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Posts posted by MoCruiseFan

  1. On 6/23/2024 at 1:05 AM, Wayward Son said:


    I know it's hard, but try to follow along. We're talking about stale smoke smell in furniture, walls, carpets, etc. It's not 2nd hand smoke. That's long gone. Now we're talking about the chemicals in the deodorizers.


    But thanks for playing.



    YOU may be discussing that but the topic f teh thread was the SMOKE in the casuno.  Thanks for trying to derail the conversation and make it seem like a non issue.

  2. 40 minutes ago, schmoopie17 said:

    If NCL is going under/out of business, someone better tell the stock market. Stock is up over five percent today. 



    While I highly doubt that NCL is going to file for bankruptcy, or that outsourcing IT is even a slight indication of that happening, one day of stock pricing is of no relevance.

    • Like 3
  3. 14 hours ago, SRQMom said:

    NCLH just laid off the entire backbone of IT departments for communications in both Ship and Land.  Moved some, but not all, of the jobs to cheaper foreign labor from what I've heard.  Is NCL going under/bankrupt?  I've still got some credit I need to use but since departures and arrivals, ports, etc. require email and comm, if there's any IT glitch due to unskilled or inadequate staffing, and communications go down, I can only imagine the delays and skipped ports.  Anybody heard anything?



    Going bankrupt LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL.  So you are saying that non-American IT staff are all unskilled.  Wow nice racist statement.

  4. On 5/8/2024 at 2:35 AM, markwfpb said:


    After numerous cancellations of our Pride of America bookings throughout covid and life getting in the way after they started sailing again, we're considering them for this once-in-a-lifetime cruise. 

    We are plant based and can usually maneuver our way around restaurant menus - with mixed results. Haven't sailed NCL in years so wondering if they have taken a step in the veggie direction at all, on this ship in particular. 

    Is it the same old "talk to them on the first day to see what they can pull together routine"? I'm hoping given the price of this itinerary (plus flights!) that their chefs are competent and can deliver something besides pasta with red sauce every night. Not looking for any breakthroughs and would be happy with Asian/Indian options. But since this is an American crew I may be expecting too much!

    Thanks for any insights you may have.


    They have a wide variety of food so even picky eaters will fidn soemthign to their liking.

  5. On 6/14/2024 at 5:28 PM, Wayward Son said:


    Meh. The whiners will just complain about the chemicals used in the deodorizer.


    I very much dislike the smell of tequila. Why do they have to serve it in every.single.bar? Who can I contact about this abomination?



    Smelling tequila won't kill you.  Bretahing in 2nd hand smoke can.  As long as you don't stick your nose in someone's drink you won't smell tequila.  Pointng out a fact is not complaining.

    • Like 1
  6. On 6/14/2024 at 3:33 PM, eileeshb said:

    I’m hoping the lingering smell will gradually reduce if they aren’t going to change out all the soft furnishings that absorbed that smell over the years. They need to douse the whole area between the forward and aft elevator banks from deck 6 to 8 in the strongest anti-smoke scent blockers they can source. 



    Not to worry.  At some point down the road all cruise ships will be 100% non-smoking.  May not be soon, but it will eventually happen.  If tobacco states like VA and NC can ban smoking in bars, restaurants, anything is possible in the realm.  I am looking forward to the day it is announced and will applaud loudly.

    • Like 1
  7. On 5/31/2024 at 4:56 PM, RocketMan275 said:

    We use a TA.  Our TA offers an 8% discount on cruise fares.  I book every thing else myself.

    I send her my cruise info, cabin class, cabin#, date, cruise line, She does the rest and sends me a check for the discount.


    I get a bigger discount than that on my own. 🙂

  8. On 5/25/2024 at 7:53 PM, ChiefMateJRK said:

    Well, we're all different and in different situations.  In fact, I don't even own a couch!😮  That said, the only things I really look forward to returning to in my home are my cat and my Stressless chair.  My back is really about the only part of me that doesn't enjoy cruising.


