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Everything posted by Jenig0013

  1. We ended up deciding to do some other excursions but I appreciate the input here!
  2. I think you’re completely misunderstanding the nature of these kayaking trips - no one is doing rapids. That said, dad and I are both dry suit divers, have dove Iceland extensively, and are very comfortable in 34 degree water. We met in the lifeguard Olympics (decades ago tho).
  3. @pdmlynekthats more for rapids, this looks like a slow paddle around.
  4. Hi all - majestic Princess to Alaska in May with our 4yo. Very excited. Has anyone does a kayaking trip with a kid? Have been kayaking with him before. We will probably leave him on ship for Tracey Arm excursion but would like to not leave him for all of them. Open to other family friendly suggestions.
  5. Thanks everyone! We booked the Majestic Princess. I’m pretty excited and will report back!
  6. Ya sorry this is your fault - when we looking into cruising with my infant (now toddler) this was abundantly obvious. And Tenerife is not a remote island in Africa.
  7. @oyme yes just worried about getting mattress wet - turned out to not be an issue as housekeeping put two mattress pads on the bed. We didn’t do a bed rail, he fell out once but it wasn’t a huge deal, hard to get hurt from that height. And he’s been showering since he was a newborn so I’m not dragging a baby tub (highly recommend showering infants asap, they do much better with water in the face).
  8. We do not room share (we have a 3yo … literally have never room shared). So yes, I’d get a connecting room at that age. I find it miserable if everyone isn’t having good sleep.
  9. Do you know when that was? I can find nothing online about anything under 5. He’s fully toilet trained.
  10. Re shower, just starting bringing baby in the shower. Set her in the floor while you wash yourself. We’ve done showers since first bath as a newborn - it’s a ton easier than wasting all the time and water bathing.
  11. Hi all - what’s a recommended Alaskan cruise line? We are a couple in our late 30s/early 40s with a 4yo boy. He did his first rccl cruise this year. We enjoy fine dining and beautiful views. I had heard that princess and Norwegian have the best Alaskan access/itineraries … is that accurate? NCL doesn’t appear to have a kids club for the under 5 crowd. Not a deal breaker but not ideal. Anyone brought kids on princess before? Is Disney worth nearly double the price for Alaska? We also strongly prefer extra space for the kiddo, and could get a much bigger room on a non Disney ship I think … open to all suggestions! Together we’ve done two princess, one rccl, and one carnival … I’ve done few more over the years but never NCL holland celebrity or Disney.
  12. Hi, just wanted to clarify that there’s no kids club for kids under 5 on ncl, right? Looking at Alaska options and will have a 4yo. Trying to figure out our best option. It’s not a deal breaker but would be nice to have the option.
  13. Sorry for the gross question but 3yo still wears a diaper at night - usually we have had him sleep in a hiccapop inflatable bed when traveling but we’re considering having him in the twin bed for the cruise (2 room cabin). But I’d want to bring a water proof mattress pad just in case of an accident. Tho I have no idea what I’d do in case of an accident since we don’t have access to laundry on rccl. Would you guys just keep him in the inflatable mattress on the floor?
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