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Posts posted by Science52

  1. 6 hours ago, BillOh said:

    Congratulations, I loved our librarians, I recently went on a 45 year reunion tour of our high school and the biggest disappointment was the Library. What use to be 10s of thousands of books is now a multi-media facility.

    I remember you from a few years ago.  I was a classroom teacher until 2020 and Covid. The librarian’s job was open and part time. I had a degree in library science which I never used so for four years I became the librarian. But I turned 72 and said I need some time for my husband and me.  We will be married 50 years in August.

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  2. This board should be a book.  It follows a world epidemic until present day by people who enjoy the same activity of cruising.  It shows all the changes that our world went through since March of 2020.  I kept telling my students that you are living through a time in history that we will never forget like the world wars or 911. 

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  3. 11 hours ago, BillOh said:

    Been a while since I visited this thread, but it June, I gave my 2 year notice! 🙂  We are short staffed, as we have been for most of my 15 years on this job, but its a notice to my boss when distributing the work of the last person that left, don't put too much of it on me. I can leave at any time, but if you are nice to me, I'll stay till June of 24.

    I remember your name from this thread.  I enjoyed teaching and I was not ready to retire completely.  So I am using the other part of my degree (library science) to continue to work in a school.  As the librarian, I don't have to correct papers or do report cards.  I do have to teach the students about books and read to them especially to the young ones.

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  4. Yes, we bought it on our last cruise.  It was great because it included our zoom so we could use our cell phones on the ship.  We were able to skip lines in getting on board.  We were able to take our luggage with us on the ship and they took it to our room.  The first day lunch was at a speciality dining place. On departure day, we had a special breakfast.  There are other perks but these perks are the ones we enjoyed the most.


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  5. I have not written since Nov.  but lots of things have been happening.  We went on both cruises (the Chrismas and my birthday cruise in Feb.) and did not get Covid. Came home and got it from a friend.  We did not have it bad.  I cashed in a small 403b so that we could redo our kitchen, floors in kitchen and livingroom and build a new shed. Waiting to finish it in the next two weeks.  We have another cruise planned in 4 weeks.  This is the first year we have taken 3 cruises in one year but we did not cruise for 2 years before because of Covid.  Eveybody's retirement is different.

  6. I will be turning 70 in February, 2022 and I am still working part time which I started last year.  It was the right choice for me.  I taught 32 years full time in this school (and 6 years in another school).  My two grandchildren go to my school.  I plan to work for a few more years because I enjoy working with children and it gives us extra money to do the things we like to do like cruise.

  7. 18 hours ago, Tony O said:

    According to a Royal executive who was on board I talked to. There are expecting 1600 for the revenue cruise 

    My husband and I are on the Dec. 23 cruise.  I talked to you on the meet and mingle thread for Dec.23.  

    So it may be 1600 people for the Dec. 23 cruise?  Someone on the thread was from Canada and they have to cancel because Canada says no unnecessary travel so there may be less people.  Some people are upset because RCCL sent us an email that said mask must be worn indoors unless you are eating or drinking.  So I guess we will see on Thursday how many people will be on the cruise.  We have a junior suite because we rolled over several cruises and decided to upgrade ourselves (we usually get a balcony).   

  8. I did not read all seven pages of comments.  But I am a teacher and I have been wearing a mask to school all day five days a week for 1 1/2 years.  My son is a nurse who works in surgery and has been for twenty years.  If it helps to keep me and the people around me safe, it is not a bother to me.  Personally, I have sewn over a 1,000 cloth masks and have given them all away.  Please stay safe because I have lost two family members that did not believe in the vaccines.  They were both healthy forty year old males.

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  9. Hi I am back,


    Well, I worked the 2020-2021 school year as the part time librarian but I had to bring the books to the students.  Things went well.  This year, we were able to use the library which I had to make changes for Covid ( more space between the seats).  The school year was going well but we had a few cases in the lower grades  just as the vaccine was becoming available for 5-11 year olds. My husband and I have a cruise booked out of Baltimore on Dec. 23.  Hope all goes well.  We also have one book in Feb. for my 70th birthday.

  10. This week my school started a blended schedule.  Parents could choose in school or virtual learning.  75% are in person and things went well this week.  We are a small school  and following all the precautions.  The governor said schools could open on Friday.  Most of the public schools are large and prepared.  I will be working only mornings in the library which at this point, I will be bringing books into the rooms.  It was the right choice for me to work part time because I still feel connected to the school and church.  I loved teaching but wanted a little free time to do other things.  I make good money even working part time.  Once cruising starts up again the extra money will come in handy. 

  11. Additionally, this blog has to do with retirement and how long it is until you retire.  I have been on this site on and off since it started (post number 43).  I was under read52 which had a problem so I had to use a different user name.  The end of last school year I was going to semiretire (collect pension and work parttime).  Covid did change plans. I had to learn how to teach virtually in the last quarter of my last year of full time work.  Most of all I did not go on my semiretirement cruise. I am still going to work parttime because my grandchildren  go to my school so I will still be exposed. It has changed life and it will never be the same. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. We canceled two trips (one cruise).  We were going to cruise with friends from Australia next May but their country is not letting anyone travel. I was answering the post before mine about schools. Montgomery County schools made national news because the public schools 

    went virtual and some private schools were going to do in person. The county exec closed private schools and the governor said private schools could make their own decisions.

  13. I teach in a private school so we don’t have to follow the county’s decision. If the governor closes all schools then we have to follow his decision. We haven’t been told yet. We are a small school so we can do social distancing. The public high school across the street from us has 3,000 students.  That school would have trouble with social distancing. We have been wearing masks in Maryland since the beginning of the pandemic too.    In fact, I made 150 cloth masks that I gave to friends and neighbors.

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