    Stressless® furniture | Ekornes


    disclaimer: that's not really me


    Having had 4 lamenectomies and spinal fusion L3-L4-L5, I can relate to the back situation!

  9. 20 hours ago, roddy good boy said:

    Who ever said that?

    We are talking about paying for one cruise and getting a completely different one, in terms of ports! 

    Just asking for a little integrity. If NCL knows prior to sailing that they can’t go to the contracted ports, let customers know. We can then make an informed decision. 


    Again you are assuming that is what they did.  It may well be the case, but you really have no idea if it is so.

  10. On 5/24/2024 at 6:35 AM, ready2cruzagain said:

    Would you consider the fact that the menus now are all cheap fish, Hoki, Talapia, Bluefish nothing? How about how much pork there is on the menus? I agree to disagree. 


    I don't order food based on what the market value is.  I order what I think tastes good.

    • Thanks 1
  11. On 5/24/2024 at 6:43 AM, ready2cruzagain said:

    At first this bothered me when MSC did this but then I thought about it. Rarely have we ever ordered more than one entree but one cruise on MSC I seen a guy order a large amount of lobster entrees (7 or 8 ) and only eat a couple. The amount of food wasted was pathetic. NCL does not serve lobster in MDR and hasn't for years but I doubt anyone would order multiple Tilapia but if one is still hungry when dinner is over I would suggest O'Sheehans.


    You SAW him order that much?

  12. On 5/24/2024 at 1:56 PM, roddy good boy said:

    I’ve relayed this story before, but I completely understand how GrouchoMarx feels! We were on the Bliss in a Haven aft suite, Fall of 2018. Reports showed a hurricane building in the region ( Mexican Riviera cruise). NCL kept assuring us that they could move around the hurricane, right up to the point of departure.

    As soon as we pulled away from the port, they announce we would be going to San Francisco, San Diego and Ensenada! A lot of folks on board were from San Francisco and San Diego. We spent a year planning excursions and had paid quite a bit for the aft suite. It was too cold to use it the entire trip.  I would rather not have gone or just stayed in L.A. ! It was the deception that annoyed me, more than anything! 


    And, of course, we got no compensation. I don’t even recall port fees being refunded. 


    Weather, especially hurricanes, change rapidly.  While it may have been as you described (a intentional delay in announcing the change), it very well could have been that a last minute weather update made it unsafe to go on the planned itinerary.  Of course I have no idea what exactly happened, but you are assuming an intentional  deception.  Either way, I may have been disappointed but I would have been happy to be on a cruise ship rather than be sitting on my couch at home.

    • Like 1
  13. 4 hours ago, Willwork4cruises said:

    This is the current breakdown of our dining credits from what was included with our balcony and interior cabins and the upgrades we purchased.



    me - 4 (2 included, 2 purchased thru an upgrade offer)

    stepdaughter - 4 (2 included, 2 purchased thru an upgrade offer)



    DH - 1 (1 included)

    friend - 3 (1 included, 2 purchased thru an upgrade offer)


    Can we share these credits? I would have tried to make them even but I haven’t seen anywhere to buy just one credit. 

    Thank you for any insight you can offer. 





    No they sre not shsrable no matter if you got them THROUGH upgrade, FAS, or outright purchase.

    Enjoy your cruise.

    • Like 1
  14. 5 hours ago, david_sobe said:

    I dont really see it as an issue too.  But usually cruise lines copy each other and expect other lines to maybe do the same. I would also imagine they will be limiting appetizers to one or two someday.  I am waiting for this board to explode if NCL copies this approach 🙈

    Just imagine a cruise soaking in your private hot tub for only an hour with no hash browns or cookies and having to pay for a second entre after eating 2 appetizers and dessert.

    It's just too much 😲


    And don't forget to tip the smokers!

