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Posts posted by tandemcruzr

  1. 46 minutes ago, cruisegus said:

    did you pre-order from the website and did it show those fees


    did the bill the delivery and tax to your sign and sail account after you were on board

    inquiring minds would like to know

    Pre ordered with charge to my credit card. Fun Shops confirmation shows the sales tax and the delivery fee. Delivery fee and sales tax applied to alcohol bought and not the water.

  2. 8 minutes ago, elmojessi said:

    Thanks for the heads up, I appreciate it.  I had no idea, though water to us translates to "fizzy water" which is in cans, so we should be good!  And you can definitely bet we'll be bringing our two bottles of wine!  🐵

    Good for you. 🙂 Enjoy your cruise and fizzy water.

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