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Everything posted by BlerkOne

  1. When it works, DFW can be great. Usually it is weather that messes things up for me. These days, I'm thinking more and more that all of them suck and would prefer to avoid flying altogether. Or if I'm going to fly, go somewhere good like Hawaii or Europe. Even South America.
  2. Found the scan - it was on my other phone. Not to beconfused with my other other phone.
  3. Raffaello Restaurant https://www.raffaelloristorante.com
  4. I thought I scanned the menu but I guess I failed. I may have to check my credit card. I ordered veal marsala.
  5. Oh, I guess there will be some special guests...
  6. Okay, time to get ready to head for the port
  7. Dental work isn't guaranteed to last forever. Even if Princess were to somehow be found responsible, I would think much like auto tires, compensation would be limited to normal wear and tear excepted. And who knows? Maybe the implant had already been damaged/cracked/whatever prior to olivegate but after the last dentist visit.
  8. Hmmm - a number of photos didn't upload. Ang on.
  9. First class was decent (other than the entertainment)
  10. Would be reasonable, but in the original post "What should I expect from Princess going forward? At the very least I expect them to pay for the new implant plus a FCC for the aggravation of going through this long procedure again "
  11. They still exist, but not on this plane. I wondered if I was on Southwest. 🙂 Like Southwest, though, you could use your personal device (phone/tablet/PC) to connect and get free entertainment including some live TV. The seat backs even had drop down holders for phones and tablets + a USB power point.
  12. What if it costs you more than you get? Given the limitations of small claims, you don't have much of a buffer for pain and suffering.
  13. Asking for sweet tea on a cruise ship? You might as well ask for iced tea in England. 🙂
  14. So much drama, so little time. My current 100 shares of CCL cost $800 and I’ve received more than that in OBC this year. Tax free. The dividend was suspended after 9/11 but returned. CCL will gradually start paying a dividend again. Dumb luck continues to outperform analysts. Glad I sold my Tesla stock near the top. Will buy more but not yet.
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