  15. 18 hours ago, grouchomarx said:

    I would prefer to be able to cancel it than go to Canada and New England but I know that is not an option.  Obviously I’d prefer not to sail into a hurricane but this cruise would be a pretty big waste of money to go to those ports.  I know it is always a risk to get re-routed on any cruise, it does not mean I have to say I will enjoy it.


    You are correct, it is your CHOICE to enjoy amy cruise or not.  I have only been on a little over 20 cruises but I have cjsen to enjoy all of them,

  16. On 5/17/2024 at 6:05 PM, relmondcrsise said:

    Someone posted all the current MDR menus from the Encore to another group I belong to (you can see them here).  It looks like most of the entrees are the same, but huge cuts to the appetizer and dessert sections.  I'm wondering if this has rolled out fleet-wide yet?  Has anyone had these on other ships?  While I've been hoping for a long time that NCL would totally revamp their menus (which have been basically the same for YEARS), it seems like they are just cutting items.  Disappointing for those of us who cruise a lot and were getting sick of the same things over and over.  Now we have even less to choose from.  I know all lines are streamlining, that's nothing surprising.  But at least come up with NEW menus if you're going to limit the number of items. 


    I would not consider trimming down the appetizers or desserts MAJOR cuts,  Also I have never had them limit how much I can order.  Much ado about nothing.

    • Like 3
  17. On 5/15/2024 at 9:14 PM, ChelseaMom said:

    We will be cruising southbound on the Jewel next week.  Our first time on NCL.  Can you give me guidance on tipping?  We booked a room in the Haven.  Steward, Butler, Concierge, etc.  any help would be appreciated.  I’ve enjoyed your blog and it has made me so excited for our trip.




    As someone else stated, the ONLY valid guide on tipping s to tip anyone you want any amount you want any time you want.  What other people choose to do is not at all relevant as there is no suggestd amount and tipping is not required, however most people do choose to tip for personal service.  I normally tip the bar keep who gets my soda for me, I tip the servers any time I eat, and I tip the dealer if I win a hand in the casino, plus others.  How much I give is between me and the person I am tipping.

  18. On 5/18/2024 at 5:58 PM, autumncat said:

    We're looking at booking a cruise on the Norwegian Joy and one person won't eat anything not vegan. Can anyone tell me what the options are for vegan eaters? Thanks



    NCL offers many options for picky eaters.  If you have specific dietary needs see the FAQ on the NCL page.  They address it there.

  19. 1 hour ago, grouchomarx said:

    Sailing to Bermuda end of June.  I just read an article that NOAA is forecasting a very busy hurricane season. Which made me think oh my gosh, I hope there won't be a re-routing to Canada/New England.  That would be most unfortunate as I have zero interests in that area.  I know I will still have to take the cruise if this should happen, I was wondering does NCL offer any kind of compensation?  I read some posts on Reddit where people said they got OBC and 50% off a future cruise.  I know technically they won't owe me anything but maybe they do something to be nice to all the disappointed passengers.


    Did you read the cruise contract that you agreed to when you booked?  The captain can deviate from the planned itinerary at any time for any reason with no explanation abd NO COMPENSATION DUE.  Sometimes they will give you some on baord creadut but it is not at all rquired that they do.

    • Like 1
  20. On 5/12/2024 at 4:56 PM, back2cruising1 said:

    Random question, but back in the day when I used to cruise with other cruise lines, I would purchase the soda package, and it would come with a reusable cup. Does NCL give you a reusable cup if you have a soda and/or alcoholic beverage package, or do you just get your sodas in glasses from the bar?


    Does not sound tandom to me.  Sounds like a specific question you want answered.  NCL no longer gives out those cups.  Personaly I am glad they stopped ofr a number of reasons.

  21. 11 hours ago, Pappy1258 said:

    Just off the JOY in the haven and for those of you who were wondering it was as much lobster as you want ,at no added charge, in the haven restaurant. Lobster Lobster Lobster


    Yeah but do you have to tip for lobster if you are smoking?


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