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Posts posted by Taiters91

  1. Hey!


    I depart from the UK for my first ever cruise next Saturday! We are doing the southern Caribbean on Serenade.


    I wondered if anyone has been recently and could tell me what the weather and sea conditions have been like?


    Thank you :)

  2. yes i have been on the Serenade of the seas many years ago with no problems. Just start the pills a few days before and RELAX. Do not keep thinking about it or you will make yourself sick.


    Be positive and enjoy your wonderful cruise.



    Thanks so much :)

  3. I am the queen of sea sickness. I can even get sick while i am driving a car if the road is windy at all. I have been on 35 cruises and for the most part i have been fine. There have been a few exceptions: going through a hurricane!!


    I do not go on small boats at all since they can really set me off. But on the cruise ships i am usually okay.


    I take meclizine: i start the day before and continue through out the cruise. I always take one in the am and one in the pm before bed and i am okay. I do not get drowsy either.


    We also get a cabin with a balcony so that i can go outside and get some fresh air and to also look at the horizon if i do get the upset tummy feeling.


    Our cabin stewards say to eat the skin of an apple to help the tummy or to take some ginger tablets as well.




    My brother who is a pharmacist told me that the side effects of the patch are too high and not to use them. I have a friend who uses the pressure bands on her wrists and says they work for her.




    you need to not worry so much and to have a great time. Take your meds and if you get really bad you can go the on board doctor and they can help you out.




    Have a great cruise:)



    Thanks so much. Have you ever been on Serenade or another similar size? Any problems?


    Think I will avoid the patch as not worth the risks. I'm going to stick with tablets and will get the injection if necessary!

  4. I am very prone to motion sickness, even riding an elevator can set it off for me. I tried the patch, once and that was enough. I talked non stop for 3 days, my husband said I was even still talking in my sleep. I had a very dry mouth and every time I sat down I would nod off.


    Any antihistamine will help with motion sickness and I swear by Zyrtec. It is an isomer of hydroxyzine, better known as Vistaril. The generic of Zyrtec is cetirizine, and I buy the 10mg tablets at Wal-Mart. As everyone has said, start taking it before your trip. I also take Bonine if needed, but usually just the Zyrtec 10mg every night does the trick.


    Happy Cruising.





    Thanks so much.


    Have you ever cruised the Caribbean and had motion sickness on the cruise ships?

  5. Please don't worry too much. I felt exactly the same as you on my first cruise as I had always been such a terrible passenger with motion sickness in cars, boats ferries etc. However, yes I felt the movement of the ship, but I truly never felt nauseous. The ships are so big, and so stable the movement can be very minimal. My daughter felt a little queasy round the Bay of Biscay, but Stugeron soon sorted that out.

    And I've heard that the injection is really effective so there's always something that will help you.



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    Thank you so much. Exactly what I needed to hear :)


    I've just been on the ferry home (that connects the island I live on to mainland England) and its 6 times shorter and smaller then half as wide and you can feel the shudders and it does away but movements are still minimal so I'm sure it'll be fine :)

  6. We use Bonine, 25mg tablets. We had some VERY rough seas last Tues-Wed coming up the West Coast to Los Angeles from Mexico. There was a big storm all over CA, and we sailed right into it. Our wind factor was 68 mph, which is darn close to a lowgrade hurricane. The seas were really bad.




    OK, having said that here's how we dealt with it with our bonine:




    We take a half tab the night BEFORE the ship leaves for the cruise. We take another half when we eat lunch on embarkation day. Then, we take another half at bedtime that night. This slowly gets the medication into your system.




    We take no other doses unless the seas start getting rough. When this happened last week we took whole tables, maybe 2-3 each over 48 hours.




    My rule of thumb is if I suddenly become AWARE of my tummy, then I take a half tablet. If I become AWARE of an UPSET STOMACH, then I take a whole one. Sometimes sea sickness doesn't start with nausea; sometimes it's just a rolling, quivering feeling. If my brain is registering it, then I take some bonine.




    Neither of us got seasick last week and ate our regular meals.



    Thank you. Can I ask if you suffer with motion sickness generally?

