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Everything posted by Goofyfigment

  1. We are going to be Sailing on HOTS. The deluxe drink package is $1288 for 2 people if we purchase before sailing, We currently bought the soda package. Is it possible to upgrade to the Deluxe Beverage Package once on board and if so does anyone know 1. the price (appx of course) 2. if the amount we paid for the soda package would be credited towards the cost of the upgrade. Thanks in advance
  2. Got our flights today. We are on Delta. MCO to Atlanta - Atlanta to Rome. Same on the return. We leave Orlando at 130pm and get to Rome at 850am. Home we leave Rome at 10am back to Orlando at 7pm. Very happy with these flights. My mother in law ended up with aircanada and she has to pay for seats and they still have mask requirements during flights and in airport.
  3. our cruise is in 31 days and we still have not received our flight info - we are flying from florida to rome so its an international flight. we have gotten some emails from aircanada with flight info that would coincide with the trip but NCL told us that its just a placeholder when i called them about seat selection. Seat Selection is a big one for me as i dont want to sit next to a stranger for 9 hours. hoping to hear something soon.
  4. I'm getting nervous. Our cruise leaves August 13th from Rome and no flights yet. I've gotten an email from aircanada about flights but have been told they aren't ticketed and just place holders. Right now if it becomes our flight it's orlando to Montreal a 5 hour layover and then Montreal to Rome. Not happy about it being aircanada as that's a very long time to be in a mask. The flights require them and the airport. Guess it's the price you pay for traveling in the world at this time.
  5. thanks so much @traveling2some for that info. We are from florida so i think the heat will be ok. we havent been to Pompeii, Capri or Naples. So the plan is to do the Pompeii on your own tour and then once we get back to Naples go on the Pizza tour (we have a list of places we hope to try).
  6. Awesome thanks so much. I was researching the tickets to get them in advance and there is one on the website that includes the guide, are you saying i dont have to purchase that ticket and that there will be guides at the site (it would be cheaper to pay the the additional 10euros as i think its 20 more on the website to buy the guides services that way) Pizza is the must do thing on this port but we also said we wont be back so we need to see pompeii as well and then got nervous about not being able to have pizza. thanks for calming me down 🙂
  7. Does anyone have any info on this tour. We are hoping to do this and still have time to grab some pizza in naples. We are in port 7am to 5pm. It says the tour is 4 hours. So just curious is it 4 hours from when you board the bus at the port or from when you get to pompeii. Thanks
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