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Everything posted by mbviking2023

  1. New blog posts about our last day in Indonesia (The travails of Bus #23 and a wonderful trip on an antique train and a visit to a coffee plantation), and our first two days in Saigon - pedal cabs and lacquer on the first and a performance of the Water Puppets on the second. http://twohappysloths.com
  2. We also hired a great guide for our days in Bali. I'll email you his contact as well.
  3. I shot some great closeups just with my cell phone camera. They were that close.
  4. Thanks, this was something we organized on our own. We had hired a guide to find us the Gamelan lesson, and we also asked about going to Uluwatu. He took us there and guided us through the gates and waited for us afterwards. His name is Sherif Wirayuda sherifwirayuda@gmail.com or whatsapp - +62 8133 7091 370 And it really was amazing. did you see the videos of it we posted? Viking had a trip to Uluwatu, but not to see the dance.
  5. After tonight I have to add another. When in Saigon a must see is the Golden Dragon Water Puppet Theater! So cool. A 1000 year old tradition. We'll have a blog post about it when we catch our breath.
  6. Many new posts up for our blog from the first two incredible days in Bali. Our Gamelan lesson, trips to the Monkey Forest and The Rice Terraces, and ending the day at the Uluwatu Temple watching the amazing Kecak Dance! http://twohappysloths.com
  7. We spent our first full morning in Bali visiting a private home and taking a Gamelan lesson. It was great! Pictures and videos of us attempting to play the instruments on the blog: http://twohappysloths.com
  8. New post about our visit to the Bali Night Safari. A fun place - we took an outside tour guide to get there. Booked it on our own. http://twohappysloths.com
  9. Three New posts up - Komodo Dragons, Sailing into Bali, Bali Museum and Presar Badung - the big market. http://twohappysloths.com
  10. Epic Sunday Brunch aboard the Neptune today. Epic. So epic we took more pictures here than on some excursions! And made a post about it for the blog: twohappysloths.com And not a dragon to be seen!
  11. Three solid recommendations. We booked through Viator, but now you have the direct website for booking. Just loved it.
  12. Well, in the "safety first" category, we didn't get to go ashore to Thursday Island in the Torres Strait. Some folks made it on the earlier tenders, but the wind and waves were so bad the captain pulled all the remaining excursions and ordered everyone back on board as soon as possible. We took some nice photos of the area though and managed to cobble together a little post about it. http://twohappysloths.com
  13. New Blog posts from the Neptune. Becky's Birthday and our trip to the Great Barrier Reef! twohappysloths.com
  14. Food is awesome. No lack of variety. And usually able to get into the two specialty places without problem.
  15. Sydney Day 2 - touring the Blue Mountains. With Chocolate! And Beer! https://mbviking23.blogspot.com
  16. New blog post up from our Day at the new Viking port of Eden, Australia. Fun at the Eden Killer Whale Museum! https://mbviking23.blogspot.com
  17. New blog post up about our visit to the Penguin Parade on Phillip Island, Australia. https://mbviking23.blogspot.com #myvikingstory #myvikingjourney
  18. Several nights they offer "Dancing Under the Stars" where they open the pool roof, bring the band and singers up, and everyone dances to the band. Very fun!
  19. It's offered regularly, but you do need to sign up for it at the Explorer's Desk.
  20. Thanks for that! I want entirely sure about that so I'll go update it. We move along pretty quickly.
  21. ATTENTION MUSICIANS ON BOARD: Talent show sign-ups are near the end of February and I would very much like to play drums in a band for a song or two. Although, we have to check with Bruce to see if we are allowed to use their instruments. If not, do we have any actors on board that might want to perform a scene? Odd Couple comes to mind, or something else.
  22. Thanks so much! It means a lot to know people like it.
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