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Everything posted by OnTheJourney

  1. LOL...well, I was trying to optimistically stretch what might be the extent of my endurance level, but, in actuality, I think you're probably right. I can handle 3 weeks on a ship - and have - but I wind up starting to count how many days are left. 2 weeks, give or take a few days, is probably what works for me best. If traveling anywhere overseas, though, I won't do that for much less than 2 weeks. Doesn't seem worth it otherwise.
  2. I have loads of houseplants and pretty extensive flowerbeds, but I don't work with growing anything from seed. I don't do vegetables either. Used to have a good number of fruit trees but as those died we didn't replace. Never kept up with the spraying schedule either. Till you do all that, and spend the money for the chems, it's alot easier to go to the local farmers' markets and buy whatever you want! We added a sunroom off the back of the house so that it would accommodate the plants, especially those that were 9-10ft. tall.
  3. This is the way to do serious travel. I'm sure you really don't miss the big property and all that went with it. DW and I have more frequent talks about downsizing. There ARE many things I'd miss for sure, but other things (like all the outside work and upkeep) that I'm sure I wouldn't.
  4. Yeah. And, of course, you don't tell anyone where you actually got it!
  5. Very well said. Agree completely. Heck, why not do a full world cruise (like with Viking) and get 'er all done in one fell swoop! Wouldn't be for me though. I'd be ready to jump overboard after the first month.
  6. Whereabouts on the waterfront were you? I would assume FL. Our very first cruise was out of Canaveral on the Carnival Fantasy. Ahh...but which Spock? The movies got to the point where both young and old versions existed at the same time. Hate when they keep messing with those timelines.
  7. This is why I never thought to contact them, having no idea how long it would take - especially since they told us they were currently out of them. So, as additional months rolled by, with being busy we totally forgot about it.
  8. Betcha those came from cruises on Vulcan....😁
  9. I hope you do too! Report back. Seems like this thread will still be around LOL
  10. Which really isn't all that often (?) We're the opposite. I like being home the majority of the time actually. Alot to do here for one thing with the property and pool, so then a few occasional trips - 2 or 3 a year. Sometimes a bit more. And nothing longer than 3 weeks. I need a plant waterer (huge collection) for anything longer than 9-10 days, so the longer the trip, the more work for a relative. It's getting to the point where I'm going to run out of people to do it without bringing in non-relatives. Not big on that idea. Also, I'm a full-time church organist so wouldn't work too well to tell them I'll be away for some significant % of the year's services. As we get older, we're starting to like things simpler too. DW wouldn't miss it if we never flew again, though that's a tough sell for me since I really enjoy fly/drive trips. Never rented a place through VRBO or Airbnb, etc. though might do that sometime. I don't travel at all during summers - too hot for one thing - plus that'd involve someone to take care of the pool. When DW and I taught public school, the only time we got to travel was during summers, so in retirement I promised myself no more of that. Spring and fall is when we like to go. Not fond of traveling during winter either. If I'm going to worry about what's going on at home (need someone to plow snow if such is the case), what's the point? Might as well stay here. IF it's a trip that we truly feel we want to do, and it's during the winter - like the Viking Cities of Antiquities and Holy Land cruise last year - that's ok.
  11. LOL...well, just that I recognize the spines. They look very familiar. Looks to me like there are very few of those in your schedule!!! We really like them. Most recently we did the Mississippi, but that didn't go very well so we wound with vouchers...again. The Mississippi was done using vouchers from the infamous Northern Lights cruise of March '19. So we have to book something by October. Probably one of the Great Lakes. If Viking went out of either of our two local ports and offered similar itineraries as either RCL or X, I doubt that I'd even go much more with either of those.
  12. Well, in my case I didn't have much choice if I wanted one for having attained 140 points 😉 Would have been much more meaningful if I had gotten one from RCL as they promised.
  13. Ah..so you've had some listed on eBay and sold them? I'm sure you're right about pre-covid. Also, consider that the clear crystal style is no longer being made (at least it seems that way), so those in particular are going to sell for much higher. I would have loved to grab one for $30. Also, I specifically wanted the Enchantment, since that's where we earned our first block on (the one I never got). It seems Enchantment blocks are much harder to find. Once I started looking at them, however, the offers started popping in like crazy. Was that Monarch block one you sold? Pretty cool! Round design. Love the Celebrity bathrobe you've got on your listings!! Bought it and got tired of it?
  14. Uh-huh. If you do, it'll be in pieces and listed 'for parts only" LOL
  15. $20? You've got to be kidding. Try $100 on up - at least the listed prices, but then I suspect many take offers. I got mine for around $75. Listed for $100. I've seen many listed for over $200. Using the search results below, try clicking the "under $85" box and see what you get. I only see one listed for $39.99 and they're doing it as an auction rather than buy it now. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=royal+caribbean+crystal+block&_sacat=0
  16. Good to know! This is EXACTLY what happened with us, despite them saying to the contrary, which is why I contacted them many times by email and then also by phone expressing that they still owe us a block, but finally was told it'll never happen since it was beyond the 12-month rule. Another great (although lame) excuse. So, I bought one! Wonder how many people were told that same "we're out of them" excuse? I'll see what happens once we get to 210. If I don't like the colored version, I know I can get a good price for it. Probably will keep it though since it'd likely be the last one anyway. If only two blocks, though, the crystal and the colored don't really pair up well. Should have some of both. I like Viking too much to ever accumulate a large number of points with RCL. Amazing how one suddenly showed up, right? Half? OK...let's do some math here. I see 14 blocks not including the stratums. So since you mention half we're talking about 28 blocks or so x 70 points per accumulated block = close to (or probably over) 2,000 points assuming single (not double suite points). If you divide that by, say, a 7-night cruise, that comes out to 280 cruises. That's mind blowing if you've truly done that many. If double points, then about 140 cruises. Still impressive. I like too many other forms of travel to ever wind up cruising that often. I see the photo albums there in the bookshelf, as well as a CD collection to the right. Betcha got a cabinet full of VHS tapes too, right? I know I do. Gotta start weeding out some of this stuff. That photo album thing is something I've never been able to keep up with, so no longer try. They go up on Shutterfly and done. Digital clutter takes up way less space than physical, although I save the originals and also back them up on an external drive. I am gradually, though, trying to put already printed pics (from way before the digital age) in albums. Can't believe this thread is still going actually! Never thought it'd generate all that much interest.
  17. Yeah they are really nice. I was quite impressed when I got the one I bought on eBay. LOL! The agent might have never seen one of those before. Oh well, still pretty nice. I was surprised by the weight of it.
  18. I can totally understand your reasoning.
  19. But feel free to watch it yourself, as many times as you wish NO!!!!! Why did you even mention this??? Another song stuck in my head now😉
  20. Unless you start chomping down on the corner of one....looks pretty solid to me 😉
  21. I honestly don't think I'd book anything other than that anymore (if available of course). We were upgraded to that category one time and it spoiled us real quick. It was great having easy access to the upper level of the lounge, and then a quick trot down the stairs to Mamsen's.
  22. I wouldn't even wear a Pinnacle pin. Hmmm...wonder if they sell on eBay as well as crystal blocks?
  23. Oh, Lordy...don't even go there. If I'd never hear that song again I'd be fine. Never liked it to begin with, but dislike it even more after being on cruises where it has become an all-time sing-a-long favorite.
  24. Well, how romantic. Almost as good as evening chocolate on the pillow 😆
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