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Everything posted by Pottsy

  1. To spend 5 unplanned days in the Greek islands in December when aver. Temps are 55F instead of Jordan Egypt, Saudi and Oman is a radicle change. Then 9 days at sea in the Red Sea makes it more a repositioning but at full fair is an insult. Oh the Red Sea borders all the cancelled countries so how is the Red Sea safe?? Should be offering full value FCC!
  2. If Egypt, Saudi and Oman are not safe and border the Red Sea, how is 8 days in the Red Sea considered safe by Oceania!!
  3. We feel the same way, this is a total change and who wants to do the Greek Islands in December with aver temps 55F. Hill Country Dakota have they offer to roll full $ to another cruise. My agent said Oceania refused my request.
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