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Posts posted by IMKTDQT810

  1. So, let me make sure I get this part straight. If I decide to do the cruise cash it will:


    1- show up as a different account on my S&S, but still as a credit?


    2- Can I use the Cruise Cash credit to pay gratuities or only for purchases on the ship? (drinks, photos, gift shop, excursions?)


    3- If I don't use the cruise cash I can go to the casino and cash it out for cash?


    Just wanted to keep things straight and simple. Thanks

  2. We booked a 9B with 3 in cabin. we would have not book a modified since we would not need it and with having something in the family who WOULD need something like that...we would not take a room from them.

    But there are 3 of us in a room for 4...but crossing fingers they won't bump us. I plan on looking DAILY (if not 2 times a day, if need be) to verify our cabin number didn't change. But since there are not many 9B on our ship (6 to be exact and only 2 are for 4 ppl the rest are just for 2- yes, it's a spirit class) then unless they bump us up....I would not expect them to bump us for a downgrade!!

  3. Thanks for the info.


    @GTO- you are correct, they do not need to be.


    I was going to b/c my color ink is almost out and I was going to print the tags knowing that not all of them will be in color. But it will use up the last of my color ink and then I can put new ones in. (Not planning on printing all in color ink, just until it ran out).

  4. Thank you for the feedback. I also heard the large hold put on a debit card and i would much rather have a small obc via c. cash then putting my debit card into the system plus that would be 200 less I will carry on-board. I know that gratuities will be taken out from S&S so would c cash help cover that? Even if I think of it as paying the Grats...I'm fine with having it in the account already!

  5. I am now paid in full and in turn also have FTTF. Does that mean the cabin will not change? I wanted to print out my luggage tags and such (still a few months for sailing) but I was going to use my color ink before it ran out. So if they aren't perfect and I run out of ink while printing THEM rather something else more important for work. But I have heard that ppl get bumped from cabins, even though I picked mine out specifically and am now paid in full, to have to print them out closer to the cruise b/c they changed cabins. just wondered, thanks!

  6. I am considering doing a cash sign & sail since I do not have a credit card to use, only debit. I read about Cruise Cash and was thinking, if I put money aside for the cruise why can't I use my Debit to buy cruise cash (about 200.00) and then still bring on cash. This way I can slowly buy 25 or 50 in cruise cash as I have it.

    What are the pro and cons you have found with it? And why would you get the cruise cash ONLY for bar or ONLY for photo when you get the normal one and still use it for bar or photo? Just wondered if I missed anything.

  7. Wow...I didn't expect such a heated discussion about this. Just to clear a few things...I started this post to find out for myself. She will be doing her own "chasing of legal paperwork" to make it happen. I just suggested to her that she might pay for the 3 of them to take a nice summer vacation and since she has not gotten the proper "papers in hand" she might lose it all and be denied boarding.

    The reason I posted the background information was so the information was out there before it turned into a thread asking for more info on the situation. I thought it would save time to put the information in the original post.

    I like these boards and love the feedback, so I posted this information to see if anyone (themselves) have been or seen someone denied boarding due to not having the proper paperwork. I'm not a lawyer either...I was just curious for myself. Just that simple =-)

    Sorry if I ruffled anyone's feathers on the topic. I was just trying to see what might happen if she jumps the gun to "get a good sale" and book now without her ducks in a row.

    Hope everyone has a good evening!! And thank you for all the feedback, suggestions and comments!!

  8. She does have joint custody (sorry if I put full legal) they live with her full time and would only got visit him 1x week and 1 weekend a month...but they have not seen him in a few months.

    She has their BC and the 17 yr old got her passport last year. I am afraid she does not have the "non-custodial parent consent". Yeah, I hope a judge can issue then an order so they can book and stop stressing.

  9. Have you (or seen someone) not allowed to embark in port due to it being a minor without a parents consent? Situation- parents divorced two kids aged 14 & 17. 17 year old got passport at age 16 with mom going with her to get it. The ex is behind on his child support so HE can not get a passport so will not give consent for passport application nor sign a notarized letter to allow the 14 & 17 year old to travel.

    Mom wants to book now due to saving money on cruise with the sales going on while trying to get 14 year old passport and going to court to get consent to travel. But I advised against it until she has all documentation in hand so she doesn't lose all her money if they turn the family away when they go to board.

    So, has anyone ever been or seen a family not allowed to travel due to proper documentation? She has had a name change and plans on bringing divorcee decree (nothing in it regarding travel restrictions), BC and name change paperwork. They live in NC if that helps any and will be sailing out of SC. I know they are not little and are teens that can speak up for themselves as to why not having proper documentation (vs a toddler that can't speak for themselves) but I am just very hesitant she will not be able to board and loose all that money!!

  10. When I was looking the lowest inside (to pick) and the guarantee were the same price. So I was thinking the guarantee might have given us the "chance" to have been moved up on the ship rather then picking on out. But this helps me decide and I appreciate it alot!!

