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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. Yeah I figured they wont refund. Id like to avoid it altogether at this point. A cruise with choppy waters is my worst nightmare. Its happened to me once recently and it took a hold of me. 😫 I could be wrong but i dont see how or why they would go in that direction. They skipped that port 2 weeks ago bc of tropical storm earl. i cant imagine the folks flying in to be i formed theyre not going to bermuda. Horrible. I live in the city. I can and will go back of we dont make it this time.
  2. Absolutely! My hours are from 4-6pm when everyone is getting ready or already at dinner. I normally eat a 730/830 dinner so its perfrct for me. Also port days are fantastic. Atleast for me in the past have been and precovid with a fully booked ship.
  3. Oh I see. Thank you for the clarification. Phew. Bad enough I'm probably losing money already. Starting to resent my beloved Bermuda 😞
  4. Aside from now debating lling my trip due to hurricane, if I do go, this will sadly be my last Bermuda cruise 😞 i live there island but i spent way too much freaking money on TA and covid tests x 6. Trying hard not to stress but time to move into another port. 😩
  5. What did you do in Charleston? Looking at just in case port at this point. I already know our Bermuda port is highly most likely not happening. 😩 😞
  6. On that same sailing 9/22. Debating cancelling. I assume major penalties. Would Bermuda TA refund the $40 they still β€œneed” ? Whats a vacation with rain and choppy waters. Where can it possibly divert to? Its raining everywhere 😩 Advice? Thoughts?
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