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Everything posted by jam19872016

  1. I have reservations at 6 for chops but I'm getting quite hungry so I'm going to sneak in a little early. It took all my willpower not to eat my diamond cookies.
  2. This thread is a perfect mirror of the crime problem in certain cities across this country. These thugs had their feelings hurt so their actions are justified. Wrong! It was not self defense. It was aggravated assault. A felony in reasonable jurisdictions and should be treated as such. My last two booze cruises since this new policy was implemented had a very large and noticeable security presence constantly. They had drug dogs at embarkation and I noticed almost no weed smell around the ship. There was also almost no bad behavior which I've come to expect out of miami booze cruises. This was on Sunrise and I'm disappointed that other ships have not stepped up the way this ship has I thought Carnival was taking it seriously but apparently not.
  3. Since I didn't have dessert with lunch I'm having having mudslide by the pool right now. Looks like the soccer game is still on. No sound still and I don't her any cheering like I did for the stunning 0-0 game the other day. Too far away to make out the score from here.
  4. I had my lunch order ready and they switched things up on me with the menu they usually use on the second sea day. Shrimp risotto. Not always cooked well but very tasty today. Seafood sandwich. Always a favorite and extra good today. I think I've enjoyed the food and service on Mariner the best of the three ships. Very high marks on both for this ship.
  5. I've been on a weight loss journey since May using nothing but an app called myfitnesspal to track calories. In the first 3 months I lost 30 lbs even with cruising a lot. The app gives me extra allowances when I hit the gym, but I found when I took them I put on weight. I still do the gym because it can't hurt. I've gone off the rails recently but only when I cruise and I have found the first couple days I gain weight, but then it slows down and I am able to quickly take it back off. Not losing still but at least maintaining. First 5 day cruise I gained 4.0 lbs. Two days home I lost 4.0. Since being back on I've put on 5.4 lbs. I have three days between cruises this time so hopefully I can lose the extra 😅.
  6. Good morning everybody. I'm slowly coming to life this morning after staying out past my bedtime last night. Time for a coffee run to help with that.
  7. Closed down the club tonight and proceeded to make bad late night pizza choices. I'm going to bed now so that I can try to be up before noon.
  8. They are working hard to empty the dance floor with these songs nobody knows.
  9. No unfortunately not. I book very last minute casino deals and just get whatever is still left open.
  10. Another fantastic meal at Jamie's. Tonight's plans are a little dull to most people but I'm looking forward to it. Going to Crack into my champagne and listen to my favorite radio show back home - Saturday night gold rush. I may make it back out later tonight once the champagne is gone. I still have to redeem all 5 vouchers, so I'm definitely going out for something at some point 😆.
  11. After lunch I went to the gym. I really appreciate that the gym is open on embarkation day as lately carnival has run me off saying it's not open despite signing indicating it is. Apparently me using the gym disturbs the spa tours 😒. In my room now. No nap for me this time but I am going to cool off a little in the room until sail away.
  12. I enjoyed my b2b lunch. For my starter I ordered the baked scallops. This was good but these must have been newborn scallops. Very tiny. Spaghetti alla arrabbiata. I love a good spicy dish and while it could have been hotter, it did have a nice kick of heat to it. Impressed. NCL still has the best version though at their mdr lunch menu, it had me in tears it was so spicy. Warm cookie for dessert. Probably my favorite dessert ever. What's not to love about a warm cookie. This came out piping hot too. I wanted another but I have jamies for dinner tonight.
  13. 3786 passengers expected onboard this cruise. About 200 less than last week but still 120% capacity. Hopefully with less kids it will be less noticeable.
  14. Service last night at dinner was amazing. I haven't had "a guy" in the dining room in a while. If I come back here I may ask for him again. Very attentive to a solo diner. I was literally out in 30 minutes which I don't expect from most waiters most nights but a waiter who can do it amd be attentive to my other needs is a rare find these days and I appreciate it. Cheese plate. Didn't order it but I ate it anyway lol. I ordered two coconut shrimp for my starter. I also ordered two fish and chips. I thought he forgot my second order but out he comes with another massive plate that looks like something to be served to Benny (IYKYK). I wish I'd gotten a picture I'd say it was another three servings of fish. He kept making sure I didn't want more. Thanks I'm good 🤣. I had planned to go to Windjammer for dessert but was way too full to eat anything else.
  15. B2b lunch menu. I heard there were 1300 kids onboard last cruise. BYE KIDS!!! Hopefully order will return to the ship this cruise 😆
  16. We got some different ships in port today since I am here on a Saturday. Disney fantasy. NCL Escape. I was surprised to not see Carnival Freedom as I thought we were on the same 5/5/4 rotation as them. Mardi Gras is also docked up ahead. I hope we leave first so we can sail past her!
  17. Back onboard by 1015. Embarkation will begin at 11. I was surprised at how much unclaimed luggage there was in the terminal.
  18. I was a little late for sunset last night but I did get to see some pretty colors in the darkening sky.
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