  11. Hi There,

    So I was wondering the reality of these scenarios:

    For those who purchased it and got on board- what time did boarding start for FTTF?

    If you did not have it and sailed recently- what time did you being to board?


    For the Eastern Caribbean itinerary: Was the FTTF worth it for the HMC tender?


    If you had FTTF- did you use the extra guest service line?


    Did FTTF seem worth the purchase?

  12. Hi There,

    I did a ship inspection the beginning of this month on the Pride and we got to inspect your specific cabin. =-) There is a blog written about it, some pics of camp Carnival and YES- your cabin (scroll to the bottom for pics and scroll over the pic for the cabin numbers). The main focus of this tour was to get an idea of the décor with the "Art Deco" and less dressed women around. So please be aware we took some of these pics to give others the same view we saw as we had a "mad dash" around the ship during the ship inspection. Happy reading and enjoy the pics!! It's a great cabin...I'm envious.



  13. Thank you to everyone that posted. I'm glad to know that you guys are like us and live within our means. I can't tell you how many of our friends go out to dinner 5 times a week, or big weekend shopping trips to the mall to buy things they really didn't need. I'm glad we live the way we live and are not digging a hole for ourselves. I mentioned that I don't have a credit card...I have very bad credit from years past. So I normally get turned down for a CC or have a crazy APR. My goal is to research a few good cards, decide on one (only one) and then TRY to apply for it. If I get one then I WILL be paying it off prior to seeing the statement...but get points along the way. It seems like a lot of you guys do very well with the CC perks, I would like to do that also (if I can).

  14. Thanks for the replies so far. We DO live on a very strict budget, and like the PP said, we do splurge every once in a while. We only go to the movies about 5 times a year, out to dinner maybe 6 times in a year (every other month, one dinner or lunch). I like to do my little squirreling thing to keep the $ separate. We don't do multiple vacations...we try to do maybe one a year (like this year we rented a home 5 hours away that had a nice in-ground pool and it was only 300.00 for the whole week. The full weeks vacation away, including gas to get there and food shopping was about 600.00).

    I like the change in a jar idea....I like that a lot. DS has a 5 gal water jug that we started when he was little and we still put change in it from time to time..he mostly puts his own money in it now from allowance.

  15. I wanted to see how others saved up. I was reading post after post on how folks have cruises booked every few months...I consider myself lucky if we can go every few years. We both have full time jobs and do not live beyond my means and do not have a credit card. So if we can't afford it, we don't go.

    So, what are your tricks to saving up? Mine is the "squirreling away money" tactic. I take an extra $50 or $100 from payday and put it in an "Vacation Envelope" and I NEVER check the balance in less then 4 months. If I get a rebate check, I cash it and put it into the envelope etc. I know it doesn't seem like much but I can get a few hundred saved up here and there. Once I know we have enough to afford a cruise I will then book it and continue to save for the excursions, shopping etc.

    Thanks for your tips on how you save for a cruise!!

  16. That's too funny...the poor kids were probably getting told by most passengers the same state and then viola....you made their day!! I hope it's something DS would have fun with, but I wouldn't push him into it if for some reason he would rather do something else. What time of the day would you say they take place? I know one person said they were on sea days. Since this cruise will be DH's 40th BD I was planning on getting him a surprise massage on a sea day...my luck I would have it booked at the same time as this. But if I can figure out when they take place (like say 2 pm or 4 pm) then I'll book his surprise in a morning slot. Thanks!!

  17. Hello Everyone,


    This question is for those parents that have been on Carnival and knows something about the "scavenger hunt". From what I was reading on the carnival boards (from posts about letting their children sign themselves out of camp to go do the scavenger hunt). Is this something that takes place during the day or the evening and what exactly does it consist of? Are there groups of kids doing it or every man/child for themselves? Just wondering...thanks!!

  18. Hi Kelly,


    Thank you SO MUCH for writing this review and posting all the pics. I've been sitting here with coffee in hand the last 45 mins reading, LOL. I am very interested in the Fantasy since we are considering going on her next July for DH 40th BD. I only sailed Carnival once (over 20 years ago) and I have never had a balcony with all the other cruises I have taken. I love the "Toes" pic and it makes me envious to want to book a balcony cabin, just not sure if I can swing it. I had a few questions if you didn't mind answering-

    The Dolphin swim that you did- did you book that as an excursion via the ship or did you do that on your own? Also, we are on the fence between a 5 day or 7 day. Did you feel like the 5 day was too short? Just right? When I price out an Ocean view the difference is about 500 less for a 5 day cruise (me, DH and DS). So DH thinks a 5 days is better on the wallet and would prefer that. Me, well....my thinking is that once we are there and on the ship I would feel like a 5 day is too short. Just wondering. Thanks for letting me know and again, thank you for taking the time to write this review and add all your pics.

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