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Posts posted by MrsWaldo

  1. I think the agent's point about being on the starboard side was geared more to the Patagonia portion of the cruise.


    Did you spend much time lounging on your balcony?





    No not lounging but that was case there was so match going on In terms of lectures etc


    The Patagonia bit the agent has based it on the ship heading in direct but we found the views to be equally impressive and we also did BA to Valparaiso The ship goes in and out of coves etc

  2. Interesting , but we were there for 4 days last march and stayed in the Rocks while waiting for our cruise to leave. We were amazed at how many people of all ages were partying , dining , sightseeing etc. all along the waterfront. We did venture inland to see other parts of Sydney, but returned in the supper hour and found it very jovial and beautiful...


    We described the crowds similar to being in Niagara Falls, Ontario in the peak summer season.. Maybe we were just lucky.


    We are spending 4 days there again this year prior to our cruise and are really looking forward to it.




    The majority are not in what locals would call the hip set... They re OS visitors Yes the Glenmore and Australian and Lownebrau are pumping but for the malt part it isn't a local scene



    Cabinsail. All too familiar with the terminal wait having experienced too close to home.

    probably why I don't understand sitting inside. Cafe for 5 hours waiting to embark

  3. I don't think any locals would describe the rocks as hip and happening... (I may be wrong). It is avoided by most of the younger trendy set in favour of the inner suburbs such as Balmain, Newtown, Glebe etc.


    It does have its own feel, but IMHO the large liners coming into Sydney are certainly having an impact on the feel of the rocks on any given day. As an example last Thursday the weather wasn't great and voyager of the seas was in. The rocks had the ambience of a large outdoor airport terminal with people sitting with luggage in cafes (nothing on the table near them) or cowering under sheltered park benches if available. Theses changeover days are best spent elsewhere in the city if you are staying a few days pre or post cruise.


    I was speaking with a tourism provider and her comment was she hated the very big liners. They are touted as bringing in more $$ but she finds that they actually make less as people. Are intent in killing a few hours for minimum $ before going to the airport or boarding the ship. She also said after speaking to many land based tourists, if they see a ship in they do tend avoid the area.


    I think weekend market days this would be less of the case.


    I am wondering if this little story is a response to that downturn my friend has mentioned and an endeavour to entice people into the rocks for more than just a "terminal" wait

  4. We had a port cabin with a veranda on deck 7 midship..


    We used the veranda quite a bit, especially when there was an iceberg (starboard missed it), and we had our own private view, and when we were at some of the glaciers and the OBs bar became crowded. TBH I don't really think that either side of the ship had a better view anywhere.. in Antarctica itself you are in small bays etc so both sides have a great view.


    I did consider a deck 4 but the ability to quickly step outside from your suite and take photos then go back in was a definite plus so to me a verandah was a no brainer. Movement in our suite was not excessive and there were very signficant seas crossing Drake.


    I also am not a fan of the odour on deck 4. I would not risk an OB though (we were offered a PH upgrade which I was glad we declined) as they closed the elevators and OBs bar due to seas....


    Only you can decide if the extra $$ are worth it... they were for us

  5. The dual voltage 115 / 230 outlets provided in Australian hotel bathrooms are only intended for use with low wattage shavers etc.


    Do not use these outlets for either voltage with irons or curling wands with high wattages as the circuit breakers will trip.





    They usually have a sign on them either "shavers only" or a little black and white drawing of a many with a beard that looks like it has been made from a razor cord.


    You will find a cheap AUS plug in the discount stores that will make a USB cord... cost about $5 Depending on the hotel some will have these for loan

  6. I cruised with kids on SS and mine were in the seen and not heard category and over 10. We went in eyes fully open knowing that there were no facilities, that around the pool they were expected to relax and read a book. Time ashore was for them to run it off, hence booking active tours like cycling and kayaking.


    The muse plans have me worried. All 3 rd occupancy are in undesirable areas (we now travel as 3 adults) and/or have an interconnecting door.


    IME it's not where the kids are corralled it's what happens when they are let loose with their families, who have put them in the corral for "me time" and forget that the me time has stopped in the dining areas and pool space.


    A favourite island of mine which was kids free has just started family time... The reviews from other guests are less than glowing.....complaining about noisy children, and then this from a guest with kids My 7 yo loved it, she splashes in excitement yelling

  7. Pashmina,


    Jumping on the NYE idea.


    How about Christmas. Is the "big" meal dinner (evening?) will we be able to get seafood at lunch time or will I need to do a special order?


