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Everything posted by MeganGC1983

  1. Barely made it. Rising Tides bar. Caught it at Central Park. Going down shortly.
  2. It’s pretty cozy in the cabin but we are trying to stay up for comedy at 11:30. Briley has Ferdinand on the tv. The other two ran to get Dr. Peppers.
  3. Let’s take a few seconds to talk about putting greens. Green carpet doesn’t make a suitable putting area. This thing should be called a jigsaw puzzle as many patches as there are. There literally no rhyme or reason where these biodegradable balls roll. If you have an ounce of competitiveness in you avoid mini golf. It. Is. Frustrating. I’m being a parent but I’ve said BS several times on garbage. FYI. thank you. steps off soap box.
  4. Let’s just say… LIV nor the Masters will be calling anytime soon.
  5. Honestly just about the same. We are on hole 2 from hell. 😆
  6. Apparently everyone promises to act right. Take two. Pray for me.
  7. Royal chocolate cake, brownie and blueberry cobbler
  8. Caesar salad, French onion soup and coconut shrimp
  9. Menu… tried to take a real menu picture but it would load.
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