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Everything posted by Izena

  1. Obviously my scale hates me. Overall I’ve been maintaining a lo calorie and salt intake. Im up .2 of a lb VERY DISCOURAGING. Also my walking tolerance is down to a mile - my lower back starts aching and burning. Oh the joys of getting old
  2. Good morning Belle. I developed a sty left eye - makes me concerned white count is down - left msg for pcp requesting lab work this week so I can get over due covid shot before cruise. Weighed this morning 5 days of eating good foods and staying under 1000 calories - no loss scale is stuck where I started. I have several friends who have gone on the ozempic diet (ie cheating). To me that is scary - plus they’ll rebound when they stop.
  3. Justus. Hope DH testing is part of annual physical. 4 days of being excellent on my eating. Scales are the same.
  4. Jan where are you cruising? I’m eating better. Broken the sugar craving. Have weighed daily x3 trying to stick to that routine. Cut calories no change in wt yet but that’s okay. My son has been visiting girlfriend in Milwaukee frequently and eating wrong foods both of us will try to stay on track together. I leave for my cruise March 1 sailing from Charleston SC to Jacksonville FL. ( my heavily discounted cruise to make up for Boston cruise when at least 25% of passengers got Covid - due to poor ship cleaning after prior cruise had an outbreak) everyone tested negative prior to boarding. Taking my own Lysol to wipe down cabin when boarding and won’t allow housekeeping in room.
  5. Good morning. I’ve been trying to get to old schedule. I’ve been eating better this week so felt confident I’m ready. I weighed today and have 36.2 lbs to lose to reach goal. Jan great for staying the same.
  6. Proud of everyone staying on track and the losses. i can’t seem to stay on track - still giving in to eating sweets. Was good yesterday and so far today - I’m happy with that. cataract surgery successful. Jazzper is stable but definitely showing his age. I have an American cruise line cruise in March. Will switch to road trips until Jazzper crosses the rainbow bridge. Keeping busy cleaning out file cabinets - finding some forgotten treasures.
  7. Good morning. Great that everyone s n track with goals. im slowly getting better with eating. No excuse for my over eating - not hungry - but also don’t get full. I know what my problem is just need to get on track which is the hardest part of eating properly. had successful right eye cataract surgery yesterday. I was terrified - 2003 left eye surgery for a macular hole left me legally blind - due arrogance and poor practice of the surgeon (my Retinologist in Houston knew his name and now bad reputation). The clinic for my cataract surgery was beyond amazing - they understood my anxiety and tears. One stressor behind me. my stressors are decreasing so hopefully I can get back on track.
  8. Still. Not weighing but getting close. Life is settling down. Blood pressure is controlled (took 6 months). Got an IRS letter error in 2022 taxes- first reaction is panic — then relief I’ve used Jackson Hewitt since 2020. They only charged $75 for the amended return and 1.5 hr work. Life is good.
  9. Solo great loss , sorry you were sick. My son still stuck in Milwaukee. He suppose to go to Denver tomorrow. Won’t be home for a week. Jazzper and I are sleeping in his room since it’s the warmest. Been stuck in house since Sunday. Texans don’t know how to drive in icy weather (actually they’re horrible drivers don’t observe any rules of the road). Good thing about being stuck in the house I can’t dash out for a sugar fix.
  10. Sorry late posting. Slowly getting back on track. Still working on resolving stressors ie getting bp under control (better but side effects of a drug has me concerned) scheduling cataract surg (debating abt old flashed vs one with laser waiting for Dr feedback ). hope everyone is safe with the bad weather. My son is stuck in Milwaukee. I’m glad I got the generator (acquaintances who opted to remodel inside of home before generator are hinting abt coming over - I’m not taking the bait ). I’ll continue to work on getting back to my routine. Still walking dog 2-4 miles a day - he decides how far)
  11. Good morning. I have got to get back on track. No more excuses. Haven’t weighed. Still eating junk. Good news blood pressure getting better.. Bad news having a leaking roof Jazzper is stressing me I think he’s getting forgetful. Stressing about March cruise. Dog sitter is back to a trash filled house. Not safe for him Everyone keep up the good battle of the bulge.
  12. Jan thanks for starting the thread. Happy new years. Spent last weekend with Ex and his wife’s family(Ukrainian). His wife and I share a birthday the 29th. I would definitely lose wt at their house I don’t like Ukrainian food. After months of being out of control and feeling sorry for myself I got on scales this morning. My plan to get back on track - goal to lose 30- to 35 lbs. in 10 lb increments. I have a cruise March 2- would be great to be down 10 lbs.