    Aussie tradition sees us having a big seafood meal at lunch usually a mud crab, etc. (then sleeping it off in the heat). It will be hot so we would notice the absence of seafood


    Kids have said, it won't be Christmas with seafood at lunch (funny enough for my parents it has to be roast chicken and pork... Turkeys/beef weren't done here)

  8. Hard to believe anyone will book SB just because there is a big name chef in theory doing menus on board . The franchising of high end chefs is getting nuts. Charlie trotter never did it. We cruise SB because its SB ,dine when and where you want.See you on board late jan in Aukland


    IME very wide restaurant experience you can always tell when it is "chef inspired" vs a chef in place menu.


    Give me a chef with less accolades that can create from what he has on hand versus a cook following a recipe any day...


    FWIW I've probably eaten at around 20 top 100s on the San Pellegrino list... only 1 or 2 have really blasted me away... and the chef was in house on that night

  9. Unfortunately, Emperor, the sophistication of the Seabourn/HAL computer system will not let one do so. If your IP address is registered in the UK you can only access the UK site.


    There are technical ways around that issue ;)

  10. There is also a restaurant called "Regina Magherita" which they are billing as "for families."


    So, the absence of a casino, the addition of a kids' room, a restaurant for families and no "supper club" seem to suggest a different target audience for this ship.


    Perhaps that will lead to making one (or more) of the other ships totally child free.

  11. I am an expert stuffer and get excellent value for my $50 and would much prefer this to standing in any laundry on any cruise or holiday gratis.n it's one of the things I am not looking forward to with SS.... Doing laundry


    Tips... Roll every thing and manipulate it into the bag. Fill with outer garments first then slide the little things into the spaces go horizontally and vertically. With pants waist is on the outside.


    It all comes back ready to wear.... While you have been enjoying yourself

  12. Theres an I'm free that runs from Town Hall (you'll need to check the times)


    You are a hop skip and a jump from Hyde park so I would walk across to Hyde park, view Archibald Fountain and St Mary's. Walk across and go down to the Art Gallery and Mrs Macquarie's Chair. This will have you then walk around the bottom of the botanic gardens with views back over the Opera House and Harbour Bridge.


    If inclined you could walk back up Macquarie St or catch the 555 free bus.


    There are walking tours in "The Rocks" as well as the Opera House tour which both require pre booking and have a cost.

  13. Oh MrsWaldo! So sorry for your loss! 26 months is a little young to give up the ghost. Especially for a Miele! Is it still under warranty? Hope it does not inconvenience you greatly!


    apparently 24 months is warranty but I shall be convincing them on Monday that "good customer relations" would be strongly recommended.

  14. When we came through the airport last February, from the time we exited the plane to getting our luggage in our hands and that includes immigration, 20 minutes. That airport is the most efficient airport that I have ever had the chance to travel to and from. Lots of things to see and do at the airport, but if you are tired take advantage of the airport hotel which is more reasonable than what your cruise line is offering.



    20 minutes is the norm IME. In numerous trips I have never taken more than 30 minutes.


    I'd be inclined to stay at the airport also but i can't think of anything landside and you can't take luggage backwards...


    Another option may be to drop your luggage at the Cruise centre (starts at $9 for 2 items) and chill out in the shopping area at Marina Bay (it has seating areas)

  15. We did the train after riding the rail trail on bikes...


    middlemarch is nice but there's lots of good/better scenery esp if you do Milford sound.


    albatross was better than Taieri.


    Re cadbury world... its something I'd do if you can't fit anything else in...


    Don't buy the chocolates.. they were cheaper in the supermarket


    I'll second waiotapu but would give Te Puia a miss unless the price has dropped. You can watch the geyser from the carpark.. (I must admit having been there several times over 40 years I am a little jaded with just how commercial it has become vs what it used to be)


    Both Auckland and wellington museums have better Maori cultural shows and are usually less $$ Treaty Grounds in Bay of Islands are also better than Te Puia

  16. To those members, like me, who are waiting for details from the Travel Insurance people re my husbands unexpected death and a claim. I have been advised that it will be dealt with "SOON" hopefully tomorrow in Western Australia. Will report as soon as I hear.


    IME certain things can take up to 3 months :eek:


    a needs to talk to be who then confirms with c


    C then emails a who by now is on leave so sent to D

  17. Hello Mrs W,


    As this seems to be a general rather than ship dependant question then imho it is the barman not the bar you need to focus on. That bar is the ambience - the barman is the drink. You are seeking a talented and experienced barman rather than simply one that can pour a drink and add a mixer.




