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Posts posted by sugcarol

  1. Hawaii has the strictest Covid testing protocol. They will accept only PCR and IDNOW. they will not accept antigen tests because they are not reliable because of false positives and negatives. I will never sail on a ship that uses that test for screening. Too much is at stake if the results are not accurate. If they do an antigen which shows positive than an IDNOW test should be given to verify. I do not know if they did that for the passengers on Celebrity, or did they simply repeat the Antigen test. American Airlines at DFW does the IDNOW test that is accepted as trusted by Hawaii. The results are back within 20 minutes and the cost is 249.00. Cruise ships will not do a PCR and IDNOW is too expenxive. The Antigen test is cheap, that is why they are using it.

  2. 2 hours ago, BermudaBound2014 said:


    Two points:


    1) Medicare papers are likely easier to forge than the CDC card itself.

    2) What about people who have no insurance provider?

    No they are not easier, you would have to have colored shaded paper, how would you get that kind of paper? You would have to have someone elses payment sheet, do whiteout and reprint, which would be so obvious it is fake, that is ridiculous on its face. People without insurance would have their vaccine info

    through their state health dept. CDC and all 50 states have data bases that can be obtained. I dont care what other people have, but if people are going to scream that CDC cards can be faked then they will need to get off their duff and get backup proof. I am trying to help people, is that so wrong? If so then dont ***** when it eventually comes down to being required. I'm done with you people.

  3. 2 hours ago, ChutChut said:

    Prove it "some other way?" Nonsense.

    Providers of the vaccine asked people if they had Medicare or other insurance. The vaccine is free but the providers are allowed to charge for the administration, if no insurance than the federal govt paid the providers for the administration. Medicare pays 28.39 per jab, other insurance paid higher amounts. Those payment sheets are  legal documents. The health dept sent me a printout of my immunizations which included both jabs. It took me two weeks to get the printout from  Texas. all documents cross reference to the CDC card. If people are concerned about the fake cards they should back it up with other forms of identification that they got the vaccine/vaccines.

  4. I feel there should be a second form showing the vax was given. I have 2 besides the card and feel that is sufficient. I also think if someone who tests positive that had the vax  should have to prove it some other way. I tend to hold up my pants with a belt, suspenders and rope. People do lie and will but it should have severe consequences if they do. I still feel they are taking the testing to extremes, but that may fade away soon. I am not afraid as I am fully vaccinated but worry about what others have done and not done and it cuts short the cruise and have to quarantine. All 50 states have health depts and those vax were not only reported to the CDC but also the state health dept. it takes time to get the verification but is available. The people that gave the vaccine had to keep records and input into a data base.

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  5. I got my own flights and canceled the cruises air. We are DFW TO HAWAII and flight  is 8 1/2  hours long, im a senior and no way could i be in a standard seat. Ended up in first class on American airlines with lie flat seats. Long flights are hell for seniors. I ended up getting nonstops in first for 1500.00 pp R/T and consider it part of the cruise, you dont cruise to paradise everyday. Booking early is the key

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  6. I am fixated on Hawaii as that is my coming cruise in November. The Governor shut that state down when this crap started. They are over the top strict on who can even fly into the state. My point for bringing this up because the guidelines and timelines for opening up to tourism makes an awful lot of sense. They have levels and is all connected to the safety of their state. Someime in the middle of July mainlanders will be able to fly without testing if fully vaccinated and the state has reached herd immunity. NCL is saying this will be 100% vaccinated cruise which i am sure was hashed out with Hawaii months ago.This is the reason I am only willing to take a cruise without the threat of testing false positive. Are there any countries so far that has ships stopping that have reached herd immunity? If not then I wont sail there. I am fully vaccinated and would rather cruise than fish and that is saying alot. This vaccinated/non vaccinated passengers cruising togdther is nuts.

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  7. Has anyone considered that while in the foreign country they were exposed to an asymptomatic and was in the nostrils when the swab was done. They are taking this testing to ridiculous levels. Why test without symptoms and fully vaccinated, now they are testing everybody and their dog. Covid is still out there but is not putting people in hospitals and dying, much less dangerous that it once was.

  8. 1 hour ago, Aloha 1 said:

    Wow. Apparently you are unaware of all the major Medical Schools of Osteopathic Medicine in the US. A DO receives the SAME training as an MD, does a Residency and perhaps a Fellowship, is licensed to practice, etc. Next time you happen to be at a hospital or ED, take a look at the name tags. You'll likely find as many DO's as MD's.


