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Posts posted by lor74

  1. We were both up very early. Ro went to the IC and got me a cappuccino and a chocolatine. I then went to the pool and did a very quick 50 laps. This was followed by breakfast for both of us. There is a chocolate buffet today. It is cool & cloudy. This week has been the coldest cruise we have ever been on! Looking forward to some east Caribbean sun next week!!!










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  2. Today has been a quiet one. Ro was in bed for the first half of the day and eventually moved pool side. After a bit of food, she is back in bed. Hopefully she will be better in the morning. I got off the ship twice, and just browsed around. I did some laps in the pool and tried not to over exert myself. I ran into other people from our Jamaica excursion who also got sick. I don't know why they think that excursion was ground zero, or how we could have all been exposed to it. There is local entertainment in the theatre tonight, with 2 early shows. I have been sitting on the balcony for at least an hr. I finished my book and am watching the other ships leave. It was an ok day weather wise, but the wind is chilli and I think this is the coldest it has ever been for us in Cozumel. The smell of diesel in the air is nauseating! Hoping for a warm n healthy sea day tomorrow!








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  3. Whatever had me dragging my feet yesterday, has Ro wiped out today [emoji22]. The ship is in full noro lockdown. 3/4 of the buffet area is closed, and it is in full service/no touchy mode. I had a light breakfast and went off the ship. I checked out some of the shops and went for a long walk. Back on board I had a small lunch. We are here until 9:30pm....I might go off again...







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  4. Last night...2nd formal:



    My morning had started out normal yesterday, but I was not feeling great through the rest of the day. I was cold sitting in the windy conditions by the pool and left there for good and was walking around the ship or in the cabin for the rest of the day. I got through a lot of my book on the balcony. It was an early night. I am desperate for some good weather, but it might not come until the Virgin Islands next week. I feel bad for the people who are only doing this week. It is not often that we get poor weather on our trips.... ☀️ where are you hiding?


    Today will be a long one in Cozumel, the forecast is cloudy and we have no set plans.


    Why are they playing Grease again!?!


    Andrew....I do not know regarding the seating...I assume there are 2 first seating, since it shows that on the patter...




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  5. It was just one of those situations where the current product does not live up to the expectations of prior experiences. I have no issue with them limiting the main course consumption, but one skimpy lobster tail is not a main course. Even if it was the best tail in the world, she would have been finished in 3 bites and left staring at an empty plate before I could even cut the fat away from my steak. It is time that the tail be completely removed from the menu, and replaced by something more worthwhile such as a seared Ahi Tuna. Perhaps offer a full lobster for a surcharge. The staff did try to make it right by offering her something else. I don't fault the crew for corporate decisions, and I still left a tip. As I am sure all married men will understand, there are times when you look at your wife's face, and you know it is time to move on without question!


    We are currently swaying up n down, and the lido is quite windy....not to the point of getting sick...


    They added a new patter with a standard sea day schedule. I did my 50 laps in the pool and had breakfast. A Cirque show is on MUTS. It is partly cloudy....could be worse!



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  6. I am not surprised that the captain just announced we are skipping Grand Cayman. The seas are rough and the forecast is wind. They cannot tender, and we are going straight to Cozumel. We were not getting off....hopefully we will find some sunny skies en route




    The porterhouse was good. Not only is it the first time I have not ordered the filet in the CG, but it actually the first time I have ever ordered a steak with a bone [emoji491]


    Early morning snack delivery




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  7. The night at the CG started out well. Soup, shrimp, salad...all good.





    When the main courses came out, the night turned sour very quickly! I was being bold ordering my first ever porterhouse. 4911786252c8f10d0f09dc873fbf76fd.jpgRo was getting the lobster as she always does. I was aware of the $10 fee for additional main courses, but was not aware that it applied as well to individual tails if lobster was your main course. This pathetic, chewy morsel is what came to her.


    In an instant her birthday meal was ruined. The waiter & maitre'd did offer to get her something else, but she lost her appetite. I took a few more bites of my cow and we walked out. After fifteen years of eating in the CG, I do not know if we will go back (she is a pescatarian...no steak for her).


    A sorry end to a good day [emoji22]



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  8. Our excursion was supposed to be from 9-1, with a meeting time of 8:30am. It took quite a while to actually get to the bus and start the falls trek. We only had coffee before leaving the ship. I must admit that I have never actually seen any footage of the falls, and did not realize how literal the "walking up the falls" was! I am glad that I rented a locker and put everything in there including my phone & wallet. The walk was amazing, and was completed by a young couple that was with us who got engaged at the top...there was no way they weren't buying the $40 DVD! From there we went to Dolphin Cove, which was underwhelming. After that they took us to a shopping area and wanted to stay for another 40 minutes....hell no, bring us back please. 1.5 hrs late was already enough for us. We have our CG meal tonight, and both quickly grabbed something light to eat....4 cheese pizza slice for me. I really enjoyed walking up the falls, but I would not recommend the rest of the excursion unless maybe you wanted to upgrade it on site and swim with the dolphins.


    I am going to relax now until dinner...think I am getting my first ever porterhouse [emoji33]









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