    Good luck.






    Thanks Jeff,


    Miss W would happily jump behind the bar and given free reign come up with some stuff ... i cook, she is the mixologist


    Tonights pre was a watermelon thing.. she has also come up with a St Marga ( corrupted margarita, don't ask) and a Eurostar (tanqueray 10 , st germaine and some tonic water!) Not doing full disclosure


    I guess after night one it will require a bar crawl:rolleyes:

  18. So on SB we know to head to the observation bar for the best cocktails..


    talking innovative, not classics.


    So where, on Shadow as an example, do you think you find the better cocktails?

  19. It snowed when we walked Milford in January.


    There are not a lot of shopping options..



    A lightweight down jacket May be very handy... I wore my goretex more often than not on 2 South Island trips in January


    In November I wore my thermals underneath...



    The one thing that's a must do in Dunedin IMHO is the albatross. Give larnach castle a miss if you've been to Europe

  20. The weather here is notoriously unpredictable so you need a few days to get one decent day. .



    We did a one night January pre-cruise and IMHO it was well worth it. The weather for the entire week was torrential rain (spoke with several people who were there both before with and after us). Apparently we had the "good weather"... if so, I couldn't tell.



    We felt the one day/night was ample, but we put a lot into our time, so were walking, viewing etc continually from arrival to park closure and then again the next morning. Book flights with LAN as they are less prone to cancellations and seem to have a better back up system when they occur.



    (Sometimes those mid cruise packages are worth it, who knows if you don't ever get back? and sometimes they are the real reason for a particular port)

  21. I found that ordering breakfast in the room each morning was a true joy-always on time, hot and just a pleasant experience...Everyone is different in their dining choices, but to berate Seabourn for their not opening the MDR for breakfast for apparently a few individuals is inappropriate. If that is your thing then Silversea and Crystal are awaiting your business!


    Ummm... how about I like to eat at a proper table with plenty of room. We travel as a group of 3..


    to berate others because they have chosen a cruise line which did provide that service, has done for a long while is inappropriate, especially as you may be booked close to 2 years in advance..


    I have been in the MDR when the entire side was full at breakfast... that is far from a few individuals

  22. I'm also just a beer drinker generally when out, on the basis that I can drink wine and spirits at home but want local beers ... particularly draught beers when out. And have you noticed how if it is a "split the bill but order a la carte" arrangement how the person suggesting it then always pick the most expensive stuff on the menu, when you are paying a share of their meal? :eek:




    It's often the beer here that costs more than a wine... a bottle of craft or boutique can be $12-15, whilst a bottle of wine will be around $30


    LOL.. we had a friend like that and we all knew his ploy... we schemed and got even. he would also order an incredibly expensive wine and have it placed in the bucket beside him..


    We were dining at a restaurant where my parents knew the owners really well. They would have an additional blackboard menu. We went on an evening where the most expensive main was $10 more than everything else but there were only 8 serves available (not advertised). As we were in a group of 10 the waitress went around the table, making sure she got to them last, by which time that dish was no longer on the menu...and then we did the same at dessert.



    He got the message.


    On the subject of kids and buffets.... The Line at the Shang in Singapore many years ago.. There were a group of children standing with their hands/palmsekunder the chocolate fountain..... remove, lick and replace.... :eek:

  23. That is a lovely pic of a lovely pizza Jeff; if I hadn't just had my beans for breakfast I would be salivating.


    To revert to one of my fave hates - Mrs.Waldo mentions having to get everything at once if you want to not starve. No doubt this happens in some places, and even on some cruise ships, but never in my experience on the sort of ship we all travel on normally. .


    Nope me either... its an eastern thing IME



    I nearly fell over backwards years ago at the Sheraton in melbourne ( now langham) when they had ice cream and cones at the breakfast buffet...and people were walking back with bacon eggs and ice cream cones on one plate


    although perhaps


  24. Mustard and pickle relish are standard here. There are many who use ketchup / catsup / tomato sauce instead. From there, the toppings run the gamut - onions, chili, cheese are fairly tame... Lots of strange stuff can and does get out on hot dogs. Here is a place we ate at a few weeks ago if you want to browse the odd toppings that can be found! http://www.flxwienery.com/



    Thank JP, sounds like i got it right.


    I have had dogs the US just not at a game..


    as an example here the food of choice for the "game" is a meat pie. At a game it would be straight steak, or perhaps steak and potato.


    Go to my local pie shop... totally diifferent


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