  7. I use the patch. If I start with the dry mouth, about the third day. I skip a day, usually on land then start again.


    I've also taken to leaving the last patch on for a few days after returning home. Helps me adjust to land.



    I really like the sound of the patch but I've read some horror stories about the side effects, not so much when it's on but people being really unwell when it's off. I'm going to see what the GP says :)

  8. I had no idea how I would fare on my first cruise either. I went with my sister and mother and I (the Navy veteran, although never at sea) was the only one of us to get seasick!:confused:


    I see that this will be your honeymoon....hopefully, Bonine will work for you as well and you can focus on your "honey"!:)



    Thank you :)

  9. Thanks so much. As its my first cruise, I honestly have no idea how I'll feel. I live on an island so am used to ferries but do get travel sick badly.


    Worst case I'll get the injection on board.


    It's reassuring that people cruise time and time again despite having some travel sickness :)



    Just looked on Amazon and can see the patch you mean but as I'm in the UK they won't arrive on time :(

  10. I am very prone to motion sickness and can't even read on a plane due to the vibrations. I usually take ginger capsules from the health food store plus Bonine, starting the evening before we sail and sometimes still feel a little sick. Dramamine doesn't seem to work for me.


    On my last cruise I also used an over-the-counter patch made from natural ingredients, which I got from Amazon. That cruise was the ultimate test....we were on the Anthem of the Seas "Storm Mars Cruise to Nowhere", with the 150 mph winds and 30-40 foot seas. I WAS NEVER EVEN QUEASY! I don't know if it was the patch or the combination of all the remedies, but it was amazing to be able to actually look out the window at the sea and not feel sick!


    Moral of the story, I guess, is to try all sorts of things and see what works for you.



    Thanks so much. As its my first cruise, I honestly have no idea how I'll feel. I live on an island so am used to ferries but do get travel sick badly.


    Worst case I'll get the injection on board.


    It's reassuring that people cruise time and time again despite having some travel sickness :)

  11. And another vote for Bonine here. I usually start taking them a day or two before the cruise and take them until a day or two after the cruise. Have fun! :)






    Thank you. As we travel 2 days before it should be in my system :)


    I only have 16 Bonine tablets as brought them from the US, we are away for 14 days. I will take Stugeron in case I need a top up - will this be okay?

  12. You of course will get many opinions on this thread.




    We consulted our family doctor, and he knowing our health history felt it safe to prescribe for us the Scop patch.




    Being in the medical field we are aware of the risks, benefits and side effects.




    We have used it on 6 or our 7 cruises and are very happy.




    It works for us.




    Safe travels.



    Thank you.


    The patch sounds perfect to me but I have a very weak immune system and general health isn't great. I am cautious of side effects. I have a GP appointment next week and will discuss it all :)

  13. Thank you all.


    I have Stugeron and Bonine.


    I have considered the patches but worries about some of the side effects I read.


    I am going to get a prescription just in case but other then that just take the tablets. It's great to hear success stories, thank you xx

  14. Hello!


    I have spoken to a lot of people and taken lots of advice, but with my first cruise now only 2 weeks away I wanted to hear some experiences :)


    I am very worried about sea sickness as I get motion sick, but hoping I'll be fine on my southern Caribbean cruise on serenade.


    I was going to get the patch, with tablets as a back up. I have read some brilliant reviews on the patch but also that people can suffer hideous symptoms when they take it off and I don't want to risk that.


    I live in the UK and have brought some Bonine from the USA. I an wondering if I would be best to take these and take some patches just in case? I know they do injections in case of sickness too.


    Thank you

  15. That is fine if you like riding around an island. But, for those that love being the water, Bonaire has some of the best diving and snorkeling in the world. On this island we often recommend that cruisers book a drift snorkel on a private boat called the Woodwind run by an amazing lady named Dedrie (Dee). We cannot imagine going to Bonaire without spending some time on Dee's boat. But be warned, it is a popular tour, the boat can only take a limited number of folks, and it books up far in advance.







    Thanks Hank. We are snorkelling on another island and only on Bonaire for the morning which is why we are just doing our own thing for a few hours. We will most certainly be stopping at some beaches though :)

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