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Posts posted by Seabourn-nail

  1. I found this advice somewhere else on CC and it had never occurred to me. Interesting suggestion:

    >"My suggestion for anyone taking a taxi ANYWHERE in the world... as you step into the taxi, take your phone and take a picture of the taxi driver's licence. It's a lot more intimidating for them to do anything when you have a picture of their licence to hand in as proof of who it was when you need to make a complaint."

    Super idea Jane! We then probably would still have our brand new video camera with the irreplaceable film of our 30st anniversary voyage together with our children on the Seabourn Sun.....:rolleyes:


  2. hi sn,

    i am new to cruise critic and have only come here as we are about to leave for a christmas cruise on seaboard. having seen your words about your husband's gout i thought i might say how terrible it is that he is in this state. having osteoarthritis and a number of years of rather chronic gout, i started seeing a specialist and now am nearly free of symptoms. i assume that you are aware of the purine chart for foods and what can be helpful and what is not. when you mention the rich life of being aboard ship, i can assure you that this has almost nothing to do with the onset of gouty arthritic episodes. the major factor is genetics and once episodes begin, the best defense is an anti-imflamitory followed with a drug to lower uric acid(allopurinol). and lots of water to flush the system. each onset of gout can further damage joints so getting on the right medication asap is best. find a very good and patient rheumatologist quickly before he ends up with kidney stones. neither of you will want to deal with that.

    i know this is off topic from the thread but it can be very serious, as you already know.

    good luck.

    Thank you so very much for being so kind to be off topic to give your good advice for my husband and even more so in your first ever post on Cruise Critic - I'm very honoured!

    First of all : Welcome to Cruise Critic and especially the Seabourn Board!

    Secondly I would like to wish you the best Christmas holiday ever...

    And last but not least: Thank you for you advice (of which we are aware mostly). It yurned out that this time my husband had developed Erysipelas and after antibiotics and hospital for nearly a week, antibiotics in oral form again, he is still not better yet. Doctor in half an hour....



  3. Would you like to join me in the group "Seabourn Friends" on Facebook.... Please do so!

    It is a group of both guests and crew members, an open group just for fun, photos and some news.

    No competition to Cruise Critic's Seabourn Board whatsoever. A group where you can stay in touch with your Seabourn friends, or maybe even find "lost ones"!



    Here is the link to "Seabourn Friends" on Facebook:




    Have a good week all!


  4. If you have a lot of time and want to read about this story, try the thread LauraS started on Cruise Critic:



    Have you ever been in a situation like this? Or a similar one, when you thought: This behaviour is just going too far, this person is out of line and should actually be removed from the ship? Trust me.... I have (but decided to avoid all the hassle that comes with it, like the other party denying, an investigation and other people taking sides, which is all very stressful not only for me (us) but also for the entire crew and captain. That's why we decided not to make a case out of the "event"...:(

    And no, I'm not going to explain more about it. We will try to forget it, as if it never happened. I just hope the person involved will stay away from Seabourn in the future:mad:!

  5. Henry - Regarding your quick update: I totally agree with Linda. Find a good travel agent in the UK.

    By the way, I've contacted the UK office a couple of times by email and received answers the same day. To them I would like to say: Keep up the good work!


  6. Took Writer100's advice yesterday & sent an e-mail to the Florida office via the Seabourn website. I used the drop down box department choice 'Guest Services' Lo & behold received a reply overnight that my coupon was received, sent to them & applicable credits applied. UK should have relayed this information(!)

    E mail back was from a lovely lady named Adriana - seabournclub@seaborn.com - may I suggest that you send a pdf scanned copy of the missing voucher to this address with an explanation of your problem & I feel sure after the quick reply I received, they should be able to sort it out.

    If the standard of the US service I received is reflective of the service on board ship, then I'm even more excited about my trip! It's just a shame the UK office lets the side down for us this side of the pond.

    Writer100 - don't take your 'bashing' to heart, we can be a bit competitive with our 'wordsmithing' over here!


    Very good advice! Just want to let you know that you miss typed the Seabourn Club email address: seabournclub@seabourn.com

    Have a nice weekend all!


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