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Posts posted by smplybcause

  1. If the port has you get your luggage first and then go through customs the porters do have their own line that goes around the longer line. But I really only noticed that back before everyone was using facial recognition. I think in most places that use facial recognition it's after you get your bags. 


    I just walk off with my bags early enough there's never been much if any line for the facial recognition. 

  2. 4 hours ago, bob63005 said:

    We are doing a cruise tour in July in Alaska with the land portion first. Does anyone know if Royal will test us at the end of the land portion to get the needed test for the cruise portion. Kind of similar to B2B.


    Last I looked their protocols specifically said you have to test before the land tour and you are responsible for testing before the cruise. They suggest either the emed or find a place in Anchorage. 

  3. They pretty much go at the pace of the table... but there's possibly some limits on how fast. So I'd request one with just your family. 


    You can get food out of order. I would think there's a chance to slow things down (entrées usually take longer to cook) but that might be a non issue. 


    Not sure but I mostly see 530 mentioned for early dining. 


    Reports are they're starting to mix. By summer they for sure will be if ships are running full capacity. But you can request a table for just 6.


    I don't care where I sit in the dining room. 

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  4. Call until you find someone who will help you. Email to rcl seems to go into a black hole unless it's too the top brass. You should try calling one more time before you go that route, mostly because their help is more immediate if someone can do it. 


    I actually used Facebook chat when people on the phone kept telling me I was wrong before I sent an email to baley and ended up getting fixed by the fb rep.

  5. The kiddie menu is horrible. I went with my 2 & 4 year old nieces and after stealing their parents food after seeing what showed up the first night their parents ordered from the regular one for them. 


    I've ordered appetizers portion of main menu items before so you should be able to do that. Though sometimes it comes out full price. 


    If I had to take a guess I don't think they'd charge you kid prices and specialty places. 

  6. 31 minutes ago, molly361 said:

    Is it even really mandatory to upload them?  I'm sure there are people that don't have the app and don't upload them.  


    No, not mandatory. I'm guessing if you don't it might just take some more time... when I went in September back before you could upload it they took pictures of my card and probably a few things on their tablet. In December when I had uploaded it before it was just a quick look and send me on my way. 


    I wouldn't think it's a big difference unless they make you wait for some validation now. 

  7. No one can say for sure. There's a really good chance they'll make you wait outside the terminal until your time. My last royal cruise had lines set up for each checkin time and they directed you to your line.


    But sometimes they let you in either because they don't care or the lines are short enough they're letting others in. 


    But I have not seen consistent reports one way or the other so who knows what will happen when you show up.

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  8. Except for when you're getting close to the ports, you'll be picking up the ships cell tower and not a shore one. There's huge chunks of area that have no cell towers for one. And for a lot of the time you're not close enough to shore to reach one. 


    You'll get cell signal a fair bit longer than other cruises, but not endless connection. My personal rule of thumb was if I'm close enough to shore to tell what type of model car just drove by I'm close enough for my cell to work. And if there's no cars driving by there's probably not a cell tower. 


    There's apps that will tell you what tower you're connected to, but you risk your phone downloading a lot if you haven't connected for a bit... which defeats the purpose. I only used it when we were sailing away to confirm I was still on shore towers. 


    Whatsapp is data only. So unless you're connecting to either the ships wifi or a cell tower the plan to use that for communication on board has flaws. 

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