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Posts posted by heathersmoo

  1. On 10/24/2019 at 10:12 AM, nyer said:

    Heather, I was typing as you posted.   Congratulations on the four lbs.  That is an awesome loss



    On 10/24/2019 at 10:38 AM, winewanderer said:

    Heather, congrats on the 4 lb. loss, great!


    On 10/24/2019 at 11:20 AM, Jan_In_Maine said:

    Heather - way to go!

    Rose - that isn't a bad gain ... there's always next week!

    Diana - nice that you lost!


    23 hours ago, RobinCruiser said:

    Hi Everyone!


    I have lost 1.2 of my re-gained weight. I was surprised actually since I've had once of those weeks where you just want to eat absolutely everything!


    Usually by this time each year, a 100 piece box of candy has usually been accidentally consumed. 🤷‍♀️ This year, I have not bought anything! We don't get many kids but I still usually buy and then we have to eat the leftovers... This year I'm only buying a couple large size candy bars for the neighbor kids, and nothing more. I'm going to give them to them all pre-Halloween night and keep the lights off to keep the pupper calm. She's a Jack Russell so calm does not really ever describe her but you can imagine how crazy she gets with the doorbell. 


    Belle - Love the poem!!


    JennyB- Congrats on a loss and pants fitting -such a great feeling isn't it?


    Heather - Congrats - amazing loss!!!


    Rose - Sorry you gained. Sometimes maintenance can be tricky.


    Diana - Congrats on a loss. Always nice to be under that number.


    Jan - no loss is still better than a gain. 


    Have a great week everyone!


    23 hours ago, JennyB1977 said:

    I seriously LOVE this group! Thank you all. Congrats to those on your losses and to those that didn't gain. Rose  @nyer holding steady at one weight is tough. I can fluctuate 2-3 pounds a day! I have stopped weighing myself except on Thursdays. Stick with it and you'll see your happy # soon!


    10 hours ago, Belle said:

    Nice to see you all here, few missing but hope they come in soon.

    Sounds like a pretty good weeks with loss's and small gains.


    Last week gained weight which I think was from home not the cruise. Those two lbs came off fast

    plus two more!  4 lb loss!  Happy! Only if I can keep losing like this but I'm a a slow loser..Just had a

    Magic Week!:classic_smile:  But I did try to eat less.


    Jenny..Congrats on wearing clothes that didn't fit months ago and losing.. Your lucky you don't like candy much.

    Yes Jenny this is a good group, very friendly and nice people.


    Jan..Staying the same is fine especially if you ate more. You didn't gain. I love milky ways, candy corn so so but chocolate

    I love.


    Heather..Congrats what a great loss!  Keep it up whatever your doing.


    Rose..Your at goal that's the best. There will be times you'll be up or down. Your doing great!


    Diana..You had a loss. Good. Aren't you at goal or almost. Your doing great too.


    Robin..Nice you had a loss. That's a great idea about the candy.


    Pacruise..It's a loss. Great on going to the gym everyday. Glad your knee is better.


    Everyone keep on having a good week and wishing that we all have a loss next Thursday!


    Thanks so much for the kind words, nyer, Belle, winewanderer, Jan, and Robin!  And JennyB, I love this group too 🙂

    • Like 1
  2. So many good recipe ideas!


    As far as maintaining goes, it is less about motivation for me than physicality.  I will get to my GW, then add calories slowly, 100 cal a month at a time while still losing, adding 50 cal when the loss gets slower... and then bam, I will gain a bunch suddenly!  Very frustrating.  I could keep losing but at my height (6ft even), I go from slim to skeletal quickly.  


    Good luck this week to all!

  3. Hi Belle. For me regarding the holidays, I usually let myself indulge the day of and then keep to my plan the rest of the time. I love comfort food tho. Of course everyone does!


    Weightwise, I am still at a plateau. Annoying but I know if I just keep on keeping on, it will eventually fix itself. Hard to wait though!


    I tend to have more trouble maintaining than with losing, does anyone else have that problem?

    • Like 1
  4. 41 minutes ago, pacruise804 said:

    Nice protein choices 🙂 Be sure to eat your veggies (said in mom voice 😉 ).


    Your cruise history is impressive!  Funny zoo/animal story: my husband and I grew up around ducks so they really shouldn't be a source of entertainment, but when we went to the National Zoo in DC we probably spent 10 minutes watching the ducks playing in the water🤣 Now it is almost a joke that it isn't a full vacation if we don't find them.


    Thanks!  And I will- I usually have lentils for dinner along with broccoli or sprouts.  So yummy and my pet rats like it too!


    Aw, shucks. Thank you!  I don't really have any other expensive hobbies and I like to hunt for bargains so I manage to travel as often as I can.  I want to get as much done early in life because we aren't guaranteed a tomorrow.   I've actually visited all fifty states and all the Canadian provinces too.  There's so much fun stuff to do without having to leave the continent.  We're really fortunate.


