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Everything posted by cruisingnana

  1. Same here. Had a great casino offer. Guess we'll just forget about booking another date. Only going to get $50 FCC, no way does that balance out to increased pricing and being offered a junior balcony instead of a regular one!
  2. Had a great Casino offer on this 1st sailing on Thanksgiving sailing . Don't think this offer will compare!
  3. Interested in this as a possibility for cruise next April. Do you remember if you took a taxi or booked a tour. Costs, length of time, etc.?
  4. Had the on all night neighbors on both sides on our last trip. Really annoying. Even asked cabin steward to mention it to them, but nothing changed.
  5. Have a super casino deal thats good until end of October on Carnival.
  6. Seems like the majority of posted reviews are negative. Anyone have any thing positive to say about the ship? Am considering it for next May.
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