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Everything posted by Bellies5

  1. Thank you. I have seen the dress code - it seems to preclude shorts, but I would like to think it is ok for the casual nights.
  2. Hi lovely cruise mentors, We are off on a cruise on Carnival Splendor on Thurs. Dress code policy says no shorts. My experience on Princess has been shorts are fine in MDR on non-formal nights. Is this the same for Carnival? The men in our group are all planning on long pants for formal night, just planning on jean shorts/dress shorts the other nights. Thanks. Sara
  3. Thank you. It’s my brother-in-laws first cruise and he is anxious about being away from his business.
  4. We are cruising from Sydney to Moreton Island at the end of the month. Will we connect to mobile service along the Coast or not?
  5. Thank you all. You have covered all the things I wanted - cocktails, beer and coffee.
  6. Could someone please share drink price details for Carnival Splendor? I am sailing Nov 30. Thanks in advance.
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