    I love watching the ducks at SeaWorld.  Ducks are some of my favorite animals.  They're so funny.  I saw two last weekend who kept sleeping and floating and then they would run into each other and fight because each one thought the other one was attacking them when it was really just the current.  Muscovies are my favorites because they are so personable and puppylike but I also like northern shovelers, wood ducks, whistlers, and hooded mergansers.  

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, pacruise804 said:

    I grew up on Lake Erie and have been to Pittsburgh many times - it is certainly beautiful.  I suppose I take chipmunks and groundhogs for granted (mainly considered a pest around here), but they can be fun to watch sometimes 🙂 I'm currently near the Susquehanna River Valley so lots of mountains here too ❤️ 


    At least in FL you don't get much snow and are closer to the major cruise ports 😉 


    My mom went to college in Erie.  It's super pretty up there!  I have a funny story about chipmunks actually- I was at the Columbus Zoo and I saw a bunch of people huddled around the manatee exhibit.  I screamed and took a bunch of pictures of the trash can and everyone was looking at me because I found a chipmunk eating the trash and it was honestly one of the most exciting things that has ever happened to me.  It was such a cute chipmunk and I got really great pictures of it if you ignore the trash.  Don't get me wrong, manatees are very nice but they are not something I consider exotic at all like the northerners did.  That chipmunk was much more interesting to me.  No one else thought so!


    I've never seen snow!  I hate the cold.  My best friend has pictures of me wearing a sweatshirt and jeans in Death Valley in July.  I only recently learned that apparently the flakes aren't the size of your head like you see in Frosty movies. Oddly enough, I have only gone on one cruise leaving from a Florida port.  I flew to all the others.  I actually just updated my signature with additional trips I had taken because I hadn't even looked at it in like at least a year.  


    I guess I should mention something health related too... I had two eggs for breakfast, tuna for lunch and lots of water and walking today so yay 🙂

    • Like 1
  6. 34 minutes ago, pacruise804 said:

    {{{Hugs, Heather}}}


    Congratulations on moving out 😎While I miss my daughter, I am pleased that she is happy and busy enough with life to not need to call me.  I don't know your family dynamic so feel free to ignore me, but generally parents do want to help their children even if as a child we fear disappointing them.  My heart aches for both you and your parents that you didn't feel safe confiding in them about your health concerns.


    I manage my depression fairly well.  When symptoms reach the point self care doesn't work I have reached out to medical staff including counseling.  Medication helped some, but the effects weren't lasting and my doctor had to keep increasing the dosage to a level he wasn't comfortable with.  I never really "clicked" with a counselor, but have gained coping techniques and insights from them and am grateful for the service.  My faith and my family are also big helps.  One of the most frustrating parts is knowing what I need to do that helps me (eat healthy, exercise), but depression makes it harder to do those things.  Sometimes picking one healthy thing to do though, no matter how small, can make the difference.



    Thanks!  It's been an exciting adventure.  I call my parents a few times a week but they call me every day lol.  


    I'm sorry to hear that you didn't find something that worked for you just yet like my medicine helped me but who knows.  New advances are happening every day so maybe something is on the horizon for you.  I know what you mean about it being so hard to do anything sometimes.  Like you, I would try to do one positive thing each day when the going was hard, no matter how small it seemed.  On days when I couldn't even do that, I just tried to be grateful that I didn't have any setbacks.  On days with setbacks, I tried to not dwell on them but of course with depression, not ruminating can be so tough!


    Your fall feast sounded amazing!  Yum, meatballs ❤️  Oh and I see you are in PA... I know it isn't central but more western but are you sorta near Pittsburgh at all?  My entire family was born there except for me (south florida, represent!!) and I always liked when we would go up north and see exciting things like chipmunks and groundhogs.  And the hills!  swoon 😛

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, pacruise804 said:

    I'm the same way about not being confident in consistency with size measurements.  Fit of clothing is a good baseline 🙂 


    I suffer from both medical depression and emotional grief.  While I think our culture often combines the two, they really are different.  Grief makes sense - we suffer a loss - and others can understand the way we feel and allowance will often be made.  It often gets more bearable with time, but can flare up at any time for a seemingly unrelated reason.  My mom has been gone for 14 years and there are still days I miss her 😞 Grief isn't always from a "sad" situation either. I'm dealing with some mild grief now with my first born starting college.  She's fine, healthy, and happy - but I miss my "baby" (and thought I was fine when we sent her off, but now it's getting real that she's an adult and the relationship has changed.  


    Depression, though, is a neurological/brain illness (I find that a more accurate term than "mental" illness) and often doesn't make sense.  Everything can be going fine in your life, but you can still be depressed.  A similar example I can think of are people with food intolerances: it isn't that something doesn't taste good or the food can't be good for others, but for the person with the intolerance it is very harmful for them.  Depression can often be treated with (and sometimes worsened by) pharmaceuticals, but can also be aided by healthy diet and exercise (release of endorphins).  Counseling can also help with coping skills.  Generally it is best treated by a combination rather than either/or.  Someone can often "snap out of it" with grief but generally depression isn't something you can just will away.  There should be no shame in illness and if anyone feels like they might have a problem, please seek help.


