated spot on his body (right now I have one that uses it on his feet) and it calms him within a minute or so and prevents the outburst or melt down......


    if you know someone that sells essential oils or if you have a holistic type store in your area, check it out!

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