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Everything posted by pzsdd6

  1. I’m also not aware of anyone posting that they were successful in booking like this, on the other hand, as posted on several other threads, they might not post to avoid drawing attention to this as it goes against every cruise line policy.
  2. I wonder if it’s possible to merge the 2 threads?
  3. My CVP did too! The last thing I would want to do is show up and try and cancel then get shocked with that 300%+ fare! If enough people start doing this, I guarantee it will get shut down quickly and not in our favor.
  4. I don’t mean this a mean or condescending way, but you always have the option to join the rest of the minions who eat at the Oceanview Cafe. I understand that you have paid big bucks for the retreat experience, and maybe even just want to stay in the retreat area, but the food in the Oceanview is really good, and the crowds aren’t bad either on port days
  5. There are times when you can indeed find solo rates with only 100% supplement, sometimes even slightly less. Unfortunately, that works against the complaints solo travelers have, because as soon as you try and nail down someone from Celebrity on their ridiculous price gouging against solo travelers, they immediately throw out that 1 in a thousand cruises that has only a 100% supplement, and say “ see here is one”, while all the rest have significantly more. My goal in highlighting this thread was to build up enough momentum and visibility to this less than fair practice. I’ve said it before and will continue to say it, at least until such time as they change their practice, the CEO, Laura Hodges Bethge can’t tell the truth! If you say you are going to stop this, then do so, don’t lie! It is my personal opinion, backed by her actions, that she was brought over from RC to try and remake aspects of Celebrity into another RC. While I don’t have much experience or knowledge on how RC handles their solo bookings, I would venture to say that it is the same or similar. If anyone knows, please add to the discussion.
  6. The unfortunate truth is that Celebrity really doesn’t care whether we stay or go, as stated earlier, it’s all about the Benjamin’s! Until they see a down tick in revenue, however they track it, they won’t do a thing. If passengers start booking with ghost partners, they will start penalizing those who do that by leveraging the fine print in their T&C’s
  7. Where did I post that? Where have I said that posts that I don’t agree with are not relavant? The only mention I have made about relevancy, was to keep responses focused on what this thread was about.
  8. As the OP, I wanted to say thanks to all who have contributed to this thread. I know, as most of you know, that what is said here will have little effect on issue, nor will it correct what is wrong, but we have to start somewhere, and by someone. Not everyone will agree with what has been posted, but by the responses, I would say most agree with one thing, and that is the process and discrimination against solo travelers is wrong!
  9. Lol, so would I, but just like being on here, I would swing by the managers office and let them know what they are doing is wrong as well.
  10. Thank you for those data points, once again validating my original point.
  11. Valid point, perhaps you should start a separate thread, not relevant here.
  12. “Protected class” is nothing but a legal definition intended for the courts and lawyers to use in legal proceedings in order hide other discriminations that are not rampant enough to get attention. This discussion is not nor was it started to see if their actions are legal or illegal, rather to just point out common sense when things are wrong.
  13. Yes, that’s exactly what they are doing. I’m just calling them out for trying to meet their market value at the sole expense of solo travelers! It’s wrong! And to make matters worse, when they do get called out and admit that it wrong, they then lie to us that they will stop the practice. It’s discrimination…….and it’s wrong. And it’s still going on, and Laura Hodges Bethge is condoning it.
  14. Simple answer for a simple example, but not apples to apples. lets say you walked into a store to buy a widget. The sales person says “ are you married or single?” Most people, before answering the question, would ask why does it matter? “Because Sir, if you are married, we charge $50 each, $100 total, for you and your significant other, if you are single, we charge you $150 for one” Is there anyone that would not be bothered by that? If that doesn’t bother you……
  15. Well thank you for the startling insight into the cruise industry. I’m glad you have a method to decide which cruise to take, but that’s not what this thread is about. It’s about a less than fair discrimination against solo travelers. They were called out for it, and when confronted with the facts , the CEO or president, whatever you want to call her, said this was wrong and would stop the practice! They did not stop it and continue to discriminate………she lied! Period!
  16. I hope others will continue to add to this thread. By updating and adding posts from others who have experienced or agree that this is not right, we can keep this thread on top of the board so others can see. You don’t think that the cruise lines don’t have people monitoring what’s posted? They most certainly do! The only way to deal with companies that operate like this is to put them under the spotlight and draw attention. Keep posting and let others know when they are not telling the truth. The CEO of Celebrity doesn’t know how to tell the truth!
  17. Thank you for posting this, it’s much more detailed than what I have seen. This just bolsters my point. The U.S. market really is what drives the market, from trends to changes.
  18. As others have posted here, their plan is to book for 2 with no intention of having a second passenger. I like others prefer to not cheat, even though lots do, no judgement. I worry that if I did that, the fine print seems to say that Celebrity can charge the prevailing rate, which could end up being north of 300%, not sure I want to take a chance that I’ve interpreted incorrectly. I know some have done this without issue, not sure if Celebrity has actually penalized or charged the higher rate on anyone. I’m pretty sure that if this became more common, Celebrity would step in. Would a blow up life size doll count? Hmmmmm……lol
  19. As I said, I’m no lawyer. As for their reason for the removal, whether it be safety or security, please let them explain why a chair that they are replacing it with, is any less safe or secure.
  20. While I’m no lawyer, but it seems to me that the OP book/purchased his cruise based on a written description of what he was supposed to be booking. If Celebrity changes that without notification or some sort of compensation, then that would meet the definition of fraud, or at least bait and switch. With that said, I’m sure that somewhere, hidden amongst the multiple pages of their cruise contract, they have some sort of verbiage that justifies them doing it. Anyone who has cruised knows full well that their business practices wouldn’t work here in the US, that’s why they hide off shore.
  21. I for one would like to have them explain why they were removed. If their position is that the loungers were remover for “security “ reasons, then explain why a chair is less of a “security” issue?
  22. Please tell me how to prove “absolute fact”? But to answer you question, this was data in a AAA travel magazine. To the other post saying 46%, they are correct before Covid. It has changed quite a bit in the past 4 years. As with most purchases since Covid, the drastic increases are driven by corporate greed.
  23. Thank you for posting this. Apparently I’m not being clear enough about the real heartache solo travelers have. The simple fact is there is no justification for anything above paying double for a cabin! Other than corporate greed…… Before anyone says anything, yes I know they can do as they please, and yes I know I can take my cruise dollars elsewhere, but once again, it’s just wrong!
  24. And your point is? Are they not operating in North America? The simple fact is they operate here, period. If they don’t like the complaints from Americans, then either change or operate somewhere else. We all know that won’t happen because without the North Americas there wouldn’t be much of a cruise industry left. The North American market is responsible for more than 75% of all cruise business.
  25. Let’s go ahead and use your argument above, if that was the case and hotels did provide all that, do you think they would be so stupid or insulting as to charge a solo traveler double or triple for things they don’t have to provide? If a hotel chain tried that here is the U.S.,they would have people calling for legislation to prevent it….BECAUSE ITS WRONG! Cruise lines do whatever they want because there is NOTHING you or I or anyone for that matter, can do about it. My last comment on that particular issue is this……. Karma baby, karma!
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