  13. Good morning everyone. Belle have you been affected by the flooding ? Have a great cruise. im emotionally better. . Still working on health issues - blood pressure not controlled yet, need cataract surgery in right eye (legally blind in left eye) etc . Have resumed walks twice daily. Getting in about 2-4 miles daily. Jazzper is hanging in there. S
  14. It’s a beautiful day in Houston. I’m feeling better mentally - still not much improvement in blood pressure Has been 165/70 all day my med has been increased from 25 mg to 50mg and last week to 100mg . Also will have cataract surgery in my good eye early next year. Jazzper is hanging in there took me on a 2 mile walk this morning. Nor sure when I’ll weigh.
  15. Good evening. Just letting everyone know I’m alive. Basically getting my 73 year old tune up - feel like I’m trying to get in the Guinness book of records to have the most medical specialist referrals in a year. So far nothing serious has been diagnosed but the process is frightening . I will check in weekly. I know I am gaining so will need everyone’s support when I’m ready to get back on track. Belle thanks for this site.
  16. Good morning Belle. Thanks for starting the week. Cruised last week. There were 11 of us. The 10 year old got sick the second day of the cruise and was isolated until Friday. My TN son and DIL had problems getting in their room the whole week neither the medallion nor a keycard worked. Regardless we had a good cruise. I didn’t walk as much was in a mood. still haven’t weighed. No sense yet I’m still out of control. Too many health issues. Hematologist and retinal specialist will release me if nothing changes in 6 mos. Need cataract surgery. Bp still out of control — etc. so I’ve been eating my stress. I think my brain is ready to get back on track I know I have at least 25 lbs to lose. the weather has been great for walking so have been increasing the distance. Jazzper (dog) is still doing okay - had 2 nightmares on the ship that he died. Both times I woke up sobbing uncontrollably he’s 15 - will probably li ve to be 20 just to stress me.
  17. Good afternoon everyone. Wow November is half gone and thanksgiving is next week. Decided to try and get back on track after next weeks cruise. To day has been great. Walked 2.9 miles this morning and wasn’t exhausted. ( they dogs are still resting from the walk). I’m starting to feel better more like myself. Blood pressure all over the place. The dentist and hematologist offices use the wrist cuff which shows a lower bloood pressure than my upper arm. I will try and figure it out.
  18. Yay the hematologist thinks the virus that trigger’s pharyngitis was the culprit. Repeat labs I was back in normal range — what a relief. Forgot to get letter to get out of jury duty so I’m going to check the box that I’m not of sound mind and good moral character. glad everyone is doing well with losing wt. I’m going to weigh tomorrow find the gains for this year and start over.
  19. Good morning everyone. Hope everyone who is cruising is having a marvelous time. Eating healthy and winning big in the casino. still no weighing. Anxious for hematology appt tomorrow. To put the icing on my bad streak I got a jury summons they’ve changed the max age to 75. Trying to eat better.
  20. Welcome Erby. We are a supportive group. Everyone seems to take a different approach. It does help to have the accountability of weighing. This has been an awkward year for me health wise - trying to remain positive - it does help to keep track of what you’re eating whether is carbs, calories or points.
  21. Glad everyone is doing well. My thanksgiving cruise I have the plus plan which includes drinks( I don’t drink alcohol) extra dessert's (up to several a day - I’ll have to stay away that’s my weakness). Solo how wonderful to have work that covers cruises. I’m gradually increasing my walking distance. I’m slowly feeling like myself.
  22. Good morning everyone. Still not weighing. Focusing on getting back to walking since weather has improved. I had a couple of dr appointments this week and wt appears stable. Weather is now cold frost on grass this morning. Jazzper loves the cold weather we can actually be outside more than 20 minutes. I’m excited my generator actually gets turned on this week so will be prepared (lots of dead trees from hot /drought summer ready to knock out power line in next big wind). Also replacing the rest of my windows (4) with Anderson windows ( current windows are cheap don’t seal hard to maneuver) installation 11/30. Hope everyone is safe , healthy and hopefully on a cruise.
  23. Jan how awful. I am speechless. Makes my problems small.
  24. Wow did I scare everyone away. Will start today being positive.. IVE LOST MY APPETITE . I will nurture the feeling as long as possible. Hope it’s quiet because everyone is cruising. keep the Halloween goodies under lock and key until Tuesday - then make sure to give it all away.
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