    Now a Chiropractor, on the other hand....

    I worked for an invasive cardiologist who is a DO, board certified and has MDS that work under him. I still have my family doctor who is also a DO.

  9. 33 minutes ago, asalligo said:

    Anyone know what their plan is for these positive cruisers when they dock? I am surprised people are assuming they lied about their vaccination status. There have been over ten thousand documented breakthrough cases in the fully vaccinated, so there are going to be many on cruise ships. I stress documented. No clue what the real number is and they have always been clear that the vaccination does not fully stop infection.  How many would test positive, but are asymptomatic and have no reason to be tested. 


    10,000  breaktbroughs out of 130 million vaxed is 0.00007% That is miniscule. People are acting like total idiots and obviously cant count.

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  10. Isnt it possible that they were exposed to the virus in port? Way too many false positive cases have shown up and passenger is 100% vaxed. They need to stop all this testing. Unless a passenger  becomes ill. This is no longer the big danger. we know what it is, how to treat and how to prevent. This is not march 2020. I am not afraid because I am vaccinated. I dont want a disruption of the cruise just because  some asymptomatic person was tested. How many people in the grocery store and Target I went to yesterday were asymptomatic and would have  tested positive. We will never be clear of it 100%. I personally will not take any cruise that either starts or calls on a foreign country. My first cruise in November will be in Hawaii, I will not sail on any ship that calls on a foreign port  for at least another 8 months.

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  11. 4 minutes ago, hallux said:

    One could say the same about the CDC card and yet people are faking them left and right...

    I doubt anyone would try to fake all 3.  Info is cross referenced to the original CDC card. Doesnt matter to me, I'm fully vaccinated and if someone is stupid enough to try it and gets Covid, they need to walk the plank, I'll wave at the circling sharks.

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  12. 1 hour ago, 3kidsncats said:

    I saw that on another Royal news source -- will be curious what they end up doing as far as fees and protocols.  That being said, I'm vaccinated and happy to provide my proof, so the poll doesn't really apply to me.  I do hope that they opt to charge a fee commensurate with actual cost (which should be staff to administer it, purchase and ship tests/supplies, and proper disposal of the resulting specimen waste product.).  I have no idea what all of that does cost, but it shouldn't be a profit making endeavor

    The airlines charges 249.00 for a test that takes minutes to get results at DFW. I suspect it would be the same on cruise ships

  13. I talked to a Vietnamese gal who said the vaccine is being sold to the people for 1000.00 per shot. Only the government and rich have gotten the vaccine, nobody else can afford it. I thank God every day I am an American. I have no desire to sail to any foreign port. My next cruise is Hawaii


  14. 54 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

    If the cruise lines are dealing with a Covid outbreak on board, shouldn't they be able to obtain immunization records from a State Health Department with consent from the person that is being investigated? (That would be if there were a question about a possible forged CDC card.) If anyone refuses to give consent to the cruise lines to obtain those immunization records, that would most certainly be considered  extremely suspicious as to whether the provided proof of vaccine was actually valid.

    I have the CDC card. I have the original Medicare sheets showing they paid the administration fees for each jab. It would be very difficult to fake the Medicare payment sheets as those are legal documents that cant be faked. I have the state of Texas immunization record. All cross reference to each other, so there is no doubt whatsoever that i am indeed vaccinated.

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  15. Fain said in his last video about unvaccinated cruisers paying more. I predict that unvaccinated passengers will be required to have a covid test daily like the hospitals and businesses do right now. At the unvaxed at their own expense. So you can show your vaccine card and get on with your cruise, while the unvaxed will jump through hoops. When money enters the picture the unvaxed will change their minds.

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    • Thanks 2
  16. I have a feeling that the cruiselines that have a health questionaire to fill out prior to sailing will have the question of are you fully vaccinated, if so please bring your CDC card with you at check in. Im not worried because cruisers want to be safe and majority want to be vaccinated themselves. Due to that alone outbreaks will not likely to take place. This is not March 2020 and the sky wont fall if a few passengers become ill and would likely be quarantined in their cabin like Noro, i would not shed a tear if they are confined to their cabin, they chose not to be protected.

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  17. When United airlines flies to Hawaii, the requirements  to fly there  are VERY strict. The airlines put on the paper bracelet like you get in the hospitals, after you have been prescreened before you even get on the flight. You still have to do the Safe Travels requirement but instead of standing in line when you land in Hawaii to verify, your bracelet lets you bypass that.. I would think the same procedure could be done for cruises.

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