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Posts posted by mets123

  1. The Anthem uses tenders, not life boats. I know because I 'be been there three times in the past two years. That being said, there is a very steep ramp once you get off the tender at Bar Harbor. It makes it very difficult to push a person up or down. And keep in mind the area itself is very hilly. I would rethink that excursion. The HOHO bus could also be challenging. Would the bus driver be willing to stop for longer times while you get off and on for the different stops. And do you realize that Penny's Cove is extremely rocky. I'm not trying to discourage you, just manage your expectations. My wife is a stroke survivor and uses a wheelchair and scooter. I know what you are going through.

  2. It sounds like you didn't know what questions to ask. I am not defending RC. My wife is a stroke survivor and is a full time wheelchair user. On a cruise, we rent a scooter to make life easier. We never had problems, except people cutting in front of us on the elevators. RC goes out of their way to help. We've been on the Anthem and Adventure out of Bayonne. BUT, my wife realized she has to give up some of her independence for the cruise to work for us. And I know I have to do more for her. I guess our expectations were different than yours. We make sure we know if there are any tender ports. And we ask plenty of questions ahead of time, both to the cruise line and the cruise critic community.

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