    Sorry for such heaviness on a Monday morning.  Typical disclaimer: not a medical professional, this is my opinion and not medical advice, don't take medical advice from internet strangers 😉 


    Heather, I hope you never have those negative effects again either.  Depression is no fun.


    I am glad I am not alone on not feeling like I am measuring myself well, lol!


    Gosh, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom.  I imagine something like that isn't something you ever get over, rather you learn to live with an important part of you missing.  I know how you may feel about your daughter but from the other side!  I recently moved out of my parents' house and my parents have gone a bit nutso.  I'm an only child so I am sure it was hard for them- it was hard for me too!


    And thanks for posting about depression!  I agree with so much of what you said.  I've always seen it as a chemical imbalance only no one treats it that way.  For instance, I don't think many people would tell a diabetic "have you tried just being happy or getting over your troubles?"  Of course not, but people seem to think that is ok to do with depression because it somehow isn't generally seen a real medical issue.  Unfortunately I have suffered from depression myself.  Unlike the recent emotional weirdness with my thyroid where my roomie would ask me how my day was and I would burst into tears for no reason, depression for me was more a feeling of numbness than sorrow.  It definitely is a thing that doesn't make sense, like you said.  I still remember when I "came down with depression," for lack of a better phrase.  A couple years ago when I was seventeen, one morning I just woke up and felt... off.  I thought it was just one of those things, just a weird day.  It never got better though.  I tried everything to treat it on my own because confiding in my parents about that to try to get me treatment was out of the question.  I tried yoga, exercise, talk therapy, all sorts of supplements.  Nothing helped and I lost out on so many college experiences.  Finally, my roomie prodded me to go a lab that was doing studies for depression meds.  As vividly as I remember the morning I woke up depressed, I also remember the first time I genuinely smiled at a friend after being on Lexapro for a few months.  It was like feeling the sun on my skin after a year of darkness.


    I hope that you have something that works for you because it makes all the difference in the world to find that thing that helps you.

  8. Thanks melmar and pacruise! Hormones really are hard sometimes. About six months ago my levels went up on their own so combined with the meds it was too much.


    These meds are different from the last kind I was on so I didn't recognize the signs to call my Dr right away. That was the worst I have ever felt emotionally outside of an external reason for depression ( death in the family, breakups, stuff like that). I hope I never feel that way ever, ever again.


    Thankfully I am feeling better now but while I am doing better emotionally, I haven't had many physical signs yet and it's hard to be patient!  I have always wanted to measure myself but I don't feel confident that I am measuring in the exact same place each time. I know that sounds silly but it's why I have been using my slacks as a baseline.

  9. 3 minutes ago, melmar02 said:


    Hi heathersmoo!


    Welcome! I'm not sure that there are any strict rules here. I find when I post my losses here I feel more motivated, and when I post my gains along with what may have caused them I find patterns that trigger those gains. Either way I feel a little more accountable posting every week. You could always start by telling us your goals (is there a certain amount you want to lose or a dress you want to fit into by your next cruise?), and you'll get lots of support in return! 


    Good luck towards your goals!


    Thank you so much for the welcome! I have three months till my next trip and I am hoping to have a certain pair of slacks feeling a bit roomier by then. My most recent roadblock to that goal has been getting my thyroid meds adjusted. That's still a work in progress. If the hormone is too high, I lose weight but struggle to sleep and have energy to exercise and achieve other goals. 

    • Like 1
  10. I’m originally from New York, but have lived last 3 years in Florida, so my comfort in the cold has changed! I bought a few pairs of fleece-lined leggings for our July 8, 2018 cruise. Hoping not to freeze!



    Sent from my iPhone using Forums


    Where did you find those leggings?

  11. If it helps then SAS has a departure around 18:30 to New York on most day of the week.


    I can see that you are heading for Florida (assuming from your profile), Norwegian fly´s directly to Orlando and Fort Lauderdale 2-3 times a week I don´t know if they fit with a later departure or if they even fly on your date but its something worth cheking out,


    Thanks for the help! I was originally looking at Norwegian but the schedule didn't quite work out since as you mentioned, they don't fly every day. I'll check out SAS though. I already teased my boss that I may be staying in Denmark forever if I can't make it back to Florida lol :P

  12. What is your destination, if its inside Schengen you should be alright but outside Europe then you will want to be at the airport around 2 hours before departure for check in, security screening and passport control.


    With a travel time at around 30 minutes you should be out of the ship and in a car around 08:30, if its inside schengen you probably save yourself 15-20 minutes.


    My apologies, I should have mentioned that originally. It is outside Schengen; I'll be heading home to the States.

  13. My flight leaving Copenhagen at 1PM was just cancelled. The only option that day would be a 10:55AM flight which seems a bit tight. According to MSC, we can leave the boat at 8AM and I carry my own bag off. I have two questions:


    1- What would be the best manner of transport to get to the airport from the port as quickly as possible?

    2- If I tell MSC once I'm on the boat about the earlier flight and carrying my own bags, will I have better chances at being among the first off the ship?


    Thank you very much in advance for any and all polite and informative responses! I'm aware that this may not be doable if the stars aren't precisely aligned.

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