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Posts posted by dulcimergirl

  1. I doubt it. They will only allow the person on the reservation to pick.. doesn't matter, you will get one, thats all that matters.


    If the person that booked it, cancels it, if there is a waiting list, they might get it instead of you. I wouldn't try that.


    If a fellow cruiser and their family aren't doing anything against the hosts policy and it annoys you then it's your problem. I really tried to say this in a nicer way, but I cannot.


    I shouldn't matter if someone who's occupying a table on the lido deck or anywhere else is eating a meal or organizing their button collection to you, me or anyone else.


    I've never been aboard a ship where there weren't tables available at prime time buffet hours. We did experience a fellow cruiser stop by our table after we were done with breakfast burritos and ask if we were finished. No, we aren't as we linger at the table for an hour or so after a run and breakfast talking about our days plans.



    Sorry, I can't agree. Please move to a less populated area of the ship for chats. People using the buffet really need a table to eat at, and sometimes they are at a premium. After the buffet is closed, enjoy! I think you are just being selfish.

  3. We booked a pool cabana, and next time I want the ocean cabana. They look so nice and peaceful. the pool cabana was lovely, but very close to all the noise, music, lively action of the pool.

    The ocean cabana's are truly over the ocean, and a bit away from it all. You will still have your own (that services all the ocean cabana's) drink/food person. It just depends on you.


    I will get an ocean cabana from now on.

  4. I thought so. Now I'm all confused!:confused:


    Pretty sure my cousins first port was Belize, and they absolutely could not fly there to catch the ship. But with the ever changing laws and rules, who knows?


    I do wish CC had "like" buttons!!

  5. I'm pretty sure its now, casino, casino bar, and the starboard side of the deck above the pool. I'm pretty sure hubby couldn't smoke on the pool deck, anywhere, on our last cruise on Ecstasy in Feb. That would be Veranda deck. I might be wrong, and can verify in 23 days.. lol

  6. Not bothered in the least, and I'm on the cruise after there's. They know how to handle it. Nothing to be grossed out about.. Honestly.. I feel sorry for the crew that has to deal with the guests. Most of the crew come from very modest (in this way) background. I hope they tip well.

  7. Sounds like a total bad luck story. I would have left the boyfriend if he was an adult. I'm sorry. No use in everyone wasting their money! I get that's terrible and could have happened to anybody, but do you really think it's rational to expect Carnival to reimburse everyone when the rest of you guys could have gone? He could have caught up at the next port. You could have mitigated your loss but chose not to.


    I'm so paranoid about leaving certain things like IDs that I bring a passport and a birth certificate for everyone and everything is carried between my husband and I so that if one person loses or forgets something heaven forbid, the other has valid ID for everyone. So sorry. Lesson learned.


    Just so you know, if you miss initial boarding, you cannot catch up with the ship.. If you get left at a port, you can catch up at the next one.

    My Cousin and her hubby missed boarding time by 2 minutes. they did not let them board. Ship was still there, still had 88 minutes before sailing away. Not allowed to board. This was a Carnival cruise last Thanksgiving. They spent it with us, instead of aboard, that's how I know.

  8. Well, its pretty much a beach day, although I believe there are a few excursions. Horse back riding, is one. (I think) Other than that, enjoy the ship. I've rented a cabana for my visit there in 24 days.. It will be a relaxing beach day for us.

    Hope you find something to your liking.

  9. My wife is diabetic and has to carry her medicine and sugar with her. Any suggestion on what to use to carry the supplies. Fanny pack is good idea. Didn't know what else people use.





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    I would try a Running Buddy, they work well for hands-free carrying of small stuff. they have various sizes. Give them a look. I get mine on QVC, and use the different sizes depending on what I'm carrying.

  10. We had Cabana 10 and did ride in the truck with seats close to it. We did have to step up several steps to get into the truck. Hubby walked to and from where they serve lunch and brought it back for us. I would not have made the trip.. We did have to walk back, as there was absolutely no transport back.. It's quite a walk. It is paved, with a brick walking path. To get to the bathroom from cabana 10 is a walk up a small hill in the sand, to the paved steps, then up 6 or so steps to the restroom area.

    Hope this helps..

    Pretty sure there were those fat wheeled wheelchairs you can use too.. Not sure how easy they push through that soft sand though.


    I'm still recovering from chemo, and that's why it was so hard on me.

    You might skip the lunch though, there is a ton of snacks and cold drinks provided in the cabana. Which is another 2 or 3 steps up.

    Having the cabana is wonderful, and well worth the effort.. I will be there again, in 28 days or so...

    Yes, you can order diet sodas.

    If the transport truck makes any loops, we never saw it. In fact the whole way back, must have taken a half hour, didn't get passed by anything.

  11. No, its not bolted down, I was just wondering where you were going to put it? lol Not much space, to move it much. Sometimes you can line the walls with them, sometimes you can't. No, you can't put it on the balcony either.. just kidding.. lol

    You can move them a little further apart, if you want one up against the wall and the other against the desk area.

  12. I for one, wear a Running Buddy. It's a tiny, just over the card size pocket you attach with magnets to your waistband. No, the magnets don't seem to bother the card at all. I love it, even works while swimming and dries fast. Will hold room key, money, lipstick. Larger ones will hold cell phone and camera. I have both, and use whichever fits the need. Sometimes I have pockets, mostly I don't.

    I will be wearing one, or actually two, one at a time, on my next cruise coming up soon.

  13. Which ever you choose, bring along a pretty good sized ziploc baggie, to put your dirty undies in there. Nothing worse than my DH's funky undies smelling up the rest of the clothes. Especially after an hour or two at the gym. You can thank me later.

  14. There is another "cheaper" option on some Carnival ships.. French Door cabins. Just a bit more than insides, and you can open the doors, feel the sea breeze, see a sliver of ocean, and feel connected to it too. Some have better views, although obstructed. It is a good option, if funds are tight. Yes, a balcony is better, but, just thought I would throw this out there. I've done the FD cabins, many times.

  15. Boy, did you ever spoil yourself on that first cruise.. Of course its worth it if you've got the funds. Especially with a family along, the extra room will be wonderful.

    If money is a problem, you might look into two or more adjoining cabins also. Might even be cheaper than the Captains.

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