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Everything posted by MeganGC1983

  1. Grabbed a chair by the pool. The littles are swimming now.
  2. Noro with one bathroom and 5 people. What could go wrong?! 😆🤦🏼‍♀️
  3. I guess we will head up to the Belly Flop comp. That could be explosive. 😆😉
  4. Thanks. There’s a lot of “red” laundry bags in the hallways. Reminds me of the return to cruising. You knew if there was anything red outside the cabin, they were in quarantine. Don’t know if that still applies in this situation or not.
  5. It’s pretty wonky. A fun game of “does my tummy feel weird or is it in my head” going on! Mr. Megan took the littles to Windjammer while Brink and I went to Park Cafe. I was NOT going to a buffet while this is going on. Currently, I’m inspecting the over the counter meds I brought with us. Just in case. However, I don’t think I brought anything more than tums and acid reflux medicine.
  6. Walking down hall way. Heard a crew announcement… noro confirmed. Wash your hands 20 seconds in warm water and wear a smile on your face to guests.
  7. Hot ship gossip: 96 people got sick enough to report to medical yesterday. washy washy people. I’m betting it wasn’t the tacos.
  8. Mr. Megan asked George what is going around. He said “something I don’t like”.
  9. Also, the bartenders aren’t taking sea pass cards. They are just asking cabin numbers.
  10. Kids were going to cupcake class. It’s been canceled. The All Access tour has been canceled as well.
  11. Dennis came of to tell us about the Veterans salute is coming up on deck 5.
  12. Confirmed. This guy is wiping down after every single person. Should I be concerned? Bad pork tacos wouldn’t cause a germ outbreak, right?!
  13. And he’s back again. I guess he’ll wipe it down after every person.
  14. They are cleaning with a fierceness today. The carousel line took forever because they wiped down ever horse between rides. Now the guy keeps wiping down the bar and the bleach smell is strong. Reports say people were “getting sick” everywhere last night. I’m glad we missed that.
  15. Nothing like a sea day to show you just how many people are on this ship! George is making me a breakfast pina colada. The kids ran to get breakfast ice cream.
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